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dem voters want free stuff, they will vote for any corruption that promises them it.

  Free stuff like open ended support for all unions. like welfare that people who don't want to work thrive on. like open ended support for teacher unions.

Like keeping themeslves in their jobs no matter what in the federal gov.

etc etc etc etc.

Which includes letting hundreds and hundreds of thousands of illegals into our country, to create a new dependent base that will always vote for the dems. "never let a crisis go to waste" (even if the left CREATED said crisis)

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For decades, a majority of Oakland County, MI. residents have been voting for Democrats.

Up and down the streets of affluent neighborhoods, signs reading, “No person is illegal” and “In this house, we believe…”NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL,” can be found in front of several million-dollar homes. Nothing says “I’m a better person than my neighbor” than a virtue-signaling sign that celebrates illegal aliens in America—until, of course, the local sheriff warns that YOU are about to become their next victim—and no amount of virtue-signaling will stop them.

Unfortunately, liberal elites living in Oakland County, MI, who’ve proudly supported Democrats for decades, are about to see first-hand what happens when you elect Democrats with no regard for our national security.


On Friday, Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard warned Oakland County, MI residents that he’s working with the FBI and Homeland Security to combat the serious threat of violent “transnational gangs” who are breaking into homes in exclusive areas and stealing millions of dollars in high-end items.

The Detroit News reports – The sheriff detailed at a press conference what officials have learned about the burglaries that have ravaged Michigan’s second most populous county, resulting in what Bouchard described as the loss of “hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars” worth of merchandise. He did not detail how many arrests have been made or other details authorities have complied in connection with incidents but said “there are specific threads” officials are aware of.

“These are transnational gangs that are involved in this that come from South America, looking to do burglaries and violate our communities, not just in Oakland County but across America,” Bouchard said. “It’s criminality at its organized crime best in terms of that’s how it functions. They work together, and they’re here for a specific purpose.”

According to Bouchard, gang members have been cited from countries such as Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras, and Venezuela.

I suppose local lefty liberal hacks will ignore this to cherry pick lame non issues and go into complete denial and twist the facts mode. Just migrants right?

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6 hours ago, Jax said:

I'm sure the local libidiots are ok screwing our vets for illegals.

the leftist gov is offering mega bucks more than the hotels charge. So, those hotels went for the money.

Vets don't all vote for the leftist gov, so....the illegals are the new dependent subculture that WILL vote as a block for the dems.

   This is because the dems KNOW they are losing the black community block vote by big numbers.....

  I'd say breach of contract lawsuits? discrimination? where does all this garbage end?

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6 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Sidewalk is public property.  

The guy using the N word is Ely, they go to post offices, Libraries and sit in front of hair salons with their cameras pressed against the windows until they get a reaction some make up to $10,000 to $20,000 a month on Youtube harassing people trying to get to police to come and then try to get a lawsuit against the police...most have records longer than your arm they just hate police.

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