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Watson Suspended for 11 Games and Fined $5 Million / and a bit OT and back.


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I was hoping for 0-4, at least it's not a season. 

Now we'll see how good the coaching staff really is. I hope Brissett is better than I think he is. #woof

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Judge looked at the same evidence the grand juries did. I haven't seen anyone else person posting on this forum who's been on a grand jury.

Not hard to figure out why people rolled right over the determinations of the grand juries -- it slapped down the narrative they were trying to project into reality.

This whole thing was the modern-day equivalent of calling DW a witch.  We get it, you don't like him.  Great, so don't buy his jersey.

Go Browns!

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Hopefully Watson appeals and gets it reduced another two games down to four games. 

Complete and total garbage that Watson is getting railroaded like this, but the NFL is trying to protect their image. TWO grand juries would not indict him because there is not one shred of proof of any wrong doing. People are simply using group think to reach the conclusion that "Twenty-six is too many!!!!". Then why didn't TWO grand juries think so? Especially in Texas where they have express lanes to convict people. Bull. Crap. 

But moving forward to the season, if Jacoby can get us to 3-3 then Watson will be in good shape to take over and get us to the playoffs. Here we go Brownies, here we go!!!

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I'm just glad it's over.. In the end.. I just want the Browns to win... Yeah... I still think his behavior is unsavory. I'm glad the judge demanded he do his therapy in club facilities... If he needs to get his ya ya's off... He can find a chicken ranch in Nevada that'll cater to his needs... If he would've done things in house he may not have been in this predicament.

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11 minutes ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

Hopefully Watson appeals and gets it reduced another two games down to four games. 

Complete and total garbage that Watson is getting railroaded like this, but the NFL is trying to protect their image. TWO grand juries would not indict him because there is not one shred of proof of any wrong doing. People are simply using group think to reach the conclusion that "Twenty-six is too many!!!!". Then why didn't TWO grand juries think so? Especially in Texas where they have express lanes to convict people. Bull. Crap. 

But moving forward to the season, if Jacoby can get us to 3-3 then Watson will be in good shape to take over and get us to the playoffs. Here we go Brownies, here we go!!!

Dear Lord I can't believe people still aren't getting it.

Two grand juries would not indict him because he did nothing ILLEGAL, not that he didn't do anything wrong.

From the NFL personal conduct policy:

Everyone who is part of the league must refrain from “conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in” the NFL. This includes owners, coaches, players, other team employees, game officials, and employees of the league office, NFL Films, NFL Network, or any other NFL business.

It is not enough simply to avoid being found guilty of a crime. We are all held to a higher standard and must conduct ourselves in a way that is responsible, promotes the values of the NFL, and is lawful.

The perv had not been railroaded and deserved what he got.

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32 minutes ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

Hopefully Watson appeals and gets it reduced another two games down to four games.

He and the NFL PA already said they would accept her decision and not appeal. Now it's up to the commish to not be a hypocrite vis a vis punishment to owners for conduct unbecoming.

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Hallelujah  !

Time to gather everything up and move on.  No 8 games, no 1 year,  it's still recoverable kind of like an injury only without the pain and actual rehab stiff.  OK he's still an a******  that will wear off...... eventually  !    :huh:

Six regular season games would be play   (assuming the backups aren't 6-0 or 5-1,  lol)    would be :

Week 7.   At Baltimore    1 pm.  On CBS   with  Brent Mussberger.......well maybe not Brent  he's  83  and I assume still retired. 

Time to make the plans to get this season out of the mud and move on !

GO BROWNS.....baby,  are you ready for some football  ?         Hell yes. !

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Now.....he has to get rid of or whatever from what's left from his legal bullshit.......and assuming  NO more future delays get through all this in the coming weeks......not months.

He's still an idiot.

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34 minutes ago, FY56 said:


Dear Lord I can't believe people still aren't getting it.

Two grand juries would not indict him because he did nothing ILLEGAL, not that he didn't do anything wrong.

From the NFL personal conduct policy:

Everyone who is part of the league must refrain from “conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in” the NFL. This includes owners, coaches, players, other team employees, game officials, and employees of the league office, NFL Films, NFL Network, or any other NFL business.

It is not enough simply to avoid being found guilty of a crime. We are all held to a higher standard and must conduct ourselves in a way that is responsible, promotes the values of the NFL, and is lawful.

The perv had not been railroaded and deserved what he got.

You aren't getting. We know what the letter of the law states. Your argument just bolsters what I said. He doing nothing against the law, there is no shred of evidence that he did anything that violates the conduct you are quoting. It's not against the law or the NFL personal conduct policy to get massages, most NFL athletes get them. You are participating in group think because you don't like the quantity or the #MeToo cancel culture garbage, well you and everyone else don't get to be judge and jury. 

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35 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

He and the NFL PA already said they would accept her decision and not appeal. Now it's up to the commish to not be a hypocrite vis a vis punishment to owners for conduct unbecoming.

Exactly. Bob Craft literally got caught in an undercover police sting, with video proof, of getting happy endings. 

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Someone hug Charlie Weiss (if you can get your arms around him). I haven’t seen or heard him this upset since powerhouse U Kansas let him go.  He spent the greater part of 45 minutes on NFL radio whining away.  Him and his parter just gave their representation of the facts. 

he’s upset too for teams like the Ravens and Bengals that need to give their QB Guaranteed money now.   Outrageous if you ask me.  Tee Higgins may not be a Bengal in a couple years now. 

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1 hour ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

Hopefully Watson appeals and gets it reduced another two games down to four games. 

Complete and total garbage that Watson is getting railroaded like this, but the NFL is trying to protect their image. TWO grand juries would not indict him because there is not one shred of proof of any wrong doing. People are simply using group think to reach the conclusion that "Twenty-six is too many!!!!". Then why didn't TWO grand juries think so? Especially in Texas where they have express lanes to convict people. Bull. Crap. 

But moving forward to the season, if Jacoby can get us to 3-3 then Watson will be in good shape to take over and get us to the playoffs. Here we go Brownies, here we go!!!

While I agree with you about the 'group think' issue, with all due respect, you and others are conflating the US legal system's standards with the NFL Conduct Policy standards. In a standard legal proceeding, federal and state law are the basis for making decisions. So the fact that he is criminally innocent doesn't mean he didn't violate the NFL Conduct Policy.

In the Watson case and any other suspension case, it's the NFL Conduct Policy that provides the standard in which decisions are made, and that goes above and beyond what's legal . Now that there is an independent judge making the interpretation and not the NFL, we can expect these rulings to be be more consistent and fair. 

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9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Gonna be real awkward when Jacoby goes 6-0

Not far fetched at all. We are coming into September with continuity on the coaching side 3 straight years staff in tact that most others teams don’t have.  So I expect us to be sharper out of the gate.

Our toughest game is the Chargers. You still run right at them and avoid 3rd and longs and hopefully our defense covers their WRs that game.  

The Pats game…hopefully we find our man card and we get a little redemption from last year when a rookie QB schooled us. Fact here: Brissett is 2-1 against the Pats.

Steelers game will be ugly 13-10 type game winnable for sure.  This is an ugly defense special teams game. 

catching the Jets and their young roster at probably a great time.

We know Baker…we spent four years game-planning to mitigate his weaknesses.  

The Falcons are playing for CJ Stroud. 

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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

Everyone who is part of the league must refrain from “conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in” the NFL. This includes owners, coaches, players, other team employees, game officials, and employees of the league office, NFL Films, NFL Network, or any other NFL business.


25 minutes ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

You aren't getting. We know what the letter of the law states. Your argument just bolsters what I said. He doing nothing against the law, there is no shred of evidence that he did anything that violates the conduct you are quoting. It's not against the law or the NFL personal conduct policy to get massages, most NFL athletes get them. You are participating in group think because you don't like the quantity or the #MeToo cancel culture garbage, well you and everyone else don't get to be judge and jury. 

You are not getting it. What part of "integrity" don't you understand? Not only did he do all the 66? women thing, he LIED to the Browns, to the public.....

He was not railroaded, he deserved to be suspended for the lies, and the whole bunch of crap he put on himself, the Browns and the NFL.

He lost his integrity hugely, and the browns are the laughingstock of the NFL. But there are a lot of terrific players with CHARACTER and INTEGRITY on the browns - they deserve to win. I actually hope they do win, except for the first game of course, with Baker starting, lol, and then I hope they lose every game watson plays in.

Just call it "poetic justice".

6 games - is a lot of meney, a lot of playing time lost. Fair enough punishment.

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18 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:


You are not getting it. What part of "integrity" don't you understand? Not only did he do all the 66? women thing, he LIED to the Browns, to the public.....

He was not railroaded, he deserved to be suspended for the lies, and the whole bunch of crap he put on himself, the Browns and the NFL.

He lost his integrity hugely, and the browns are the laughingstock of the NFL. But there are a lot of terrific players with CHARACTER and INTEGRITY on the browns - they deserve to win. I actually hope they do win, except for the first game of course, with Baker starting, lol, and then I hope they lose every game watson plays in.

Just call it "poetic justice".

6 games - is a lot of meney, a lot of playing time lost. Fair enough punishment.

Don't like my opinion? Fuck off. Don't like Deshaun only got 6 games? Fuck off. You want to root for Baker? Become a Carolina Panthers fan. Again, you and everyone who participates in group think to convict on quantity are part of the #MeToo crap. 

Six games isn't a lot of money when the Browns are only paying him $1 million this year. 🤣


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10 minutes ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

Don't like my opinion? Fuck off. Don't like Deshaun only got 6 games? Fuck off. You want to root for Baker? Become a Carolina Panthers fan. Again, you and everyone who participates in group think to convict on quantity are part of the #MeToo crap. 

Six games isn't a lot of money when the Browns are only paying him $1 million this year. 🤣


ah, the old "fo" when your argument gets shown for what it is - wrong. I don't care about your opinion - except that I showed it was wrong. Go back and read - I SAID "fair enough punishment". and, btw, both sides of the issue supporting and not supporting dw can be called "groupthink". You don't make much common sense on the issue.

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54 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:


You are not getting it. What part of "integrity" don't you understand? Not only did he do all the 66? women thing, he LIED to the Browns, to the public.....

He was not railroaded, he deserved to be suspended for the lies, and the whole bunch of crap he put on himself, the Browns and the NFL.

He lost his integrity hugely, and the browns are the laughingstock of the NFL. But there are a lot of terrific players with CHARACTER and INTEGRITY on the browns - they deserve to win. I actually hope they do win, except for the first game of course, with Baker starting, lol, and then I hope they lose every game watson plays in.

Just call it "poetic justice".

6 games - is a lot of meney, a lot of playing time lost. Fair enough punishment.

First, I'll agree with you that 6 games is fair, and gives the League some justification that outright sleaze is a no-no. However, I'd like to think Watson wasn't having sex with all 60 or so of his accusers. More than 1\2 the women weren't even interested in being part of Busbee's civil suit. To the point one essentially said "call me back anytime".

Except for the Final Four "rub"- pun intended- enough $$$ on their indignation from Watson and the Texans, and it all went away right? Apparently the holdouts asking price is a bit higher. Details will all come out in the wash, er court- this comming spring if it's not settled by then. Court TV is salivating at the prospect.  :)

Finally, though it looks bad, real bad now- this will all fade into the mists of time. Some may remember (I had to look up the date) of the Vikings infamous Love Boat orgy in 2005. I'll hazard a guess very few in the long run turned in their fan cards over it. 

Watson IMHO has a chance to prove he's learned his lesson, and fly right from now on. His bank account is a lot lighter because of it. Another screw up and he's toast.

EDIT: I saw in the other thread three out of the four holdouts have reached an "undisclosed" financial settlement. 24 down, one to go. My bet is take the money and run lady.  

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1 hour ago, SdBacker80 said:

Someone hug Charlie Weiss (if you can get your arms around him). I haven’t seen or heard him this upset since powerhouse U Kansas let him go.  He spent the greater part of 45 minutes on NFL radio whining away.  Him and his parter just gave their representation of the facts. 

he’s upset too for teams like the Ravens and Bengals that need to give their QB Guaranteed money now.   Outrageous if you ask me.  Tee Higgins may not be a Bengal in a couple years now. 

😆 I lost a mouth-full of water on that Charlie Weiss comment!

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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

I wonder if the slap was on the throwing or non throwing wrist?



I'm betting DW hoped for the ass. 

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Great day for true Browns fans. Nearly all the commentators are ignoring the NFL's own rule book on punishment guidelines. He was not charged with an offence so he can only be disciplined 4-8 games. If Gooddell challenges this he'll be humiliated by the NFLPA.

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