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President Donald Trump announces he will run for White House again in 2024


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4 minutes ago, hammertime said:

Every politician even DeSantis has demons.  
id wait to crown him yet.

Possibly, but mostly the demons are behind the microphones and the typewriters in the offices of the mainstream media. Keep in mind that otherwise rational thinking people will end up with a field of nearly identical rinos who will split the vote amongst themselves leaving Trump as the only viable alternative.


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Well shit that pretty much seals it for the democrats doesn't it? Trump has proved himself too much of a liability for the republicans to give him the nomination unless they are retarded and he's popular enough to split off enough votes to fuck the republicans almost everywhere if he runs on a third party ticket. 

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Possibly, but mostly the demons are behind the microphones and the typewriters in the offices of the mainstream media. 


Therefore, based on his 4 years, it would have been a better decision to bow out. Even if you love the guy, can the USA handle the Trump- media battle for 4 more years? It would get worse.

Trump would be better suited for a cabinet position like Trade Representative. His problem is his ego & he doesn't play well with others.

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The consensus everywhere I go or anyone I talk to is that Trump should not run. The support is for DeSantis.

Who the fuck is advising him?

Every candidate he backed in the senate race lost except for 1. That should be a clear indicator.

Had it been a Red Wave, then I would have no issue with him running again.

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28 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Ad Hominem Attack - (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.


You suck what?

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Well, it's tough to have a "red wave" when that nut did the FTX almost-a-billion? theft of investments he gave to the

democrats to win elections, if I have that right.

Desantis wants to be governor. He just won - that is for four years. Unless he resigns as gov and runs for pres.

Looking at the dirty partisan corruption with the fbi and doj, etc.....

Pres Trump is the only one who will be able to fix it. Too many rinos in the rep party like McConnell etc - are fearful of getting the fbi/doj/irs/etc after them - they will do nothing to FIX the problem.

Pres Trump didn't realize the extent of what he was up against - now he does. My guess is, Desantis won't run because he doesn't want fake investigations and fake evidence and so much corrupt national media screwing with his family.

  His family will be ridiculed, investigated for nothing, - you bet they give him the "Trump Treatment".

      Pres Trump is tough enough to run again - I hope to campaign for him to win again, warts and all.

If they both run - I'd vote for Desantis - but like I said - I don't think he will.

Which is, surely the intent of the deep state/fbi/doj harrassment and fake charges etc - to make any non-deep state outside from ever running for president again.

   The only way we save America and our Constitution/Bill of Rights is to vote for people who will fight the corruption - and that will take dedication and couage.

   BTW, spare me the "Trump doesn't play nice with others" and "he has too big an ego" ....

when you are silent about pelosi, obamaos, the biden's, and all the deep state's supreme egos. Seriously, look at this pic of peter strzok, disgraced fbi agent - looks a bit like "Here's Johnny" doesn't it?




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17 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Cult member cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did they respond?

a. Meme

b. Ad hominem attack

c. Link to rightwing nutjob "source"

d. #whataboutism

e. combination of a, b, c, or d

As usual... You offer nothing... You're a pure DUD!

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It's early, DeSantis ( and even Youngkin) haven't declared yet. Not to mention the usual rino uniparty players that suckle at the PAC tit like it's full and ready to go? I'm with cal in pumping the brakes on your "feelings" regarding the orange guy... Besides with a similarly run / personally financed campaign like 2016,2020-i think would be great to uncover the rino business as usual approach vs the MAGA America 1st alternative. We'll see if the 71 million 2020 stick around for this?

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17 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

If Trump runs third party, fueled by his ego, that would be hilarious.

The only good that could come of it is that hes still inexplicably popular enough to give a third party a real boost into the national spotlight which is good for everyone so long as he runs on a 3rd party that already has some infrastructure like the libertarian party and doesnt start some half assed "truth party" or some other such bullshit. 

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2 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

The only good that could come of it is that hes still inexplicably popular enough to give a third party a real boost into the national spotlight which is good for everyone so long as he runs on a 3rd party that already has some infrastructure like the libertarian party and doesnt start some half assed "truth party" or some other such bullshit. 

I don't disagree. That would be huge if trump could bring life to a third party. Maybe the first step in breaking our "two" party system. Would be a great accomplishment by trump, IMO, if he does that. He could go for causing major harm to our democratic system to doing major good. 

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56 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I don't disagree. That would be huge if trump could bring life to a third party. Maybe the first step in breaking our "two" party system. Would be a great accomplishment by trump, IMO, if he does that. He could go for causing major harm to our democratic system to doing major good. 

I think ranked vote is one of the few things that could break the two party system. Nevada put it in for the next election. (no POTUS election)


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Well Hell   .   .   .   nobody here really listened / paid attention too what just happened   .   .   .   or did any digging on anything related   .   .   .  


Quick glance shows I need to do quite a few replies on this thread, so let me circle back   .   .   .   take that as a heads up for those that want too bail on thread now.


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12 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Well shit that pretty much seals it for the democrats doesn't it? Trump has proved himself too much of a liability for the republicans to give him the nomination unless they are retarded and he's popular enough to split off enough votes to fuck the republicans almost everywhere if he runs on a third party ticket. 


Has he really ?


Face value (non "conspiracy" view), that appears too be the case.


Sun Tzu quote: All war is deception.


We're at War, have been for years.


Hard to accept / believe, but it's but it's something people seriously need to come too terms with.


This is a different type of Warfare, it is a War of infiltration (we've massively been infiltrated) and information (propaganda - MSM anyone ?), as well as a few other fronts (transportation / supply / resources / food / etc. )


Back too topic "Trump has proved himself too much of a liability"   .   .   .   how sure are you of that ?


Here's the part where you can laugh manically and bail, counting it just more "Madness"   .   .   .  



Ya'll know I believe there has been more going on than what we've seen on the surface - all that we've been allowed too see.


Kinda not the right thread, but then again it's relative    .   .   .   what if fraud for 2022 is proven   .   .   .   2020 as well   .   .   .   ?


I got something on that, but let's look at that later, I need to address a few other posts here as well.



Stay if you're curious, or more this thread done, I don't think Vambo will delete it   .   .   .   there will actually be a few threads I need to pop back in over the next several days.



On too "Conspiracies" ! ! ! ! ! ! !


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12 hours ago, Bob806 said:


Therefore, based on his 4 years, it would have been a better decision to bow out. Even if you love the guy, can the USA handle the Trump- media battle for 4 more years? It would get worse.

Trump would be better suited for a cabinet position like Trade Representative. His problem is his ego & he doesn't play well with others.


Ah yes, I can speak from experience   .   .   .   it's all kinds of fun being attacked all the time things people don't (yet) understand / know anything about.


I'm sure Trump is just a Masochist that loves the constant attacks and false accusations against him and his family.


Must be a hoot having your son cast as a future "Mass Murderer" (yea, that happened), and having multiple members of his family subpoenaed over and over.


Weird how the Mainstream loved him (Cameos in Movies etc) until he became President.

Oh my, he's going too start WW III (which we're in thanks to OBiden)   .   .   .   pretty odd that he's the only one that was bringing Peace too the World - even the Hellhole known as the Middle East.


OMG - say TPTB, we can't have this    .   .   .   we've been milking this for decades, and this schmuck comes in and less than four years has this all but resolved !


OH THE HORROR ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Name me one other Politician that has come anywhere close too this   .   .   .   just one.


Not picking on you Bob806, just using this as a point of enlightenment.



We're up against some EVIL shit, and there's only so much of it I can expand upon at this point in time.

It's coming, but I'm not sure I'll be able too expose it - stuff I just don't want to think about.


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12 hours ago, FY56 said:

The consensus everywhere I go or anyone I talk to is that Trump should not run. The support is for DeSantis.

Who the fuck is advising him?

Every candidate he backed in the senate race lost except for 1. That should be a clear indicator.

Had it been a Red Wave, then I would have no issue with him running again.


Yea, it's pretty abysmal :




Don't know if I've ever seen and endorsement success rate like this before   .   .   .  



FY56 - just a stepping stone, not an attack.


No should take any of these posts as an attack, they're just exposing the BS the M$M has been pushing upon people for decades.


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10 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Ad Hominem Attack - (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.


Sheesh, how hilarious.


The guy basically pulled the Economy out of a total shutdown Q1/Q2, and had it roaring back less than 6/9 months later.


But he's a total failure (as a M$M drone believes)   .   .   .   turn off the damn M$M, they do nothing but lie, they are nothing but a propaganda machine.


If people would do that, they'd have more clarity of WTF is going on, and less stress on the state of things going on.

It is all designed too instill fear so that you will do what they tell you to do    .   .   .   how's that working out for you ?



That's the result of you believing their fear tactics   .   .   .   please don't make me go down this road any further than I have already, you know what I'm seeing.


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10 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Well, it's tough to have a "red wave" when that nut did the FTX almost-a-billion? theft of investments he gave to the

democrats to win elections, if I have that right.

Desantis wants to be governor. He just won - that is for four years. Unless he resigns as gov and runs for pres.

Looking at the dirty partisan corruption with the fbi and doj, etc.....

Pres Trump is the only one who will be able to fix it. Too many rinos in the rep party like McConnell etc - are fearful of getting the fbi/doj/irs/etc after them - they will do nothing to FIX the problem.

Pres Trump didn't realize the extent of what he was up against - now he does. My guess is, Desantis won't run because he doesn't want fake investigations and fake evidence and so much corrupt national media screwing with his family.

  His family will be ridiculed, investigated for nothing, - you bet they give him the "Trump Treatment".

      Pres Trump is tough enough to run again - I hope to campaign for him to win again, warts and all.

If they both run - I'd vote for Desantis - but like I said - I don't think he will.

Which is, surely the intent of the deep state/fbi/doj harrassment and fake charges etc - to make any non-deep state outside from ever running for president again.

   The only way we save America and our Constitution/Bill of Rights is to vote for people who will fight the corruption - and that will take dedication and couage.

   BTW, spare me the "Trump doesn't play nice with others" and "he has too big an ego" ....

when you are silent about pelosi, obamaos, the biden's, and all the deep state's supreme egos. Seriously, look at this pic of peter strzok, disgraced fbi agent - looks a bit like "Here's Johnny" doesn't it?





+ + + for seeing that there is more going on here than what people realize.


A hole lot more, it's still coming out   .   .   .   more than that, it's expanding as I indicated it would.



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