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Gun safety survey

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13 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Two cops were in the area when he arrived and they didn't stop shit

A swarm of cops arrived and positioned themselves around the school, but then didn't go in and didn't stop shit


There has been more and more cops in schools and it isn't stopping shit




Wrong.  You're spouting bullshit.

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5 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Thanks Woodrow. I'd like to point out that before you get to your list of things to do telling us that good guys with guns can't stop anything is pretty much exactly like what pro gun people tell you about registration waiting periods etc etc. And no we are certainly not going to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. That's one of the reasons the government keeps the gun laws as strict as they are today just for reference. But that aside

1 & 2

I'm with you on both counts. I think everybody that has a gun should be trained to use it. Like you say just the same as cars. On top of registration I wouldn't mind having a ballistics figure print on file.

3 maybe if the buyback program paid more then the local gang Bangers. If a hood rat or a hillbilly owns a gun it's because he wants it for some reason sure if it's laying around the house or if he steals it from his neighbor and get a few bucks for it... I just don't see it as much of a solution

4 & 5

Not particularly effective only because I think crazy people play on this stuff out and they can certainly buy more Philly quickly. But it might actually slow down the berserk guy who's going to Dick's Sporting Goods this morning and planning the attack this afternoon. That automatic weapons are already illegal without the huge rigmarole and I think the capacity limit in Ohio is 30. Don't know about anywhere else I think the add-ons to make guns more deadly are already illegal aren't they? Some wouldn't make much difference like a silencer just because the lunatic that shoots up a crowd already knows he's creating Havoc.


Crackdown on gun shows?  Maybe why not. The places you can legally sell guns are pretty strictly limited as it is but why not. My guns were actually handed down from my father and grandfather except one that I purchased from an enthusiastic who happens to be a friend of mine.

I think Public mental Health services are a complete waste of time and money and that's at best. At worst they are grifters with a psychology degree breaking in money and pretending they have any idea what's going on in people's heads. Or what can or can't be fixed which, in my opinion, is nothing.

Fine with background checks and waiting periods fine. No problem again I don't think these crackpots are going to the store an hour before the shootings but if they were that would slow them down. And not to pick on you but do keep in mind how many people on the left would feel about overturning the HIPAA law so that the hillbilly at the gun shop could call up and find somebody's entire mental and physical health background.

But I appreciate you giving me a straight answer bud.



12 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

We're a shit hole country. This is fucking pathetic. Lobbyists, politics, vigilante fantasies and not wanting to give up your toys is keeping our country a laughingstock. 

The only thing that's going to slow down school shootings in the near future is summer break...


It's all so fucking exhausting


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6 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Thanks Woodrow. I'd like to point out that before you get to your list of things to do telling us that good guys with guns can't stop anything is pretty much exactly like what pro gun people tell you about registration waiting periods etc etc. And no we are certainly not going to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. That's one of the reasons the government keeps the gun laws as strict as they are today just for reference. But that aside

1 & 2

I'm with you on both counts. I think everybody that has a gun should be trained to use it. Like you say just the same as cars. On top of registration I wouldn't mind having a ballistics figure print on file.

3 maybe if the buyback program paid more then the local gang Bangers. If a hood rat or a hillbilly owns a gun it's because he wants it for some reason sure if it's laying around the house or if he steals it from his neighbor and get a few bucks for it... I just don't see it as much of a solution

4 & 5

Not particularly effective only because I think crazy people play on this stuff out and they can certainly buy more Philly quickly. But it might actually slow down the berserk guy who's going to Dick's Sporting Goods this morning and planning the attack this afternoon. That automatic weapons are already illegal without the huge rigmarole and I think the capacity limit in Ohio is 30. Don't know about anywhere else I think the add-ons to make guns more deadly are already illegal aren't they? Some wouldn't make much difference like a silencer just because the lunatic that shoots up a crowd already knows he's creating Havoc.


Crackdown on gun shows?  Maybe why not. The places you can legally sell guns are pretty strictly limited as it is but why not. My guns were actually handed down from my father and grandfather except one that I purchased from an enthusiastic who happens to be a friend of mine.

I think Public mental Health services are a complete waste of time and money and that's at best. At worst they are grifters with a psychology degree breaking in money and pretending they have any idea what's going on in people's heads. Or what can or can't be fixed which, in my opinion, is nothing.

Fine with background checks and waiting periods fine. No problem again I don't think these crackpots are going to the store an hour before the shootings but if they were that would slow them down. And not to pick on you but do keep in mind how many people on the left would feel about overturning the HIPAA law so that the hillbilly at the gun shop could call up and find somebody's entire mental and physical health background.

But I appreciate you giving me a straight answer bud.


It isn't the same. "Good guys with guns" is provided as a catch all solution. As if putting a retired cop in a school solves all issues. It doesn't. I don't expect any one of my proposed actions to solve the issue, but they all take steps in the same direction. 

Not to mention "good guys with guns" is just a gun Lobbyist phrase. Pushing more gun sales.

Not to mention it is a "solution" at a very shallow level. You aren't preventing or reducing access to mass shooting weapons. You're just hoping to stop them early once they've decided to start the mass shooting. 

That's a sprinkler system in a building going off when there's a fire. It puts it out, but it's not stopping the initial fire.



3 there is an insane amount of guns in the country. A buy back program is just to help reduce that and get it under control. I'd propose limits on gun manufacturers as well. Mexico, the cartels, the scary Hispanics everyone here goes on about, get their guns from us 


4 and 5, again, it's about steps in the right direction. Not complete resolution. This guy got his gun 8 days before the shooting (I heard). What happens if he needs to wait a month?


6, I'm not even just talking about gun shows. What about online?


And you have a very old school understanding and attitude towards mental health, which is not surprising at all based off of everything from you I've seen here. Again, we don't even have regular universal healthcare. Throw in attitudes like yours towards mental health and nothing is going to happen any time soon. 


Don't allow hillbillies to run and operate a gun store. Provide stricter licenses to sell guns. Or, don't have the gun store owners knowledgeable of anything on a background check. A third party can do it and it'll come back yes or no. 

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posted just now by woodpeckerhead:

A few things to start:

A "good guy with a gun" / security doesn't prevent shit. In both the buffalo shooting and Texas shooting there were "good guys with a gun" that didn't stop a mass shooting from happening. That's a cop out suggestion from people that don't want to give up their toys.


You are a moron. You talk out of your tail feathers with a forked beak.



You aren't preventing a tyrannical government because you own a few guns. If a modern military wanted you dead you'd get taken out at night by an unmanned drone without a trace. You aren't stopping a modern military. That's fucking laughable


You are a moron. You never make a valid point because you always take things out of context. Let's say there are 180 million gun owners. Do you know how many members of our military there are?

U.S. military force numbers 2020, by service branch and reserve component. The U.S. Army had the highest number of active duty personnel in 2020, with 481,254 troops. In the same year, the Coast ...

Of course it's silly - because the vast majority of our military are people like us. Not you, you are a birdbrain. You never have much of any idea of what you try to talk about.

So, per the UCMJ, you can NOT follow an illegal order, or you care accountable. This is learned in basic training, which you would never last maybe...two days? So, even if your obamao/biden created a military with all America haters who would attack their own people... that would be 180 million versus less that half a milliion. Say, woodpecker, how many drones would your 1984 gov have, eh? lol. YOu are a moron.


 Create a national registry of guns and gun owners, just like with cars.


   You are too ignorant to have read the posts I just posted, I see.


Increase the basic level of training needed to fire and own a gun, and increase that level as needed across different styles of guns. Again, just like cars. Stricter license to drive an 18 wheeler. 


This isn't your idea. Every gun org, most all gun owners know the value of training. Your corrupt left will use requirements for training - as a weapon. They will delay it, charge way too much money for it, etc etc etc etc. your fault.


Implement a buy back program on firearms


and this accomplishes just what, exactly, twitbird? Makes a bit of money for folks who want to sell their old antique guns?


Limit large capacity magazines


   to what capacity? two? seven? ten? twenty? thirty? again, could help, except your kind would limit it to single shot guns, screw with the conservative side politically. The left is it's own worst enemy. If you have three drug cartel hoodlums wanting to kill you because you drove up on a big drug deal... nobody would want a single shot gun. Hunting wild boar menacing farmers? ever seen a big wild boar? nobody wants to hunt those with only a few shots.


Limit the amount of ammo an individual can buy. If they want to shoot for fun, go to a gun range. 


say, you do that, and people will buy ammo to the limit every day or week or month. Over time, they will have just as much ammo. You're a moron.


Make illegal any commercially available add on that can make a gun more deadly


Meaning, what exactly. A scope makes a single shot rifle "more deadly". You're a moron. However, making a gun fire extremely fast like a machine gun should be illegal. Machine guns are illegal. Unless you have a very hard to get expensive license from the government.

and requiring people to go to a gun range is a nice suggestion, but if you have a farm, why the hell require a gun range? to price shooting out of existence? yep. What problem does this solve? nothing. There are plenty of laws you can't fire your gun outside in a neighborhood. I'm fine with that.


Limit where and how guns can be sold


   So, there are plenty of laws that have said "not within x miles of a school". KNow what happens? lefties like you will use that law as a weapon - they will make it 19 mies or 29 miles and laugh about how they make gun buyers miserable. You buy a gun at a gun store, walmart? etc etc etc, you get a background check. But stopping private sales and transfers? NO. "haha" the only way to track those is dangerous gun registration. asswhole lefties.


Invest in public healthcare, including mental health


what? obaMaocare was not enough, eh? How about REVERSING obaMao/biden/big dem cities' policies on going lenient on serious problem school kids (putting them in a program is "racist"). This latest kid went dark and dangerous TWO YEARS AGO. school did nothing. friends did nothing. How about STOPPING the indoctrination of children and teens with stupid ass "there are a whole bunch of genders" etc etc etc etc? That does not help with their mental health. I mean, just go look in a mirror, birdgirl. You believe in nothing, you respect nothing, but you FEEL you know it all. wrongo, bonzobird.


More thorough background checks with longer waiting periods


longer than what already?  More thorough than what? I have said in the past- keeping mental health risks in school quiet so as to not be "racist" is like saying too many blacks are in prison is racist. This latest shooter has been nuts for two years. You want him to wait thirty days? sure. What does that solve? nothing. Unless you are threatened with death by some ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend who is crazy and you have to wait thrity days to buy a gun?

     I can imagine some mental health risk person getting angry and buying a gun. Or, he/she waits thirty days and then acts out in violence.

  Solves nothing. I will say, keeping school mental health risks quiet and not reported to authorities is an epidemic. "Privacy Act". This problem needs to be solved. But then again, you ninnies on the left - will advocate for a young person being reported as a mental health risk to some gun buying redline list just because they like to hunt squirrels - or refuses to believe in 38 or 67 fake genders. God forbid if you call a guy "man" but he "feels like" a female gecko. or, feels like a woodpecker, etc.

  You on the left are ignorant, and almost? never? solve any problem, because you wail emotionally and not practically/logically.

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the mentally listless problem is the woodpecker's ideas.

So, woodpecker, if you really genuinely CARE about these deaths,

here are some suggestions:

1. Put God back in our schools.

2. Teach children to respect each other, respect our country and our flag.

3. STOP any and all bullying.

4. Teach kids that there are only two genders.

5. Teach kids citizenship, and how to be a friend.

6. LEGITMATELY, give teachers a chance to start a report on threats and very odd, aggressive behavior via official channels...Obamao/biden stopped this. because it was "racist".

7. Discipline - put it BACK into our schools. Right now, teachers and students are AT RISK because of obaMao/biden school policies.

8. Get back to reading, writing and arithmatic. Stop the liberal social agenda garbage.

9. Teach kids the DANGERS of illegal drugs and alcohol.


11. Teach teachers to reach out to loner kids - kids who don't fit into the usual social cliques and activities.

12. Develop communication with students about social media - and how it can be a danger just as it can be great fun and constructive.

13. Teach kids about self-actualization, and how it is important to grow into themselves constructively and happily.


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Me: 54 years old and own a registered 12 gauge Mossberg shot gun (shortened, pistol grip, plug removed) solely for the protection of my family.

I bought and registered it 29 years ago and there has not been one person in those 3 decades that has ever checked to see if I'm the same guy who originally purchased it and whether or not I am still fit to own the deadly weapon..... In that same time I've had to register my vehicles 29 times and renew my drivers license 2 times. 

So I'm president D Bone and what I say goes? OK....


I install yearly registration fees per each gun owned.

I install a luxury tax on owners with multiple guns (over 2 per single person, over 3 per married couple)

I install a gun license that needs to be renewed every 3 years..... A monetary fee, completion of a gun owners safety course and proof from your primary doctor that there are no obvious reasons that they believe you should not own a weapon. If your Dr says that you should not be allowed to own a weapon, then you will need to go to a state approved Dr for a medical review.

I outlaw all semi automatic rifles and ultra high capacity hand guns as well. If caught with one, mandatory jail time at 1 year per weapon.

I change just a single word in the 2nd amendment...... I change the word "Right" to "Privilege". 

^ These are just off of the top of my head. 





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Public Executions. Let people see what happens when you decide to shoot up a school, or mall, or post office

Hang them by their necks until they die

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2 minutes ago, D Bone said:

Me: 54 years old and own a registered 12 gauge Mossberg shot gun (shortened, pistol grip, plug removed) solely for the protection of my family.

I bought and registered it 29 years ago and there has not been one person in those 3 decades that has ever checked to see if I'm the same guy who originally purchased it and whether or not I am still fit to own the deadly weapon..... In that same time I've had to register my vehicles 29 times and renew my drivers license 2 times. 

So I'm president D Bone and what I say goes? OK....


I install yearly registration fees per each gun owned.


    You may not have read my posts. Gun registration is eventual confiscation. You are not society. Every society that registers all guns, has their guns taken. That is the point of a tyrannical gov going for confiscation. NEW YORK - they registered their guns and then the newspapers PRINTED THEIR NAMES and ADDRESSES in the paper.

That is just what corrupt, tyrannical governments do. Gun registration is intimidation. Nobody is trying to ban cars - even though car crashes are the number one killer of children. The left will start charging 1000 dollars, whatever it takes, to get rid of guns. A corrupt gov can NOT intimidate an armed society.


I install a luxury tax on owners with multiple guns (over 2 per single person, over 3 per married couple)


this solves just WHAT EXACTLY ???? come on, man.


I install a gun license that needs to be renewed every 3 years..... A monetary fee, completion of a gun owners safety course and proof from your primary doctor that there are no obvious reasons that they believe you should not own a weapon. If your Dr says that you should not be allowed to own a weapon, then you will need to go to a state approved Dr for a medical review.


   "fees" again? the left uses economics/costs as a weapon. No one will be able to afford to own guns. Come on, man. be serious.


I outlaw all semi automatic rifles and ultra high capacity hand guns as well. If caught with one, mandatory jail time at 1 year per weapon.


    You don't know what a semi auto is, eh? It is not a machine gun. Come on, man.


I change 1 single word in the 2nd amendment...... I change the word "Right" to "Privilege". 


Go be president of russia then?


^ These are just off of the top of my head. 


I understand your suggestions to be emotional. they would solve nothing, except for Americans

losing their freedom entirely to a tyrannical gov. It's history.giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47pv8dtuvck3vum2i51cAngry Seattle Mariners GIF by Northwest Motorsport






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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

It isn't the same. "Good guys with guns" is provided as a catch all solution. As if putting a retired cop in a school solves all issues. It doesn't. I don't expect any one of my proposed actions to solve the issue, but they all take steps in the same direction. 

Not to mention "good guys with guns" is just a gun Lobbyist phrase. Pushing more gun sales.

Not to mention it is a "solution" at a very shallow level. You aren't preventing or reducing access to mass shooting weapons. You're just hoping to stop them early once they've decided to start the mass shooting. 

[B]That's a sprinkler system in a building going off when there's a fire. It puts it out, but it's not stopping the initial fire.[/B]



3 there is an insane amount of guns in the country. A buy back program is just to help reduce that and get it under control. I'd propose limits on gun manufacturers as well. Mexico, the cartels, the scary Hispanics everyone here goes on about, get their guns from us 


4 and 5, again, it's about steps in the right direction. Not complete resolution. This guy got his gun 8 days before the shooting (I heard). What happens if he needs to wait a month?


6, I'm not even just talking about gun shows. What about online?


And you have a very old school understanding and attitude towards mental health, which is not surprising at all based off of everything from you I've seen here. Again, we don't even have regular universal healthcare. Throw in attitudes like yours towards mental health and nothing is going to happen any time soon. 


Don't allow hillbillies to run and operate a gun store. Provide stricter licenses to sell guns. Or, don't have the gun store owners knowledgeable of anything on a background check. A third party can do it and it'll come back yes or no. 

We could only hope any measures are as effective as sprinkler systems which are mandated because they demonstrably save lives. 

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3 minutes ago, D Bone said:

So continue to do nothing but wish thoughts and prayers to the parents of murdered kids......

The American Way


seriously, going after 180 million people would stop this murderer?

I already listed several steps to take.

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Just now, calfoxwc said:


seriously, going after 180 million people would stop this murderer?

I already listed several steps to take.

As did I. You don't like mine. I don't like yours. 

Now what? Dick measuring contest? Dual at sunrise?? 

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Just now, D Bone said:

As did I. You don't like mine. I don't like yours. 

Now what? Dick measuring contest? Dual at sunrise?? 

Your suggestions solve absolutely nothing.

Mine would apply toward trying to solve the problem.

Pass your kind of laws, do you really believe the gangs and cartels and inner city shooters will


The problem is mental illness - not all the decent 180 million good folks who own guns.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

Your suggestions solve absolutely nothing.

Mine would apply toward trying to solve the problem.

Pass your kind of laws, do you really believe the gangs and cartels and inner city shooters will


The problem is mental illness - not all the decent 180 million good folks who own guns.

The 180 million good people should in no way object over having to prove they are still competent to own a gun.... I sure as hell don't.

Bad turds.... inner city and yes even the white ones in a Vegas hotel tower will still be pieces of shit, and that I don't argue with.

For what it's worth, to me when someone brings in "the left" or "the right" into a discussion like this, I won't spend a lot of time arguing because I already know which side of the ballz they are led by and there's nothing I can say to change their brainwashed minds.


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1 minute ago, D Bone said:

The 180 million good people should in no way object over having to prove they are still competent to own a gun.... I sure as hell don't.

so, why not just put them in straight jackets? in prison? haha, that should stop all gun violence.

liberals see issues emotionally. and their "solutions" are self-serving and/or emotional.

The left promised the "great society" = BACKFIRED. but got them a lot of votes over all these years.

The left promisted to solve inner city crime and poverty - it's still there, worse and worse. = BACKFIRED.,

the left promised to fix healthcare - with obaMao/biden "obamaocare". = BACKFIRED.

no solutions. just self-serving fake promises. and they can use them every four years etc.

The problem is mental health. Try thinking of a real solution.

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34 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Try thinking of a real solution.

Righteo. I'll try thinking of a real solution. I'll get right on it. 

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

A few things to start:

A "good guy with a gun" / security doesn't prevent shit. In both the buffalo shooting and Texas shooting there were "good guys with a gun" that didn't stop a mass shooting from happening. That's a cop out suggestion from people that don't want to give up their toys.

You aren't preventing a tyrannical government because you own a few guns. If a modern military wanted you dead you'd get taken out at night by an unmanned drone without a trace. You aren't stopping a modern military. That's fucking laughable



Some reforms

Create a national registry of guns and gun owners, just like with cars.

Increase the basic level of training needed to fire and own a gun, and increase that level as needed across different styles of guns. Again, just like cars. Stricter license to drive an 18 wheeler. 

Implement a buy back program on firearms

Limit large capacity magazines

Limit the amount of ammo an individual can buy. If they want to shoot for fun, go to a gun range. 

Make illegal any commercially available add on that can make a gun more deadly

Limit where and how guns can be sold

Invest in public healthcare, including mental health

More thorough background checks with longer waiting periods

Uvalde, Texas shooter entered school undisrupted through unlocked door, DPS official says

The Texas Department of Public Safety official also said that it's believed the door Ramos entered at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde was unlocked


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woodypeckerhead said:

A "good guy with a gun" / security doesn't prevent shit. In both the buffalo shooting and Texas shooting there were "good guys with a gun" that didn't stop a mass shooting from happening. That's a cop out suggestion from people that don't want to give up their toys.


     Hell yes it does. I proved you wrong. Thousands a year. You just don't know, as usual. The police did not enter the school, instead, they tasered parents and told them to shove it. Because they were cowards, I guess. And people who don't want to give up their guns? it won't solve anything, but will make society powerless to prevent home invasions, assaults, and safety on vacation etc. Violent crime went UP in Australia. No guns to stop them. A gun is NOT A TOY. That shows serious ignorance on your part.

You're a moron.

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3 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

We could only hope any measures are as effective as sprinkler systems which are mandated because they demonstrably save lives. 

I should say a sprinkler system that sometimes gets nervous around fire and runs. Or sometimes confuses the fire with another sprinkler. Or sometimes turns and lights it's own fire. Or..

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37 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I should say a sprinkler system that sometimes gets nervous around fire and runs. Or sometimes confuses the fire with another sprinkler. Or sometimes turns and lights it's own fire. Or..

Texas police reportedly arrest four males, including two students, in connection to threats against school
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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

whooreta and woodpecker don't really give a damn about kids who die.


FU- I DEMAND an apology you nut job.  I most certainly DO care about those kids who just got killed, quite a bit actually...  Ditto those folks in Buffalo. Go back to your delusional rabbit hole. Before you get me pissed off with your bullshit. 

It's YOU and your pals at the NRA who value your guns more than kids lives.  So hells bells, let's turn schools into virtual prison camps to protect them from the nuts who have easy access to weapons designed to kill 10-20 people at once.

My one small suggestion Steve?   Yeah, there's too many out there already, but ban the production and sale of magazines capable of holding more than eight rounds. Baby steps.     




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Quite the spirited debate. Looks like everyone found the winder on Cal’s back again. Better than a bongo monkey.

I actually sorta kinda think Cal’s got the right idea on some of his suggestions. I agree on some of his philosophies to take it back to education and socializing of our kids. 

If we focus on root causes that could drive someone to do something as heinous as a mass shooting, it typically has something to do with some combination of isolationism and ignorance. Isolationism, feeling like you don’t fit in, there’s no place for you, everybody’s against you, etc. Ignorance of people different than you is the root to xenophobia and bigotry. It’s easy to demonize people you don’t fully understand.

With this in mind, take steps to reduce ignorance and promote inclusion. Let’s face it, we’re a nation of many different types of people, many cultures, subcultures, religions, etc. We either have to make the best of it or have a race war. This in between shit of half ass tolerating each other is partially to blame for some of these awful incidents.

Start teaching about world cultures and American subcultures in school. Make it mandatory to have a religion 101 type class in school.

Require every student to do a certain amount of community service every year. Get them involved in the community and let them see how their actions can make a positive difference in the world, and get them out of their own heads and their own problems.

Make every student be involved in some sort of extra curricular activity that involves them working with other students to accomplish a common goal. The baseball team, glee club, debate team, video game consortium, whatever. As long as they are physically together and working towards a common goal. 

Make Spanish our official second language. That alone will go a long way to breaking down barriers and will likely improve their math skills (the same part of the brain to learn language is the same for math and logic). I know the “speak English or die” crowd won’t like it, but in a generation or 2 you won’t even be able to get a job waiting tables or customer service without being bilingual. 

These are things that over time will help. I’ll address some of Cal’s points and then give a thought or two on more immediate things that may help. 

5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

1. Put God back in our schools.

I agree. All the Gods. Throw ‘em all in there. The students will believe whichever God they choose to believe, and they can learn about the other ones in the process. Reduce ignorance. 

2. Teach children to respect each other, respect our country and our flag.

Absolutely. They have to find where they fit in the world and our country. I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.

3. STOP any and all bullying.

Nice idea, but maybe a little unreasonable. We want kids to face hardship from a variety of places so they can learn healthy ways to respond. We don’t want a bunch of ninny kids.

4. Teach kids that there are only two genders.

I’ll admit l don’t really understand trans, but if you advocate this hard line “only 2 genders” thing then you’re going to create some loose end trans kid with a gun. This is what we’re trying to avoid. We want the trans kids to find their place in the world too. 

5. Teach kids citizenship, and how to be a friend.

Sing me the Golden Girls theme song my man. 

6. LEGITMATELY, give teachers a chance to start a report on threats and very odd, aggressive behavior via official channels...Obamao/biden stopped this. because it was "racist".

They should probably finish the report too.  

7. Discipline - put it BACK into our schools. Right now, teachers and students are AT RISK because of obaMao/biden school policies.

I’m not sure about this one. I don’t think we can give schools cart blanche on punishing students but then be all “let the parents decide” on other things. Some parents don’t want your hand on their kid’s ass. 

8. Get back to reading, writing and arithmatic. Stop the liberal social agenda garbage.

I don’t thing they stopped reading, writing and arithmetic. As mentioned before learning another language will help with arithmetic. 

9. Teach kids the DANGERS of illegal drugs and alcohol.

I know right? There’s nothing worse than your teacher handing you a bong before class. 


Sing it!

11. Teach teachers to reach out to loner kids - kids who don't fit into the usual social cliques and activities.

I think l pretty well addressed that above. Teachers can help steer, but ultimately it’s their peers kids will need to fit in with.

12. Develop communication with students about social media - and how it can be a danger just as it can be great fun and constructive.


13. Teach kids about self-actualization, and how it is important to grow into themselves constructively and happily.

If we’re tossing in a reference to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs then self actualization is the tippy top of living life, and l suppose you can “teach it” but it’s more important to build the foundation so that students have the tools to achieve it, but it’s pretty unlikely they will while still in school. 


Other than all that, I actually thought the renewing gun registration was a good idea. People have to renew their driver’s license and get their eyes checked every so often, so it seems reasonable to do the same for a firearm. Have eyesight checked and maybe a very basic psych evaluation. 

I think Cysko had some disparaging words about the internet and social media on young people, and l gotta say l agree with some of that. There again it can lead to isolationism and a myriad of mind fucking depending on what it is they’re digging into. Not sure how you regulate all that but it’s a fantastic idea to find a way.

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I should say a sprinkler system that sometimes gets nervous around fire and runs. Or sometimes confuses the fire with another sprinkler. Or sometimes turns and lights it's own fire. Or..


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1 hour ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Quite the spirited debate. Looks like everyone found the winder on Cal’s back again. Better than a bongo monkey.

I actually sorta kinda think Cal’s got the right idea on some of his suggestions. I agree on some of his philosophies to take it back to education and socializing of our kids. 

If we focus on root causes that could drive someone to do something as heinous as a mass shooting, it typically has something to do with some combination of isolationism and ignorance. Isolationism, feeling like you don’t fit in, there’s no place for you, everybody’s against you, etc. Ignorance of people different than you is the root to xenophobia and bigotry. It’s easy to demonize people you don’t fully understand.

With this in mind, take steps to reduce ignorance and promote inclusion. Let’s face it, we’re a nation of many different types of people, many cultures, subcultures, religions, etc. We either have to make the best of it or have a race war. This in between shit of half ass tolerating each other is partially to blame for some of these awful incidents.

Start teaching about world cultures and American subcultures in school. Make it mandatory to have a religion 101 type class in school.

Require every student to do a certain amount of community service every year. Get them involved in the community and let them see how their actions can make a positive difference in the world, and get them out of their own heads and their own problems.

Make every student be involved in some sort of extra curricular activity that involves them working with other students to accomplish a common goal. The baseball team, glee club, debate team, video game consortium, whatever. As long as they are physically together and working towards a common goal. 

Make Spanish our official second language. That alone will go a long way to breaking down barriers and will likely improve their math skills (the same part of the brain to learn language is the same for math and logic). I know the “speak English or die” crowd won’t like it, but in a generation or 2 you won’t even be able to get a job waiting tables or customer service without being bilingual. 

These are things that over time will help. I’ll address some of Cal’s points and then give a thought or two on more immediate things that may help. 

Other than all that, I actually thought the renewing gun registration was a good idea. People have to renew their driver’s license and get their eyes checked every so often, so it seems reasonable to do the same for a firearm. Have eyesight checked and maybe a very basic psych evaluation. 

I think Cysko had some disparaging words about the internet and social media on young people, and l gotta say l agree with some of that. There again it can lead to isolationism and a myriad of mind fucking depending on what it is they’re digging into. Not sure how you regulate all that but it’s a fantastic idea to find a way.

Anything but addressing the 800 pound gun in the room I guess...



Forcing kids to be social that don't want to be isn't going to do anything. Not to mention classes that cover different cultures and religions exist. 

Address the means to commit mass murder. Heaven forbid people will have more restrictions around their toys 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

FU- I DEMAND an apology you nut job.  I most certainly DO care about those kids who just got killed, quite a bit actually...  Ditto those folks in Buffalo. Go back to your delusional rabbit hole. Before you get me pissed off with your bullshit. 

It's YOU and your pals at the NRA who value your guns more than kids lives.  So hells bells, let's turn schools into virtual prison camps to protect them from the nuts who have easy access to weapons designed to kill 10-20 people at once.

My one small suggestion Steve?   Yeah, there's too many out there already, but ban the production and sale of magazines capable of holding more than eight rounds. Baby steps.     




Demand? why do you "care" about kids who die by gunfire by maniacs, but you have never said ONE WORD about car accidents? Cars are the number one killer of children. So shove that up YOUR rabbithole. Why not admit you haven't said much at all about all the fentanyl deaths? drug overdoses???

   Logical conclusion = railing about gun crime only means your "in your face" political bigotry.

and, 8 rounds? when the standard is generally ten? just another lib talking point. You can go kiss  your hero Beto's rump.

Yep, it's that time of night again.

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woodpecker said:

really stupid ass crap again

Truth is, you are also not one to talk about fentanyl deaths. drug overdoes deaths. auto crash deaths - the leading killer of children.

just rail against guns on gun crime. If you actually DID care, you would care about the other.

But, you never say it. Just politicize gun ownership like it's the ONLY way kids are dying.

You really do seem like a slutty birdbrain. and a dishonest and ignorant entry in any discussion.


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40 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

woodpecker said:

really stupid ass crap again

Truth is, you are also not one to talk about fentanyl deaths. drug overdoes deaths. auto crash deaths - the leading killer of children.

just rail against guns on gun crime. If you actually DID care, you would care about the other.

But, you never say it. Just politicize gun ownership like it's the ONLY way kids are dying.

You really do seem like a slutty birdbrain. and a dishonest and ignorant entry in any discussion.


Deflections are pretty weak man. What about deaths by radon gas? What about spontaneous human combustion? 

Both legally driving a car and legally prescribing fentanyl are things that require a license and/or registration. You seem to acknowledge the potential deadliness of both, but are against a similar license/registration for firearms?

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