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Biden admin scrambles to track $20B in Ukraine aid


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I can only imagine how much money this very expensive high tech war is costing versus that as Ronnie Reagan named them  "the evil empire "   Putin's totally corrupt Russia.

We dumped tons of cash  ...... in the billions in Afghanistan,  the Gulf War,  and who knows what and where else.

The brave Ukrainians are fighting and dying against the Russians to keep Putin from marching through Europe and putting the Iron Curtain back together. 

We  ABSOLUTELY  MUST   along with the NATO states support the Ukraine as long as it takes.

.......  and Putin has to be so pissed that the Ukrainians didn't just roll over   -but-   instead kicked the Russians asses back !

GO UKRAINIANS  !  Our biggest allies right now. 

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1 hour ago, mjp28 said:

I can only imagine how much this very expensive high tech war versus that as Ronnie Reagan named them  "the evil empire "   Putin's totally corrupt Russia.

We dumped tons of cash  ...... in the billions in Afghanistan,  the Gulf War,  and who knows what and where else.

The brave Ukrainians are fighting and dying against the Russians to keep Putin from marching through Europe and putting the Iron Curtain back together. 

We  ABSOLUTELY  MUST   along with the NATO states support the Ukraine as long as it takes.

.......  and Putin has to be so pissed that the Ukrainians didn't just roll over   -but-   instead kicked the Russians asses back !

GO UKRAINIANS  !  Our biggest allies right now. 

Ukrainians have been kicking ass. I doubt the pro-Russia element in the Republican party is going to be able to stop us from continuing to help them. They will try though.



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2 hours ago, mjp28 said:

I can only imagine how much money this very expensive high tech war is costing versus that as Ronnie Reagan named them  "the evil empire "   Putin's totally corrupt Russia.

We dumped tons of cash  ...... in the billions in Afghanistan,  the Gulf War,  and who knows what and where else.

The brave Ukrainians are fighting and dying against the Russians to keep Putin from marching through Europe and putting the Iron Curtain back together. 

We  ABSOLUTELY  MUST   along with the NATO states support the Ukraine as long as it takes.

.......  and Putin has to be so pissed that the Ukrainians didn't just roll over   -but-   instead kicked the Russians asses back !

GO UKRAINIANS  !  Our biggest allies right now. 

A lot of crooks in Ukraine also.  I would hardly call them our biggest ally.

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On 11/29/2022 at 4:46 PM, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

A lot of crooks in Ukraine also.  I would hardly call them our biggest ally.

But still the Ukrainians are fighting and dying by the hundreds,  thousands to hold the line and  even pushing the Russian troops back to where they came from.

Meanwhile the Ukrainian civilians have NO electricity,  water, heat all by Putin's missles being fired by the hundreds at Ukraine. 

Thank goodness and the Ukrainians that shoot down 80, 85, 90+% of the incoming misses or the deviation would be even more massive.

And the Ukrainian citizens keep dying every day.. Only being protected by the US and other allies missle defense systems and  howitzers and ammunition  and every other thing to keep Putin's army from crossing the lines again ...... well just watch the daily  reports.

And the Ukrainians keep dying everyday..  


Who else it there shedding their BLOOD ?  Their young men getting killed  everyday  ?  And NO draft required they  VOLUNTEER to go !

Are any US soldiers in this fight ?  UK, French, German, or others ?   And my one brother is really into the daily reports from the Ukraine on this war...and it is a full blown WAR against the USSR well that's what Putin wants it to be again.  He wants the IRON CURTAIN back again and even more a new COLD WAR against the West and especially the USA.  Do you want to see that again ?  That madman Putin does ! 

 He is crazy, hopefully someone in Russia will assassinate him before he goes much farther. 

Maybe some special forces from our biggest ally in this fight the Ukraine.    

So who's doing the fighting and dying  ?  Oh yeah our only ally in the fight the Ukrainians  !   

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3 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Fuck Ukraine. 


Except that the Ukraine is the only firewall to keep Putin from running through all of the old IRON CURTAIN countries and probably more like a bunch of flimsy dominoes and we are back to well before the fall of the USSR.

Putin is a madman (who with his other oligarch buddies) raided the Russian economy,  banking system, oil industry which is Russia's only real money maker and anything else worth stealing and now has the power....including military power now.  In other words he has Russia and their people by the throat and it does not look good for their economy now.  

So what does this mean to us in Ohio just a part of the United States of America  ?   Plenty if crazy Putin takes Russia and the USA back to the 1960s, 70s nuke era cold war days.  Hopefully it wouldn't happen  ....... unless the Ukraine falls and then the others quickly follow.  Just a European problem  ?  No way, a world problem. 

Estimates for growth next year are about 3.1% for most of Europe and currently -3.9% in Russia  why,  Putin's (and his oligarch criminal buddies)  control over the Russian economy and everything else.  The following years probably will be worse.  So what ?  Plenty like another European market crash followed by another arms race ?  Political unrest ?  Nothing good will come of a Putin expansion in Europe. 

And that's just a brief outlook on things, much more would follow from here. 

SO I would hold off on fucking the Ukraine right now.  Just sayin'.     :)

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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Just saying it is well know that the Ukrainian Government is crooked.  And of course Ukrainians are defending their coiuntry, as they should.  I think we are giving way to much aid to them.   Europeans are the ones who are directly threatened by Russia, and they are giving much less.

Is the Ukrainian government crooked, not perfect, has problems...... I would NOT doubt it one bit. 

Would just walking away from the Ukraine and saying that this is just a European problem would be a disaster .  Putin and his Russian military power would blow through the Ukraine, Poland and every other small country like a hot knife through butter.  

Then after Putin's army is entrenched in all of those countries it would be a stalemate  between NATO and the new USSR  a brand new Cold War ..... exactly what Putin wants ..... so he can go back and fight it again.  He is a madman with thousands of nukes,  good luck with that.  

The USA would still be entrenched in that as a NATO member and sworn enemy of  "the NEW evil empire ".   GREAT !  We can fight that war until Putin dies of old age    -or-    is assassinated.   Have you ever seen the movie  "War Games"  from  1981,  great flick largely about  WWIII  I would highly recommend it for all of you  "let Europe handle it "  you might understand why the USA is the only country capable of taking on the USSR.  

OK that's just some of my thoughts on the current situation in the Ukraine feel free for what will happen if we let Europe handle it.

I'll be waiting for your analysis of the Russia / Ukraine War.     :D

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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

I didn't type walk away.  I said make the Europeans pay more, and we pay less.  And I doubt Russia's Army could blow threw anything.  They have proven to be poorly trained and unmotivated to fight.

The Russian army had a LOT of bad intel  by their poorly trained and coordinated generals and others in charge of troop movements.  They expected to cross over the Ukrainian border and NOT get any serious resistance   WRONG   they ran headlong into a well trained and motivated Ukraine fighting force.  

★ Putin's plan was to be in Kiev in 3 days, to overpower the government and any forces and replace it with Russians in charge and just take over  again    WRONG   none of that happened.   .... My one brother was in on a lot of this with his Ukrainian friends over there..... one BIG mistake the Russian generals and others in command were talking on unsecured radio frequencies  the Ukrainians were listening to almost ALL of the Russian army plans and just cut the Russian troops to pieces...... no wonder they turned and ran on virtually every battle.

The trained Ukrainian artillery zeroed in on them, their artillery,  ammunition dumps, tanks, everything and blasted them out.  The pictures after the battles showed an army in total retreat, they RAN to get away leaving everything even half eaten meals, clothes, guns, ammo, artillery (used then by the Ukrainians)  even complete running tanks !     The networks sent out some good unbelievable pictures of a defeated Russian army in full retreat to the border.  My brother even sent me additional pictures and information on this.

Putin, as embarrassed as ever,  tried to cover it as "redeployment"  at different places  actually they got their butts beat.  Solders were deserting some just going home ..... a dangerous thing to do in Russia.  Finally they had to acknowledge some defeats, Putin is as mad as he can be  -but-  also more paranoid than ever.  (Rumors of dissent in the Kremlin ?)   Putin learned early how dangerous a cornered rat can be .... but he now may be the rat now.

It is a dangerous time in Russia now.  The army now in need of more soldiers even as poorly trained as they are.  But Putin still has some dangerous weapons like cruise missles, and the new deadly weapon in this war the kamikaze drones !  ---> to be continued  --->

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2 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

To be fair, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union.  Perhaps Russia really does own them.  Maybe Putin and Zelinski are doing this as a plot to steal American weapon technology.  Maybe the 'news stories' are all bullshit.  Maybe Biden is being played like a demented old fool he is?


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2 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

To be fair, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union.  Perhaps Russia really does own them.  Maybe Putin and Zelinski are doing this as a plot to steal American weapon technology.  Maybe the 'news stories' are all bullshit.  Maybe Biden is being played like a demented old fool he is?

Well Zelinski can have all of the USA super-howitzer, drone, defensive grid technology and more now since our best guys want to train their guys all about it in Germany. 

This is the latest USA Gold stuff to use against those dreaded Ruskies !  Can't get better than that.   :)

Thousands of dollars (or more) of training  ..... Putin has to be SO PISSED AT THE USA now.   :lol:

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20 hours ago, mjp28 said:

Is the Ukrainian government crooked, not perfect, has problems...... I would NOT doubt it one bit. 

Would just walking away from the Ukraine and saying that this is just a European problem would be a disaster .  Putin and his Russian military power would blow through the Ukraine, Poland and every other small country like a hot knife through butter.  

Then after Putin's army is entrenched in all of those countries it would be a stalemate  between NATO and the new USSR  a brand new Cold War ..... exactly what Putin wants ..... so he can go back and fight it again.  He is a madman with thousands of nukes,  good luck with that.  

The USA would still be entrenched in that as a NATO member and sworn enemy of  "the NEW evil empire ".   GREAT !  We can fight that war until Putin dies of old age    -or-    is assassinated.   Have you ever seen the movie  "War Games"  from  1981,  great flick largely about  WWIII  I would highly recommend it for all of you  "let Europe handle it "  you might understand why the USA is the only country capable of taking on the USSR.  

OK that's just some of my thoughts on the current situation in the Ukraine feel free for what will happen if we let Europe handle it.

I'll be waiting for your analysis of the Russia / Ukraine War.     :D

Again I have no fear of Putin or the ruskies. Try to look back over the last 30 armed conflicts we've been in; just about each and every one whoever their leader was has been labeled a Madman a lunatic yada yada yada this shit has been going on with the Russians since Joe McCarthy was a senator. Like George Orwell road we have always been at war with Oceania. Or was it Eurasia?


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