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FBI Raids Mar-A-Lago


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13 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Loser grade school memes intensifies.. You got anything better than that, besides insults?   

Damn I give you credit for that, you're REALLY good showing your level of non-education.  :D   


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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Flood the thread with shit, so you don't have to see the evidence. It's all the cult has left.

I'd be careful with that claim on evidence as the V for vendetta speech tonight is yet another brick in the wall from dear leader. You still have time to wake up from your delusions. 

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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Flood the thread with shit, so you don't have to see the evidence. It's all the cult has left.

You'll be left standing there with nothing again... ever since 2016 you've been after him.. You had nothing then... You've got nothing now... By by all means... Keep swilling diaper Joe's piss...

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The tide is slowly turning on this. The secondary source may be MSNBC, but the quotes are Carl Rove of Fox, Andrew Nepolitano in Washington Times and Andrew McCarthy in NY Post, all MAGA sources/supporters. Time for you Magats to worm your way out of the rabbit hole and listen to others like you calling you back to reality.


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48 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

The tide is slowly turning on this. The secondary source may be MSNBC, but the quotes are Carl Rove of Fox, Andrew Nepolitano in Washington Times and Andrew McCarthy in NY Post, all MAGA sources/supporters. Time for you Magats to worm your way out of the rabbit hole and listen to others like you calling you back to reality.


Kinda makes you wonder what Robert Mueller is up to these days? 😂🤣🤪🤡

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4 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Kinda makes you wonder what Robert Mueller is up to these days? 😂🤣🤪🤡

Hiding Barr in his locked basement as he suddenly disappeared when it was disclosed he never even had his DOJ do jack with Mueller's report as he claimed he had. It was buried by him for trumpy as he said he would do before trumpy appointed him.

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18 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Hiding Barr in his locked basement as he suddenly disappeared when it was disclosed he never even had his DOJ do jack with Mueller's report as he claimed he had. It was buried by him for trumpy as he said he would do before trumpy appointed him.

Like the DOJ and FBI hiding Hunters laptop...

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13 hours ago, nickers said:

You'll be left standing there with nothing again... ever since 2016 you've been after him.. You had nothing then... You've got nothing now... By by all means... Keep swilling diaper Joe's piss...

You're correct nickers I personally have NOTHING.  :D However, I'll repeat it one last time since you haven't been following along.

1) The Trump Crime Syndicate goes on trial in New York for Tax Fraud in a month or two, his wingman (you can call him Al) Weisselberg already pleaded guilty... 

2) Donnie (and his pals) are currently under Grand Jury investigation in Georgia for election interference.

3) A mountain of evidence and testimony (with more coming) has been presented to the 1\6 Committee. Several retired Federal Prosecutors have said it's more than sufficient to have the Mango Messiah arrested for interfering with a Congressional proceeding, inciting a riot, and sedition. 

4) Despite advice and having been warned by his White House lawyer, Trump illegally took top secret, and top secret+ documents to Mar-a-Lago, and refused to give all of them up despite being subpoenaed for them.  FYI, that's in violation of three different Federal laws.  

Yeah nickers, that's a whole lot of NOTHING.

I've come to realize, that out of his 30,000 lies Mr. Trump did say one thing that's truthful regarding MAGA Cult 45. "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I wouldn't lose any of my supporters".  

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jan 6th committee is a farce, everybody who doesn't have pink drunken unicorns on the brain knows it, surely.

the corrupt fbi tried to help that committe, and cya with the "raid".

and the wh and biden LIED when they said they didn't know about it til after...

THEY PUSHED IT to the doj and fbi.

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

You're correct nickers I personally have NOTHING.  :D However, I'll repeat it one last time since you haven't been following along.

1) The Trump Crime Syndicate goes on trial in New York for Tax Fraud in a month or two, his wingman (you can call him Al) Weisselberg already pleaded guilty... 

2) Donnie (and his pals) are currently under Grand Jury investigation in Georgia for election interference.

3) A mountain of evidence and testimony (with more coming) has been presented to the 1\6 Committee. Several retired Federal Prosecutors have said it's more than sufficient to have the Mango Messiah arrested for interfering with a Congressional proceeding, inciting a riot, and sedition. 

4) Despite advice and having been warned by his White House lawyer, Trump illegally took top secret, and top secret+ documents to Mar-a-Lago, and refused to give all of them up despite being subpoenaed for them.  FYI, that's in violation of three different Federal laws.  

Yeah nickers, that's a whole lot of NOTHING.

I've come to realize, that out of his 30,000 lies Mr. Trump did say one thing that's truthful regarding MAGA Cult 45. "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I wouldn't lose any of my supporters".  

Dumbocrats follow that script to a tee Larry... I know... you sunk your knees deep in their shit so your towing the company line... Everything you and the Dumbocrats are accusing Trump of... The Dumbocrats are actually doing... WAKE UP Larry!...

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18 hours ago, hoorta said:

You're correct nickers I personally have NOTHING.  :D However, I'll repeat it one last time since you haven't been following along.

I've come to realize, that out of his 30,000 lies Mr. Trump did say one thing that's truthful regarding MAGA Cult 45. "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I wouldn't lose any of my supporters".  

If all of Biden's baggage is a whole lot of nothing, then certainly is whatever the rubbish was that you had posted.

Cute how you keep pushing the 30,000 lies, a lie in itself.  If every tongue in cheek comment, or exaggeration was recorded as a lie coming from any other president, and including repeats, then their "lie" tally would be right up there. Get your nose out of left's media propaganda machine...a feeding ground for you TDS loonies.

Vast quantities of the 30,000 are redundancies – statements, however tendentious, that Trump has repeated ad nauseum. More problematic is that thousands of statements The Washington Post labels as untrue or misleading are more properly considered the habitual verbal excess for a man known for his immoderate form of communication. Further, a great many of the Post’s objections to Trump’s statements amount to argumentative quibbles that aren’t really “fact checks.”

Just to start, here’s one of Trump’s most oft-repeated “lies,” according to Washington Post fact checkers: “My job was made harder by phony witch hunts, by ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ nonsense.” The Post dings Trump for some variation of this claim 227 times – more than 1% of Trump’s alleged untruths. Yet, the Post’s justification for why Trump is wrong to say this is pure pettifogging.

What's more disturbing is how you've embraced the tenets of a cult that uses the American flag and the idea of Making America Great Again as identifiers of who you voted for or what party you belong to. You're a sad little man. Sorry.


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4 hours ago, cccjwh said:


Okay let's be reasonable. Which of those 12 things that Trump at least spoke to regardless of how much actual input he had to those do you think are bad? Whether or not somebody put them on a list that they consider to be the bullet points of fascism? And which of those 12 were not the ideals of George Washington Thomas Jefferson etc? How about Harry Truman Franklin Delano Roosevelt John F Kennedy Abraham Lincoln? Can you say the same things about them? Of course you can. Just a few: a strong military is a bad thing with enemies of the United States on the rise? Maybe freedom of religion? Perhaps your opposed to supporting American business? You realize of course many of the European and Canadian governments you seem to idealize do just that in an even stronger fashion than we do? Saluting the flag wearing lapel pins singing Pride to be an American Etc is a bad thing to you? Traditional family values? You think we are better off as the family unit breaks down where more and more children are raised by a young single mother? That's a positive to you? As far as our enemies, yes we have them. Your candidate just gave a rip roaring nationalistic speech condemning people that voted for Donald Trump as the terrorists. Does that sound familiar? I disagree that he made the military Supreme above everything else. But the military and National Defense are important in my opinion. Then the negative: cronyism. That's almost laugh out loud silly. Every Administration puts people on their staff that the other side hates and who might not be the most qualified for any job in government. (and that's assuming that there are a rigid set of requirements, which there are most certainly not yet these people did work hand in hand with the president for many years he knows them and he trusts their instincts) I would argue that selecting people for important positions on the sole basis of their skin color gender or sexual preference is much more egregious than hiring someone you are familiar with from family previous business relations or whatever else.

That's just about halfway through and I have not been insulting the slightest bit. If any of you on the left can counter that without resorting to the SOS feel free.

That is of course if anyone actually takes the time to read what I had to say.


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