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Musk drops bombshell internal Twitter documents on what led to Hunter Biden laptop censorship


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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:


Cheetos is a corrupt business owner.


An underground cabal of democrats has taken over law enforcement and the justice system to persecute Cheetos. 

Occam's Razor. Only cult members believe there is a conspiracy against your leader. It took 6 years for guys to even admitted Cheetos did anything wrong. 




What I find telling is how the M$M and Politicos loved (even Hildebeast said we needed someone like him in Polotics) Trump until he entered the Political arena   .   .   .  


Hell, they even cut him out of "Home Alone 2" (in his own Hotel)   .   .   .   everyone was loving it until he became POTUS.



You don't find that the least bit "odd" ?


Hell, I'm not particularly in love with the guy (stated reservations many times), but he's done more for the Country in one frickin' Term than most of the "Presidents" in the last few Terms.



Everyone just ignores the multiple $hitpiles he cleaned up in 1 Term that several previous Administrations and Congresses were unable to make a dent in   .   .   .   all they actually did was make things worse.


Sorry, I just can't reconcile the failure to success ratio   .   .   .  I attribute it to M$M Brainwashing, and as nuts as it sounds, that is the Case.



Sure hope you aren't one of the "5% - 6%" that are "hopeless"   .   .   .   sadly, I still think it's going too be higher than that.

If the target truly is "5% - 6%", then we're all in for a lot more suffering   .   .   .  



Misery loves Company ?


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10 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

If they do it on their own, sure. But what if they do it at the direction of a government official? The issue at the center of this scandal isn't Hunter Biden being a degenerate, much as Fox News would like it to be. The issue is that Democrat officials directed big tech to censor the unflattering story, and the people running Twitter complied. When the issue came to light, the only Democrat government official to raise concern over the constitutionality of this censorship was Ro Khanna. Everyone else swept it under the rug because it helped their team. 


Give that Man a Cigar !


We're seeing the Gov was involved, and at least up until 12/5 - 12/6 were still involved   .   .   .   there may well still be others (based on what I'm seeing, there are).     




Sadly, this crap is far deeper than anyone realizes   .   .   .   I ask you all, look back a few years, did anyone imagine anything like what is going on now in our Country or around the World ?





Whole lot of $hit coming our way, and no, I don't know what all it is, but I can see it coming (hints)   .   .   .   cliche, but so much going on that we don't / can't (refuse) see it   .   .   . 



"The best is yet too come" is quite true   .   .   .   doesn't mean there isn't struggling or pain to get to that point.


There is a lot of "perceived" pain yet too come   .   .   .  I've hinted at what I think it is, but I can't say any of it is written in Stone.



World changing events going on, if you doubt it, look at today versus a few years ago as mentioned above   .   .   .   incredible times   .   .   .  


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4 hours ago, cccjwh said:


Cheetos is a corrupt business owner.


An underground cabal of democrats has taken over law enforcement and the justice system to persecute Cheetos. 

Occam's Razor. Only cult members believe there is a conspiracy against your leader. It took 6 years for guys to even admitted Cheetos did anything wrong. 



Keyword is businessman. None of your cult leaders ever even had a fucking job. Just money laundering influence peddling and graft. So suck my dick.

Don't worry I'm not going to pay you so you don't have to break character and actually earn any money.


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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

It's a private company they can do as much censoring as they want. It's still a free country, the want-to-be dictator was voted out. I know you and your fellow cult members were heart broken when the removed Hunter's nudes. 



See V Trails post below and learn something VVV.

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Keyword is businessman. None of your cult leaders ever even had a fucking job. Just money laundering influence peddling and graft. So suck my dick.

Don't worry I'm not going to pay you so you don't have to break character and actually earn any money.


Somebody got triggered, it's ok Steve you will get over all this winning.


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52 minutes ago, JAFBF said:





OMG, is anyone really paying attention to what is really going on ?


WTF happened with the Wiener Laptops ?

You know, the one that was making season NYCP Cops throwing up in the Hallways ?


Yea, this is the magnitude of Evil we're getting ready too confront - this $hit is Evil beyond imagination (at least for "normal" people).



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On 12/9/2022 at 10:15 PM, Canton Dawg said:

I have a feeling when the GOP takes over in January, I fully expect a House Subcommittee Investigation into the testimony of Jack Dorsey.

It's going to be glorious to watch all these self-important cünts (Dorsey/Vijaya/Parag/Roth) blame each other in an attempt to get out of perjury charges. 

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the main stream media has colluded with deep state operators in our government - to defraud the American people, to manipulate them to vote a certain way.

They have favored the deep state/demorats/leftwing/globalist dominate subculture in our gov.

They are complicit in monopolizing to a great degree - information - filtered to hide info that the American people should have had.

    The American people have been subjected to "lipstick on a pig" in conjunction with several American government depts, to control what the American people know, and to intimidate anyone who steps out of line.

    That is close to how communism works.

For all the Woody etc denials "haha there isn't any anti-conservative bias in the media" - that is over.

The corruption is so bad, it is an epidemic.

A good article on the hypocrisy of the left, and their determination to win at any cost.



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23 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

Let me drop some wisdom so you guys stop bludgeoning each other.

1) Nobody who is any way connected to the Presidency is going to jail. Don't be an imbecile. 

This would drive other nations forever away from entering into any kind of partnership for fear of being themselves drawn in.

2) Every fucking elected federal official has accepted countless $millions to get elected. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to rat on global Don Corleones who can wreak far, far more damage on one's wife, kids, parents, grandkids and career than you or I can ever imagine.

Why is it do you think that Jackie Kennedy never spoke about the assassination, but instead went into hiding? Or why Senator Connaly made provisoons that the bullet in his bone not ever be removed, even after death?

Stop being fucking imbeciles. Tend to your own life, family and enjoyment, and stop wasting your life playing Perry Mason.

3) There is NOTHING illegal, prohibited, or otherwise wrong with the Federal Government interfering with social media.

People are confusing freedom of speech with freedom of the press.

There is no legal requirement for the media/press to be truthful. If you own a media outlet, save endangering others, you can publish and claim as truth all the ridiculous bullshit that you want.

Libel noted, one can publish whatever horseshit one wants to.

The difference? Less Ameeicans than ever before are able to discern what is bullshit and what is truth.


Under "normal" circumstances, much of what you say is spot on.



We left "normal" years ago, game's changed.


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1 hour ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

Just stay in your seat, have some popcorn, and watch this crock of shit evolve. In the world of globalism Elon is a pauper. He will make a mot of noise, just like a child throwing a tantrum, but his revelation will, you can be sure, be squashed.

Let's resume this conversation next Christmas, then youbcan say to me, after a crazy 2023, "Musk?, oh yeah, I forgot about all that. What ever happened with that?"


Probably. The reason is, there are fbi, cia, doj, etc employees all over silicon valley. The list is long and worrisome.

The interference in the last election by the fbi - relegated the last election as having been rigged.

These deep state bureaucrats are all over our gov AND social media.

Dangerous times. Yes, Elon may want to not fly anywhere, and have some trusted special forces guys to have protecting him at all times.

   Seriously -

3 days agoJournalists have been raising alarms over the influx of ex-CIA and FBI officials landing jobs within the social media sphere. Below is a snapshot of some of the employees who bounced their way from secret government jobs into a cush jobs at Twitter:
Jul 19, 2022The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency, best known as domestic and foreign intelligence and security forces, have expanded their jurisdictions into cybercrime. Social media giants are poaching high-level directors and legal counselors from the FBI and CIA in what has become a "revolving door" between the ...
3 days agoFormer FBI and CIA operatives have been exposed as central figures in the Twitter Files' recent revelations that the social media platform engaged in a sweeping censorship and election interference operation. ... where he now "leads Twitter's Strategic Response Team of 50+ employees / agents in resolving the highest-profile Trust & Safety ...
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and....dirtbag deep stater john brennan rears his ugly demeanor again:

(former head of the CIA, voted communist in college)


yeah, brennan, you lied about hunter's laptop with others in the intel community.


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