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FBI Raids Mar-A-Lago


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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

The narcissist thought the documents were his. Thanks to you cult members, he thinks laws don't applied to him. So what if there was a subpoena telling him to return the documents. He doesn't have to answer to the Law Enforcement. 


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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:


The narcissus Biden thought the laptop were his. Thanks to you groomers members, he thinks laws don't applied to him. So what if there was a subpoena telling him to return the laptop. He doesn't have to answer to the Law Enforcement. 

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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Funny thing about cults. Members rarely know they are in one. Some day you might figure it out.

Thats too funny. I'll try this again.

Defending a guy with an equal and opposite reaction to the lefts unrelenting and baseless attacks does not define a cult.

The Obama years exemplified a true cult and its leader. Cult leaders make no mistakes. Protected by the media, Obama was infallible. Oprah pronouncing Obama as "The One", Jamie Foxx proclaiming Obama as "Our Lord and Savior".

How anyone not a lib could refrain from puking when watching that YOUTUBE video of children in our public schools singing odes of praise to Obama, as did the Hitler Youth. Lest we forget the Nobel Peace prize awarded to The Great Leader.. 

The Nobel Peace prize? What the fuck for one may ask?  Perhaps you can enlighten us.

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12 min(s) ago

More than half of pages redacted in Trump FBI raid affidavit

The redacted, 38-page affidavit unsealed Friday by a federal judge in Florida that the FBI used to obtain a search warrant of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago property on Aug. 8 contains approximately 20 pages that are either significantly or fully redacted.

Posted by Greg Norman
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9 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

And that, substance inspired or not, is honestly the crux of the argument the Democrats are insane. 5 years of probably the most exhaustive investigation into the life of any American politician in history and everyone even remotely associated with him. At the end of the 5 years that's your charge. Maybe possibly illegally having some sort of meaningless classified documents. And beyond that if I asked any of you to what purpose would he conceal these classified documents? You would have no idea; none whatsoever.



If they relate to top secret nuclear capabilities, um- they're not meaningless Steve.  Regarding the stuff going on in New York, I always love reminding people Al Capone didn't go to Alcatraz for Bootlegging and accessory to murder. He landed there because of tax evasion. 

Then there's that election tampering investigation in Georgia, and don't forget 1\6 isn't done digging through stuff, the latest the Secret Service wiping phone texts. 

So stay tuned, this little witch hunt is just beginning.  :D  

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32 minutes ago, Vambo said:
12 min(s) ago

More than half of pages redacted in Trump FBI raid affidavit

The redacted, 38-page affidavit unsealed Friday by a federal judge in Florida that the FBI used to obtain a search warrant of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago property on Aug. 8 contains approximately 20 pages that are either significantly or fully redacted.

Posted by Greg Norman

What did you expect? Trumpie wanted it totally unsealed so he could know who squealed on him, with the ensuing death threats. SOP in MAGA land.  

And um, normally that affidavit is only made available to the accused after charges are filed in the discovery process.  

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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

Thats too funny. I'll try this again.

Defending a guy with an equal and opposite reaction to the lefts unrelenting and baseless attacks does not define a cult.

The Obama years exemplified a true cult and its leader. Cult leaders make no mistakes. Protected by the media, Obama was infallible. Oprah pronouncing Obama as "The One", Jamie Foxx proclaiming Obama as "Our Lord and Savior".

How anyone not a lib could refrain from puking when watching that YOUTUBE video of children in our public schools singing odes of praise to Obama, as did the Hitler Youth. Lest we forget the Nobel Peace prize awarded to The Great Leader.. 

The Nobel Peace prize? What the fuck for one may ask?  Perhaps you can enlighten us.

I see Obama winning a Nobel really triggered you. That's terrible, I don't care cultist. You bash ByDon too, have at it. I'm not a cultist I feel no need to defend either. Can't say that about your lord and savior though. 

  • The group is focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment. -Trump Humpers Check
  • The group is preoccupied with making money. -Trump Humpers Check
  • The leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel (for example: members must get permission from leaders to date, change jobs, get married; leaders may prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, how to discipline children, and so forth). -Trump Humpers Check
  • The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity). -Trump Humpers Check
  • The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which causes conflict with the wider society. -Trump Humpers Check
  • The group’s leader is not accountable to any authorities (as are, for example, military commanders and ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream denominations). -Trump Humpers Check 
  • The leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order to control them.
    Members’ subservience to the group causes them to cut ties with family and friends, and to give up personal goals and activities that were of interest before joining the group. -Trump Humpers half Check. Humpers cutting ties sane people is the norm.

Like I said, It's a cult.




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4 hours ago, FY56 said:

In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them.

1) Trump scares the crap out of you, yet you can't name one policy that has been detrimental to this nation.

2) You don't fear Trump, you hate him. Hate him for the same reasons other panty waist libs do...he's mean, he's full of himself, doesn't act presidential, etc .  To avoid the embarrassment, you put on a "great American " facade by becoming alarmists with your fake accusations .. "Trump is a threat to democracy" or "Trump undermines the Constitution".

3) If your TDS didn't get in the way of rational thought, you would realize this is why our form of government stipulates Presidential term limits as mechanism to guard against dictatorships and despots.

1) I could, starting with Tariff Trump putting farmers out of business, and his tax code revision giving his pals (and himself) a major tax break..

2) Maybe if you stopped sniffing Trump butt gas you'd realize the guy for what he is- a malignant narcissist, a pathological liar, and a xenophobe. I knew from the start he was wacko claiming to his weak minded MAGAts that Mexico was going to pay for his big beautiful wall.  Rodger Stone and few other of his lackeys he pardoned ring any bells about draining the Swamp? Trump IS the Swamp, and has been since his days in New York stiffing contractors. I can hate him for being a grade AAA asshole, but I fear him even more for being a certified nut case with the possibility of him coming within a country mile of the nuke suitcase again.  

3) Regarding the Mar-a-Lago search, you can bet the ranch the Feds double and triple checked that they had every T and I crossed before they started the search.. And they also had compelling evidence that Trumpie was in violation of several Federal Laws. RE: term limits? LOL!!!  Orangie uses the Constitution for toilet paper. (see below) I already said the retribution tour has started early using what political clout he still has left to get back at anyone in the Republican party who won't kiss his ass. It's what wannabe dictators do, squelching any and all opposition. 

So go ahead, along with the conspiracists (and DJT) that this is just another political witch hunt. I like to believe they have him dead to rights, and the party is just beginning. Go read what I told Steve about New York and Al Capone. Trump has Georgia on his mind as to what Fani may eventually charge him with.  Then we have the big one, inciting a riot on 1\6 and attempting to have a mob obstruct the certification of election results. In case you forgot, he even wanted to lead the charge up Capitol Hill, but the Secret Service wouldn't let him... 

Believe what you want to, I'm not going to change your mind, and you're certainly not going to change mine that Donald Trump is the most corrupt president to ever occupy the White House. 

In case you're wondering I voted against Obama twice, and for Trump the first time. I wised up the second time around. :) Hoorta- out.  

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14 minutes ago, FY56 said:

What the left has come down to. How sad is it that once upon a time Reps and Dems both displayed the flag with pride and believed in "making America great."

Now both are mocked and used as identifiers to who you voted for. 

"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." 

The assholes that wanted to overturn the election had a bunch of flags. Carry a flag doesn't make you a patriot. Defending the Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic, does.

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

What did you expect? Trumpie wanted it totally unsealed so he could know who squealed on him, with the ensuing death threats. SOP in MAGA land.  

And um, normally that affidavit is only made available to the accused after charges are filed in the discovery process.  

FBI crushed over heavily redacted Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit: ‘NO reason for raid,’ ‘grave travesty’

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

3) Regarding the Mar-a-Lago search, you can bet the ranch the Feds double and triple checked that they had every T and I crossed before they started the search.. 

Is that why they waited 19 months AFTER Trump left the WH to raid his home?

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4 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Is that why they waited 19 months AFTER Trump left the WH to raid his home?

They asked him nicely back around April, did you miss that? Or that dumps White House lawyer Pat Cippoloni told the goober he didn't have any right to those documents?  Just more proof DJT either thinks or ignores that laws don't apply to him. Trump supposedly doesn't drink, but my religious shaman would point out the guy is seriously drunk on a power trip. :(

And please stop parroting Orangie that it was a "raid". It was a 100% legal search, that went all the way to the top of the DOJ. I know it's hard for the MAGA crowd to comprehend that their Mango Messiah could possibly be in violation of several Federal laws.  

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13 hours ago, cccjwh said:

"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." 

The assholes that wanted to overturn the election had a bunch of flags. Carry a Confederate flag doesn't make you a patriot. Defending the Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic, does.


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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

They asked him nicely back around April, did you miss that? Or that dumps White House lawyer Pat Cippoloni told the goober he didn't have any right to those documents?  Just more proof DJT either thinks or ignores that laws don't apply to him. Trump supposedly doesn't drink, but my religious shaman would point out the guy is seriously drunk on a power trip. :(

And please stop parroting Orangie that it was a "raid". It was a 100% legal search, that went all the way to the top of the DOJ. I know it's hard for the MAGA crowd to comprehend that their Mango Messiah could possibly be in violation of several Federal laws.  

Ahhh like Maxine Waters and Piglosi instigating riots across the country and insider trading?... Nothing illegal about that that is there? Talk about power trips...

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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

They asked him nicely back around April, did you miss that? Or that dumps White House lawyer Pat Cippoloni told the goober he didn't have any right to those documents?  Just more proof DJT either thinks or ignores that laws don't apply to him. Trump supposedly doesn't drink, but my religious shaman would point out the guy is seriously drunk on a power trip. :(

And please stop parroting Orangie that it was a "raid". It was a 100% legal search, that went all the way to the top of the DOJ. I know it's hard for the MAGA crowd to comprehend that their Mango Messiah could possibly be in violation of several Federal laws.  

OK then…15 months.

Point being if they were that concerned, something would have happened a long time ago.

That’s why this is a political hit job, but your TDS won’t allow rational thinking.

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1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:

OK then…15 months.

Point being if they were that concerned, something would have happened a long time ago.

That’s why this is a political hit job, but your TDS won’t allow rational thinking.

That's laughable. Believe it or not MSNBC is reporting what Fox news' Carl Rove had to say about the release of the affidavit yesterday----straight from the horse's mouth. He even says it was a year and a half to comply. Go to the 0:42 mark if you want it from Carl Rove with his opinion. Maybe something from him you might even listen to instead of the usual deflections from the truth practiced here by the cult of Orangy.


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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

They asked him nicely back around April, did you miss that? Or that dumps White House lawyer Pat Cippoloni told the goober he didn't have any right to those documents?  Just more proof DJT either thinks or ignores that laws don't apply to him. Trump supposedly doesn't drink, but my religious shaman would point out the guy is seriously drunk on a power trip. :(

And please stop parroting Orangie that it was a "raid". It was a 100% legal search, that went all the way to the top of the DOJ. I know it's hard for the MAGA crowd to comprehend that their Mango Messiah could possibly be in violation of several Federal laws.  

Total bullshit.  And you know it.   It's a political move, nothing more.

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30 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

That's laughable. Believe it or not MSNBC is reporting what Fox news' Carl Rove had to say about the release of the affidavit yesterday----straight from the horse's mouth. He even says it was a year and a half to comply. Go to the 0:42 mark if you want it from Carl Rove with his opinion. Maybe something from him you might even listen to instead of the usual deflections from the truth practiced here by the cult of Orangy.


Again, you’re letting TDS cloud your judgment.

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5 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Total bullshit.  And you know it.   It's a political move, nothing more.

Keep telling yourself that. After all your cult leader can't be at fault. Sure, you can't refute anything that was said, but that doesn't matter when you're in a cult. Your fellow members will back you up with a meme or insults.

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59 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Again, you’re letting TDS cloud your judgment.

Deflection from Fox's Carl Rove showing dear leader is lying yet again. Whenever you can't face the truth TDS is your only defense. Pathetic little culty.


23 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Keep telling yourself that. After all your cult leader can't be a fault. Sure, you can't refute anything that was said, but that doesn't matter when you're in a cult. Your fellow members will back you up with a meme or insults.

You mean like TDS?   LOL!😂

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Keep telling yourself that. After all your cult leader can't be a fault. Sure, you can't refute anything that was said, but that doesn't matter when you're in a cult. Your fellow members will back you up with a meme or insults.


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58 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Deflection from Fox's Carl Rove showing dear leader is lying yet again. Whenever you can't face the truth TDS is your only defense. Pathetic little culty.


You mean like TDS?   LOL!😂


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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Deflection from Fox's Carl Rove showing dear leader is lying yet again. Whenever you can't face the truth TDS is your only defense. Pathetic little culty.


You mean like TDS?   LOL!😂

Just like you were hyperventilating for the full year the Robert Mueller investigation was rolling along.

I guess you have your hope, but sadly you’ll just be disappointed once again.


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