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Creepy mayor reminds me of resident lefties, full of themselves, accusing you of something they're guilty of, ignoring facts, can't answer simple questions without making shit up, hear what they want to then they scurry off muttering something.

When he answers he believes in the 1st amendment, then the creep shows the brain wash as if believing in our constitution is bad in any way. Funny how he needed his bodyguard to hold his hand as well, as if O'keefe ever hinted at being dangerous. Could you imagine voting this weasel in office?

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I wonder why cnn/msnbs never post those facts?

sadly, the illegals will work cheap, and they don't have to pay them benefits.

so will the foreign consultant types. Like from India, pakistan, etc.

I've worked with some of them - they write software from their language-oriented perspective.

   Some of them wrote software like birdsnests. I'd have to go fix it, and I'd have to fix it a lot of places.

  The way I wrote software, I used modules. Only have to fix code or redefine/add a variable one time, one place.

  A group of them lived in a house owned by the company back in their country. Their company paid their benefits.

And of course, Real Americans ended up losing their jobs.

  I didn't, because they needed me to fix their stupid programs.

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just noticed that hoorta, woodpecker and others have not commented on the truth on this page.

of course not. they don't do reality, especially if they are doped up or in a drunken stupor.


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23 hours ago, Jax said:


Top Climate Scientist Reveals the Key Fact He Deliberately OMITTED In “Climate Change” Paper to Pacify Woke Editors and Get His Paper Published in Top Scientific Journal

so, woodpecker and drunken otis - no comment?

why isn't this a concern for you two gaslighters?

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Minnesota is set to give about 81,000 illegal aliens driver’s licenses. Applicants are now allowed to start the process but won’t be able to officially apply until the new law goes into effect on October 1st.

They need deported not permission to drive cars, vote or whatever else they're going to leech off us.

Liberal dems really screwed Minnesota up didn't they?

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