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FBI Raids Mar-A-Lago


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18 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Sure Hoorta, lets dig up some of your comments from 2019 and beyond on the Mueller investigation and impeachment.  You said the same thing back then.  You're wrong.  I think maybe you're the one with cognitive issues😁

Then you would know Mueller said you can't prosecute a sitting president, evidence to the contrary. McConnell saved Trump's sorry ass in Impeachment #2 delaying the proceedings until he was out of office, and reports are he now regrets doing so. 

If Teflon Don weasels out of this one being caught red handed violating three different Federal statues regarding Classified Documents... Going back it now seems over a year...  

Democracy as you know it it DEAD.   

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30 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Then you would know Mueller said you can't prosecute a sitting president, evidence to the contrary. McConnell saved Trump's sorry ass in Impeachment #2 delaying the proceedings until he was out of office, and reports are he now regrets doing so. 

If Teflon Don weasels out of this one being caught red handed violating three different Federal statues regarding Classified Documents... Going back it now seems over a year...  

Democracy as you know it it DEAD.   

Memo reveals why DOJ didn't charge Trump with obstruction in Mueller probe

"In addition, we believe that certain of the conduct examined by the Special Counsel could not, as a matter of law, support an obstruction charge under the circumstances," states the memo written by Steven Engel, former assistant attorney general for the OLC. "Accordingly, were there no constitutional barrier, we would recommend, under the Principles of Federal Prosecution, that you decline to commence such a prosecution."

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14 hours ago, hammertime said:

You are grasping at straws.

You are

in complete denial of a complete failure of Everything Biden.

if your arm was chopped off you would find a reason that Trump did it and Biden saved you.  Just remember which guy protects little innocent babies and who says kill all babies just because we can.

you know damn well this Democratic Party is anti American.  Stop being woke.

Actually my vote was anti-trumpy and never pro-biden. I still voted for a Republican Senator not named Sniveling Weasel Cruz, the man with no balls afraid to speak up for his wife or his dad after one brief statement against trumpy.

What I see here really with all trumpy supporters is the denial of the fact that trumpy is and always has been a chronic pathological liar and this latest series of lies about the classified documents just does not seem to phase any of you. Nor does his grandest lie about having his election stolen from him. At least his 6-3 Republican appointed SCOTUS had enough sense to understand that point. But not here. You all just keep going with all his lies and trash any person, no matter how honorable in the past, as just dishonorable people when they tell you anything different from the trumpy liar. How could so many be so wrong but only the guy with trashy dishonest inventions like Trump U., Trump Foundation and now Trump Organization be so right every time. Now that truly flies in the face of reality for all of you, yet here you are still eating this shit he dishes out to you like it's made by the golden goose.

And cal's projection onto me as an attention hog flies in the face of his being the person with the most and the longest answers to himself of anyone on this board. He just hates me continuing to point out how corrupt the man is who he still defends despite all evidence to the contrary, even evidencre now provided from former lawyers, Chiefs of Staff, Military Commanders, etc. They are all corrupt and trumpy is pure as the driven snow? Please. Get a clue rabbit hole dwellers.

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On 8/24/2022 at 12:05 AM, hoorta said:

It takes a special kind of stupid to support a criminal for a lot longer than that.  :D  

I'll just tell you what I told Tex. You must be dyin' over there after all these years! lol

22 hours ago, FY56 said:


All you did here was to state an unproven allegation and pretend it to be truth...history proves it's what you people do!



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convenient. the mar a largo raid blows up in someone's face, and they change the subject.


Judicial Watch files FOIA suit against National Archives for its DOJ referral to investigate Trump records


"The Biden administration’s raid on President Trump’s home is an outrageous, reckless and unprecedented abuse of power," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told Fox News Digital. "And the American people have an urgent right to know how the Biden administration manufactured the records dispute used as a pretext for the raid on Trump’s home."

Fitton added: "The Biden administration’s unlawful secrecy on its political raid of Trump’s home speaks volumes."  '


'Meanwhile, Fox News reported this week that the Biden White House, at the request of the Justice Department, signed off to have the FBI and the intelligence community examine hundreds of pages of classified documents Trump turned over to NARA this spring. '

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3 hours ago, FY56 said:

I'll just tell you what I told Tex. You must be dyin' over there after all these years! lol


 I don't have a crystal ball FY, just a humble opinion Teflon Don is running out of teflon fast. Under investigation by three separate government agencies.  

I've heard reports that competent lawyers won't touch Donnie with a 20 foot pole. I suspect that's why former Federal prosecutors who have looked at his latest lawsuit say it looks like it was written by someone who flunked out of first year law school.  The judge (Trump appointee incidentally) told his lawyers that you need something more specific than "why is everyone always picking on me. "

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biden lied when he said they learned of the raid just like everyone else, on the news.

big, gigantic LIE.

liberals love liars.

democrats love liars.

democrats love socialism and destruction of American life -

it gets them votes and control/power/intimidation.

so does illegal immigration and warped census taking.

so does this canceling of student debt. Students, all too often, vote social media selfish.

they will lie every second to get what they want. They will raid Pres Trump's home under false pretenses, maybe even do violence to him somehow.

2 days ago"On April 11, 2022, the White House Counsel's Office — affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum — formally transmitted a request that NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days, with the possibility that the FBI might request copies of specific ...
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Aug 9, 2022In the first White House press briefing since the FBI raided President Trump's Mar-A-Lago, Biden's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated previously reported claims that no one in the White ...
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it's so bad the doj is pointing fingers at the fbi for the Raid disaster.

and folks, it looks like they have nuked themselves. Maybe everyone who still supports this corrupt government after voting for them....and are deliriously happy over the raid.........

wants to sniff Melania's underwear.

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49 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:
Aug 9, 2022In the first White House press briefing since the FBI raided President Trump's Mar-A-Lago, Biden's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated previously reported claims that no one in the White ...

Damn baby cow, do have any sources that are credibility?

  • Overall, we rate Townhall Right Biased and Questionable based on consistent one-sided reporting that always favors the right and numerous failed fact checks.

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23 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Damn baby cow, do have any sources that are credibility?

  • Overall, we rate Townhall Right Biased and Questionable based on consistent one-sided reporting that always favors the right and numerous failed fact checks.

Detailed Report

Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy, Propaganda, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
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lol I have the troll on ignore - but he seems to be running for the lowlife underwear sniffer award of the forum.

given that he has a few top competitors, and will probably defeat them....


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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Yes, everyone knows you snowflakes put anyone on ignore who dares to insult your lord and savior. Kind of odd to brag about being a snowflake, especially one of the board spammers of misinformation.


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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Yes, everyone knows you snowflakes put anyone on ignore who dares to insult your lord and savior. Kind of odd to brag about being a snowflake, especially one of the board spammers of misinformation.

When the MAGA crowd have nothing- insult, and deflect.  Snowflake Cal is so far down the Trump Rabbit hole he can't handle reality, and either puts people who don't believe his Red State unverified crap call them trolls or puts them on ignore... He's a hopeless case, and can't believe his Orange hero is in serious legal trouble- on several fronts. 

Let the guy conspiracy away, He's buying everything the Cult 45 conspiracy crew is saying about Maga Retardo. The fact is, the National archives about shit their pants when the first batch of top secret documents from Trump got to them, and they were trying for over a year to get the rest of the stuff out of Trump's hands.  Subpoena didn't' work, so time to get a search warrant. Blame Biden- sure. 

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so, the dirtbag fbi hides the hunter laptop to help dems win. Now they are squelching the ashley biden diary, to help the bidens and dems in the midterm elections.

the fbi is involved with a diary by biden's own daughter? that he showered with her?

but the fbi went and did a poltiical hit job RAID, lied about what they were after, is covering up now, right before the midterm elections, to HURT Pres Trump.

I think anyone who doesn't see dangerous, extreme partisan hackery on the part of the corrupt fbi and doj....

are just trolling for social media elitist membership.


Banana Republic: DOJ Charges Two Over Ashley Biden Diary, Confirms Its Disturbing Allegations Exist

By Bonchie | Aug 25, 2022 4:15 PM ET


"Just when thought the DOJ and FBI couldn’t beclown themselves anymore, news dropped on Thursday that two people have been charged in connection with Ashley Biden’s diary.

Yes, that would be the same diary that the media assured us was Russian disinformation, but apparently, it’s completely real, which we’ll get to. But before we even dive into the disturbing allegations against Joe Biden present within, can we just talk about how much of a banana republic move this is?

JUST IN: Two people plead guilty to federal charges in theft of diary belonging to President Joe Biden's daughter – AP

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 25, 2022

If you haven’t been following this story, two people allegedly found Ashley Biden’s diary at a rehab facility. They took it and then attempted to sell it to various entities. The Trump campaign did the smart thing, given the corruption at the DOJ, and said no to their offer. Ultimately Project Veritas got involved, and for many months, the FBI has been pursuing them, including executing search raids of the organization’s journalists. According to these latest reports, the two people who originally came in possession of the diary have now pleaded guilty to federal crimes."


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the dirty corrupt deepstate fbi -

get a view of THIS garbage:


Smoking Gun: Mark Zuckerberg Makes Big Admission to Joe Rogan About FBI, Censorship and Hunter Biden

By Nick Arama | Aug 25, 2022 8:00 PM ET


'I reported earlier how, according to whistleblowers, the FBI brass had ordered FBI agents not to investigate the Hunter Biden laptop so that it wouldn’t affect the election. So even though they got the laptop in plenty of time to investigate it — in December 2019 — long before the 2020 election, they didn’t investigate it until after the election. Additionally, there was an effort within the FBI to paint it as “disinformation.” That would be shocking enough, but it gets worse.

Now in a remarkable conversation with Joe Rogan on his “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a startling revelation. Rogan asked about Facebook’s reaction to the suppression of the New York Post story about the laptop back in October 2020. Then Zuckerberg explained that the FBI came to them, warning them right before the laptop story dropped, that there was “Russian disinformation” coming.

BREAKING: Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan that Facebook algorithmically censored the Hunter Biden laptop story for 7 days based on a general request from the FBI to restrict election misinformation. pic.twitter.com/llTA7IqGa1

— Minds💡 (@minds) August 25, 2022


“Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us- some folks on our team and was like, ‘Hey, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert… We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that, basically, there’s about to be some kind of dump of that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant,'” Zuckerberg told host Joe Rogan.

Zuckerberg insisted that Facebook users were “still allowed to share” the Post’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop even as their “third-party fact-checking program” was looking into whether it was misinformation, but acknowledged that the “ranking in [the] news feed was a little bit less” and that “fewer people saw it than would’ve otherwise.”

“By what percentage?” Rogan asked.

“I don’t know off the top of my head, but it’s- it’s meaningful,” Zuckerberg responded.'


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get this:


Whistleblowers Reveal How Far FBI Brass Went to Shut Down Hunter Biden Case


We’ve been hearing a lot of concerning revelations from a flood of whistleblowers revealing the bias and the politicization of the FBI.


The last revelation involved the FBI even pursuing fake cases to pump up their numbers and allegedly filing false affidavits. That sets off alarm bells, particularly in light of the FBI raid on President Donald Trump’s home, the reason for which has still not been revealed."


But now the whistleblowers are spilling even more on the bias in the Hunter Biden laptop case.

According to whistleblower claims revealed by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), after the FBI took possession of the Hunter Biden laptop in December 2019, FBI brass told agents not to investigate it for months, saying the bureau was “not going to change the outcome of the election again.”

“These new allegations provide even more evidence of FBI corruption and renew calls for you to take immediate steps to investigate the FBI’s actions regarding the laptop,” Johnson wrote in a letter to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

According to the senator, “individuals with knowledge” had told his office that “local FBI leadership” had slow-walked the laptop investigation after the computer was recovered from a Wilmington, Del. repair shop in December 2019.

Johnson quoted FBI management as telling employees “You will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop” and promising the bureau would not alter the 2020 election outcome — a reference to the FBI reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server days before the 2016 election.

“Further, these whistleblowers allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 presidential election,” the Republican added.

This is on top of prior allegations that the FBI brass was trying to dismiss the laptop as “disinformation.”

So if this is true, the FBI effectively did interfere in the election, helping Joe Biden, giving Hunter a pass for all those months, and denying the American public the truth. They had the information well in advance of the election and then did nothing. According to the computer repairman, they even may have threatened him to be silent."


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

When the MAGA crowd have nothing- insult, and deflect.  Snowflake Cal is so far down the Trump Rabbit hole he can't handle reality, and either puts people who don't believe his Red State unverified crap call them trolls or puts them on ignore... He's a hopeless case, and can't believe his Orange hero is in serious legal trouble- on several fronts. 

Let the guy conspiracy away, He's buying everything the Cult 45 conspiracy crew is saying about Maga Retardo. The fact is, the National archives about shit their pants when the first batch of top secret documents from Trump got to them, and they were trying for over a year to get the rest of the stuff out of Trump's hands.  Subpoena didn't' work, so time to get a search warrant. Blame Biden- sure. 


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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

When the MAGA crowd have nothing- insult, and deflect.  Snowflake Cal is so far down the Trump Rabbit hole he can't handle reality, and either puts people who don't believe his Red State unverified crap call them trolls or puts them on ignore... He's a hopeless case, and can't believe his Orange hero is in serious legal trouble- on several fronts. 

Let the guy conspiracy away, He's buying everything the Cult 45 conspiracy crew is saying about Maga Retardo. The fact is, the National archives about shit their pants when the first batch of top secret documents from Trump got to them, and they were trying for over a year to get the rest of the stuff out of Trump's hands.  Subpoena didn't' work, so time to get a search warrant. Blame Biden- sure. 

You people have been scheming since 2015 and have produced nothing, so why should we take you seriously now? That alone justifies "deflecting" to the Joe/Hunter Biden scandal when there is indeed glaring proof of wrongdoing. Your cries of deflecting is merely a convenient way to avoid commenting on the Biden crime family.. A copout.

Answer this question..

If Trump had already completed a second term, would there even be this witch hunt investigation?

My guess is that you could never answer that sincerely, because you know damn well it wouldn't even be a thought. Trump couldn't run again. There would be no reason to investigate the documents in his possession no more than there would be to investigate Obama's or any other president's. Gee let's investigate what Obama has that may be illegal.

About time you face reality. This is your last chance. Trump is a threat to run again and you lefties gotta do whatever it takes to prevent it.

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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

You people have been scheming since 2015 and have produced nothing, so why should we take you seriously now? That alone justifies "deflecting" to the Joe/Hunter Biden scandal when there is indeed glaring proof of wrongdoing. Your cries of deflecting is merely a convenient way to avoid commenting on the Biden crime family.. A copout.

Answer this question..

If Trump had already completed a second term, would there even be this witch hunt investigation?

My guess is that you could never answer that sincerely, because you know damn well it wouldn't even be a thought. Trump couldn't run again. There would be no reason to investigate the documents in his possession no more than there would be to investigate Obama's or any other president's. Gee let's investigate what Obama has that may be illegal.

About time you face reality. This is your last chance. Trump is a threat to run again and you lefties gotta do whatever it takes to prevent it.

LOL scheming?  Depends on how you want to look at it. You can either believe a pathological liar and his sycophants, or everyone else. If Trump was out of office, there's still the little detail of him illegally possessing classified documents.  Gee, I guess he's currently out of office, and was caught with classified documents that he had no right to keep. Cippolini even f**king TOLD the butthead he had to turn the stuff over to Archives.  I'm too lazy to bother looking up the three relevant sections of Federal code he's in violation of. Victim Trump playing the it's all a "witch hint" card again. Same old horse shit. 

BTW, to investigate Obama, you'd have to have some pretty convincing evidence to do so... There was a TON of shady events regarding Trump's mishandling of documents going back almost a year. The DOJ is just doing their job investigating potential crimes. 

Should Orangie somehow win in 2024 what he did to Liz Cheney (and others who dared to not kiss his fat ass) it's going to be Romper Room stuff by comparison. That scares the ever loving shit out of me. 

Producing nothing? Like a bunch of testimony under oath to the 1\6 Committee?  

You guys still insist on swilling Trump Kool-aid, despite zero proof the election was rigged, totally cool to call Brad down Georgia way to find him more votes, spinning 1\6 was a "peaceful protest",  and nah his IRS filings were totally legit. DJT has almost single handedly destroyed the Republican Party that I used to be a member of. Space Laser Green and Bobblehead Boebert make me want to barf. 

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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

LOL scheming?  Depends on how you want to look at it. You can either believe a pathological liar and his sycophants, or everyone else. If Trump was out of office, there's still the little detail of him illegally possessing classified documents.  Gee, I guess he's currently out of office, and was caught with classified documents that he had no right to keep. Cippolini even f**king TOLD the butthead he had to turn the stuff over to Archives.  I'm too lazy to bother looking up the three relevant sections of Federal code he's in violation of. Victim Trump playing the it's all a "witch hint" card again. Same old horse shit. 

BTW, to investigate Obama, you'd have to have some pretty convincing evidence to do so... There was a TON of shady events regarding Trump's mishandling of documents going back almost a year. The DOJ is just doing their job investigating potential crimes. 

Should Orangie somehow win in 2024 what he did to Liz Cheney (and others who dared to not kiss his fat ass) it's going to be Romper Room stuff by comparison. That scares the ever loving shit out of me. 

Producing nothing? Like a bunch of testimony under oath to the 1\6 Committee?  

You guys still insist on swilling Trump Kool-aid, despite zero proof the election was rigged, totally cool to call Brad down Georgia way to find him more votes, spinning 1\6 was a "peaceful protest",  and nah his IRS filings were totally legit. DJT has almost single handedly destroyed the Republican Party that I used to be a member of. Space Laser Green and Bobblehead Boebert make me want to barf. 

And that, substance inspired or not, is honestly the crux of the argument the Democrats are insane. 5 years of probably the most exhaustive investigation into the life of any American politician in history and everyone even remotely associated with him. At the end of the 5 years that's your charge. Maybe possibly illegally having some sort of meaningless classified documents. And beyond that if I asked any of you to what purpose would he conceal these classified documents? You would have no idea; none whatsoever.



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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

And that, substance inspired or not, is honestly the crux of the argument the Democrats are insane. 5 years of probably the most exhaustive investigation into the life of any American politician in history and everyone even remotely associated with him. At the end of the 5 years that's your charge. Maybe possibly illegally having some sort of meaningless classified documents. And beyond that if I asked any of you to what purpose would he conceal these classified documents? You would have no idea; none whatsoever.



The narcissist thought the documents were his. Thanks to you cult members, he thinks laws don't applied to him. So what if there was a subpoena telling him to return the documents. He doesn't have to answer to the Law Enforcement. 

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43 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

The narcissist thought the documents were his. Thanks to you cult members, he thinks laws don't applied to him. So what if there was a subpoena telling him to return the documents. He doesn't have to answer to the Law Enforcement. 

So, nothing?

As expected. 


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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

LOL scheming?  Depends on how you want to look at it. You can either believe a pathological liar and his sycophants, or everyone else. If Trump was out of office, there's still the little detail of him illegally possessing classified documents.  Gee, I guess he's currently out of office, and was caught with classified documents that he had no right to keep. Cippolini even f**king TOLD the butthead he had to turn the stuff over to Archives.  I'm too lazy to bother looking up the three relevant sections of Federal code he's in violation of. Victim Trump playing the it's all a "witch hint" card again. Same old horse shit. 

BTW, to investigate Obama, you'd have to have some pretty convincing evidence to do so... There was a TON of shady events regarding Trump's mishandling of documents going back almost a year. The DOJ is just doing their job investigating potential crimes. 

Should Orangie somehow win in 2024 what he did to Liz Cheney (and others who dared to not kiss his fat ass) it's going to be Romper Room stuff by comparison. That scares the ever loving shit out of me. 

Producing nothing? Like a bunch of testimony under oath to the 1\6 Committee?  

You guys still insist on swilling Trump Kool-aid, despite zero proof the election was rigged, totally cool to call Brad down Georgia way to find him more votes, spinning 1\6 was a "peaceful protest",  and nah his IRS filings were totally legit. DJT has almost single handedly destroyed the Republican Party that I used to be a member of. Space Laser Green and Bobblehead Boebert make me want to barf. 

In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them.


Yours is such a convoluted mess I don't know where to begin. Obviously, my point went over your head as well.

I'm not suggesting we investigate the documents in Obamas possession. What I am trying to get through to you is that there is no political gain in doing so. Had Trump completed two terms, he would have been out of sight and out of mind. This unprecedented idea of raiding his home wouldn't even be a thought and you know it.

Trump scares the crap out of you, yet you can't name one policy that has been detrimental to this nation.

You don't fear Trump, you hate him. Hate him for the same reasons other panty waist libs do...he's mean, he's full of himself, doesn't act presidential, etc .  To avoid the embarrassment, you put on a "great American " facade by becoming alarmists with your fake accusations .. "Trump is a threat to democracy" or "Trump undermines the Constitution".

If your TDS didn't get in the way of rational thought, you would realize this is why our form of government stipulates Presidential term limits as mechanism to guard against dictatorships and despots.

As far as the election being fixed, I have never been fully on board with that. Aside from the numbers being unprecedented and outrageous, and the rare events that took place on election night, you people had just spent 4 years trying to illegitimate Trumps prior election. What the fuck do you expect the reaction to be.?

To question the possibility of fraud is far more legit and rational than you guys believing Trump stole the election with the help of Russia. But that was just fine with you only for one simple reason. You hate the guy.

But what is troubling was the time an energy spent trying to illegitimize Trumps election with zero evidence, and then not to put the same time and effort into assuring that our election without question was fair and that measures will be taken in the future to prevent any question of fraud.


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54 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

The narcissist thought the documents were his. Thanks to you cult members, he thinks laws don't applied to him. So what if there was a subpoena telling him to return the documents. He doesn't have to answer to the Law Enforcement. 

You still haven't learned what a cult actually is?  I thought I had given an example of a cult in great detail.

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