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★ Will this country  "EVER"  come back to one country  ?  Or not.    JUNE 24, 2022.   The Atlantic. ★


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★ Will this country   EVER   come back to one country  ?  Or not.    JUNE 24, 2022.   The Atlantic. ★

An article that I saw on Facebook from  The Antlantic magazine  I think it might be at least be partly true.

It may be time to stop talking about “red” and “blue” America. That’s the provocative conclusion of Michael Podhorzer, a longtime political strategist for labor unions and the chair of the Analyst Institute, a collaborative of progressive groups that studies elections. In a private newsletter that he writes for a small group of activists, Podhorzer recently laid out a detailed case for thinking of the two blocs as fundamentally different nations uneasily sharing the same geographic space.

“When we think about the United States, we make the essential error of imagining it as a single nation, a marbled mix of Red and Blue people,” Podhorzer writes. “But in truth, we have never been one nation. We are more like a federated republic of two nations: Blue Nation and Red Nation. This is not a metaphor; it is a geographic and historical reality.”

To Podhorzer, the growing divisions between red and blue states represent a reversion to the lines of separation through much of the nation’s history. The differences among states in the Donald Trump era, he writes, are “very similar, both geographically and culturally, to the divides between the Union and the Confederacy. And those dividing lines were largely set at the nation’s founding, when slave states and free states forged an uneasy alliance to become ‘one nation.’”

Podhorzer isn’t predicting another civil war, exactly. But he’s warning that the pressure on the country’s fundamental cohesion is likely to continue ratcheting up in the 2020s. Like other analysts who study democracy, he views the Trump faction that now dominates the Republican Party—what he terms the “MAGA movement”—as the U.S. equivalent to the authoritarian parties in places such as Hungary and Venezuela. It is a multipronged, fundamentally antidemocratic movement that has built a solidifying base of institutional support through conservative media networks, evangelical churches, wealthy Republican donors, GOP elected officials, paramilitary white-nationalist groups, and a mass public following. And it is determined to impose its policy and social vision on the entire country—with or without majority support. “The structural attacks on our institutions that paved the way for Trump’s candidacy will continue to progress,” Podhorzer argues, “with or without him at the helm.”

Read: Beware prophecies of civil war

All of this is fueling what I’ve called “the great divergence” now under way between red and blue states. This divergence itself creates enormous strain on the country’s cohesion, but more and more even that looks like only a way station. What’s becoming clearer over time is that the Trump-era GOP is hoping to use its electoral dominance of the red states, the small-state bias in the Electoral College and the Senate, and the GOP-appointed majority on the Supreme Court to impose its economic and social model on the entire nation—with or without majority public support. As measured on fronts including the January 6 insurrection, the procession of Republican 2020 election deniers running for offices that would provide them with control over the 2024 electoral machinery, and the systematic advance of a Republican agenda by the Supreme Court, the underlying political question of the 2020s remains whether majority rule—and democracy as we’ve known it—can survive this offensive.

Podhorzer defines modern red and blue America as the states in which each party has usually held unified control of the governorship and state legislature in recent years. By that yardstick, there are 25 red states, 17 blue states, and eight purple states, where state-government control has typically been divided. ---------- continued ---------->

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25 R - 17 B - 8 P  ?

Any possibility of that being somewhat permanent  ?     Interesting theory. 

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I find that article extremely short sighted.

The division in this country started before Trump, most likely when Obozo was sucking oxygen in the Oval Office.

But yet again, that’s what I expect…another shit article from The Atlantic.


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1 minute ago, Canton Dawg said:

I find that article extremely short sighted.

The division in this country started before Trump, most likely when Obozo was sucking oxygen in the Oval Office.

But yet again, that’s what I expect…another shit article from The Atlantic.


The Facebook person that had this article posted is a Democrat and really dislikes Trump.....a lot.

Always a good idea to consider the sources in judging anything. 

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

A viable centrist third party wouldn't hurt.. Otherwise.. Pipe dream

Didn’t Washington speak of 2 party system being bad?



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3 hours ago, mjp28 said:

The Facebook person that had this article posted is a Democrat and really dislikes Trump.....a lot.

Always a good idea to consider the sources in judging anything. 

LOL, you forget... If it's not from Red State or Patriot Alerts- it's "FAKE NEWS" here.....   

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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:


Blow me Tex. The Atlantic the New York Times CNN on and on and on are absolutely no better than red state Ammoland and Fox. They just panned her to your stupid f****** hypocritical agenda. They just sell soap and patent medicine to a different demographic.


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But (back to the OP)no the country will probably not get much better. Mass media only exaggerates the same kind of s*** that's been going on since the revolution and before. And it's just the natural progression that no country stays on top forever. Sure the Democrats have greased the skids but a lot of people think history began 25 years ago. Hell probably even less.


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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Blow me Tex. The Atlantic the New York Times CNN on and on and on are absolutely no better than red state Ammoland and Fox. They just panned her to your stupid f****** hypocritical agenda. They just sell soap and patent medicine to a different demographic.


That's not true at all and thoughts like yours are very much party of the problem. I wouldn't put Fox as low as Ammooand either. 

Seems many here not only have a poor perception of bias but also a poor perception of legitimacy. 

Whether you want to admit it or not CNN (or Fox) has to operate at a higher standard than Ammoland.

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Yeah, political division is a problem in this country... And it started with Obamao!


Yeah, racial tensions are an issue... And that's because of Obamao! (not so subtile)


There's a lot of political hate in this country.... And the Demonratz started it!

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Oct 27, 2012Racial prejudice in America is more widespread now than when President Barack Obama became the country's first black president in a historic 2008 vote, a new survey has shown. In a poll of racial ...
Oct 5, 2016Overall, 54% say relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse since Obama became president, including 57% of whites and 40% of blacks. That's up sharply compared with last June, when 43 ...
On Monday, President Barack Obama claimed that his presidency has been a boon for race relations in America, but our evidence suggests otherwise. Advertisement - story continues below. "One of the things that I've consistently said as president is that I'm the president of all people," Obama said during an interview with NBC News host ...
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2 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Fuck it. Split the country. Give Trump the south and give Bernie the north. Let Texas be its own country 

no, that's stupid. Give him all the states he won outright, then give him all the states he would have won except for voter fraud.

   He won't miss the other states, aren't that many.

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

That's not true at all and thoughts like yours are very much party of the problem. I wouldn't put Fox as low as Ammooand either. 

Seems many here not only have a poor perception of bias but also a poor perception of legitimacy. 

Whether you want to admit it or not CNN (or Fox) has to operate at a higher standard than Ammoland.

Which actually makes them more Despicable than Ammoland. At least with them you know it's a right wing yeehaw God Bless America site. Nyt pretends to be an impartial news Outlet.


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Ever since our incredible movement began, the Democrats, the Fake News Media and the ELITES have been against us.

And over the past few months, they have taken their radicalism to a whole new UN-AMERICAN level. 

They’ve allowed MILLIONS of Illegal Aliens to POUR across the border. They’ve destroyed our economy. They’ve diminished our American Values. They’ve ruined women’s sports. They’ve attacked our children’s classrooms with Critical Race Theory, and they will stop at nothing to ruin our beautiful country…

As your President, I always put the safety and prosperity of America FIRST, and whether they liked it or not, I MADE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Now it’s time to SAVE AMERICA.

Democrats are raising 
MILLIONS off of lies and we need every patriot to step up at this critical moment to FIGHT BACK. 

If every patriot who gets this email donates just $50, we will have the LARGEST FUNDRAISING DAY IN POLITICAL HISTORY. 

You could be the FIRST name on the donor list my team hands me, Friend.

Please make a contribution of $50 IN THE NEXT 3 HOURS to be one of the first to have your name on the printed donor list that my team hands me.
American Defenders
We must SAVE AMERICA NOW, before it’s too late. This isn’t about the Democrats, the Fake News Media or the Elites, and quite frankly, it’s not even about me - it’s about YOU, the American People. 

Please make a contribution of $50 IN THE NEXT 3 HOURS and we can have the LARGEST FUNDRAISING DAY IN POLITICAL HISTORY. >>

Thank you,

President Donald J. Trump Signature Headshot
Donald J. Trump
YOUR President

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

That's not true at all and thoughts like yours are very much party of the problem. I wouldn't put Fox as low as Ammooand either. 

Seems many here not only have a poor perception of bias but also a poor perception of legitimacy. 

Whether you want to admit it or not CNN (or Fox) has to operate at a higher standard than Ammoland.

I agree with Steve. The only real difference between those publications is the level of education they are targeting. Pretty much all legacy media is struggling because there has been increasing pressure to publish increasingly narrow, approved narratives. I personally first noticed it during Obama's presidency with the infamous "fist bump or terrorist fist-jab?" headline. Unfortunately, legacy media struggled with the spread of social media, and they followed the Fox News playbook to even greater success from 2016 on.

The author of the article brings up legitimate points, but it's annoying to try and find them when most of this excerpt is spent fearmongering about Trump and the people who support him. Independent media is the way to go. For example, this article Peter Zeihan wrote 4 years ago, comes to similar conclusions without having to blame the people who don't agree with him. 

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2 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

I agree with Steve. The only real difference between those publications is the level of education they are targeting. Pretty much all legacy media is struggling because there has been increasing pressure to publish increasingly narrow, approved narratives. I personally first noticed it during Obama's presidency with the infamous "fist bump or terrorist fist-jab?" headline. Unfortunately, legacy media struggled with the spread of social media, and they followed the Fox News playbook to even greater success from 2016 on.

The author of the article brings up legitimate points, but it's annoying to try and find them when most of this excerpt is spent fearmongering about Trump and the people who support him. Independent media is the way to go. For example, this article Peter Zeihan wrote 4 years ago, comes to similar conclusions without having to blame the people who don't agree with him. 

I'm not disagreeing that they're struggling. I'm not disagreeing that they're going for more sensational headlines to draw viewers (which has happened for a very long time, but you can't say it's gotten worse). I'm not even saying they aren't biased (at whatever level that is). 

I'm saying the publications are held to a different standard. Fox isn't Ammoland. CNN isn't ... whatever left wing Ammoland is, Slate? Idk. 

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I'm not disagreeing that they're struggling. I'm not disagreeing that they're going for more sensational headlines to draw viewers (which has happened for a very long time, but you can't say it's gotten worse). I'm not even saying they aren't biased (at whatever level that is). 

I'm saying the publications are held to a different standard. Fox isn't Ammoland. CNN isn't ... whatever left wing Ammoland is, Slate? Idk. 

Getting any pussy?  

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17 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

no, that's stupid. Give him all the states he won outright, then give him all the states he would have won except for voter fraud.

   He won't miss the other states, aren't that many.

And therein lies your whole problem. Neither courts nor DOJ nor even that crazy Sydney now ever found the voter fraud it would take to even make one of those states close to being won by Trump. Evidence never supported it and despite all your crazy posts, never will. You are now a part of his unconstitutional attempt to remain in power because he really is so nuts he can't face being a loser. Stop participating in that delusion and get yourself back to your oath to the Constitution, an oath he has never even attempted to uphold his entire life.

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