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More corruption - the U.S. Census Bureau


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"mistake" ?

after all the corrupt garbage that has been proven?


Undercounting red states for the most part.

this cannot stand.

"In a shocking report, the U.S. Census Bureau recently admitted that it overcounted the populations of eight states and undercounted the populations of six states in the 2020 census.

All but one of the states overcounted is a blue state, and all but one of the undercounted states is red.

Those costly errors will distort congressional representation and the Electoral College. It means that when the Census Bureau reapportioned the House of Representatives, Florida was cheated out of two additional seats it should have gotten; Texas missed out on another seat; Minnesota and Rhode Island each kept a representative they shouldn’t have; and Colorado was awarded a new member of the House it didn’t deserve.

So you mean it shorted the red states out of representatives (not to mention federal funds) in a very significant way that would adversely impact the elections? Gee, how did that happen? Especially when they didn’t happen in the prior census? Three guesses whose state had the biggest overcount?"

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You think think this group is corrupt because the census has potential statistical errors. 

You think those errors exist because the sane group you think is corrupt performed a follow up survey to their own census, specifically to check for potential errors. Errors that we've seen in the past.



With all of the latest shit around Trump the MAGA MSM is finding whatever they can to keep you angry and distracted, huh?

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you are so much an ignorant bigot bird, you gloss over the meaning of words and sentences, and make up your own antagonistic twist.

That must really stick in your beak.

Read this again:

"All but one of the states overcounted is a blue state, and all but one of the undercounted states is red. "

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

you are so much an ignorant bigot bird, you gloss over the meaning of words and sentences, and make up your own antagonistic twist.

That must really stick in your beak.

Read this again:

"All but one of the states overcounted is a blue state, and all but one of the undercounted states is red. "

And you have literally 0 critical thinking skills... You're fed something to be mad at as a conservative and you march in line like a good little soldier.


I'll attempt to walk through this very slowly, but I know you won't follow along.

- you think the census bureau is corrupt

- you think they're corrupt because a survey estimates se blue states were over counted and some red states were undercounted

- the survey that shows this was also performed by the census bureau

- the results of that surgery were published by the census bureau on their own website


So you think the census bureau is corrupt because the census might have been unfavorable to red states, and you think this because of a survey performed by and published by the census bureau

The source of why you think the census bureau is corrupt is another analysis by the census bureau



If this agency was corrupt and plotting against "hur dur real America" why would they do a survey showing they're corrupt and then publish and article showing they're corrupt?


Please cal, answer that. Let's see the Olympic level mental gymnastics. Your cognitive dissonance knows no bounds 

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19 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

And you have literally 0 critical thinking skills... You're fed something to be mad at as a conservative and you march in line like a good little soldier.


I'll attempt to walk through this very slowly, but I know you won't follow along.

- you think the census bureau is corrupt

- you think they're corrupt because a survey estimates se blue states were over counted and some red states were undercounted

- the survey that shows this was also performed by the census bureau

- the results of that surgery were published by the census bureau on their own website


So you think the census bureau is corrupt because the census might have been unfavorable to red states, and you think this because of a survey performed by and published by the census bureau

The source of why you think the census bureau is corrupt is another analysis by the census bureau



If this agency was corrupt and plotting against "hur dur real America" why would they do a survey showing they're corrupt and then publish and article showing they're corrupt?


Please cal, answer that. Let's see the Olympic level mental gymnastics. Your cognitive dissonance knows no bounds 

Corruption? Without any insults and allowing you the opportunity to label this whataboutism imagine, if you will, a Republican justice department completely overlooking their own parties obvious misdeeds while fighting tooth and nail to uncover any possible minutiae from their opponents. I can't imagine if the shoe were on the other foot you would see things differently.


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12 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

"All but one of the states overcounted is a blue state, and all but one of the undercounted states is red. "

all the woodpecker has is insults.

what are the chances this undercounting and overcounting is accidental?


I didn't say the entire census and every single employee is corrupt.

I'm saying the Census is corrupted badly, the results are politically,hugely, advantageous to the left.

The director of the Census Bureau is Robert Santos. Mexican American. maybe woodypeckerhead STILL defends the Census Bureau because he supports all the criminals and drugs coming across our open border, along with all the illegals,

and maybe woodypeckerhead defends the census bureau because Mr. Santos went to the U. of Michigan.

woodpecker probably doesn't know.

   gosh. maybe Santos had his employees make the "mistakes" because of poltiical leanings? this entire gov, is headed up by radicials. The director is always appointed by the president.

Corruption in the Census Bureau is history - happened in the past.


Census office survey scandal grows as inflation stats faked


I began writing about what was happening in the Philly Census office back in November, when I learned that a data collector named Julius Buckmon had been caught in 2010 falsifying information that went into Labor’s Current Population Survey, which determines the nation’s unemployment rate.

Buckmon, however, was also working on the Consumer Expenditure survey, which goes into the CPI. And he was doing the same thing there that he was with the unemployment survey: making stuff up. In fact, because these surveys are scientifically weighted, Buckmon’s fabrications in the Labor survey could have given misleading data on around 500,000 families.

More background: The Commerce Department seems to have done a cursory review of Buckmon’s shoddy work after he was bagged in 2010. But it doesn’t appear to have done an official report, and it certainly didn’t make this transgression public.

And the Buckmon case was kept from Congress, even though Census did report to the House Oversight Committee a similar situation in 2010 that occurred in its Brooklyn office.

Why was the Buckmon investigation cut short? It could have been because Buckmon alleged that higher-ups in Philly told him to fabricate data. And it could also have been because others were doing the same thing.

In fact, a source with intimate knowledge of the Philly Census office says that’s exactly what was going on. Data falsification went beyond Buckmon, and this practice continued right up until I broke the story last November, the source says."


   NOW. That scandal above was KEPT FROM CONGRESS. Guess who the president is, that appointed Julius Blackmon?

buttock oboMao commie, that is who.

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

And you have literally 0 critical thinking skills... You're fed something to be mad at as a conservative and you march in line like a good little soldier.


I'll attempt to walk through this very slowly, but I know you won't follow along.

- you think the census bureau is corrupt

- you think they're corrupt because a survey estimates se blue states were over counted and some red states were undercounted

- the survey that shows this was also performed by the census bureau

- the results of that surgery were published by the census bureau on their own website


So you think the census bureau is corrupt because the census might have been unfavorable to red states, and you think this because of a survey performed by and published by the census bureau

The source of why you think the census bureau is corrupt is another analysis by the census bureau



If this agency was corrupt and plotting against "hur dur real America" why would they do a survey showing they're corrupt and then publish and article showing they're corrupt?


Please cal, answer that. Let's see the Olympic level mental gymnastics. Your cognitive dissonance knows no bounds 

Funny thing, you mentioned Cal is always being fed from Conservatives something to be mad about, and in turn you are always being fed something by Cal to be mad at him for.

From what I gather is that you're displeased with Cal claiming corruption.

This has serious implications in that it distorts Republican representation, so shouldn't your outrage aimed more at the Census Bureau by demanding answers and less about Cal?

I sense that the Census Bureau admitting to the "mistake", is good enough for you. So let bygones be bygones, it's water under the bridge, accountability not necessary.

Hope I'm wrong about that.

During the Obama years did you also feel that the IRS discriminating against Conservative groups while favoring liberals was not corruption as well...simply a mistake?

No corruption or scheming during the Russian collusion hoax?

There is never corruption, the left is as pure as the driven snow.lol



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43 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Funny thing, you mentioned Cal is always being fed from Conservatives something to be mad about, and in turn you are always being fed something by Cal to be mad at him for.

From what I gather is that you're displeased with Cal claiming corruption.

This has serious implications in that it distorts Republican representation, so shouldn't your outrage aimed more on the Census Bureau by demanding answers and less about Cal?

I sense that the Census Bureau admitting to the "mistake", is good enough for you. So let bygones be bygones, it's water under the bridge, accountability not necessary.

Hope I'm wrong about that.

During the Obama years did you also feel that the IRS discriminating against Conservative groups while favoring liberals was not corruption as well...simply a mistake?

No corruption or scheming during the Russian collusion hoax?

The left is as pure as the driven snow.lol



He is asserting the reason for the undercount without evidence and you guys are complaining that someone is pointing this out. I know you guys are persecuted every day, just treated totally unfair. 🙄 But you need to show intent and why Trump's Census Bureau made these mistakes. I mean other than the nut job's usual excuse "Derp State!!". We know CJ didn't want count unauthored immigrants, he too stupid to understand that many of those immigrants live in Red States. (And he doesn't give a shit what it says in Constitution). So there is a possible intent for the under counting. 

Maybe the mistakes were made because GOP block bills that would have: "The bureau has flagged since last April that it needs more time to ensure the accuracy of new census data."


This is just the usual GOP causes a problem. Then they turn around and use the problem they created as proof that government doesn't work. 


"The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." - P. J. O'Rourke




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Census Bureau Hires Criminals


In an appalling example of government negligence, the U.S. Census Bureau has hired hundreds of serious criminals to enter the homes of unsuspecting Americans to gather statistics for the 2010 count. 


Who was president in 2009/2010?


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:


Census Bureau Hires Criminals


In an appalling example of government negligence, the U.S. Census Bureau has hired hundreds of serious criminals to enter the homes of unsuspecting Americans to gather statistics for the 2010 count. 


Who was president in 2009/2010?


  • Overall, we rate Judicial Watch Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories, and an abysmal fact-check record.


Reasoning: Conspiracy, Propaganda, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: FAR RIGHT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

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10 minutes ago, cccjwh said:
  • Overall, we rate cccjwh Questionable based on extreme left-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories, and an abysmal fact-check record AND JUST AN IDIOT OVERALL.


Reasoning: Conspiracy, Propaganda, Numerous Failed Fact Checks being an asshat

Bias Rating: FAR LEFT

Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: YOUR BRAIN CELLS
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic

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7 hours ago, FY56 said:

Funny thing, you mentioned Cal is always being fed from Conservatives something to be mad about, and in turn you are always being fed something by Cal to be mad at him for.

From what I gather is that you're displeased with Cal claiming corruption.

This has serious implications in that it distorts Republican representation, so shouldn't your outrage aimed more at the Census Bureau by demanding answers and less about Cal?

I sense that the Census Bureau admitting to the "mistake", is good enough for you. So let bygones be bygones, it's water under the bridge, accountability not necessary.

Hope I'm wrong about that.

During the Obama years did you also feel that the IRS discriminating against Conservative groups while favoring liberals was not corruption as well...simply a mistake?

No corruption or scheming during the Russian collusion hoax?

There is never corruption, the left is as pure as the driven snow.lol



It’s unfortunate that everything is questioned now.

trust nothing.

just like the CDC almost everything run by the government is pure

shit.  Find independent sources from Both sides and make up your own mind.

the right has just as many shill sites as

the left.   But it will come down to human decency and respect

 for life and women that should


people in the right direction.

it’s not about Trump, but TDS is

real and really has people screwed up.

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9 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

all the woodpecker has is insults.

what are the chances this undercounting and overcounting is accidental?


I didn't say the entire census and every single employee is corrupt.

I'm saying the Census is corrupted badly, the results are politically,hugely, advantageous to the left.

The director of the Census Bureau is Robert Santos. Mexican American. maybe woodypeckerhead STILL defends the Census Bureau because he supports all the criminals and drugs coming across our open border, along with all the illegals,

and maybe woodypeckerhead defends the census bureau because Mr. Santos went to the U. of Michigan.

woodpecker probably doesn't know.

   gosh. maybe Santos had his employees make the "mistakes" because of poltiical leanings? this entire gov, is headed up by radicials. The director is always appointed by the president.

Corruption in the Census Bureau is history - happened in the past.


Census office survey scandal grows as inflation stats faked


I began writing about what was happening in the Philly Census office back in November, when I learned that a data collector named Julius Buckmon had been caught in 2010 falsifying information that went into Labor’s Current Population Survey, which determines the nation’s unemployment rate.

Buckmon, however, was also working on the Consumer Expenditure survey, which goes into the CPI. And he was doing the same thing there that he was with the unemployment survey: making stuff up. In fact, because these surveys are scientifically weighted, Buckmon’s fabrications in the Labor survey could have given misleading data on around 500,000 families.

More background: The Commerce Department seems to have done a cursory review of Buckmon’s shoddy work after he was bagged in 2010. But it doesn’t appear to have done an official report, and it certainly didn’t make this transgression public.

And the Buckmon case was kept from Congress, even though Census did report to the House Oversight Committee a similar situation in 2010 that occurred in its Brooklyn office.

Why was the Buckmon investigation cut short? It could have been because Buckmon alleged that higher-ups in Philly told him to fabricate data. And it could also have been because others were doing the same thing.

In fact, a source with intimate knowledge of the Philly Census office says that’s exactly what was going on. Data falsification went beyond Buckmon, and this practice continued right up until I broke the story last November, the source says."


   NOW. That scandal above was KEPT FROM CONGRESS. Guess who the president is, that appointed Julius Blackmon?

buttock oboMao commie, that is who.

Outside of your openly racist remarks, which, geez cal...


If the guy that runs the census is corrupt and against conservatives then why would he commission and then publish a report showing his own agency undercounted conservative states?



Do you really not have any idea why that doesn't make any sense? Are you that brain dead?

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9 hours ago, cccjwh said:

He is asserting the reason for the undercount without evidence and you guys are complaining that someone is pointing this out. I know you guys are persecuted every day, just treated totally unfair. 🙄 But you need to show intent and why Trump's Census Bureau made these mistakes. I mean other than the nut job's usual excuse "Derp State!!". We know CJ didn't want count unauthored immigrants, he too stupid to understand that many of those immigrants live in Red States. (And he doesn't give a shit what it says in Constitution). So there is a possible intent for the under counting. 

Maybe the mistakes were made because GOP block bills that would have: "The bureau has flagged since last April that it needs more time to ensure the accuracy of new census data."


This is just the usual GOP causes a problem. Then they turn around and use the problem they created as proof that government doesn't work. 


"The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." - P. J. O'Rourke




There is no one in this country more persecuted and victimized than the white, make, Christian, conservative.

Everyone is out to get them


Also other groups play the victim card too much.

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you didn't really read my post, then.

ok. that is typical. What part of "kept from Congress, undercounted, etc etc etc etc"

did you have trouble with comprehending ?

all of it?

just to smart off like a special ed belligerent third grader bird?

you're a moron.

you live in a hole. you ARE an a**whole. all alone. must be a sick existence.


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Baby cow forget how about sentence structure? I guess when you spam as much as you do, capitat

2 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

you didn't really read my post, then.

ok. that is typical. What part of "kept from Congress, undercounted, etc etc etc etc"

did you have trouble with comprehending ?

all of it?

just to smart off like a special ed belligerent third grader bird?

you're a moron.

you live in a hole. you ARE an a**whole. all alone. must be a sick existence.


Cult member cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did they respond?

a. Meme

b. Ad hominem attack

c. Link to rightwing nutjob "source"

d. #whataboutism

e. combination of a, b, c, or d


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59 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Baby cow forget how about sentence structure? I guess when you spam as much as you do, capitat

Cult member cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did they respond?

a. Meme

b. Ad hominem attack

c. Link to rightwing nutjob "source"

d. #whataboutism

e. combination of a, b, c, or d


Cult member cccjwh cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did she respond?

a. Cry Mama

b. Asked mom for help

c. Link to leftwing nutjob "source"

d. #whataboutmomism

e. combination of a, b, c, or d

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

There is no one in this country more persecuted and victimized than the white, make, Christian, conservative.

Everyone is out to get them


Also other groups play the victim card too much.

Thats a broad generalization. I hope you're just being facetious.

I'm white, male, Christian and Conservative and I don't feel I'm persecuted in the least.  Nearly 50% of those who embrace Conservative values are female. Do you count them too? Feeling strongly about an issue doesn't always translate to feeling persecuted.

But you're definitely spot on about the fact that there are other "victimized" groups. Did you see that Bill Mahr video taking issue with the LGBTQ crowd stating that "not everything is about you". Even Bill has come around.

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15 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

you didn't really read my post, then.

ok. that is typical. What part of "kept from Congress, undercounted, etc etc etc etc"

did you have trouble with comprehending ?

all of it?

just to smart off like a special ed belligerent third grader bird?

you're a moron.

you live in a hole. you ARE an a**whole. all alone. must be a sick existence.


Holy shit cal you're either doing a bit or you're really one of the dumbest fuckers I've ever interacted with. I think you're brain is wired in a way where it is incapable of perceiving anything that isn't blindly pro conservative.


I literally walked you through this step by step. I can't dumb it down any more. 



Answer this one question, the one I've already asked and you've refused to answer:


If the guy in charge of the census bureau (a Mexican.... Gasp!) is corrupt against conservatives, then why did he commission and publish the results of a survey apparently highlighting his corruption?


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15 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

If the guy in charge of the census bureau (a Mexican.... Gasp!) is corrupt against conservatives, then why did he commission and publish the results of a survey apparently highlighting his corruption?

had no choice. My point was, he is Mexican American - and possibly favors illegals entering our country, SINCE HE WAS APPOINTED BY joe biden. biden and co. have put dishonest leftwing hacks all over our gov.

so, the possibility that robert ramos is ALSO a leftwing hack.

I mean, look at garland's complete jackwagon corruption up on high.

    the census has to do with counting illegals, if they have their way.

biden wants illegals counted in the census. The census relates to representation in the House.

so, just once, STFU and listen:

they want to pack the supreme court, do away with the electoral college, dishonestly try to destroy Pres Trump from running again,

you are really stupid to refuse to answer any of the points all of us are making.


Jan 22, 2021A A. President Joe Biden has ordered the Commerce Department to include illegal immigrants in the U.S. Census count for the apportionment of members to the House of Representatives, reversing the Trump administration policy which critics failed to halt by court action. "The Secretary [of Commerce] shall report the tabulation of total population ...
    So, the illegal count, with undercounted red states and overcounted blue states, which I showed....has everything to do with corrupting the fairness of our electoral college, which they want to get rid of but can't.
   You are being an absolute ignorant asswhole, woodpecker.
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furthermore, witless stupid beakflapper -

I was absolutely accurate about my guessing about Santos:

The entire forum can read this, I'll put it in big letters for YOU:


"his expertise spans quantitative and qualitative research design, sampling, survey operations, and statistical analysis, and his specialty areas include undocumented immigrants and other disadvantaged populations. Santos has worked across a wide range of policy areas including education, health, immigration and refugees, environmental issues, housing discrimination, travel behavior, and elections."


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woodpecker, you make an ass of yourself with all your insults and false claims, and not really trying to have an honest viewpoint on any subject.

It's all on you.


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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

had no choice. My point was, he is Mexican American - and possibly favors illegals entering our country, SINCE HE WAS APPOINTED BY joe biden. biden and co. have put dishonest leftwing hacks all over our gov.

so, the possibility that robert ramos is ALSO a leftwing hack.

I mean, look at garland's complete jackwagon corruption up on high.

    the census has to do with counting illegals, if they have their way.

biden wants illegals counted in the census. The census relates to representation in the House.

so, just once, STFU and listen:

they want to pack the supreme court, do away with the electoral college, dishonestly try to destroy Pres Trump from running again,

you are really stupid to refuse to answer any of the points all of us are making.


Jan 22, 2021A A. President Joe Biden has ordered the Commerce Department to include illegal immigrants in the U.S. Census count for the apportionment of members to the House of Representatives, reversing the Trump administration policy which critics failed to halt by court action. "The Secretary [of Commerce] shall report the tabulation of total population ...
    So, the illegal count, with undercounted red states and overcounted blue states, which I showed....has everything to do with corrupting the fairness of our electoral college, which they want to get rid of but can't.
   You are being an absolute ignorant asswhole, woodpecker.

Ah yes, when the real Cal comes out. How ugly. But not a surprise to anyone...


"He had no choice"... but he also had the ability to corrupt the results of our once a decade, massive effort census.

You're one stupid, brainwashed bastard. 

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woodpecker, you were wrong. You are pretty much always wrong.

you don't know your tail feathers from a hole in the ground.

you ARE a hole.

You did not read the point - I knew ramos was a hack. Sure enough, you defended him.

then I proved it.

then biden orders illegals to be added to the census counting?

I said long ago = the only thing that makes sense about the left wanting open borders,

is to add illegals to their desperate free loading voter base. Everyone here, I think, Knows I've said it many times in the past. for years.

guess what.

DeSantis has proposed spending $8 million to deport all the illegal aliens Biden is dumping into Florida in the middle of the night. I have warned back in November that the Biden Administration is deliberately allowing illegal aliens in, granting them residency and then voting rights before the November 2022 election.
The Biden Administration wants to ensure that the game is completely in their favor, and now wants illegal immigrants to vote in American elections. The Biden Administration is actually suing the state of Arizona because the state will require voters to show proof of American citizenship.
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