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Judicial Watch legal follow-up on the murder of Ashley Babbit.


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Judicial Watch Sues for Details of Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter’s Special Housing


The government’s actions during and after the January 6, 2021, events at the U.S. Capitol continue raising serious questions. We’re now pursuing a rather extraordinary cover-up of Defense Department involvement in the aftermath of the police killing of an unarmed veteran on that day.

We filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of Justice for records related to the housing of U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd at Joint Base Andrews after he shot and killed U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:22-cv-02948)).

We have received information that Byrd was housed at Andrews in the immediate period after he killed Babbitt.

The unarmed Babbitt was shot and killed as she allegedly climbed through a broken interior window in the United States Capitol. She was a 14-year Air Force veteran. The identity of the shooter was kept secret by Congress, the Justice Department, and DC police for eight months until Byrd went public in August 2021 to try to defend his killing of Babbitt.

We sued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after Joint Base Andrews, the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, and the FBI failed to respond to three July 2022 FOIA requests about Byrd’s housing while his name as the shooter of Ashli Babbitt was being withheld from the public by the government.

In our complaint, we explained to the court that we had asked all three government agencies for all records relating to the billeting of Byrd at Andrews from January 6, 2021, to July 2022, including authorization papers, housing, meals, transportation, and visitor logs.

Here’s some background.

In June 2022, we produced DOJ records related to the shooting that included a memo recommending “that the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia decline for criminal prosecution the fatal shooting of Ashli McEntee [Babbitt],” also noting that the shooter, Byrd, “did not create a police report or documents” related to the shooting of Babbitt. A footnote details missing evidence: “During the debrief of Lieutenant Byrd, he did recall writing a few sentences on an evidence bag the evening of January 6, 2021, at the request of a crime scene officer. To date, the bag has not been located by USCP or MPD.”

In November 2021, we received multiple audio, visual and photo records from the DC Metropolitan Police Department about the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, in the U.S. Capitol Building. The records include a cell phone video of the shooting. An audio file of a police interview of the shooter, Byrd, indicates he declined to cooperate.

We previously uncovered records from the DC Metropolitan Police showing that multiple officers claimed they didn’t see a weapon in Babbitt’s hand before Byrd shot her, and that Byrd was visibly distraught afterward. One officer attested that he didn’t recall hearing any verbal commands before Byrd shot Babbitt. The records include internal communications about Byrd’s case and a crime scene examination report. Investigators who wrote the January 6, 2021, Metro PD Death Report for Babbitt (identified as Ashli Elizabeth McEntee-Babbitt Pamatian) note that the possible Manner of Death was “Homicide (Police Involved Shooting).”

We are engaged in a comprehensive, independent investigation into the January 6 disturbance:

  • February 2022: we filed an opposition to the U.S. Capitol Police’s (USCP) effort to shut down our federal lawsuit for January 6 videos and emails. Through its police department, Congress argues that the videos and emails are not public records, there is no public interest in their release, and that “sovereign immunity” prevents citizens from suing for their release.
  • In November 2021: we – in our FOIA lawsuit asking for records of communication between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and several financial institutions about the reported transfer of financial transaction records of people in DC, Maryland and Virginia on January 5 and January 6, 2021 – told a federal court that the FBI may have violated law in its January 6 probes.

The liberal Big Media, the compromised Biden administration, and the complicit Pelosi Congress have zero interest in justice for the killing of Ashli Babbitt.  Judicial Watch, with your support, is proud to step into this accountability gap to demand the truth.


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2 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Well in his own words AG Merrick Garland said….”no one is above the law”.

Seems hypocritical to me.

Well in his own words AG Merrick Garland said….”no Republican is above the law”.


That is what he meant...

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2 hours ago, Neo said:

You still think this dumb bitch was murdered? 😄🤣

She was. No doubt about it. She posed absolutely no threat to anyone. She was completely unarmed. Should not have been inside the capitol building, no doubt. Imagine your reaction if the races had been reversed. And the protest was over something different. But that's obvious. While you're imagining try and picture a BLM right and the police opening fire on the crowd, just killing them at random. We will remember what happened to the George Floyd case. If race had not been involved the best you could have hoped for would have been manslaughter 2. And yet..


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25 minutes ago, Neo said:

You people will say and believe anything as long as it's for the cause. Just because you root for the orange man and you believe it's murder doesn't make it murder. 

Play stupid games,  win stupid prizes. Isn't that the motto. 

So in your little world if you shoot an unarmed person that doesn’t pose a threat to you….what in the fuck do you call it then?

The rest of the world calls it murder.

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Just now, Canton Dawg said:

So in your little world if you shoot an unarmed person that doesn’t pose a threat to you….what in the fuck do you call it then?

The rest of the world calls it murder.

I'll tell you what, give me your address and I'll kick in your front door or break a window and crawl through it since you wouldn't have a problem with it 🤷‍♂️

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2 minutes ago, Neo said:

I'll tell you what, give me your address and I'll kick in your front door or break a window and crawl through it since you wouldn't have a problem with it 🤷‍♂️

So Babbit was breaking into someone’s house with 5 police officers standing behind her?

When you say stupid shit, I’m going to call you out on it.

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1 minute ago, Canton Dawg said:

So Babbit was breaking into someone’s house with 5 police officers standing behind her?

When you say stupid shit, I’m going to call you out on it.

THEY   WERE   NOT  SUPPOSED TO BE IN  CAPITOL YOU  FUCKING MORON. There is a video of her trying to crawl through a  broken window because the fucking door was locked you twat!!

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2 minutes ago, Neo said:

THEY   WERE   NOT  SUPPOSED TO BE IN  CAPITOL YOU  FUCKING MORON. There is a video of her trying to crawl through a  broken window because the fucking door was locked you twat!!

The Capital Police opened the door for them you shit for brains.

The same video showed her getting shot on a staircase filled with people and police, not a smart move discharging a firearm with that many people in close proximity to one another, you fucking simpleton.

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7 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

The Capital Police opened the door for them you shit for brains.

The same video showed her getting shot on a staircase filled with people and police, not a smart move discharging a firearm with that many people in close proximity to one another, you fucking simpleton.

Gee,  the doors look fucking closed to me. You fucking Trump people, you can't just make up whatever reality you want to live in, you have to live in the reality the rest of us do.


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18 minutes ago, Neo said:

Gee,  the doors look fucking closed to me. You fucking Trump people, you can't just make up whatever reality you want to live in, you have to live in the reality the rest of us do.


Yes, she’s obviously armed to the teeth with police standing behind her.

You Libtards don’t give a shit about human lives, but that obvious when you call murdering an infant “routine women’s healthcare”.

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wait...the Capitol is not a private residence. It's a public gov building.

A castle doctrine, also known as a castle law or a defense of habitation law, is a legal doctrine that designates a person's abode or any legally occupied place (for example, a vehicle or home) as a place in which that person has protections and immunities permitting one, in certain circumstances, to use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend oneself against an intruder, free from legal prosecution for the consequences of the force used.
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On 10/9/2022 at 2:32 PM, Neo said:

Gee,  the doors look fucking closed to me. You fucking Trump people, you can't just make up whatever reality you want to live in, you have to live in the reality the rest of us do.




Lol..a fucking scumbag liberal talking about reality.. and how many genders do you believe their are?


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2 hours ago, JAFBF said:


😄 There was a violent mob trying break down that door she was trying to get through. 😄 

If that was a BLM person or Biden supporter,  you would have already made this a holiday. You crack me up when you people try to pretend you care about other people.

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6 hours ago, Neo said:

😄 There was a violent mob trying break down that door she was trying to get through. 😄 

If that was a BLM person or Biden supporter,  you would have already made this a holiday. You crack me up when you people try to pretend you care about other people.

But you know that's not really how it works. Sure there'd be a different reaction but nothing remotely close to the reaction you people show when it's a black criminal accidentally killed by a police officer. But you're not a fool, only a crank, you know that. White criminals get shot by the police more often than black yet when was the last time you saw a brutal and destructive riot? And again if it were BLM protesters carrying torches and Molotov cocktails and white policemen just opened fire on the crowd you'd have no problem with it? C'mon man.

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17 hours ago, Neo said:

😄 There was a violent mob trying break down that door she was trying to get through. 😄 

If that was a BLM person or Biden supporter,  you would have already made this a holiday. You crack me up when you people try to pretend you care about other people.


There is more going on here than just this.


This is yet another "House of Cards" that is falling, piece by piece.


There is a ton of video that has not been released, sit back and watch.




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I'm going to side with Neo on this one. In a vacuum, was Babbitt a threat to anyone? Not really. Unfortunately, she put herself at the front of a mob that was trespassing on federal property. Mobs are incredibly unpredictable and can easily turn a normal situation into a dangerous one. If you're a cop tasked with defending people inside the building, and you see a large group of them breaking down your barricade, I think you can safely argue that you are at risk of being overwhelmed and having your gun used against you. Did he need to shoot her? No. Did she need to break into the Capitol? No. She demonstrated no regard for her own life by placing herself in at the front of a mob and overrunning a fortress filled with armed guards.  

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6 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

I'm going to side with Neo on this one. In a vacuum, was Babbitt a threat to anyone? Not really. Unfortunately, she put herself at the front of a mob that was trespassing on federal property. Mobs are incredibly unpredictable and can easily turn a normal situation into a dangerous one. If you're a cop tasked with defending people inside the building, and you see a large group of them breaking down your barricade, I think you can safely argue that you are at risk of being overwhelmed and having your gun used against you. Did he need to shoot her? No. Did she need to break into the Capitol? No. She demonstrated no regard for her own life by placing herself in at the front of a mob and overrunning a fortress filled with armed guards.  

That’s kinda weak.  The whole premise was did she deserve to be shot dead.

how strange are things that gymnastics are being performed to justify a murder captured on film.   That’s a Democrat.

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11 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

I'm going to side with Neo on this one. In a vacuum, was Babbitt a threat to anyone? Not really. Unfortunately, she put herself at the front of a mob that was trespassing on federal property. Mobs are incredibly unpredictable and can easily turn a normal situation into a dangerous one. If you're a cop tasked with defending people inside the building, and you see a large group of them breaking down your barricade, I think you can safely argue that you are at risk of being overwhelmed and having your gun used against you. Did he need to shoot her? No. Did she need to break into the Capitol? No. She demonstrated no regard for her own life by placing herself in at the front of a mob and overrunning a fortress filled with armed guards.  

Lets propose a hypothetical situation.

If Babbit was a black protester, and Byrd was a white LE officer.

Do you think things would be different? If so…how?

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33 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Lets propose a hypothetical situation.

If Babbit was a black protester, and Byrd was a white LE officer.

Do you think things would be different? If so…how?

Let me put it this way. I don't see much of a difference between the people calling Ashli Babbitt a martyr and the people calling George Floyd a martyr. Both of these groups of people are completely downplaying those individuals' lack of personal responsibility which ultimately resulted in their deaths.

As for your hypothetical, you and I know damn well how it would be different. I don't really care about the racial angle of it. I'm quite sick of every topic being pigeonholed into that oppressor/oppressed framework for the past decade. 

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