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Judicial Watch legal follow-up on the murder of Ashley Babbit.


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3 hours ago, Neo said:


A conservative starts a thread who believe in law & order, who supports the police, who are advocates of self defense, and who are advocates of the 2nd amendment, now wants to crucify an officer for doing his duty and protecting people in the building including the Vice President who the violent mob just outside the door are calling for his hanging.

The douchebag known as  FY56 who is also a piece of shit conservative said the following to me in another thread "You libtard cultists have never been known take personal responsibility for your own fuckups" So when you do start holding Ashley Babbit accoutable for her actions? She had a choice, NO? If she stayed outside she might be alive today.

The only thing you twat waffles care about is screaming at the other side on how right you think you are and don't care what someone else has to say if it doesn't benefit team MAGA. DO this world a favor and go the way of the dodo, the world will thank you.

Oh please

You are a moron. You people are the scum of the planet. On so many levels.












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On 10/25/2022 at 10:05 PM, Neo said:

I'm a commie because I think someone was not murdered??

No, idiot. Because you said this:

This thread is bad on so many levels and it gets worse the deeper you look at it, so perverse. Shameful, absolutely shameful. You are disgusting people.

Try and stay on track.

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On 10/23/2022 at 3:49 PM, Neo said:

This thread is bad on so many levels and it gets worse the deeper you look at it, so perverse. Shameful, absolutely shameful. You are disgusting people.

Ever since you showed up and started posting. What a coincidence.

Being unable to handle the truth is always painful to you liberal scumbags.

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6 hours ago, Neo said:


A conservative starts a thread who believe in law & order, who supports the police, who are advocates of self defense, and who are advocates of the 2nd amendment, now wants to crucify an officer for doing his duty and protecting people in the building including the Vice President who the violent mob just outside the door are calling for his hanging.

The douchebag known as  FY56 who is also a piece of shit conservative said the following to me in another thread "You libtard cultists have never been known take personal responsibility for your own fuckups" So when you do start holding Ashley Babbit accoutable for her actions? She had a choice, NO? If she stayed outside she might be alive today.

The only thing you twat waffles care about is screaming at the other side on how right you think you are and don't care what someone else has to say if it doesn't benefit team MAGA. DO this world a favor and go the way of the dodo, the world will thank you.

Again you demonstrate your inability to have a reasonable conversation about anything. That rant really doesn't have much to do with what I said there. Specifically if somebody called you a commie, I don't think you're posts come from a particularly liberal point of view, you just like to be unpleasant. I don't think you can point out too many things I've said here that would make me a wild-eyed MAGA supporter or a rock ribbed conservative. But that's because you don't care, you're only interest is to be a prick. And then whine about everybody else.

So I don't suppose you are actually stupid enough to be in love with the Biden Administration even though you defend him at just about every turn because you have a personal rag against others here on the forum.

We've beaten the Ashley Babbitt issue to death.

As a human being I'm bothered when an unarmed man woman or child is shut down in cold blood who posed no danger whatsoever to anyone around. Whether it's by a redneck police officer, an 18-year-old frightened National guardsman or a low IQ negro Capital cop who just wanted to kill somebody.



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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

my opinion

There is your opinion and there are facts. Officer Byrd was cleared and that is a fact.



Department of Justice Closes Investigation into the Death of Ashli Babbitt

            WASHINGTON – The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice will not pursue criminal charges against the U.S. Capitol Police officer involved in the fatal shooting of 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt, the Office announced today.

            The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia’s Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section and the Civil Rights Division, with the Metropolitan Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division (IAD), conducted a thorough investigation of Ms. Babbitt’s shooting.  Officials examined video footage posted on social media, statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses to the events, physical evidence from the scene of the shooting, and the results of an autopsy.  Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution.  Officials from IAD informed a representative of Ms. Babbitt’s family today of this determination.

            The investigation determined that, on January 6, 2021, Ms. Babbitt joined a crowd of people that gathered on the U.S. Capitol grounds to protest the results of the 2020 presidential election.  Inside the Capitol building, a Joint Session of Congress, convened to certify the results of the Electoral College vote, was underway.  Members of the crowd outside the building, which was closed to the public during the Joint Session, eventually forced their way into the Capitol building and past U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) officers attempting to maintain order.  The Joint Session was stopped, and the USCP began evacuating members of Congress.

            The investigation further determined that Ms. Babbitt was among a mob of people that entered the Capitol building and gained access to a hallway outside “Speaker’s Lobby,” which leads to the Chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives.  At the time, the USCP was evacuating Members from the Chamber, which the mob was trying to enter from multiple doorways.  USCP officers used furniture to barricade a set of glass doors separating the hallway and Speaker’s Lobby to try and stop the mob from entering the Speaker’s Lobby and the Chamber, and three officers positioned themselves between the doors and the mob.  Members of the mob attempted to break through the doors by striking them and breaking the glass with their hands, flagpoles, helmets, and other objects.  Eventually, the three USCP officers positioned outside the doors were forced to evacuate.  As members of the mob continued to strike the glass doors, Ms. Babbitt attempted to climb through one of the doors where glass was broken out.  An officer inside the Speaker’s Lobby fired one round from his service pistol, striking Ms. Babbitt in the left shoulder, causing her to fall back from the doorway and onto the floor.  A USCP emergency response team, which had begun making its way into the hallway to try and subdue the mob, administered aid to Ms. Babbitt, who was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she succumbed to her injuries.

            The focus of the criminal investigation was to determine whether federal prosecutors could prove that the officer violated any federal laws, concentrating on the possible application of 18 U.S.C. § 242, a federal criminal civil rights statute.  In order to establish a violation of this statute, prosecutors must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the officer acted willfully to deprive Ms. Babbitt of a right protected by the Constitution or other law, here the Fourth Amendment right not to be subjected to an unreasonable seizure.  Prosecutors would have to prove not only that the officer used force that was constitutionally unreasonable, but that the officer did so “willfully,” which the Supreme Court has interpreted to mean that the officer acted with a bad purpose to disregard the law.  As this requirement has been interpreted by the courts, evidence that an officer acted out of fear, mistake, panic, misperception, negligence, or even poor judgment cannot establish the high level of intent required under Section 242.

            The investigation revealed no evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer willfully committed a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 242.  Specifically, the investigation revealed no evidence to establish that, at the time the officer fired a single shot at Ms. Babbitt, the officer did not reasonably believe that it was necessary to do so in self-defense or in defense of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House Chamber.  Acknowledging the tragic loss of life and offering condolences to Ms. Babbitt’s family, the U.S. Attorney’s Office and U.S. Department of Justice have therefore closed the investigation into this matter.

Press Release Number:
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44 minutes ago, Neo said:

There is your opinion and there are facts. Officer Byrd was cleared and that is a fact.



Department of Justice Closes Investigation into the Death of Ashli Babbitt

            WASHINGTON – The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice will not pursue criminal charges against the U.S. Capitol Police officer involved in the fatal shooting of 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt, the Office announced today.

            The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia’s Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section and the Civil Rights Division, with the Metropolitan Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division (IAD), conducted a thorough investigation of Ms. Babbitt’s shooting.  Officials examined video footage posted on social media, statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses to the events, physical evidence from the scene of the shooting, and the results of an autopsy.  Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution.  Officials from IAD informed a representative of Ms. Babbitt’s family today of this determination.

            The investigation determined that, on January 6, 2021, Ms. Babbitt joined a crowd of people that gathered on the U.S. Capitol grounds to protest the results of the 2020 presidential election.  Inside the Capitol building, a Joint Session of Congress, convened to certify the results of the Electoral College vote, was underway.  Members of the crowd outside the building, which was closed to the public during the Joint Session, eventually forced their way into the Capitol building and past U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) officers attempting to maintain order.  The Joint Session was stopped, and the USCP began evacuating members of Congress.

            The investigation further determined that Ms. Babbitt was among a mob of people that entered the Capitol building and gained access to a hallway outside “Speaker’s Lobby,” which leads to the Chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives.  At the time, the USCP was evacuating Members from the Chamber, which the mob was trying to enter from multiple doorways.  USCP officers used furniture to barricade a set of glass doors separating the hallway and Speaker’s Lobby to try and stop the mob from entering the Speaker’s Lobby and the Chamber, and three officers positioned themselves between the doors and the mob.  Members of the mob attempted to break through the doors by striking them and breaking the glass with their hands, flagpoles, helmets, and other objects.  Eventually, the three USCP officers positioned outside the doors were forced to evacuate.  As members of the mob continued to strike the glass doors, Ms. Babbitt attempted to climb through one of the doors where glass was broken out.  An officer inside the Speaker’s Lobby fired one round from his service pistol, striking Ms. Babbitt in the left shoulder, causing her to fall back from the doorway and onto the floor.  A USCP emergency response team, which had begun making its way into the hallway to try and subdue the mob, administered aid to Ms. Babbitt, who was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she succumbed to her injuries.

            The focus of the criminal investigation was to determine whether federal prosecutors could prove that the officer violated any federal laws, concentrating on the possible application of 18 U.S.C. § 242, a federal criminal civil rights statute.  In order to establish a violation of this statute, prosecutors must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the officer acted willfully to deprive Ms. Babbitt of a right protected by the Constitution or other law, here the Fourth Amendment right not to be subjected to an unreasonable seizure.  Prosecutors would have to prove not only that the officer used force that was constitutionally unreasonable, but that the officer did so “willfully,” which the Supreme Court has interpreted to mean that the officer acted with a bad purpose to disregard the law.  As this requirement has been interpreted by the courts, evidence that an officer acted out of fear, mistake, panic, misperception, negligence, or even poor judgment cannot establish the high level of intent required under Section 242.

            The investigation revealed no evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer willfully committed a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 242.  Specifically, the investigation revealed no evidence to establish that, at the time the officer fired a single shot at Ms. Babbitt, the officer did not reasonably believe that it was necessary to do so in self-defense or in defense of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House Chamber.  Acknowledging the tragic loss of life and offering condolences to Ms. Babbitt’s family, the U.S. Attorney’s Office and U.S. Department of Justice have therefore closed the investigation into this matter.

Press Release Number:

Again? Go back and reread how much respect I have for the corrupted Department of Justice under control of the Biden Administration. If you're having a problem I will help you out, it's between 0 and none.


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