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7 hours ago, nickers said:

Fuck Blow Me Gay and his dad...

lol   -  Hey, traded in a couple of guitars and got a new Les Paul.  It's beautiful !!

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14 hours ago, Riffer X said:

Well, that's your opinion. I mean, why root for the team if you think they have no shot at a Super Bowl? To each their own. 

Um, because he is a Browns fan. That's what we do regardless. You unwittingly called yourself a fair-weather fan.


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19 hours ago, Riffer X said:

People should stop being so shortsighted about Watson and look at this as an investment. He may very well be our QB for the next 10 years, so whatever BS suspension he gets to start this season off will end up just being a blip on the radar in the big picture. Brissett is a solid QB as well, I went back and watched four of his starts last year and he should flourish in this offense. 

With an investment there's always risk, and some consider this a bad investment.

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1 minute ago, FY56 said:

some consider this a bad investment.

Unless and until you look at the other option -- and make no mistake there's only 2.

Keep Baker as the starting QB and you have exactly 0% chance of making the SB.  Winning a SB? Less than 0.  But that failure.. is guaranteed!

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3 hours ago, ballpeen said:



For those old enough, think back to how you felt when we lost those games to the Broncos in the late 80's.  The AFC Championship is pretty good, right?  I don't think it being the SB is going to make a loss feel better.  My bet is it is worse. Being the last loser isn't a good feeling.

I still get pissed thinking about those games. I always thought the Browns were the better team, but they blew it- especially the 1987 game when Marty went prevent. The Browns were clearly the best team in 1986. They would have beaten the NYG.

I don't know- I'd just ONCE like to see our Browns in the SB, win or lose. 

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19 hours ago, Riffer X said:

Well, that's your opinion. I mean, why root for the team if you think they have no shot at a Super Bowl? To each their own. 

“hoping” to win a SB, and “expecting” to win a SB are two different animals.

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16 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

Replaced Watson's name with, well... you can tell.  A QB who played in an era of an even weaker AFCS.

I think it should help illustrate how silly your attempt at the 1st point was.

So you want to compare a 2 time Super Bowl winning, 5 time NFL MVP, and Hall of Famer Peyton Manning to a guy that has won only a single playoff game? Great comparison!


Baker was 8th in 2019



and look at that....    4th in 2021



Just behind the likes of Burrow, Tannehill and Wilson.     Did you also want me to post individual and collective Oline grades for those seasons as well?

You may not realize it, but if your attempt of saying "DUURRR SACKS" is to somehow demean Deshaun, it also ends up as a doubled edged sword against Baker.  

See below.

Funny you Watson worshipper’s keep bringing up Mayfield, news flash…he’s gone.


edit: Not to get into a Watson/Mayfield debate.  That is just dumb at this point.    Only wanted to point out your contradiction and poor example is all.  Perfectly fine with any opinions, so long as those are backed with some better material to support it.


double edit: To disarm your (likely response) No, I'm not calling Watson Manning.   My rebuttal was only to highlight how flimsy it was to use the AFCS as a 'reason'.

Let’s see, the AFC South has been in existence for 20 years and have one SB championship to show for it. We’re going to see how good Lil Jizz likes playing in the AFC North.



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5 hours ago, ballpeen said:

When in the last 23 years have the browns had a shot to win a Super Bowl?  You have been a fan thus far.  When you get down to it, the browns have probably only had 5-6 legit shots at being a team that could have made the Super Bowl since the Super bowl became the game....what was that, 1967?

Whatever Peen, this board has devolved so badly that real football talk takes a back seat to ridiculous semantic bullshit like this. It's pathetic.

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23 minutes ago, Unsympathetic said:

What kind of a monster are you?

We don't hold people accountable for the results of their personal choices around here.

Hold accountable  ?  Oh yes the Browns dumped a $34 million basically guaranteed money in Mr Baker Mayfield's lap  plus ?? millions more in commercial endorsements   and. he went partying around the carribbean (with pictures) .

And he showed up for year 2 like some rich playboy NOT the starting quarterback for the Cleveland Browns.......

......ahhh wait being in shape ?  Accountability ?   Personal choices  ?   Well he meant well I guess.   :lol:

There's your franchise quarterback ready to go in year two.  A 6-10 year on a good team, right.


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15 hours ago, PoeticG said:

... and accurate as hell when healthy. 

Hell is a dark, abysmal place..... just like some of the spots where Baker's overthrows finally landed. 

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7 hours ago, Dutch Oven said:

It is insane for a Browns fan to guarantee that with Watson the Browns will win a Super Bowl.

If you disagree, you haven't been paying attention to Browns football since the Super Bowl began. 

And I'm more concerned about the price it took to get a QB who is staring down a possible long suspension and who is a PR nightmare, compared to the price that it cost to get a franchise QB. If Watson was just a QB who didn't want to play for the Texans and demanded a trade, sans the sexual abuse allegations, the price to me wouldn't be such a big deal. (Relatively saying, it still is quite a haul to get a QB, but it is what it is. Offer the Bengals three first round picks for Joe Burrow and they would laugh and laugh and laugh, then hang up on you.)

Now, for the trade to have paid off for the Browns, to make it all worth it, yes, I agree, the Browns need to win a Super Bowl with Watson. 

That’s pretty much my take.

I can hold my nose and root for Watson, but what I can’t get over is the price Jimmah paid for him.


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1 hour ago, nickers said:

Again.. Dan Marino was considered Elite... How many rings did he get?... ZERO!...

When you talk about the very best, franchise,  top quarterbacks who have never won it all it would be  :

Marino (no doubt), Kelly, Fouts, Moon, McNair,  Tarkenton then maybe a few others plus a few one timers.

True if you want to be considered among the best except for these 6 plus maybe a very few others you need a ring.

( and a few of the were so close Kelly, Tark, ? )

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18 hours ago, Orion said:

Did you see OBJ's dad's video?   I can't tell you how many times I saw Baker come off of Njoku crossing over the short middle, open, so he could try and throw longer to someone who wasn't open.  Or how 'bout the time he had Felton, just standing 2 yards past the sticks, wide open...and looked right at him....only to decide to try and run it himself, and of course not make it so we had to punt?

Baker wanted things to be about him.  Which is probably why he wouldn't look to get the ball to OBJ because then the media (and OBJ) would make it about OBJ.   

Look, Baker can be a pretty decent QB.  He's the best we've had since our return.  But as ballpeen put it, the 'bar' was set pretty low by the previous QB's.  I mean Kelly Holcome took us to the playoffs too.  And truth be told, Holcome gets the playoff victory against the Steelers if Dennis Northcutt doesn't drop the easiest game winning first down pass in the history of the league.   

yep. I wouldn't throw to obj and njoku either. They drop passes. As I posted - obj has a worst top ten dropped passes rating in the NFL.

    njoku had rock hands on easy throws to catch, especially over the middle.

    You throw to the wr's who can catch the ball.

The giants were delighted to get obj the hell out of town. His dad's video.... doesn't explain his being a huge disappointment in NY.

    watch and learn the truth:

Njoku continues to struggle with drops early on during training camp, Scott Petrak of the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram reports.. This has been a consistent theme for Njoku during the first week ...
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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

yep. I wouldn't throw to obj and njoku either. They drop passes. As I posted - obj has a worst top ten dropped passes rating in the NFL.

    njoku had rock hands on easy throws to catch, especially over the middle.

    You throw to the wr's who can catch the ball.

The giants were delighted to get obj the hell out of town. His dad's video.... doesn't explain his being a huge disappointment in NY.

    watch and learn the truth:

Njoku continues to struggle with drops early on during training camp, Scott Petrak of the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram reports.. This has been a consistent theme for Njoku during the first week ...

Even if they are notorious for drops, the chances of catching the ball by throwing it to the open receiver are greater than trying to force it to a receiver that's covered. 

If the open guy happens to drop it, then it's not on Baker, and no one could point fingers at him, coaches, fans, management, no one...so maybe he'd still be a Brown.  But you're right about the fact that Baker needed receivers that can catch the damn ball.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

yep. I wouldn't throw to obj and njoku either. They drop passes. As I posted - obj has a worst top ten dropped passes rating in the NFL.

    njoku had rock hands on easy throws to catch, especially over the middle.

    You throw to the wr's who can catch the ball.

The giants were delighted to get obj the hell out of town. His dad's video.... doesn't explain his being a huge disappointment in NY.

    watch and learn the truth:

Njoku continues to struggle with drops early on during training camp, Scott Petrak of the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram reports.. This has been a consistent theme for Njoku during the first week ...

Another fine example of a lazy player getting paid then slacking off...

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

yep. I wouldn't throw to obj and njoku either. They drop passes. As I posted - obj has a worst top ten dropped passes rating in the NFL.

    njoku had rock hands on easy throws to catch, especially over the middle.

    You throw to the wr's who can catch the ball.

The giants were delighted to get obj the hell out of town. His dad's video.... doesn't explain his being a huge disappointment in NY.

    watch and learn the truth:

Njoku continues to struggle with drops early on during training camp, Scott Petrak of the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram reports.. This has been a consistent theme for Njoku during the first week ...


Article is 4 years old.

Meanwhile for the rest of us living in 2022.

 Njoku has a 61.7 catch percentage, a number that has steadily increased the last three seasons. His 67.9 catch percentage last season was a career high and led all Browns receivers with 50 or more targets.

3.8 - To put the last stat a little differently, Njoku had a meager 3.8 drop percentage (two drops) last season, second-lowest among Browns receivers with 50 or more targets.

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You Axed for it.  :)   Sparkling Burgundy, mahogany body & neck, ebony fretboard, Grover Rotomatic locking tuners, Burstbuster Pro & Burstbuster Pro Plus, mother of pearl inlays, sculpted neckjoint, push/pull pots, Donaldson Blackwing intake, drilled and slotted rotors...oh wait, some of that is my car.  :)

I just put it down (again) a few minutes ago.  I've been trying to decide which pickups to put in.  Seymour Duncan Seth Lover, Pearly Gates, '59's, Antiquities I'd love but they don't come in 4 wire.  But every time I play it I'm thinking to myself, WTH is wrong with 'these' pickups?  And the answer is, Nothing.  They sound freakin' great (to my ear anyhow).

Les Paul Modern dual - m.png

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3 hours ago, tiamat63 said:


Article is 4 years old.

Meanwhile for the rest of us living in 2022.

 Njoku has a 61.7 catch percentage, a number that has steadily increased the last three seasons. His 67.9 catch percentage last season was a career high and led all Browns receivers with 50 or more targets.

3.8 - To put the last stat a little differently, Njoku had a meager 3.8 drop percentage (two drops) last season, second-lowest among Browns receivers with 50 or more targets.

so what.

this article is not 4 years old. 2020. I'm sure you are a hot shot subscriber....

Aug 19, 2020Njoku dropped just 3 of 35 catchable passes in 2017, according to Pro Football Focus. That gave him a drop rate of 8.6, 21st among qualifying tight ends. But that drop rate ballooned the next year ...
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1 hour ago, Axe said:

I'm a JB/59 guy.. Have that combo in probably 15 instruments around here in the studio.. They all have different personalities..

My Lesters







And what we do..



Now back to Baker hoping to wrangle the job from Sam Darnold...

Awesome LP's... I own knock offs because I can't afford the real thing lol... But heres a sample of my Axe collection...

Guitar Styles.jpg

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2 hours ago, Orion said:

You Axed for it.  :)   Sparkling Burgundy, mahogany body & neck, ebony fretboard, Grover Rotomatic locking tuners, Burstbuster Pro & Burstbuster Pro Plus, mother of pearl inlays, sculpted neckjoint, push/pull pots, Donaldson Blackwing intake, drilled and slotted rotors...oh wait, some of that is my car.  :)

I just put it down (again) a few minutes ago.  I've been trying to decide which pickups to put in.  Seymour Duncan Seth Lover, Pearly Gates, '59's, Antiquities I'd love but they don't come in 4 wire.  But every time I play it I'm thinking to myself, WTH is wrong with 'these' pickups?  And the answer is, Nothing.  They sound freakin' great (to my ear anyhow).

Les Paul Modern dual - m.png

I'm a Seymour Duncan guy... Always hated DiMarzios.. I have Hot Rails, SH-6 Duncan Distortions...Cool rails and a P-Rails Hot pickup in my red Fender Strat.. The Epiphone Pro Buckers are really good... Lollar makes fantastic humbuckers... For my money... I agree w/Axe.. the Duncan JB humbucker is still the king in my book.. it's next on the hit list...That Paul is sweet lookin.. And if your looking for the Eddie sound... You can get Mighty Mites  Ed used those a lot.. Then Seymour Duncan designed a pickup for Ed.But Ed never used it... It's basically what the Seymour Duncan  Custom Custom pickup is... And yes it's called Custom Custom... Neal Schon uses them...

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17 hours ago, Riffer X said:

Whatever Peen, this board has devolved so badly that real football talk takes a back seat to ridiculous semantic bullshit like this. It's pathetic.

Maybe I misread your comment.  I wasn't saying that as a put down to you.

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