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This argument has been going back and forth for a long long time and I doubt it's going to change. I just wanted to point out this one factor that seems to be overlooked. It seems increasingly obvious that the Democrats enjoy this issue as a political wedge, maybe the Republicans to but...

Take note if the shooter is white they scream about racism white supremacy and domestic terrorism.

If the shooter is Hispanic they scream about gun control and other measures which probably have nothing to do with what happened.

The shooter and the victims are black they overlook it. B l m only when it's a black criminal shot by a white police officer.

But this is the reason for this post. Shooters are almost always young. Kids suck. And they have sucked worse over the last number of years because more and more are products of single-family or otherwise broken homes and rarely supervized. They are also products of the new "awakened" education system in which teachers and school systems are sued and or fired for even attempting to discipline the little bastards.

Not to mention the fact that crazy people get to become internet celebrities for a while.



ps I don't think the Liberals really want their core complaints addressed background checks waiting periods smaller capacity weapons Etc because they were given much of this quite a while ago and the problem hasn't changed.

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When you have zero regards for the sanctity of human life, the idea that gun control would stop this is asinine.


You may as well take all knives out of kitchens too.  Repair the family and how we view every life.  Stop glorifying violence in every aspect of our lives.


Instead of sending 40 billions to Ukraine use it to protect our future.

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[citation needed]




This thread, the other thread, it's exhausting, disappointing, and depressing. 


You can't go after liberals for "keeping score" while doing it yourselves.

Fuck whatever color or ethnicity a mass shooter is. If they were radicalized in some way, acknowledge it. If there are systemic issues leading to the violence, address them. But ultimately it's this country's perversion with guns and the powers that be continuing this cycle. 


Around and around we go while people yell about something written over 200 years ago when muskets were prevalent. And while gun Lobbyists fill their pockets. While the rest of the developed world puts up travel alerts to go to our own cities...


"We're not Australia". 

Yeah, too bad for us

We're a shit hole country

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33 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Fuck whatever color or ethnicity a mass shooter is.

I agree.

Too bad the MSM doesn’t pass on the opportunity to blast “white supremacy” whenever the shooter is a Caucasian.

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44 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

[citation needed]




This thread, the other thread, it's exhausting, disappointing, and depressing. 


You can't go after liberals for "keeping score" while doing it yourselves.

Fuck whatever color or ethnicity a mass shooter is. If they were radicalized in some way, acknowledge it. If there are systemic issues leading to the violence, address them. But ultimately it's this country's perversion with guns and the powers that be continuing this cycle. 


Around and around we go while people yell about something written over 200 years ago when muskets were prevalent. And while gun Lobbyists fill their pockets. While the rest of the developed world puts up travel alerts to go to our own cities...


"We're not Australia". 

Yeah, too bad for us

We're a shit hole country

We are still the greatest nation on earth.  Thanks for showing your true colors.  GTFO.

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moron birdgirl said:

Around and around we go while people yell about something written over 200 years ago when muskets were prevalent. And while gun Lobbyists fill their pockets. While the rest of the developed world puts up travel alerts to go to our own cities..."We're not Australia". Yeah, too bad for usWe're a shit hole country


again? you using mental health violent crimes over your stupidass "look at me" politics???

people who act out in violence with guns, do the same with cars and knives, AGAIN. and illegal bombs.

If you took guns from every decent gun owner in America (never going to happen), violent people will still get illegal guns. We don't have all the facts - the shooter was 18 - last name "Ramos"...was he in a gang? illegal? Mentally ill?

  America is the greatest country on the planet, moron. If the shooter ran over kids and teachers in a big playground with a car, would you blame America's "car culture" ???

  and, flapping your moronic feathers about other countries warning about violent crime in our cities - those cities are very well figured to be long-standing LIBERAL DEMOCRAT RUN CITIES.

   Giuliani made NYC safe. Guess what. Now it is a hell hole. DEMOCRATS.

Woodpecker, you would have at least a little credibility, if you ran your bicycle down and up a ramp and landed in a frozen pond and "wondered what happened". You would blame the bike manufacturer, surely.

since you ususally sissy-bitch about every link, here are several you should try to have someone read for you:


1.) Schools Feared Investigation, Adopted Lower Standards for Discipline. Gail Heriot, a University of San Diego School of Law professor and member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, was part ...
An article in Education Week earlier this year, titled "When Students Assault Teachers, Effects Can Be Lasting," discusses the widespread assaults of teachers across the country: "In the 2015-16 school year, 5.8 percent of the nation's 3.8 million teachers were physically attacked by a student.
Dec 23, 2017But a former St. Paul, Minn., science teacher, who was "beaten and choked out" by a 16-year-old black student, blames the discipline policies, which he says are "preferential towards African ...
Nov 23, 2019Thankfully Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced in December of 2018 that she rescinded the dangerous Obama-era policy on lenient school discipline requirements. That was a good start. But ...
In Minnesota, a 2016 bill would have required school boards to automatically expel a student who threatened or inflicted bodily harm on a teacher for up to a year.
Mar 21, 2018President Barack Obama speaks before signing the "Every Student Succeeds Act," a major education law setting U.S. public schools on a new course of accountability, Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015, in ..


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48 minutes ago, Kvoethe said:

How many political maneuverings can we get out of this tragedy??

who knows, these shootings are horrific and a heartbreak. But piling on politically about our 2nd Amendment is really stupid.

The real answers have to do with why kids are lashing out in violence. Kids are isolated emotionally more and more - by social media involvement and harrassment, and covid restrictions....

   Some kid at that latest school said the Ramos kid murderer/shooter started going dark about two years ago, when covid hit. Like other shootings, the shooters gave out big signs by their behavior in school, and ramblings on social media...etc.

   I posted about obaMao's program back then, when a kid had made threats, over time, was in a lot of trouble, but they just kept protecting him from consequences until finally he did the terrible shootings.

  My best idea? is to train school psychologists to develop programs in schools for unhappy students, to try to help those students with serious mental issues, or who are having some emotional issues about hate, anger, social, whatever.

  The process of self-actualization is complex overall. I believe social media and liberal attitudes in schools make it very tough to accomplish. Not knowing who you are, what you believe in, how you can grow as a human being,

   Without legit socialization skills, problem solving and self-actualization skills, kids are lost. No moral code, they hate everything and eventually, go sick and violent. What tool they use is a non-factor in solving the problem. I mean, look at woodpecker, tex and whoorta.....

   Like has been said - older kids could buy a gun back in the day, they didn't have shootings like this. They have social media and liberal indoctrination instead. They use to have strong family structure, morals, work ethic, strong social skills, and constructive outlets for frustrations.

  Now, they have liberal make believe "don't believe in anything"....etc.

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7 minutes ago, Vambo said:

You have to look at the common denominators...mentally ill and male.

I think the issue boils down to mental illness.

That's why it will be impossible to stop. Anyone of us on this board could, if we were crazy, stick a couple of perfectly legal or illegal weapons under our belts walk into a Walmart or a mall or a school and start firing. Insanity isn't logical the doctors can't really control it or even figure it out and unless somebody is howling at the moon straight jacket crazy he will likely not have crossed paths with any psychological professionals.


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19 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

That's why it will be impossible to stop. Anyone of us on this board could, if we were crazy, stick a couple of perfectly legal or illegal weapons under our belts walk into a Walmart or a mall or a school and start firing. Insanity isn't logical the doctors can't really control it or even figure it out and unless somebody is howling at the moon straight jacket crazy he will likely not have crossed paths with any psychological professionals.


This kid was kinda howling at the moon...just before he posted he was going to shoot his grandmother and then after he posted he did kill her then he posted he was going to shoot up a school...

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3 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

That's why it will be impossible to stop. Anyone of us on this board could, if we were crazy, stick a couple of perfectly legal or illegal weapons under our belts walk into a Walmart or a mall or a school and start firing. Insanity isn't logical the doctors can't really control it or even figure it out and unless somebody is howling at the moon straight jacket crazy he will likely not have crossed paths with any psychological professionals.


Just because some think it will be impossible to stop, doesn't mean we shouldn't try... It just may be time to redefine the meaning of the 2nd amendment.  I doubt the Founding Fathers had any conception of weapons that in the wrong hands could single handedly take out 15-20 people in short order. Don't give me the crap that "if they take away our guns, people will use knives or baseball bats" either. No way those could be used for a mass extinction of the populace before the cops got there.  Speaking of the cops... Even they're getting worried about going into an active shooter situation and getting outgunned.  :(     

Sheeze, some of the Buffalo victims aren't even buried yet.. And now we have more kiddie carnage brought to you courtesy of the NRA.  Have you hugged your AR-15 today?  And in reply to we're not Australia... Right you are- you think they don't have mental illness there?  The difference?  There's no other country in the world having at least 400,000,000 guns lying around in civilian hands. 

PS- Yeah, the Texas kid had no criminal record.  Or you forget what I opined a few days ago?  You need to take a test to be able to drive a car. But if you're 18 you can walk into a gun store, and buy as many weapons as your heart desires. Sort of ironic, or prophetic Steve. Take your pick.  

1 minute ago, Westside Steve said:

But as far as I know you can't buy a handgun at 18 in Texas can you? So we already broke the law regardless of how crazy he was. 


Yeah Steve- the old and very tired saw... When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. 

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:


Yeah Steve- the old and very tired saw... When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. 

They are the ones committing crimes not LAW ABIDING CITIZENS...what good would all the gun control do for the guy who drove over those people killing them?

Evil will find a way to commit evil...

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Give me any good reason, a just turned 18 year old, needed to be sold any type of assault rifle? https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/25/uvalde-shooter-bought-gun-legally/

Start by fixing your state laws...   


Myles Garrett,



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13 minutes ago, gumby73 said:

Give me any good reason, a just turned 18 year old, needed to be sold any type of assault rifle? https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/25/uvalde-shooter-bought-gun-legally/

Start by fixing your state laws...   


5 people are dead and 40 injured after a driver speeds through a Wisconsin parade


Give me any good reason, a just turned 18 year old, needed to be sold any type of assault motor vehicle?

Start by fixing your state laws...   

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12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

[citation needed]




This thread, the other thread, it's exhausting, disappointing, and depressing. 


You can't go after liberals for "keeping score" while doing it yourselves.

Fuck whatever color or ethnicity a mass shooter is. If they were radicalized in some way, acknowledge it. If there are systemic issues leading to the violence, address them. But ultimately it's this country's perversion with guns and the powers that be continuing this cycle. 


Around and around we go while people yell about something written over 200 years ago when muskets were prevalent. And while gun Lobbyists fill their pockets. While the rest of the developed world puts up travel alerts to go to our own cities...


"We're not Australia". 

Yeah, too bad for us

We're a shit hole country

The first amendment couldn't possibly have forseen the unaccountable hate machine that is the internet. It's damaged society far more than any other single thing that's existed in my life. 


Guess we had better get rid of the first amendment. 

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4 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

The first amendment couldn't possibly have forseen the unaccountable hate machine that is the internet. It's damaged society far more than any other single thing that's existed in my life. 


Guess we had better get rid of the first amendment. 

The ability to speak to more people carries different weight than the ability to murder more people

But if you want to UPDATE, not remove, the first amendment within the context of current communication abilities, go for it 

Let's do the same for the second amendment

Let's not tell ourselves the lie that a group of guys wrote a perfect document in stone 200+ years ago that's infallible. That's fucking idiotic. They even built in ways to change it and we have morons acting like it's perfect for all time. 


Your attempt at a gotcha doesn't work here. Go ahead, update it for modern times. I won't stop you. 

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In an effort to pull any blame off of guns a certain group wants to point at literally anything else. Here it's mental health, as if we're that much different than other developed countries. 

Ok, let's look at mental health. Oh, we don't even have universal healthcare? Let alone mental health? We're severely lacking in many public good policies while propping up bloated military spending? Yeah? 

You don't want to address our blindingly fucking obvious gun problem? You want to point to mental health? Then fucking support universal healthcare. 


We're a shit hole country. And too many of you are keeping us there. 

Loving your court doesn't mean turning a blind eye to it's problems



This whole conversation is so fucking tiring. Will have to see which kids get shot next, and y'all can what-about to your hearts content. I'm sure the parents of those dead students appreciate it



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2 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

The ability to speak to more people carries different weight than the ability to murder more people

But if you want to UPDATE, not remove, the first amendment within the context of current communication abilities, go for it 

Let's do the same for the second amendment

Let's not tell ourselves the lie that a group of guys wrote a perfect document in stone 200+ years ago that's infallible. That's fucking idiotic. They even built in ways to change it and we have morons acting like it's perfect for all time. 


Your attempt at a gotcha doesn't work here. Go ahead, update it for modern times. I won't stop you. 

That mean old gun made them do it...it wasn't that their mind was crazy, dude you should go live in another country I bet within a year you'll be crying to come back here.

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I don't give a fuck what happens to guns to be perfectly honest. I'm not a big gun guy. I have a .45 carbine socked away with a trigger lock in a locked cases behind a locked attic door. Useless for self defense because it would take me at least fifteen minutes to get it out, loaded and ready to shoot and that is if I can find all the keys straight away. So if they totally banned the sale of ar-15s and all scary looking guns it would make exactly no difference to me. 

The internet however demonstrably fucks people's brains up all day every day. It's a combination of factors that we're all taking a very laissez-faire attitude about all of which desperately need to be addressed far more than making sure some transexual cosplay fetishist doesn't hear a triggering pronoun. 

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