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ELECTRIC SHOCK Battery-powered vehicles are exploding from water damage after Hurricane Ian, top Florida official warns


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explode, catch on fire even when not flooded, cost a small fortune to replace, china is the only country to make them?, CV owners will be slaves to a lack of infrastructure to recharge, and runaway inflation of electric energy prices,

etc etc.

Maybe in a few hundred years from now, from some super clean permanent energy crystals from a distant planet.....

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For crying out loud how stupid is stupid?

There is no harm in alternative energy but don’t destroy what’s working until you have a viable solution.

But these are the same people who want dudes in the little girls room, harvest little baby organs, unlimited fentynal, oh yeah send billions of our tax money to corrupt Ukraine.

Dont forget

these ate

the same idiots who told us about the pandemic of the unvaccinated.   How’s that working out?

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