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shooting at MSU


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35 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Hopefully we can address this country's gun problem in the near future. Won't happen without new blood, unfortunately. 

What did the gun do?

Or is the real problem the person pulling the trigger?


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21 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Hopefully we can address this country's gun problem in the near future. Won't happen without new blood, unfortunately. 

not a gun problem, any more than it's a car problem. or knife problem. More ignorant bigotry from you.

Needless to say, a knife or cutting instrument is over 2.5 times more likely to be used in a murder in the United States than a rifle. Even "personal weapons", meaning someone's hands, feet and so on, were responsible for more deaths than rifles within the United States in 2020 - with the report showing 415 people were killed by ...
Recent shootings in Atlanta, Georgia, and Boulder, Colorado, are driving a renewed push to ban "assault-style" rifles like the AR-15 — but according to FBI data, far more murders are committed with handguns, knives or even hands and feet.
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pretty cowardly, bigot bird turd:

you don't give a crap about over 3 MILLION people who ide in car accidents, don't care about far more people murdered by knives than guns.

   political bigotry gone way overboard.

Mar 2, 2022Passenger car occupant fatalities up 9%; Fatalities in urban areas up 8.5%; Pedestrian fatalities up 3.9% (highest number since 1989) Fatalities in hit-and-run crashes up 26%; Fatalities in large-truck crashes down 1.3%; Total vehicle miles traveled decreased by 11% in 2020, from 3,261,772 million to 2,903,622 million.
May 17, 2022The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released its early estimate of traffic fatalities for 2021. NHTSA projects that an estimated 42,915 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes last year, a 10.5% increase from the 38,824 fatalities in 2020. The projection is the highest number of fatalities since 2005 and the largest ...
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so, woodpecker FEELS that the fbi and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are bad sources for data?

really now? or too cowardly to actually respond?

Chicken Woodpecker.

Chicken Woody | Full Episode | Woody Woodpecker | Animated Cartoons For ...

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

It's a people like Cal problem right now. The copy and paste Google searches prove that point. 

Again, waiting for new blood

I think it is about election rigging.  Ban guns and throw a felony charge on them and  prevent people from voting.

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On 2/17/2023 at 4:12 PM, MLD Woody said:

Hopefully we can address this country's gun problem in the near future. Won't happen without new blood, unfortunately. 

It's a people problem. Not a gun problem.

Contrary to popular belief gun ownership apparently is at an all-time low..  way less crime and way more guns when I was a kid, so how is it a gun problem?

From 1973 to 2021, the percentage of American households that reported having any guns in the home dropped by 28 percent.

ownership.pdf (vpc.org)

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11 hours ago, FY56 said:

It's a people problem. Not a gun problem.

Contrary to popular belief gun ownership apparently is at an all-time low..  way less crime and way more guns when I was a kid, so how is it a gun problem?

From 1973 to 2021, the percentage of American households that reported having any guns in the home dropped by 28 percent.

ownership.pdf (vpc.org)

I wasn't going to respond, but you were factually incorrect about enough things that I figured I might as well

First of all, certain groups certainly think crime is a big deal. Some overlap there with the characteristics of those here too...



In reality, violent crime is dropping, and has been for a while 



Again, a disconnect between perception and reality (a staple for this board...)



Again, a steady disconnect between people's perceptions of crime and reality. But certain media sources want to scare you to get you to vote for certain politicians that'll clean up the non existent crime





As for guns, America has more guns than people. Far more than every other country 




Well how about gun homicides? Yep, same issue. 




this is a uniquely American problem. Our abundance of guns, our weak gun laws, and our ease of access. It's no surprise our gun violence is so high. 

so you and others will continue to blane everything else in sight (ex: it's mental health but then not want universal healthcare), but it's very clear what this issue is ...


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Anti-Black hate crimes rose nearly 40% from 2019 to 2020, according to the statistics. There were 2,755 reported incidents targeting Black or African American people in the U.S. in 2020, making ...
Jun 23, 2021Surveys last year showed a 58% increase of African American gun buyers in 2020 compared to 2019, NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva told CNN, more than any other racial group. "Today's gun buyer is ...
Two-thirds of gun owners say they own more than one gun, including 29% who own five or more guns. About seven-in-ten say they own a handgun or pistol (72%), while 62% own a rifle and 54% own a shotgun. Among those who own a single gun, most (62%) say that gun is a handgun or pistol, while far fewer say they own a rifle (22%) or a shotgun (16%).
Apr 9, 2021Black Americans represent a relatively small portion of the gun-owning population. According to the NSSF, 9.3% of gun owners are Black men and 5.4% are Black women, while white men make up 55.8% ...
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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I wasn't going to respond, but you were factually incorrect about enough things that I figured I might as well

First of all, certain groups certainly think crime is a big deal. Some overlap there with the characteristics of those here too...



In reality, violent crime is dropping, and has been for a while 



Again, a disconnect between perception and reality (a staple for this board...)



Again, a steady disconnect between people's perceptions of crime and reality. But certain media sources want to scare you to get you to vote for certain politicians that'll clean up the non existent crime





As for guns, America has more guns than people. Far more than every other country 




Well how about gun homicides? Yep, same issue. 




this is a uniquely American problem. Our abundance of guns, our weak gun laws, and our ease of access. It's no surprise our gun violence is so high. 

so you and others will continue to blane everything else in sight (ex: it's mental health but then not want universal healthcare), but it's very clear what this issue is ...




This is a topic pertaining to gun violence. When I said "crimes" I implied crimes involving firearms. Sorry for not being specific. Your first few graphs depict violent crimes in general.

In 2020, more than 19,000 of the deaths were homicides, according to the CDC. The figure represents a 34% increase from 2019, and a 75% increase over the course of the previous decade.

The fact remains that school shootings, or in places of business, nightclubs etc. was unheard of from when I was a kid through my 30's, at a time when gun ownership according to the link I posted was higher than it is today.

Your stats do nothing to prove that these mass shootings are due to a "gun problem". 







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1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:

Here’s some reading material for you. . .



Oh my god, this is completely new information to me! I now no longer know what to think! My god!


Yeah he also said a lot of pretty racist shit back then too, what's your point? He was, unfortunately, still the better option in this last election

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17 hours ago, FY56 said:



This is a topic pertaining to gun violence. When I said "crimes" I implied crimes involving firearms. Sorry for not being specific. Your first few graphs depict violent crimes in general.

In 2020, more than 19,000 of the deaths were homicides, according to the CDC. The figure represents a 34% increase from 2019, and a 75% increase over the course of the previous decade.

The fact remains that school shootings, or in places of business, nightclubs etc. was unheard of from when I was a kid through my 30's, at a time when gun ownership according to the link I posted was higher than it is today.

Your stats do nothing to prove that these mass shootings are due to a "gun problem". 







mother fucker, I had something typed up and accidentally deleted it... I'm just going to hit the high points...

- Yes, if you didn't mean crime and actually meant gun violence then obviously it changes things

- The stats I posted were meant to disprove your original post, which it did. If you actually meant gun violence then obviously my post doesn't directly address thata

- In the data you're referring to it shows a decrease in household gun ownership. It also shows a drastic decrease in hunting. I wonder how much of the former is due to a reduction in hunting rifles?

- Additionally, the numbers for personal gun ownership remain fairly steady, from 28% to 24%. Again, I wonder how they count hunting rifles. 

- Gun murder rates spiked during Covid, but were down overall over the decades. Again though, this is just relative to our country, which is failing dramatically here compared to other developed countries


active shooter incidents have also increased


also, careful with any data you post that isn't pop adjusted, as obviously absolutely values over time mean less as our population has changed too

- As my original post showed, our country has the most guns and the most gun violence. We also have some of the most relaxed gun laws. This shit isn't rocket science. But we'll continue to have gun lobbyist backed politicians pushing laws to make it easier than ever to obtain and carry a gun as if we can fight fire with fire. Again, just look at how far behind America is here from other countries...




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woodpecker is afraid to tell the truth about gun violence. and the deep state political weapon that is the fbi.

open, unvetted illegals flooding our borders.....the left trying desperate to put lipstick on a pig - and ignoring/hiding gang violence on the rise.


Estimates place MS-13 membership in the United States between 8,000 and 10,000 individuals across 33 states. The growth of MS-13 has caught the attention of the media and law enforcement. The U.S. government, as well as the governments of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, are enacting tough measures to target such gangs.
Gang violence has risen sharply, especially in large cities. Id. Youth gangs are becoming more violent and increasingly serve as a way for members to engage in illegal money-making activities, such as drug and firearms trafficking. Id. In 1994, gang members were suspects or victims in about forty percent of all homicides in Los Angeles County. C.


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