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Our America is in for bigger, far more serious trouble with a witless, lost biden as "president"


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more and more, he ISN'T even present !

Enemy countries would love us to be as lost as biden is -

making us a far more easy target.

Say, how about all those thousands of acres the chinese are buying?

Make good communist chinese airports? Military bases overnight?

haha - a new "Red Dawn".

This American gov is just as corrupt as the communist chinese gov, just not as ruthless.



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55 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

more and more, he ISN'T even present !

Enemy countries would love us to be as lost as biden is -

making us a far more easy target.

Say, how about all those thousands of acres the chinese are buying?

Make good communist chinese airports? Military bases overnight?

haha - a new "Red Dawn".

This American gov is just as corrupt as the communist chinese gov, just not as ruthless.



This dog and pony show has become pathetic...

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2022 politics in a nutshell

The Dems want to “BUY” your vote

The Reps want to “SCARE” your vote

It is very sad that people vote this way

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27 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

2022 politics in a nutshell

The Dems want to “BUY” your vote

The Reps want to “SCARE” your vote

It is very sad that people vote this way

Except the "scare" is valid. Our debt, foreign policy disasters, energy leftist policies, rampant crime in dem cities and states, illegal immigration + violent crime and free flowing deathly drugs, corrupt fbi group up on high, doj corrupt, nk firing missiles, putin invading the Ukraine and threatening tactical nukes, the most worthless, stupid vp in American history (and that is really bad), anti-inflation bill was a giant lie, perverting our military every which way possible, trying subvert our Supreme Court, trying to federalize elections, trying to bypass our 1st and 2nd Amendments, and trying to bypass our CONSTITUTION, perverting our public school system, etc etc etc...

not just a "scare". Legitimately scared.

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I’m not “LEGITIMATELY” scared

If you are then, SUCKS TO BE YOU

Life is way too short to worry about who controls what or who controls who

I’m not sure what your age is, but from reading your posts, for years, you are about 10-15 older then me. 

At my age of 52, it sure is close to time to retire. If you are retirement age and you keep working then thats on you

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Here’s a few more of Dementia Joe’s accomplishments:

*Highest inflation in 4 decades.

*Worst half for the stock market in 5 decades.

*All time high prices for gasoline, diesel fuel, and natural gas.

*Russia invades the Ukraine.

*North Korea is launching missiles again.

*The wide open Southern border is a drug smuggling child trafficking super highway.

And those are just some of the things I can think of off the top of my head.

The Dims fucked up the country in record breaking fashion…take a bow assholes. 🤡🤡🤡

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28 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Here’s a few more of Dementia Joe’s accomplishments:

*Highest inflation in 4 decades. Global problem

*Worst half for the stock market in 5 decades. Global problem

*All time high prices for gasoline, diesel fuel, and natural gas.  Back to 2010's levels, even with 3rd largest productor being sanctioned.

*Russia invades the Ukraine. We know Cheetos would have just given it to him, but I don't see that as a win.

*North Korea is launching missiles again. They never stopped, even when Cheetos was dating Kim Jong-un.

*The wide open Southern border is a drug smuggling child trafficking super highway. No, same stupid talking point.

And those are just some of the things I can think of off the top of my head.

The Dims fucked up the country in record breaking fashion…take a bow assholes. 🤡🤡🤡

I know you cult members give Cheetos a pass on:

Terrible jobs numbersThe economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.
Including manufactoring jobs.
When Trump left office, there were 154,000 fewer people employed in manufacturing than when he became president. That followed a net decrease of 194,000 under Obama.

Increase in trade deficits.
The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.

Increase number of people w/o health insurance
The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.

Federal debt increase.
from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.

Increase in illegal immigration even with title 12 in effect the last year.
2019 the year before Covid, had the most apprehensions since 2007.


He was going to save the coal miners.
Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.5%.

Murder rate his last year was the highest since 1997.

Now go ahead and telling me it was all Covid's fault while you don't let ByDon use the same excuse. Meme and 5th grade insults to follow....


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25 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

I know you cult members give Cheetos a pass on:

Terrible jobs numbersThe economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.
Including manufactoring jobs.
When Trump left office, there were 154,000 fewer people employed in manufacturing than when he became president. That followed a net decrease of 194,000 under Obama.

Increase in trade deficits.
The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.

Increase number of people w/o health insurance
The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.

Federal debt increase.
from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.

Increase in illegal immigration even with title 12 in effect the last year.
2019 the year before Covid, had the most apprehensions since 2007.


He was going to save the coal miners.
Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.5%.

Murder rate his last year was the highest since 1997.

Now go ahead and telling me it was all Covid's fault while you don't let ByDon use the same excuse. Meme and 5th grade insults to follow....


Groomer member cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did they respond?


b. Change sex

c. Link to CRT, DRAG QUEEN  nutjob "source"

d. Severe TDS

e. combination of a, b, c, or d


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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

I know you cult members give Cheetos a pass on:

I really think it's a disease at this point, not a cult. When somebody tells me they are a Trump supporter I just kind of laugh but I also kinda feel bad like I wish there was some kind of psychiatric help they could get.

Kind of like a gambler, they know they are doing something bad, but they just can't help themselves.

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2 hours ago, Neo said:

I really think it's a disease at this point, not a cult. When somebody tells me they are a Biden supporter I just kind of laugh but I also kinda feel bad like I wish there was some kind of psychiatric help they could get.

Kind of like a gambler, they know they are doing something bad, but they just can't help themselves.


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On 10/2/2022 at 11:08 PM, Browns149 said:

I’m not “LEGITIMATELY” scared

If you are then, SUCKS TO BE YOU

Life is way too short to worry about who controls what or who controls who

I’m not sure what your age is, but from reading your posts, for years, you are about 10-15 older then me. 

At my age of 52, it sure is close to time to retire. If you are retirement age and you keep working then thats on you

I reckon you were talking to me - I just meant that putting scared in quotes - seems to belittle the notion. Let's say "very concerned" instead.  Being legitimately worried for serious good reasons - is just valid - and a lot of people are.

But the concern/scare is based on history and economics. Not who is screwing up the works, which is 100% on the dem/leftist/radical plate.

   I"m 71, feel like 50 - except I was walking about stuff in the dark barn to go close the barn door, and tripped over some tent tied down line on the ground, and fell on a bucket of tools and the edge of the utility monster wagon. Wouldn't have happened, but I had just turned off the ATV, and it was beyond my night vision. I went to the quick emergency jobbie, and the PA there wanted me to go get a s-scan for internal injuries causing bleeding, and to see if my back ribs were fractured. I was surprised I didn't get myself punctured. Had some nasty big welts different places....

  But, I decided twice that I didn't need a c-scan, and I'm fine now, 3 1/2 weeks later.

Just inflation alone is a worry - violent crime increase due to illegal immigration alone - is very serious.

Why inflation is so dangerous. If you're at all familiar with investing, you've probably heard of the rule of 72. Basically, if you divide 72 by the rate of return you get on your investments, the result will tell you roughly how long it will take to double your money. For example, if you're getting a 6% rate of return, your investments ...
Jun 28, 2022Prices are rising. Money is worth less than it did a month ago, and a lot less than it did a year ago. Central banks, who have the ability to reverse inflation by raising interest rates, have been slow to react. They worry that higher interest rates can trigger a recession. But the effects of inflation are a lot more destructive than those of a recession, argues Eammon Butler.
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On 10/3/2022 at 7:02 PM, Neo said:

I really think it's a disease at this point, not a cult. When somebody tells me they are a Trump supporter I just kind of laugh but I also kinda feel bad like I wish there was some kind of psychiatric help they could get.

Kind of like a gambler, they know they are doing something bad, but they just can't help themselves.

Yeah, it's kind of sad. But not much more you can do about it other than hit them with some reality ever so often. If losing friends and/or family because you are in a cult doesn't wake someone up. Nothing will. 


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opec has now decided, that with this corrupt, asinine American gov control in the hands of leftist morons,

they are now going to cut back production bigly, and after biden took credit for the dip in gas prices,

he is not going to take the blame for the upcoming DRASTIC increase.

   BTW, the corrupt fbi - their crime report on violent crime...does not include LA or NY.

guess why.

it's to take some heat off the biden sleazeballs, that's why. Help the dems in the next election.


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