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13 minutes ago, Jax said:


This should enrage everybody.. Libs included.. Especially White Supremacists like Woody...

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6 minutes ago, Jax said:

This sounds like the libs around here, don't even understand our rights.

it's a sick kind of culture war. They demand to control and dominate. I wish I understood what is wrong when they don't understand OTHERS RIGHTS, but demand THEIRS.

   It seems that there are so many sad, pitiful people who want to also be on the vicious side that will win...or something.

   like nazi collaborators, like george soros, who was Jewish, turning in fellow Jews to the nazis. sick stuff. and he said he was proud of it because he survived....

   That's a bit like the Pres Trump haters. I'm guessing it gives them a lift in their daily lives, a false sense of power and importance.

  For all their slurs, they refuse to admit that he was a very good president for America.

  Their arguments seem so fake - they refuse to admit legit arguments to the contrary of their nonsense. Why that makes them happy - I can't imagine.

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1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:

This is why I don’t trust anything that comes out of MSNBC or CNN.

what is really sad, is how many times they can't keep a straight face. Must be really humiliating to contribute falsehoods to have the paycheck keep rolling in.

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Talk about being a tyrant. Dems weaponizing justice system in vain.

“The Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s actions in assessing a cakeshop owner’s reasons for declining to make a cake for a same-sex couple’s wedding celebration violated the free exercise clause.” -Scotus

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9 hours ago, Jax said:

These activist judges are a threat to society the same as the criminals.

It has damaged America's justice system.

No longer "Justice for All", it's "injustice because the deep state demands it"

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3 hours ago, Jax said:


LOL Same reason Euclid Park was closed because the little black savages couldn't help themselves from destroying shit... That park was beautiful... Then the little black savages fucked it up for everyone.. Disgusting...

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