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Gun safety survey

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Don't know how many times I have to repeat it to get it through your thick head- I'm FAR from being a "Liberal" starting with being very much pro-life.


so, you are the only one allowed to repeat stuff, because you are the supreme keilbasa in your own mind. You surely cannot be serious -

or something.

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gee, maybe the communist china model would work. They force everyone to stay in their homes, and beat the *&(&*^ out of them if they leave their home for any reason.

   Lefties would love to have that kind of control.......over forums, too.....

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Nope, AR-15s are essentially the same weapon our combat troops use. Other than their extremely limited use for long range varmint hunting... They have one purpose... to kill people.  Legit hunting weapons aren't designed to hold mega magazines.. Because whatever you're shooting at will either get out of range- or be dead- before you'd have the necessity to reload.  It's pure bullshit you can't adequately define the difference between an assault style weapon and guns meant for hunting.  And yeah- before you bring it up, I certainly know you can currently buy mega clips for handguns too... See below....   

Well, convicted felons usually aren't allowed to own firearms either Vambo... That certainly hasn't stopped them from obtaining them.  Yeah, I saw somewhere there's a reservoir of something like 400,000,000 guns out there, more than one per US resident. Banning the sale of AR-15s and their relatives is going to be largely symbolic, they're not going away anytime soon.  But what will have a (small) effect is banning the sale and I dare say possession of large capacity magazines?  Took me about 10 seconds to find a gun shop willing and able to sell me a 100 round .223 drum... $120 bucks + shipping.  :(  You against that?  I believe Vermont already has enacted legislation to that effect... 10 rounds max.   

M16 is a heavier more durable weapon and they both shoot 30 rounds. Only the M16 comes in an automatic version. So it's just a 30 round magazine you're complaining about? Well that's the legal limit in Ohio I suppose they could change that. Otherwise there's absolutely no advantage or disadvantage having an AR-15. They just look scary. And again the Second Amendment isn't about hunting which you don't need to do in the first place. And let's not be coy, reducing the clip size to 10 or 5 or 3 can probably be accomplished, still the end game for the anti-gun people is England Australia Singapore or China.

Again wondering how many shooting deaths can be attributed too scary looking rifles with high-capacity rounds.


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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

OMG... Better get a gun before they're banned. :D The cure for gun violence is more guns. Sorry, not buying it.  Sort of like folks hoarding toilet paper at the start of the pandemic.  

And you didn't answer the question- are you for or against the sale of high capacity magazines? I think I already know the answer though.  

This isn't a Liberal\Conservative issue in my book. It's about public safety, and slowing down the carnage that's taking place at an ever increasing rate. On the streets, in Churches.. In hospitals...  Yup- right here in Dayton Ohio.  Guy transferred from jail- no previous background of violence gets sent to Miami Valley Hospital for an evaluation. Grabs a security officer's gun, kills him and then kills himself.  I sure want to see more of that- NOT.  Arm the teachers?  Better arm inner city Emergency Room personnel while we're at it.   

Don't know how many times I have to repeat it to get it through your thick head- I'm FAR from being a "Liberal" starting with being very much pro-life. I just happen to be pro-sanity when it comes to politics. Better watch out though- those orbiting Jewish Space Lasers may malfunction, and start targeting you.   :D :D :D  

I don't care one way or the other I don't use them but someone else may.

Watch out that island may tip over!

those cow farts may kill you...You Libs.lol

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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

This isn't a Liberal\Conservative issue in my book. It's about public safety, and slowing down the carnage that's taking place at an ever increasing rate. On the streets, in Churches.. In hospitals...  Yup- right here in Dayton Ohio.  Guy transferred from jail- no previous background of violence gets sent to Miami Valley Hospital for an evaluation. Grabs a security officer's gun, kills him and then kills himself.


If you were so worried about that you should have voted for Trump instead of the war mongering, racist, riot loving, city burning Joe Biden!

77% of mass shootings are with handguns!

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On 5/31/2022 at 6:33 AM, VaporTrail said:

Drawing the line between conceal-carry and open carry is demonstrating that you don't really have an understanding of how crime happens. The vast majority of it is a crime of opportunity. Another gun crime that happened on my block is an attempted hijacking of some old lady's car - probably the same kid who held up the dad. They go after targets they think are easy. If you have a gun in a holster, you might find that people are going to think a little longer about the consequences before they fuck with you. What is reasonable for protection is dependent completely on where you live. If you live in a place like Fairlawn or Hudson, you really aren't going to worry about this shit. Walking my neighborhood in Shaker, I apparently have to worry about some jackass 14 year old holding people up. No amount of laws or gun buybacks is going to convince me that the state has removed the firearm from this kid's hand. 

From the 2015 data I posted last month, the 8.9*10^-5 lifetime odds of dying due to a mass shooting is an acceptable number to me. I'm sure the number has increased since 2015, but I'm guessing it's still going to be at the same order of magnitude as dying from a foreign-born terrorist. I would rather not chase trying to get that number down by putting the focus on stopping mass shootings. If you want to talk about all-cause gun deaths, then I'll be happy to have that conversation. 

Once again, you miss the point completely. You're equating the ability to kill a person or vaporize a city block with the ability to control a population. 1 million Iraqis and 1 million Afghanis were killed by the US military during the occupation. The US government still didn't win and are hated in those regions for what they did.

Taking someone's constitutional rights away for the rest of their lives because of something they did as a child is not a "tiny little action."  

Sorry dude, the country had a PTSD response to 9/11 and went full retard. Freedoms came off the books, they didn't come back, and continued to be abused by both parties of government. The country is worse off now than it was on September 10, 2001. The country is on the cusp of having a similar response, and I am wholly against a knee jerk reaction because you want to lower the 10^-5 odds that you'll die from a mass shooting.

You need to open carry a gun, so if someone with a gun thinks of attacking you, they'll see you have a gun. 

Lovely, it's the wild west. I understand the point you're making here, but do you not see how crazy that sounds? How insane that would sound to anyone from a different developed country? The solution to this issue isn't just "more guns". Guns are the problem...


I would challenge you on your statistic of mass shooting vs foreign born terrorist, though I respect not wanting to waste time researching it. 

And no, I'm not saying all of this for "just" mass shootings. I've referenced, in these threads, all gun violence. Even the inner city black on black shootings the MAGA crowd masturbates over. Throw in suicides, *gasp* non-black non-inner city shootings, etc. However you slice it we have a guy problem. Mass shootings are just our bread and butter and what gets the most attention. If we're going to "overreact" to dead children and the result is a needed improvement in our society, so be it. 


I'm not missing the point, I'm just disagreeing with you. American citizens with guns would be an annoyance (not mentioning the differences between being an invading force in that terrain vs trying something on your home, hospitable turf). Would the guns slow things down? Would they take out some soldiers? Sure. But if the most powerful military in the world by a mile had the greatest heel turn of all time it isn't going to accomplish it's end goal. Joe blue and his AR be damned. 


I was referring to the actions we've taken as a whole on guns. And honestly, even that action, in the grand scheme of things, is small. 


I covered this last paragraph earlier regarding mass shootings vs gun violence as a whole.






Again, hearing that "oh it's too big of a problem" or "there are too many guns" etc is just weak. You know how to guarantee nothing improves? Do nothing. 

At least we agree the "not enough people go to church" angles are bullshit pandering. 

Then again, most of the response from that side is pandering. Let's know exactly how much these congressmen receive from gun groups when they get up there to offer their "thoughts and prayers". Fucking scum.

We have to start somewhere. We have to do something. We can't let us become the wild west laughing stick of the rest of the developed world while they warn their citizens not to travel here. While our citizens die Let's not "American exceptionalism" ourselves into the gun centric future we're heading towards. 

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You need to open carry a gun, so if someone with a gun thinks of attacking you, they'll see you have a gun. 

Lovely, it's the wild west. I understand the point you're making here, but do you not see how crazy that sounds? How insane that would sound to anyone from a different developed country? The solution to this issue isn't just "more guns". Guns are the problem...


I would challenge you on your statistic of mass shooting vs foreign born terrorist, though I respect not wanting to waste time researching it. 

And no, I'm not saying all of this for "just" mass shootings. I've referenced, in these threads, all gun violence. Even the inner city black on black shootings the MAGA crowd masturbates over. Throw in suicides, *gasp* non-black non-inner city shootings, etc. However you slice it we have a guy problem. Mass shootings are just our bread and butter and what gets the most attention. If we're going to "overreact" to dead children and the result is a needed improvement in our society, so be it. 


I'm not missing the point, I'm just disagreeing with you. American citizens with guns would be an annoyance (not mentioning the differences between being an invading force in that terrain vs trying something on your home, hospitable turf). Would the guns slow things down? Would they take out some soldiers? Sure. But if the most powerful military in the world by a mile had the greatest heel turn of all time it isn't going to accomplish it's end goal. Joe blue and his AR be damned. 


I was referring to the actions we've taken as a whole on guns. And honestly, even that action, in the grand scheme of things, is small. 


I covered this last paragraph earlier regarding mass shootings vs gun violence as a whole.






Again, hearing that "oh it's too big of a problem" or "there are too many guns" etc is just weak. You know how to guarantee nothing improves? Do nothing. 

At least we agree the "not enough people go to church" angles are bullshit pandering. 

Then again, most of the response from that side is pandering. Let's know exactly how much these congressmen receive from gun groups when they get up there to offer their "thoughts and prayers". Fucking scum.

We have to start somewhere. We have to do something. We can't let us become the wild west laughing stick of the rest of the developed world while they warn their citizens not to travel here. While our citizens die Let's not "American exceptionalism" ourselves into the gun centric future we're heading towards. 

Poor kid.  You've really been brainwashed!

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8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You need to open carry a gun, so if someone with a gun thinks of attacking you, they'll see you have a gun. 

Lovely, it's the wild west. I understand the point you're making here, but do you not see how crazy that sounds? How insane that would sound to anyone from a different developed country? The solution to this issue isn't just "more guns". Guns are the problem...

What you, and coastal snobs, and Europeans, and Canadians think of us is irrelevant to me. 


I would challenge you on your statistic of mass shooting vs foreign born terrorist, though I respect not wanting to waste time researching it. 

I already did the research on it or posted data from people who did. Feel free to pick it apart. One of my posts in this thread is linked to an older post I made with all the data. 


And no, I'm not saying all of this for "just" mass shootings. I've referenced, in these threads, all gun violence. Even the inner city black on black shootings the MAGA crowd masturbates over. Throw in suicides, *gasp* non-black non-inner city shootings, etc. However you slice it we have a guy problem. Mass shootings are just our bread and butter and what gets the most attention. If we're going to "overreact" to dead children and the result is a needed improvement in our society, so be it. 

If you want to have an overreaction to mass shootings, that's on you. I'm going to stand pat. 


I was referring to the actions we've taken as a whole on guns. And honestly, even that action, in the grand scheme of things, is small. 

If your opinion is that taking away a constitutional right is a small deal, then it's no wonder you can't find any common ground with people on the other side. You've learned nothing from the war on terror. 


Again, hearing that "oh it's too big of a problem" or "there are too many guns" etc is just weak. You know how to guarantee nothing improves? Do nothing. 

We have to do something. We can't let us become the wild west laughing stick of the rest of the developed world while they warn their citizens not to travel here. While our citizens die Let's not "American exceptionalism" ourselves into the gun centric future we're heading towards. 

You have thrown out all the methods we have suggested because you think they're too insignificant. The federal government can't even take care of its wounded veterans, and these are people who want the help. Now you think they'll be effective in taking rights away when there's a massive group who won't comply? (hint: It's not just the people going to Ted Nugent concerts)

People own guns for legitimate self-defense reasons - see mine and texasag's personal reason for carrying - and you immediately write it off as "the wild west." You have made no effort to understand the other side of the argument. You don't think people should be proactive about their defense. Your solutions include gross government overreach, draconian laws, mass surveillance, and threat databases.

Your opinions on gun control are the equivalent to male boomers weighing in on abortion. 

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I'm just an American guy. I protect my family. Again, years ago, in Vegas, at early night under the tunnel of stars, it was late enough only three couples were there. I'm good at situational awareness, I notice some tall scranky looking guy walking into the big lit up place, and from the middle of it, he started walking toward us. When he got close, we were on one side walking, he said "you folks have any money you could give?" and I clearly said "sorry, man we spent it all"... it was a lie.... and as we kept walking, he took two quick steps in front of us and stopped us and said "...you have to have something". and his right hand was reaching to his back pocket. After we had stopped abruptly, I moved her behind me. It's a real feeling of "oh, this is going to get violent". I knew I could protect my Wife, but if he has some homemade knife, I may get seriously hurt.

    Wind whistled past my ear, I though we had been distracted in front of us, only to get attacked from behind. But it was an undercover policeman, who was a blur past me to get in front of me and go after this hoodlum. and other undercover police roared in, screaming at him "don't do it....xxx" what ever his first name was.

   I don't ever want to feel like that again.

And, again, when we bought our farm, some guys were poaching out there, on the farm behind ours. But our woods have an ancient orchard, big trees .... it's where deer like to go. So, when we posted "no hunting", a few folks ignored it, I met them and we talked, and they said sorry, they figured they still had ok to keep hunting there, etc. But they were great.

   Except one guy I was warned about. He got enraged, one day, while I was out in our woods, and was screaming me saying he was going to hunt out there and no signs would stop him. Then he screamed that he was going to shoot "a deer right next to my head" and aimed his rifle at me.

   So, I call my Wife, she called the sheriff, and man, those two guys came out FAST. The "hunter" heard my call her, while I hid behind a tree, and bitched some more and took off.

   They said these days, (years ago now), EVERY WEEK they see people on drugs who are like vicious animals - they will attack aggressively.

   He said they tell all their friends and family members  - get a concealed carry licenses, get trained and CARRY. He said times were changing. He said he would love to own these beautiful woods, but he would never go out without a CCW on him.

  He said "too many people in one place" and drugs, alcohol addiction,

mental illlness, they've seen it all. 

    seriously, Woody, and I do mean seriously. you emotionally look at this issue without experiences other people have.

    Guns are not the problem any more than drugs, cars, knives etc are. It's violent criminal people. What tools they use to effect violence should not matter. 2 x 4s....

    Guns are just a more effective tool. sure. But guns are also very, very effective in self-defense.

   I have posted in the past a LOT of links to real stories of everyday Americans saving their friends, families lives and their own lives with guns.

   But again, the same slurs come out of the woodwork.

The left needs to STOP being their own worst enemy - and stop the political attacks - it is keeping America from finding legit solutions.

So, yes, we have to do something, lets start with being honest and informed about the real problem - or there will never be any solution forthcoming.

  AGAIN, it isn't joe gunguy vs our military - that is nonsense. It would be about 180 or 200? million gun men and women folks.

To paraphrase, "granted, an armed military is valid, however, the right of the PEOPLE to own arms as well, can NOT be infringed".

  The idea was easily forthcoming - the horrendous overbearing and vicious British army was the enemy. Read up on "The Shot Heard Around the World".

   First thing the British did? Confiscate all guns from the Americans.

Except, Americans hid them, and fought back. That is the lesson they learned - never lose Americans' right to defend themselves. It's history.

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