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official game day thread BROWNS vs chargers


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1 hour ago, syd said:

seriously ? i can pretty much count on my fingers and toes how many plays i have missed since are return guess im just a gluten for punishment 

Been rooting for this team since the  mid 70’s 

I had season tickets from 1999 to 2018

I would guess I have paid out somewhere near $50,000 in that time for everything from tickets, to parking, to RTA, to food, and $10 beers, and jerseys, and hats……. I’m done ruining my life by what a football team, owned by an IDIOT, ( The main reason I stopped buying tickets) does on Sunday

They just have beaten the fandom out of me over that time. Mostly since jimma has owned them

I will ALWAYS root for them, but I’m done caring anymore

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1 minute ago, Browns149 said:

Been rooting for this team since the  mid 70’s 

I had season tickets from 1999 to 2018

I would guess I have paid out somewhere near $50,000 in that time for everything from tickets, to parking, to RTA, to food, and $10 beers, and jerseys, and hats……. I’m done ruining my life by what a football team, owned by an IDIOT, ( The main reason I stopped buying tickets) does on Sunday

They just have beaten the fandom out of me over that time. Mostly since jimma has owned them

I will ALWAYS root for them, but I’m done caring anymore

i getcha and understand but im still gonna tune in every sunday oh your ave looks like my old dog 

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When Clowney was in, it was harder for them to run.  He's quick.  He sidesteps the OLineman and he's standing right in front of the runner.  Take Colowney out, and the OLineman blocks his replacement.  

Our backup QB did a pretty nice job.  Of course, he wears the goat horns for that really dumb interception.  I mean, if you watched Cooper, his intended receiver, when he threw the ball...Cooper had to stop.  Cooper's defender was gonna get or knock down that pass if the guy in front just plain tripped on his shoes and fell down.   That was a 'run it' or 'throw it away' play all day long.  Not a good decision at all.  It's something Baker would've done.

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3 minutes ago, Orion said:

When Clowney was in, it was harder for them to run.  He's quick.  He sidesteps the OLineman and he's standing right in front of the runner.  Take Colowney out, and the OLineman blocks his replacement.  

Our backup QB did a pretty nice job.  Of course, he wears the goat horns for that really dumb interception.  I mean, if you watched Cooper, his intended receiver, when he threw the ball...Cooper had to stop.  Cooper's defender was gonna get or knock down that pass if the guy in front just plain tripped on his shoes and fell down.   That was a 'run it' or 'throw it away' play all day long.  Not a good decision at all.  It's something Baker would've done.

Agree on Clowney.  And We have talent on that side of the ball.   

Regarding Brissett We are 0-5 with Baker.  Baker known to beat himself would do so in Week 1 and Week 3 Steelers owned him his last year in Cleveland. 

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27 minutes ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

"We live or die by the analytics"

...but analytics didn't tell us to run a slow developing run play on 4th and 2 feet.

At the end of the game, when the Chargers coach tried to lose the game by using his book of analytics, we should've thrown in the middle of the field on 2nd down.  We could then spike the ball for the go ahead FG.  Instead we had 3rd down with 20 seconds left.  At that point I was thinking, "We're gonna have a hard time getting our FG unit on the field with any time on the clock if we don't get OB."

The Chargers coach did not deserve walking off that field with a win.  He made a dumb call that should've cost him the game.


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13 minutes ago, Orion said:

...but analytics didn't tell us to run a slow developing run play on 4th and 2 feet.

At the end of the game, when the Chargers coach tried to lose the game by using his book of analytics, we should've thrown in the middle of the field on 2nd down.  We could then spike the ball for the go ahead FG.  Instead we had 3rd down with 20 seconds left.  At that point I was thinking, "We're gonna have a hard time getting our FG unit on the field with any time on the clock if we don't get OB."

The Chargers coach did not deserve walking off that field with a win.  He made a dumb call that should've cost him the game.


Staley knows the Browns always find a way to BLOW IT! That's the real "analytics".

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2 hours ago, Orion said:

The Chargers coach did not deserve walking off that field with a win.  He made a dumb call that should've cost him the game.

But he found himself up against the ultimate dick-trippers....us. And he couldn't lose, regardless of how hard he tried. 

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16 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

Stefanski said in his post game interview.......

"We live or die by the analytics"

Essentially, ShitMyPantski is saying that his gut, his instincts, his experience means nothing and are not used at all in the Browns playing.

Of what fucking use is this guy? If analytics dictates what the team does, why the fuck even have a Head Coach? I mean if he is running the team off of a pre-planned sheet, and the team.is missing tackles, making penalties, and basically playing like a picnic team, what the fuck does this cocksucker actually.do with his time?

By the way, the analytics are 2-3.

And when he ignores his analytics he screws up. Brissett bats almost 1,000 on short quarterback sneaks, so let's let Chubb get stuffed for a loss instead. 

BTW, I've noticed too the Browns are great at missing tackles that are resulting in long gains. 

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18 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

Stefanski said in his post game interview.......

"We live or die by the analytics"

Essentially, ShitMyPantski is saying that his gut, his instincts, his experience means nothing and are not used at all in the Browns playing.

Of what fucking use is this guy? If analytics dictates what the team does, why the fuck even have a Head Coach? I mean if he is running the team off of a pre-planned sheet, and the team.is missing tackles, making penalties, and basically playing like a picnic team, what the fuck does this cocksucker actually.do with his time?

By the way, the analytics are 2-3.

True, but the analytics don't tell JB to throw the INT instead of runnin

g for an apparent first down. Analytics are their to suggest, and have some merit. The other side of the coin is execution, and that's been the hardest part for this team and season, especially on D.

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

And when he ignores his analytics he screws up. Brissett bats almost 1,000 on short quarterback sneaks, so let's let Chubb get stuffed for a loss instead. 

BTW, I've noticed too the Browns are great at missing tackles that are resulting in long gains. 

Execution. Analytics can't fix that. Coaches try and the players have to make the effort to improve. Tackling is a talent that can be learned and improved. If guys are constantly missing those tackles, move on. 

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42 minutes ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

but these bizarre calls? That isn't the coach, that is Depo and his analytics.

...and this is a fair theory that the back of my mind has been entertaining.  How much, if any, is the gameday analytical 4th down calls mandated from the top?  

Stef usually maintains the standard answers that maintain the company line and don't really tell you anything.  But by saying, "We live and die with analytics", is that his way of saying, "Hey, that's how they want it done.  I just work here."?


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7 minutes ago, Kvoethe said:

How about that Kicker??

One of these days one of the Chargers kickers will be available.  

Or maybe when the Lake Erie winds start to blow it'll blow his kicks right back through the uprights.

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4 minutes ago, Orion said:

One of these days one of the Chargers kickers will be available.  

Or maybe when the Lake Erie winds start to blow it'll blow his kicks right back through the uprights.

Talk about from feast to famine after week 1.  Jesus.

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Keenan Allen openly criticized Staley's stupid coaching decision and did so in real time, and apparently now our defense feels "disrespected"??

^ Poor little fellas. I hope they feel better soon

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On 10/10/2022 at 4:33 PM, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

Final consideration. Perhaps the players see and realize that ShitMyPantski is nothing more than Depo's coffee fetcher and figure, "fuck him, he's nobody"?

Ya know, John Johnson got his 15 yard penalty for yelling something at an official while the official was talking to Stefanski.  Stef yelled out, "John!"...as the official was grabbing his flag out.

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29 minutes ago, D Bone said:


Keenan Allen openly criticized Staley's stupid coaching decision and did so in real time, and apparently now our defense feels "disrespected"??

^ Poor little fellas. I hope they feel better soon

Garrett doesn’t like the home crowd booing as well.

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22 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Garrett doesn’t like the home crowd booing as well.

A nice drive in the country will clear his head.








Too soon?

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1 hour ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

The crowd doesn’t like him being used as wet shit ass wipe toilet paper by a third string LT.

I hear by name him Mild Garrett.

He needs to shut his fucking mouth and start making plays. #1 my asshole.


On the first series by the Chargers, their list of passing plays goes...


101 - quarters     2 & hitch - Dragon (RB negative depth going flat)

102-  cover 3      3 step - 13Fake setting up TE screen

103 - Man          3 step -  Empty Mesh  Myles gets around corner, Herbert climbs vertical to escape.  Damn near a shoe string tackle/sack.

104 - quarters      25 stretch at Myles, waggle AWAY away, X drag

105 - Cover 3       5 step - Fake z bubble to HB delay. Mirrored hitch seams.    It's on this play that highlights the weakness of how we call/play Cover 3 and why the NFL is going more 2 high.

106 - Cover 3       2 & hitch - Z choice.     Taki really starting to be expose the more teams throw on early downs.

107 - Man 1         2 step -    slant/flat    (Good inside shade by Newsome here)


 The 2nd and 3rd series are similarly called by the Bolts.  It wasn't until later they felt comfortable going downfield after they had established a rock solid running game against our high school J.V. IDL.  

 This is indicative of 2 things. 

 - The Chargers being stubborn as a pass first team then realizing that the Browns interior is THAT damn bad.

 - Respecting the Browns edge rush (Myles) against their questionable tackles by setting up designs that get the ball out of Herberts hands VERY quickly, and allowing him to be a plus athlete to bail himself out.   Only once in 7 passing plays did they dial up a concept that would have gotten them 10 yards without anything after the catch.  And the only time they went empty sets, Garrett almost got the sack and forced one of the very best young QB's in the NFL to run for his life and create on his own.    So you're trying to avoid pressure by blocking it, and if you can't block it (Chargers couldn't) throwing out of it.  


 Myles' abilities were a big reason the Bolts went with a short passing game that played into the Browns defensive capabilities.  Once they figured out that even the shittiest rushing offense in the NFL can get it done on the ground, they were able to take more calculated shots off play action and edge pressure that can't just fly upfield out of running lanes.

 When you're talking football, it's important to actually be correct.   


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21 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Garrett doesn’t like the home crowd booing as well.

Well, I guess he can get into golf then.  I don't think they allow much of that from the audience.  

When the team does well, you'll get cheers.  But when a team does bad...for 20 years or so...the people in the stands who spend a ton of money to be there...and didn't get to mow their lawns...are gonna boo ya.  

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5 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

I agree, so I will forgive your inability to understand football.

At some point, Mild Garrett would have realized he was being used, and he would have adjusted his tack to help stop the run.

Instead, knowing he was not going to get to the QB he just kept edge rushing and doing absolutely fucking nothing.

I promise you Watt or Bosa would not have been taken out of the game like that.

Mild Garrett's job is not to just rush the qb. On run plays the guy was not only useless, but he literally got manhandled  by a scrub.

You explained PERFECTLY both that the bolts had a plan to protect the QB from the edge, and also that Mild Garrett is a one dimensional player with no ability to adapt.



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5 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

The other sickening fact of reply to this apologist, powder Mild Garrett's stupid ass one car crash pea brain is this.....

If in fact the Charger's offensive plan is why Mild Garrett was taken 100% out of the game, then every other fucking NFL team can do the same motherfucking thing and render Mild ineffective for the rest of his career.

Mild Garrett is a cocksucker. He is indeed borderline effeminate AND his brain is smaller than that of a squirrel.

First, the asshole begs Jerry Jones not to let him go to Cleveland. (I will NEVER forgive that. Compar this piece.of shit to Kosar who would rather not play than not be a Brown)

Then the fucktard admits he doesn't always play hard on ever down.


Next he criminally assaults a player with a helmet.

Now, he recklessly speeds risking someone else's life, and fucks himself up.

Honestly, I hope he dies in his sleep. This guy is the most overrated, underachieving piece of shit ever drafted #1.

At 67, I would readily fight this cocksucker in 3, 2 minute rounds, bare knuckles, and PROMISE YOU, I would fuck him up and leave him without his vision.

Fuck Mild Garrett. The guy is a mentalities and he is garbage.

Well, it took about 2 weeks before you reverted to the Old Ghoolie.  Fight Garrett?  :D :D :D It would probably take Myles around 30 seconds to grab you by one of your arms and either break it, or pull it out of it's socket.   

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On 10/13/2022 at 12:43 AM, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

You know, I heard Kosar say a couple years ago that he wished he was still the Browns QB, and on a tongue in cheek question, when asked if he would go back in, he said yes. Now, the guy's body is a wreck and he would get killed. However, I have no doubt that he wouldn't blink an eye about suiting up.

I admire these guys who LOVE the game.

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