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On 8/9/2022 at 8:28 AM, jrb12711 said:

My values are as straight as an arrow. ...Kareem Hunt didn't go searching for dozens of underage girls to stalk, get drunk, and take advantage of. 

Were these your words?  Did they come out of your mouth?  

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1 hour ago, Orion said:

Were these your words?  Did they come out of your mouth?  

I'm so proud of your ability to quote. You said that I said "Hunt was a victim", which if you could continue to use basic reading comprehension I didn't say. Which means, guess what? You put words in my mouth. 

I've outlined three different times why the situations are markedly different. You choose to continue to virtue signal as an attempt to make peace with Watson being on the team. Do whatever makes you content, but I'll keep critically thinking over here. Have a good one.

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On 8/7/2022 at 5:44 PM, hoorta said:

Depends, 'Peen...  The dust has to settle on the Watson front before we let go of a guy like Hunt (no way if Deshaun gets hammered with an entire season). Say we do trade Kareem, and then Chubb gets hurt. Take your chances on Johnson or an unproven rookie like Ford to carry the load? Um, not from this armchair GM's POV.  :)  

I don't see Watson as having anything to do with it.


I see Johnson as Cubbs back-up.  They are the same type of back.


Plus, if we are going to play the getting hurt card, what if Hunt gets hurt?  My point is we can "what if" all day long.



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3 hours ago, jrb12711 said:

I'm so proud of your ability to quote. You said that I said "Hunt was a victim", which if you could continue to use basic reading comprehension I didn't say. Which means, guess what? You put words in my mouth. 

I've outlined three different times why the situations are markedly different. You choose to continue to virtue signal as an attempt to make peace with Watson being on the team. Do whatever makes you content, but I'll keep critically thinking over here. Have a good one.

Yep. Disagreeing with someone's narrative... they get nasty. Too bad.

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On 8/9/2022 at 8:28 AM, jrb12711 said:

No, and I've seen the video. Look at this way, albeit more severe. A man kills a man after a heated argument. Does he deserve to go to jail for a very long time? Sure. But at the core of it, would you agree one really poor decision warrants a second chance? Maybe you do, maybe you don't.

This situation plays a lot different than a serial killer who stalked, planned, and killed innocent people. Both people killed a person, but you would pretty objectively agree the serial killer is "worse" offender and isn't nearly as warranted, if at all, to deserve freedom right?

My values are as straight as an arrow. Part of understanding your values is the realization that the world of gray exists in specific, individual scenarios. Kareem Hunt didn't go searching for dozens of underage girls to stalk, get drunk, and take advantage of. Watson did search out 66 women for what he wanted to do. I'm not going to argue with you for a second if you think he didn't, cause it's a waste of typing.

Not sure why you threw the “underage” in your comparison because it doesn’t apply in any of Watson cases. I think it’s a stretch to say he predatorily stalked 66 woman. Quite a few of those 66 had no issue at all with their interactions with Watson. He didn’t have to dig far to find some of them as they advertise on Instagram. Many single men trill the bars and dating sites literally daily looking for sex. Is that predatory in the absence of force, coercion or violence?  I still go back to wondering how it is possible he slapped his penis around on the women so liberally and ejaculated  prior to them backing off and asking him to leave. I further don’t understand how some of them actually allowed him to make subsequent appointments. I stand by my assessment that he is sexually addicted with a kink for the massage setting. Should he treat that? Probably but in and of itself it’s not illegal. Two different grand juries declined to say indict relative to legal vs illegal behaviors. ThIs entire thing continues to grow away from actual facts based on media nudge and public reaction to that nudge. Roger isn’t pushing fo what he thinks is right, he’s pushing for whatever he thinks will satisfy the frenzy. 

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12 hours ago, jcam222 said:

Not sure why you threw the “underage” in your comparison because it doesn’t apply in any of Watson cases. I think it’s a stretch to say he predatorily stalked 66 woman. Quite a few of those 66 had no issue at all with their interactions with Watson. He didn’t have to dig far to find some of them as they advertise on Instagram. Many single men trill the bars and dating sites literally daily looking for sex. Is that predatory in the absence of force, coercion or violence?  I still go back to wondering how it is possible he slapped his penis around on the women so liberally and ejaculated  prior to them backing off and asking him to leave. I further don’t understand how some of them actually allowed him to make subsequent appointments. I stand by my assessment that he is sexually addicted with a kink for the massage setting. Should he treat that? Probably but in and of itself it’s not illegal. Two different grand juries declined to say indict relative to legal vs illegal behaviors. ThIs entire thing continues to grow away from actual facts based on media nudge and public reaction to that nudge. Roger isn’t pushing fo what he thinks is right, he’s pushing for whatever he thinks will satisfy the frenzy. 

I've seen a lot of your posts, and it's obvious you aren't going to change your mind based on the things I've said multiple times. I just encourage you to take time to read through the below. There are MANY reasons women go back to abusers. There are MANY reasons sexual based offenses are notoriously hard to prosecute. The below is about domestic violence, and I understand that's not the same scenario but it's similar to Watson's cases in Psychology. We need to be better about understanding this.


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2 hours ago, jrb12711 said:

I've seen a lot of your posts, and it's obvious you aren't going to change your mind based on the things I've said multiple times. I just encourage you to take time to read through the below. There are MANY reasons women go back to abusers. There are MANY reasons sexual based offenses are notoriously hard to prosecute. The below is about domestic violence, and I understand that's not the same scenario but it's similar to Watson's cases in Psychology. We need to be better about understanding this.


First off let me say I respect your support of people who have been sexually abused. I have some fairly close knowledge of how that can impact lives longer term. That said I simply don’t see that as what has happened in these cases. I believe through masterfully executed media blitz it’s what many have been led to believe occurred. The flip side is I think the media has been woefully handled by Watsons team. 

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