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Biden defends skipping border visit while in Arizona, says there are 'more important things'


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Immigration policy has zero effect on my life. Same laws are being followed as when Cheetos was Pres (pre-covid). So, I do agree that there are more important things to do then visit the border. Immigration laws haven't changed since 1980s and they aren't going to change any time soon. But you keep being outraged and I will keep not giving a shit. I'm looking forward to the Caravan coverage when it starts up 6 months before the next election.

How is that "getting rid of the birthright citizenship" going anyways?





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6 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Immigration policy has zero effect on my life. Same laws are being followed as when Cheetos was Pres (pre-covid). So, I do agree that there are more important things to do then visit the border. Immigration laws haven't changed since 1980s and they aren't going to change any time soon. But you keep being outraged and I will keep not giving a shit. I'm looking forward to the Caravan coverage when it starts up 6 months before the next election.

How is that "getting rid of the birthright citizenship" going anyways?





It's not going as well as a real American should hope. I understand there are open border supporters here in America, I just personally think it's a fucked up position.

That being said if I were in charge we would relax the legal restrictions on immigration and severely curtail the amount of illegals.


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What a non-surprise. 

Last-minute push to pass bipartisan immigration deal fails, dooming yet another reform effort - CBS News

Washington — Negotiations in the Senate to forge a bipartisan compromise on U.S. immigration and border policy failed to gain enough traction to pass before the end of this session of Congress, dooming yet another effort to reform a system that has not been updated in decades, congressional officials familiar with the matter told CBS News.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, an independent who until last week was a Democrat, and GOP Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina had been discussing a potential deal that would have included the legalization of a subset of the millions of unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S., as well as certain measures aimed at reducing illegal crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border.

But Sinema and Tillis did not strike a deal that would have been able to secure the necessary 60 votes in the evenly divided Senate during the lame-duck session, three congressional officials said, requesting anonymity to describe the outcome of internal negotiations.

The long-shot bid marks Congress' latest failure to pass a law designed to overhaul an immigration system it has not significantly updated since the 1990s and that Democratic and Republican lawmakers have said is in desperate need of reform.

The failure to reach a deal during the lame-duck session also dampens prospects of a bipartisan agreement on immigration in the near future, since Republican lawmakers will take control of the House in January and have vowed not to grant "amnesty" to any group of unauthorized immigrants.

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the hell with giving all the illegals amnesty.

so many are criminals, etc.

it's what the dems desperately want- it's why they

opened our borders.

They need a new addition to their dependency on the gov voting bloc.

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On 12/7/2022 at 10:56 PM, cccjwh said:

Immigration policy has zero effect on my life. Same laws are being followed as when Cheetos was Pres (pre-covid). So, I do agree that there are more important things to do then visit the border. Immigration laws haven't changed since 1980s and they aren't going to change any time soon. But you keep being outraged and I will keep not giving a shit. I'm looking forward to the Caravan coverage when it starts up 6 months before the next election.

How is that "getting rid of the birthright citizenship" going anyways?





But Trump somehow does?

...other than him living in your head?


Do you think immigration policy would have an effect on your meaningless life if you were a California resident?

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California warned Monday that President Biden's plan to reverse former President Donald Trump's border policies could "break" his state.

The Biden administration is planning to lift the Trump-era Title 42 policy, which allows police and border officers to expedite the expulsion of illegal immigrants.


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5 hours ago, FY56 said:

But Trump somehow does?

...other than him living in your head?


Do you think immigration policy would have an effect on your meaningless life if you were a California resident?

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California warned Monday that President Biden's plan to reverse former President Donald Trump's border policies could "break" his state.

The Biden administration is planning to lift the Trump-era Title 42 policy, which allows police and border officers to expedite the expulsion of illegal immigrants.


Guess what? It still has zero effect on my life. 

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5 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Making fun of the cultists as they start to have withdrawn is what I enjoy. You guys make me laugh every time I read your posts. 

Withdrawn from what? It couldn't be from anything else other than your stupidity.

Ill tell you what you enjoy...


"Thank You FY56 may I have another."

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On 12/16/2022 at 1:06 PM, cccjwh said:

Guess what? It still has zero effect on my life. 

You may not realize it but it does and it hits the illegals the most they live in fear of deportation and will never get to fully benefit from  all that being a citizen has to offer.

I've met quite a few where I live it is near a sanctuary city, most are hard working very nice and generous people but they were given bad information from people to cross illegally.  But then there are the bad ones, one summer near here there was a home invasion of an elderly woman who was killed. And then there's the gangs and drugs.

Legal and vetted migration is the way to go, it's a shame neither party has really put much effort into solving it.


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12 hours ago, cccjwh said:

You Rhinos are starting to drop Cheetos. Or have you missed those posts?

And again your inability to grasp the situation Rises to the surface. No one here thanks for ever thought Trump was perfect. Everyone here prefers the way things were going under Donald Trump to the way that they're going under Joe Biden except maybe for you. And I'm not sure you're being honest about that but who knows?

We're not even necessarily Republicans. If the Democrat Party had their shit together and a good solid conservative presidential candidate we'd be happier with them, but they don't.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

And again your inability to grasp the situation Rises to the surface. No one here thanks for ever thought Trump was perfect. Everyone here prefers the way things were going under Donald Trump to the way that they're going under Joe Biden except maybe for you. And I'm not sure you're being honest about that but who knows?

We're not even necessarily Republicans. If the Democrat Party had their shit together and a good solid conservative presidential candidate we'd be happier with them, but they don't.



Cheetos was just "not perfect". He was a complete corrupt moron that tried to destroy our country. For six+ years the cultists here defended ever stupid and/or corrupt thing he did and worship Cheetos as their savior. That you expect anyone to believe you that it's about "policy" is what is amazing. The Trump party doesn't have policies. The GOP was running on inflation, crime and the border for midterms (well the sane ones). But all they talk about now is a laptop. I'll ask again, what crimes were committed on this laptop that requires a congressional investigation? Sorry a douche doing crack with prostitutes does not require congressional investigations. Your party is not about doing anything. It is only about breaking things and blaming other for it. Oh and "owning the libs", that is the foundation of the Trump party.

Examples of breaking things.

Cutting the IRS's budget (for years) then complaining that people are getting away with fraud.

Making it harder to import baby formula and then complaining about shortages.

Start a trade war and then complain about pricing of imported goods.

Tell the world we have an open border and then complain when a bunch of people show up at the border.


ByDon is old and gaf machine, but he is nowhere near the stupidity of Cheetos. Cheetos's short list of stupid.

Tried to buy Greenland.
Wanted to nuke hurricanes.
Doctored a hurricane forecast map with a Sharpie.
Attempted a coup to stay in power.
Absconded with thousands of classified documents, lied about it and refused to give them back when the feds asked nicely.
Sent unidentified federal officers to Portland, Oregon, to abduct protesters and spark a conflagration that could be used as a pretense for implementing martial law.
Ordered peaceful protesters tear-gassed so he could pose for a photo-op with a Bible outside a church.
Tried to blackmail Ukraine into manufacturing dirt for his 2020 campaign.
Asked Russia for help in his 2016 campaign — and got it.
Had a weird affinity for Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Remember the Helsinki summit?)
Invited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to an in-person meeting in the Oval Office, where he accidentally revealed top-secret intelligence.
Wanted to withdraw the U.S. from NATO.
Separated migrant parents from their children, locked the kids in cages and then failed to reunite them.
Insisted that “raking” would prevent forest fires because “you’ve got to take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important.”
Covered for Saudi Arabia after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the gruesome murder and dismemberment of a U.S. journalist with a bone saw. (Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, owes Saudi Arabia $2 billion, and the crown prince has reportedly bragged about having Kushner “in his pocket.”)
Intervened to get Kushner top-secret clearance after he was denied over concerns about foreign influence.
Put Kushner in charge of Middle East peace.
Embraced rampant nepotism.
Touted injecting disinfectant as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ultraviolet light as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ivermectin as a COVID-19 cure.
Told people not to wear face masks to cut down the spread of COVID-19, even though they work.
Actively discouraged COVID-19 testing.
Refused to send federal aid to New York City amid the first COVID-19 wave because the virus was hitting Democratic-voting states hardest.
“Jokingly” said on multiple occasions that he deserved to be president for more than two terms.
Thought climate change was a Chinese hoax.
Built an incomplete border wall that doesn’t work, wasn’t needed and wasn’t paid for by Mexico.
Started a trade war with China that mainly hurt U.S. consumers.
Threw food when angry.
Saw no problem with his vice president potentially being hanged by a violent mob he’d summoned and sent to the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.
Stared directly at the sun.


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23 minutes ago, cccjwh said:


Cheetos was just "not perfect". He was a complete corrupt moron that tried to destroy our country. For six+ years the cultists here defended ever stupid and/or corrupt thing he did and worship Cheetos as their savior. That you expect anyone to believe you that it's about "policy" is what is amazing. The Trump party doesn't have policies. The GOP was running on inflation, crime and the border for midterms (well the sane ones). But all they talk about now is a laptop. I'll ask again, what crimes were committed on this laptop that requires a congressional investigation? Sorry a douche doing crack with prostitutes does not require congressional investigations. Your party is not about doing anything. It is only about breaking things and blaming other for it. Oh and "owning the libs", that is the foundation of the Trump party.

Examples of breaking things.

Cutting the IRS's budget (for years) then complaining that people are getting away with fraud.

Making it harder to import baby formula and then complaining about shortages.

Start a trade war and then complain about pricing of imported goods.

Tell the world we have an open border and then complain when a bunch of people show up at the border.


ByDon is old and gaf machine, but he is nowhere near the stupidity of Cheetos. Cheetos's short list of stupid.

Tried to buy Greenland.
Wanted to nuke hurricanes.
Doctored a hurricane forecast map with a Sharpie.
Attempted a coup to stay in power.
Absconded with thousands of classified documents, lied about it and refused to give them back when the feds asked nicely.
Sent unidentified federal officers to Portland, Oregon, to abduct protesters and spark a conflagration that could be used as a pretense for implementing martial law.
Ordered peaceful protesters tear-gassed so he could pose for a photo-op with a Bible outside a church.
Tried to blackmail Ukraine into manufacturing dirt for his 2020 campaign.
Asked Russia for help in his 2016 campaign — and got it.
Had a weird affinity for Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Remember the Helsinki summit?)
Invited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to an in-person meeting in the Oval Office, where he accidentally revealed top-secret intelligence.
Wanted to withdraw the U.S. from NATO.
Separated migrant parents from their children, locked the kids in cages and then failed to reunite them.
Insisted that “raking” would prevent forest fires because “you’ve got to take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important.”
Covered for Saudi Arabia after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the gruesome murder and dismemberment of a U.S. journalist with a bone saw. (Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, owes Saudi Arabia $2 billion, and the crown prince has reportedly bragged about having Kushner “in his pocket.”)
Intervened to get Kushner top-secret clearance after he was denied over concerns about foreign influence.
Put Kushner in charge of Middle East peace.
Embraced rampant nepotism.
Touted injecting disinfectant as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ultraviolet light as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ivermectin as a COVID-19 cure.
Told people not to wear face masks to cut down the spread of COVID-19, even though they work.
Actively discouraged COVID-19 testing.
Refused to send federal aid to New York City amid the first COVID-19 wave because the virus was hitting Democratic-voting states hardest.
“Jokingly” said on multiple occasions that he deserved to be president for more than two terms.
Thought climate change was a Chinese hoax.
Built an incomplete border wall that doesn’t work, wasn’t needed and wasn’t paid for by Mexico.
Started a trade war with China that mainly hurt U.S. consumers.
Threw food when angry.
Saw no problem with his vice president potentially being hanged by a violent mob he’d summoned and sent to the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.
Stared directly at the sun.


hoorta is that you?

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:


Cheetos was just "not perfect". He was a complete corrupt moron that tried to destroy our country. For six+ years the cultists here defended ever stupid and/or corrupt thing he did and worship Cheetos as their savior. That you expect anyone to believe you that it's about "policy" is what is amazing. The Trump party doesn't have policies. The GOP was running on inflation, crime and the border for midterms (well the sane ones). But all they talk about now is a laptop. I'll ask again, what crimes were committed on this laptop that requires a congressional investigation? Sorry a douche doing crack with prostitutes does not require congressional investigations. Your party is not about doing anything. It is only about breaking things and blaming other for it. Oh and "owning the libs", that is the foundation of the Trump party.

Examples of breaking things.

Cutting the IRS's budget (for years) then complaining that people are getting away with fraud.

Making it harder to import baby formula and then complaining about shortages.

Start a trade war and then complain about pricing of imported goods.

Tell the world we have an open border and then complain when a bunch of people show up at the border.


ByDon is old and gaf machine, but he is nowhere near the stupidity of Cheetos. Cheetos's short list of stupid.

Tried to buy Greenland.
Wanted to nuke hurricanes.
Doctored a hurricane forecast map with a Sharpie.
Attempted a coup to stay in power.
Absconded with thousands of classified documents, lied about it and refused to give them back when the feds asked nicely.
Sent unidentified federal officers to Portland, Oregon, to abduct protesters and spark a conflagration that could be used as a pretense for implementing martial law.
Ordered peaceful protesters tear-gassed so he could pose for a photo-op with a Bible outside a church.
Tried to blackmail Ukraine into manufacturing dirt for his 2020 campaign.
Asked Russia for help in his 2016 campaign — and got it.
Had a weird affinity for Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Remember the Helsinki summit?)
Invited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to an in-person meeting in the Oval Office, where he accidentally revealed top-secret intelligence.
Wanted to withdraw the U.S. from NATO.
Separated migrant parents from their children, locked the kids in cages and then failed to reunite them.
Insisted that “raking” would prevent forest fires because “you’ve got to take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important.”
Covered for Saudi Arabia after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the gruesome murder and dismemberment of a U.S. journalist with a bone saw. (Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, owes Saudi Arabia $2 billion, and the crown prince has reportedly bragged about having Kushner “in his pocket.”)
Intervened to get Kushner top-secret clearance after he was denied over concerns about foreign influence.
Put Kushner in charge of Middle East peace.
Embraced rampant nepotism.
Touted injecting disinfectant as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ultraviolet light as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ivermectin as a COVID-19 cure.
Told people not to wear face masks to cut down the spread of COVID-19, even though they work.
Actively discouraged COVID-19 testing.
Refused to send federal aid to New York City amid the first COVID-19 wave because the virus was hitting Democratic-voting states hardest.
“Jokingly” said on multiple occasions that he deserved to be president for more than two terms.
Thought climate change was a Chinese hoax.
Built an incomplete border wall that doesn’t work, wasn’t needed and wasn’t paid for by Mexico.
Started a trade war with China that mainly hurt U.S. consumers.
Threw food when angry.
Saw no problem with his vice president potentially being hanged by a violent mob he’d summoned and sent to the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.
Stared directly at the sun.



Dear lord.

You truly do get your news from The View and or CNN.

Most of that is misinformation, exaggerations, or are outright lies.

I can go from top to bottom and call you out on many of them, but considering the liberal TDS inflicted fucksticks you and Hoorta are, I'd be wasting my time.


Lets just go with the first one as an example.

Tried to buy Greenland

To begin with Trump inquired about buying Greenland, yet all you liberal media fuckers made it sound as though he made an offer to buy it with "Trump tried to buy Greenland" rhetoric.

Since 1867, the United States has considered, or made, several proposals to purchase the island of Greenland from Denmark, as it did with the Danish West Indies in 1917. While Greenland remains an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, a 1951 treaty gives the United States much control over an island it once partially claimed from exploration.

Come to think of it, we bought Alaska. You lib fucksticks of the day so opposed called it "Sewards Icebox" or "Sewards folly".

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:


Cheetos was just "not perfect". He was a complete corrupt moron that tried to destroy our country. For six+ years the cultists here defended ever stupid and/or corrupt thing he did and worship Cheetos as their savior. That you expect anyone to believe you that it's about "policy" is what is amazing. The Trump party doesn't have policies. The GOP was running on inflation, crime and the border for midterms (well the sane ones). But all they talk about now is a laptop. I'll ask again, what crimes were committed on this laptop that requires a congressional investigation? Sorry a douche doing crack with prostitutes does not require congressional investigations. Your party is not about doing anything. It is only about breaking things and blaming other for it. Oh and "owning the libs", that is the foundation of the Trump party.

Examples of breaking things.

Cutting the IRS's budget (for years) then complaining that people are getting away with fraud.

Making it harder to import baby formula and then complaining about shortages.

Start a trade war and then complain about pricing of imported goods.

Tell the world we have an open border and then complain when a bunch of people show up at the border.


ByDon is old and gaf machine, but he is nowhere near the stupidity of Cheetos. Cheetos's short list of stupid.

Tried to buy Greenland.
Wanted to nuke hurricanes.
Doctored a hurricane forecast map with a Sharpie.
Attempted a coup to stay in power.
Absconded with thousands of classified documents, lied about it and refused to give them back when the feds asked nicely.
Sent unidentified federal officers to Portland, Oregon, to abduct protesters and spark a conflagration that could be used as a pretense for implementing martial law.
Ordered peaceful protesters tear-gassed so he could pose for a photo-op with a Bible outside a church.
Tried to blackmail Ukraine into manufacturing dirt for his 2020 campaign.
Asked Russia for help in his 2016 campaign — and got it.
Had a weird affinity for Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Remember the Helsinki summit?)
Invited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to an in-person meeting in the Oval Office, where he accidentally revealed top-secret intelligence.
Wanted to withdraw the U.S. from NATO.
Separated migrant parents from their children, locked the kids in cages and then failed to reunite them.
Insisted that “raking” would prevent forest fires because “you’ve got to take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important.”
Covered for Saudi Arabia after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the gruesome murder and dismemberment of a U.S. journalist with a bone saw. (Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, owes Saudi Arabia $2 billion, and the crown prince has reportedly bragged about having Kushner “in his pocket.”)
Intervened to get Kushner top-secret clearance after he was denied over concerns about foreign influence.
Put Kushner in charge of Middle East peace.
Embraced rampant nepotism.
Touted injecting disinfectant as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ultraviolet light as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 cure.
Touted ivermectin as a COVID-19 cure.
Told people not to wear face masks to cut down the spread of COVID-19, even though they work.
Actively discouraged COVID-19 testing.
Refused to send federal aid to New York City amid the first COVID-19 wave because the virus was hitting Democratic-voting states hardest.
“Jokingly” said on multiple occasions that he deserved to be president for more than two terms.
Thought climate change was a Chinese hoax.
Built an incomplete border wall that doesn’t work, wasn’t needed and wasn’t paid for by Mexico.
Started a trade war with China that mainly hurt U.S. consumers.
Threw food when angry.
Saw no problem with his vice president potentially being hanged by a violent mob he’d summoned and sent to the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.
Stared directly at the sun.



I got some time I can waste, lets look at your second statement.

Wanted to nuke hurricanes.

Snopes cannot independently verify the claims of anonymous sources cited in the Axios story, or claims contained within documents we have not seen. As such, we rank the claim "Unproven." This rating could change if corroborating information becomes public

When this nuking of hurricanes story broke, it spread like wildfire throughout our upstanding media. Trump isn't that stupid by vehemently denying ever saying this knowing his comments could be verified.

Furthermore, the idea of nuking hurricanes was an idea suggested by a scientist(s) way before Trump.

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