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Biden defends skipping border visit while in Arizona, says there are 'more important things'


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5 hours ago, cccjwh said:


Cheetos was just "not perfect". He was a complete corrupt moron that tried to destroy our country. For six+ years the cultists here defended ever stupid and/or corrupt thing he did and worship Cheetos as their savior. That you expect anyone to believe you that it's about "policy" is what is amazing. The Trump party doesn't have policies. The GOP was running on inflation, crime and the border for midterms (well the sane ones). But all they talk about now is a laptop. I'll ask again, what crimes were committed on this laptop that requires a congressional investigation? Sorry a douche doing crack with prostitutes does not require congressional investigations. Your party is not about doing anything. It is only about breaking things and blaming other for it. Oh and "owning the libs", that is the foundation of the Trump party.

Examples of breaking things.

Cutting the IRS's budget (for years) then complaining that people are getting away with fraud.

Making it harder to import baby formula and then complaining about shortages.

Start a trade war and then complain about pricing of imported goods.

Tell the world we have an open border and then complain when a bunch of people show up at the border.


ByDon is old and gaf machine, but he is nowhere near the stupidity of Cheetos. Cheetos's short list of stupid.

Tried to buy Greenland.
Wanted to nuke hurricanes.
Doctored a hurricane forecast map with a Sharpie.
Attempted a coup to stay in power.
Absconded with thousands of classified documents, lied about it and refused to give them back when the feds asked nicely.
Sent unidentified federal officers to Portland, Oregon, to abduct protesters and spark a conflagration that could be used as a pretense for implementing martial law.
Ordered peaceful protesters tear-gassed so he could pose for a photo-op with a Bible outside a church.
Tried to blackmail Ukraine into manufacturing dirt for his 2020 campaign.
Asked Russia for help in his 2016 campaign — and got it.
Had a weird affinity for Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Remember the Helsinki summit?)
Invited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to an in-person meeting in the Oval Office, where he accidentally revealed top-secret intelligence.
Wanted to withdraw the U.S. from NATO.
Separated migrant parents from their children, locked the kids in cages and then failed to reunite them.
Insisted that “raking” would prevent forest fires because “you’ve got to take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important.”
Covered for Saudi Arabia after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the gruesome murder and dismemberment of a U.S. journalist with a bone saw. (Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, owes Saudi Arabia $2 billion, and the crown prince has reportedly bragged about having Kushner “in his pocket.”)
Intervened to get Kushner top-secret clearance after he was denied over concerns about foreign influence.
Put Kushner in charge of Middle East peace.
Embraced rampant nepotism.
Touted injecting disinfectant as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ultraviolet light as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ivermectin as a COVID-19 cure.
Told people not to wear face masks to cut down the spread of COVID-19, even though they work.
Actively discouraged COVID-19 testing.
Refused to send federal aid to New York City amid the first COVID-19 wave because the virus was hitting Democratic-voting states hardest.
“Jokingly” said on multiple occasions that he deserved to be president for more than two terms.
Thought climate change was a Chinese hoax.
Built an incomplete border wall that doesn’t work, wasn’t needed and wasn’t paid for by Mexico.
Started a trade war with China that mainly hurt U.S. consumers.
Threw food when angry.
Saw no problem with his vice president potentially being hanged by a violent mob he’d summoned and sent to the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.
Stared directly at the sun.



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Just for the record I don't see the real purpose in having any president visit any scene be at the border hurricane flood fire Etc. Most don't have the expertise to take any of the information that they've gained at the site and make any kind of an informed decision, they just don't have the background in most cases. And Joe Biden is somewhat more retarded than most presidents in the last few decades. His team doesn't care about the Border beyond the political hey that could be made.


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Just for the record I don't see the real purpose in having any president visit any scene be at the border hurricane flood fire Etc. Most don't have the expertise to take any of the information that they've gained at the site and make any kind of an informed decision, they just don't have the background in most cases. And Joe Biden is somewhat more retarded than most presidents in the last few decades. His team doesn't care about the Border beyond the political hey that could be made.


I think the idea of PinocheJoe is to see first hand that the border is not closed and maybe just maybe stop saying it is closed, once that is done maybe Congress can actually stop with the Jan 6th and do something to fix the immigration problem... but just like being a drunk until you admit there's a problem you cannot solve it and it will only get worse and worse.


Mayor sounds the alarm as migrants enter US through sewers, manholes
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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Just for the record I don't see the real purpose in having any president visit any scene be at the border hurricane flood fire Etc. Most don't have the expertise to take any of the information that they've gained at the site and make any kind of an informed decision, they just don't have the background in most cases. And Joe Biden is somewhat more retarded than most presidents in the last few decades. His team doesn't care about the Border beyond the political hey that could be made.


Probably true for natural disasters. But I don't think going to the border to witness first-hand the situation requires the president to have expertise in the matter.  We already know what needs to be done, but Joe and the dems refuse to do it.

As you said in your last sentence, Joe and the dems don't care about the border. It's a "nothing to see here" attitude.


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On 12/18/2022 at 3:24 PM, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Biden previously said there were more "important things" going on in response to a question about why he wasn't planning to visit the border. Biden has taken 59 trips to Delaware and has made eight stops for ice cream.

You know ByDon lives in Delaware, right? For some reason you weren't complaining about Cheetos 100+ trips to Florida. (Which cost tax payers a lot.)

Taxpayers have now paid for Trump to visit Mar-a-Lago 100 times - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (citizensforethics.org)

President Trump hit an important milestone as he returned to Florida over the Thanksgiving holiday: 100 visits to Mar-a-Lago. In 1,040 days as president, he has prioritized visiting his properties over the course of his presidency, making time for nearly 400 visits to the businesses that he still owns and profits from. Of all of his properties, it appears that Mar-a-Lago is his favorite to funnel untold sums of taxpayer money to, even rebranding Mar-a-Lago the “Winter White House.” 

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On 12/18/2022 at 10:12 AM, FY56 said:


I got some time I can waste, lets look at your second statement.

Wanted to nuke hurricanes.

Snopes cannot independently verify the claims of anonymous sources cited in the Axios story, or claims contained within documents we have not seen. As such, we rank the claim "Unproven." This rating could change if corroborating information becomes public

When this nuking of hurricanes story broke, it spread like wildfire throughout our upstanding media. Trump isn't that stupid by vehemently denying ever saying this knowing his comments could be verified.

Furthermore, the idea of nuking hurricanes was an idea suggested by a scientist(s) way before Trump.

Man, what does it feel like to defend someone wanting to nuke a hurricane? A list 30+ items and you could defend 2, poorly. 


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29 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

You know ByDon lives in Delaware, right? For some reason you weren't complaining about Cheetos 100+ trips to Florida. (Which cost tax payers a lot.)

Taxpayers have now paid for Trump to visit Mar-a-Lago 100 times - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (citizensforethics.org)

President Trump hit an important milestone as he returned to Florida over the Thanksgiving holiday: 100 visits to Mar-a-Lago. In 1,040 days as president, he has prioritized visiting his properties over the course of his presidency, making time for nearly 400 visits to the businesses that he still owns and profits from. Of all of his properties, it appears that Mar-a-Lago is his favorite to funnel untold sums of taxpayer money to, even rebranding Mar-a-Lago the “Winter White House.” 

So what?

You know that after Trump was elected, he spent very little time at his residence in NY right? Mar-A- Lago eventually became his primary residence.

Since you're into whataboutism Obama's galivanting cost taxpayers $96million 


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Just now, FY56 said:

So what?

You know that after Trump was elected, he spent very little time at his residence in NY right? Mar-A- Lago eventually became his primary residence.

Since you're into whataboutism Obama's galivanting cost taxpayers $96million 


Did you not read the post I quoted? You guys really need to learn about #whataboutism means. It's like agrueing with a pigeon.


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7 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Did you not read the post I quoted? You guys really need to learn about #whataboutism means. It's like agrueing with a pigeon.


The pigeon analogy was created with liberals like you in mind.

"Having a debate with a liberal is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won."

So you now realize that Trumps residence was in Mar -A- Lago right?

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20 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Hey it all you, only 30+ more to go.


 You want to be shamed that bad huh?


 On September 6, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published an unsigned statement in support of Trump's initial claim, saying that National Hurricane Center (NHC) models "demonstrated that tropical-storm-force winds from Hurricane Dorian could impact Alabama."[4]

 “The President’s comments were based on that morning’s Hurricane Dorian briefing, which included the possibility of tropical storm force winds in southeastern Alabama.”

Hurricane Dorian’s path and whether it was headed to Alabama

As Politico explains, the National Hurricane Center never offered up a concrete prediction that Hurricane Dorian would hit Alabama, but it gave it small odds of getting tropical storm winds. And computer models suggested it might wind up in the Gulf of Mexico, which would affect Alabama.

But at this point, getting into the timeline of the different predictions does not matter. The hurricane didn’t go to Alabama and the people there are safe! It’s probably been a really confusing week.

Trump made this bad. CNN made it worse.

The president does not like being wrong, so he’s spent a lot of the week insisting that he’s right about Hurricane Dorian and Alabama.

We still don’t know who doctored the map, or if it was, indeed, doctored. But who cares? We all could have moved on. But, again, we did not. Instead, the president kept insisting he was right on Alabama and agitators kept egging him on. The media covered news about the border wall funding, Pence’s visit to a Trump property, and other big stories this week, but it also kept returning to the Alabama issue — it was one of the main stories CNN covered all of Thursday

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Did you not read the post I quoted? You guys really need to learn about #whataboutism means. It's like agrueing with a pigeon.


Why don't you ever keep to the topic.

Did you not read this?

When Donald Trump was president, Biden described "horrifying scenes" at the U.S. southern border of "kids being kept in cages" and federal agents "ripping children from their mothers' arms." But nearly two years into his presidency, Biden has never visited the border despite thousands of illegal immigrants flooding into the country every day.

Btw...is putting kids in cages included in that list of lies you posted about Trump?

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4 hours ago, cccjwh said:

You know ByDon lives in Delaware, right? For some reason you weren't complaining about Cheetos 100+ trips to Florida. (Which cost tax payers a lot.)

Taxpayers have now paid for Trump to visit Mar-a-Lago 100 times - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (citizensforethics.org)

President Trump hit an important milestone as he returned to Florida over the Thanksgiving holiday: 100 visits to Mar-a-Lago. In 1,040 days as president, he has prioritized visiting his properties over the course of his presidency, making time for nearly 400 visits to the businesses that he still owns and profits from. Of all of his properties, it appears that Mar-a-Lago is his favorite to funnel untold sums of taxpayer money to, even rebranding Mar-a-Lago the “Winter White House.” 

You’re forgetting that Trump donated his Presidential salary to various charities.

What has Dementia Joe done with his salary?

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41 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Actually the losers in 2020 are the American people. Even the Deadbeats that sponge off the government and those who get special treatment because they're minorities. They're just too stupid to understand that it's not really good for them either.



No, it was the MAGA cult and their king. Everyone else gets special treatment, but not you. You poor anger victim. Sad.




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