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Musk drops bombshell internal Twitter documents on what led to Hunter Biden laptop censorship


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15 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

and....dirtbag deep stater john brennan rears his ugly demeanor again:

(former head of the CIA, voted communist in college)


yeah, brennan, you lied about hunter's laptop with others in the intel community.



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2 hours ago, Axe said:

We, are Sodom and Gomorrah to the 10 power.. I never thought I'd see such insanity in my lifetime.. It's not my life I fear for.. My daughter and grandsons? That's a different matter.

They are out in the open now with the Groomer in Chief living in the White House they have no reason to hide!


Biden invites anti-cop nonbinary drag queen to White House



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15 minutes ago, Vambo said:

They are out in the open now with the Groomer in Chief living in the White House they have no reason to hide!


Biden invites anti-cop nonbinary drag queen to White House



They flaunt it... Maybe Joe got a P shot and got some lol..

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3 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I just noticed that there’s not much commentary from the lefties on this thread.

Could it be they can’t believe the bullshit from Jack Dorsey & Company?


yes - and my broken record - the adage that says if this were reversed against the right,  

we wouldnt hear the end of this.


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"Trump’s executive order is attempting to clarify the interpretation of the law and the enforcement of the law. The executive order is basically saying, if you begin to ban or control content that is not under the list in 230(c)(2)(A) then you’re going to be considered a publisher. So social media companies have a choice, they can back off and allow free public discourse to take place on the internet, all the while enjoying their (very generous) lawsuit immunity, or they can exercise their free speech rights of association and ban everything to hell, but then they no longer have the immunity.

For those of you that want to read my 35-page thesis on the topic (Written Summer of 2019):

Having It Both Ways- The CDA and Free Speech"

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Still are from what I'm seeing.





How much more do people need to realize their Gov in Nazi Germany reincarnated ?


Have I not said this ?


Need more ?

It's coming, like it or not   .   .   .  



Our Gov is totally out of control, has been for longer than folk realize.


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Are ya'll seeing that we've likely had many unnecessary Wars (Military Industrial Complex - Eisenhower) over the past several decades ?



"Peace through Strength" - (still believe this).


Yea, I was a Hawk in my earlier days, but never stopped too consider that we (USA) were so powerful that no one would dare consider challenging us.



Iraq ?

Didn't they have the third most powerful military in the World ?

How many days did they last against us ?


Vietnam ?

Deepest respect and admiration for my brothers involved in this "War"   .   .   .   but we were totally screwed on this one.

No reason we shouldn't have wiped the slate on this one - this was just a $ grind for those in power.


Too many lives lost in these "Conflicts", and all just for $.



Not going to be the bet too make.



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This is like the third / fourth Bot trap he's run   .   .   .   getting much closer to reality now :)



Oh, there's still a ton of Bots (mainly China), but he's doing a good job of thinning them out with these "Polls"



Wonder what the next "Poll" will be    .   .   .   they keep falling for them   😁



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Dayem, getting closer to driving the spike through the Vampire's Heart :






Sorry, from what I'm hearing, there may be hundreds of these, yes, it's that bad.


After seeing what has transpired the last couple of year, is anyone really surprised ?



What puzzles me to this day, is why the Left still attack me on many of the things I post.


No, it doesn't really bother me, just seems really hypocritical since they're supposed to be all Free Speech and Constitution and so forth, but attack me for mostly posting items supporting this.


Seriously, without Free Speech and our other Rights, we're no better than any other Banana Republic we "Civilized" Nations make fun of.


Currently, we've not demonstrated that we've ascended any further than any of these "Banana Republics".


Is that really all  we've amounted too after the "Great Experiment" ?



We're supposed to be better than that but apparently we've failed miserably at leading the World out of darkness.



Seems we're having some Board anomalies   .   .   .   such is our lot   .   .   .  


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21 hours ago, JAFBF said:



This is like the third / fourth Bot trap he's run   .   .   .   getting much closer to reality now :)



Oh, there's still a ton of Bots (mainly China), but he's doing a good job of thinning them out with these "Polls"



Wonder what the next "Poll" will be    .   .   .   they keep falling for them   😁



Is Musk a good guy?

or just a way of

getting people’s attention?


Think about it?  Are

people still that dense?

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