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President Donald Trump announces he will run for White House again in 2024


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7 hours ago, FairHooker11 said:

It's early, DeSantis ( and even Youngkin) haven't declared yet. Not to mention the usual rino uniparty players that suckle at the PAC tit like it's full and ready to go? I'm with cal in pumping the brakes on your "feelings" regarding the orange guy... Besides with a similarly run / personally financed campaign like 2016,2020-i think would be great to uncover the rino business as usual approach vs the MAGA America 1st alternative. We'll see if the 71 million 2020 stick around for this?


Not picking on you, just another exposition example.



Since the "Midterms", how many more RINO's have come out and exposed themselves ?


Candice Owens ?

Are you kidding me ?


There's a list floating about of those saying Trump is the problem, some are actually wanting their names put on this list.

How much sense does this make too people ?



Humor me yet once again.

What if   .   .   .   this has all been a multiyear Sting Operation ?


Madness !

What was my first post in this thread ?



Nobody pays attention   .   .   .  



Exodus   .   .   .   Moses on the Mountaintop   .   .   .   what did the people do ?


How soon we all forget   .   .   .   we are in Exodus II   .   .   .   Revolution 2.0   .   .   .  



Hold the damn line   .   .   .   let me show you the current "conspiracies" and judge for yourselves   .   .   .   at least standby for a while.



This will take some time, at least one reply first.


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50 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Trump is history JAF.  He will lose in the primaries.  My only hope is that he doesn't run as an independent to ruin a real candidate's chances.  (Desantis).😁


Let me start this with saying I'm not really a huge Trump lover.

Absolutely love what he is doing / has done so far, but   .   .   .  


It's quite possible he's the "Beast" of Revelation.

This whole "show" we've been involved in could all be an intricate plan to subdue the World.


Could probably do a thread on this, but for now (with reason), let's assume this is not the case (timing issues).



Yea, there are "handpicked" "Polls" showing DeSantis as being ahead of Trump.

There are also "Polls" out there showing Trump has 50 pts on DeSantis.




I've touched on this before - I'm thinking this may well all be "Rope a Dope"   .   .   .   DeSantis has not dissed Trump in any of the so called "Response" interviews.

You're watching further M$M disinfo.


Sucks that it's so ingrained in all of us having been exposed to it for all our lives   .   .   .   when you keep hearing the same thing over and over again from "authorities" what else are you too believe ?


Again, I'm not picking on anyone, I'm just trying to highlight some points as we go forward.



Things are going too speed up - I don't really even have time to respond completely to what is coming out now   .   .   .   expect it too get worse.


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DeSantis is not ready yet but he needs to be on the ticket. So if and when shit happens, we have a real president as opposed to the circumstances we all are subjected to right now where we have no president or viable option anywhere down the chain of succession.

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4 minutes ago, Axe said:

DeSantis is not ready yet but he needs to be on the ticket. So if and when shit happens, we have a real president as opposed to the circumstances we all are subjected to right now where we have no president or viable option anywhere down the chain of succession.


If this has all been a multiyear Sting Op   .   .   .   what if Trump did win massively, and we did have a Tsunami Red Wave this past Election ?


2020 is not over   .   .   .  



Humor me for a few more weeks, then you can all ridicule me too your Heart's desire and I can disappear   .   .   .  


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How many remember the 1871 "Theory" as expounded upon elsewhere some time ago ?


What if it's true ?


All Caps = Corporation.

Caps and lower case = Republic.



BTW - there were 19 Flags behind Trump on the Stage last night   .   .   .   the next President under the Republic would be the 19th    .   .   .  



I'm just Nuckin' Futz though   .   .   .   right ?



Stand by.




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True ! ! !


You didn't listen too what he said did you ?



The closest you heard to what you think he said is that he announced his "Candidacy for President".

Didn't say what year   .   .   .   in fact, if you listen too what he was saying in regards to OBiden and years   .   .   .   it was 2020.


No ?






Nobody pays attention to anything anymore   .   .   .   and oh boy, there is more, but not for here   .   .   .  


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4 hours ago, cccjwh said:

I think ranked vote is one of the few things that could break the two party system. Nevada put it in for the next election. (no POTUS election)


Ranked choice voting makes infinite sense. I have not heard any good reason against it 

I posted a thread on here about it and all of the usual suspects immediately jumped all over it. But hey, they're the critical thinkers... 


You know a political party is good when their objective is to win with as few votes as possible 

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2 hours ago, JAFBF said:


Ah yes, I can speak from experience   .   .   .   it's all kinds of fun being attacked all the time things people don't (yet) understand / know anything about.


I'm sure Trump is just a Masochist that loves the constant attacks and false accusations against him and his family.


Must be a hoot having your son cast as a future "Mass Murderer" (yea, that happened), and having multiple members of his family subpoenaed over and over.


Weird how the Mainstream loved him (Cameos in Movies etc) until he became President.

Oh my, he's going too start WW III (which we're in thanks to OBiden)   .   .   .   pretty odd that he's the only one that was bringing Peace too the World - even the Hellhole known as the Middle East.


OMG - say TPTB, we can't have this    .   .   .   we've been milking this for decades, and this schmuck comes in and less than four years has this all but resolved !


OH THE HORROR ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Name me one other Politician that has come anywhere close too this   .   .   .   just one.


Not picking on you Bob806, just using this as a point of enlightenment.



We're up against some EVIL shit, and there's only so much of it I can expand upon at this point in time.

It's coming, but I'm not sure I'll be able too expose it - stuff I just don't want to think about.


Lol, I know you're not picking on me. You have an opinion, so do I. That's how it goes.

The mainstream media did love him, until he attacked Megyn Kelly during a debate (a FOX anchor/reporter). IMHO, that doomed him with the media, the primaries hadn't even started.


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the jaf endless nonsense syndrome is infecting more than his thread. Maybe he's trying to

break the internet or something.

Like it's a movie: "Interplanetary endless travels with JAF's spaceship "Nonsense"

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On 11/16/2022 at 11:28 PM, Bob806 said:

Lol, I know you're not picking on me. You have an opinion, so do I. That's how it goes.

The mainstream media did love him, until he attacked Megyn Kelly during a debate (a FOX anchor/reporter). IMHO, that doomed him with the media, the primaries hadn't even started.


Are you imagining things again? That is unequivocally false. At no time did the MSM ever love Trump.

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40 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Are you imagining things again? That is unequivocally false. At no time did the MSM ever love Trump.

Does the NBC show The Apprentice ring a bell? 

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5 hours ago, Axe said:

Actually they did, until he ran against the Clintons


The MSM loved Trump when he was bad mouthing fellow GOP members (Lying Ted Cruz & Little Marco Rubio).

But once he took the Republican Presidential Nomination, and he turned on Hillary….the love affair with the MSM was over.

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