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Watson survey

Westside Steve

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Everybody has an opinion. And honestly none of us know what happened for sure. Do you believe:

A all of these women are lying or exaggerating looking for a quick buck. No conviction equals no problem.

B some of them are lying (enough to disqualify the whole case) and jumped on the bandwagon. No conviction but still troublesome.

C he probably went over the line but it wasn't forcible rape so boys will be boys.

D he did it and should face the consequences.

F something else


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I really Don't Know--properly B..

after the replay? inconclusive evidence;)

So many including myself, were mostly letdown by his response to 'why so many massage therapists he felt he needed to employ"  

On explaining the number of massage therapists Watson employed in the past:


Watson: “I can’t get too far into detail because there is an ongoing investigation still, but I can say that with this now day and age, especially with my age group, social media is a big business part that goes into it. That is a factor into it, but as far as the details, I can’t get too far into it because there is an investigation going on. Hopefully, once everything is resolved, I can speak freely on it."




     before said quote^^^ Came his reasoning for such a high starting client number of " I spent 5 years in the Houston area".... :mellow:  

clearing his name in this public's eyes ?  I don't see it either way .. 

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1 hour ago, gumby73 said:

I really Don't Know--properly B..

after the replay? inconclusive evidence;)

So many including myself, were mostly letdown by his response to 'why so many massage therapists he felt he needed to employ"  

On explaining the number of massage therapists Watson employed in the past:


Watson: “I can’t get too far into detail because there is an ongoing investigation still, but I can say that with this now day and age, especially with my age group, social media is a big business part that goes into it. That is a factor into it, but as far as the details, I can’t get too far into it because there is an investigation going on. Hopefully, once everything is resolved, I can speak freely on it."




     before said quote^^^ Came his reasoning for such a high starting client number of " I spent 5 years in the Houston area".... :mellow:  

clearing his name in this public's eyes ?  I don't see it either way .. 

I didn’t understand this answer. Were the women hearing about his proclivity for massages and reaching out to him on social media?

But If I liked to get massages frequently and I lived in a large city like Houston…where you have many in the profession…you have some coming and leaving the city or the profession and Watson has a demanding schedule…I don’t think a large number of therapists is an odd thing. 

Maybe if you lived in Parma or Strongsville it is different. 

We have a robust service industry in San Diego…there are massage therapist, barbers, chiropractic clinics, etc. galore and you have an abundance of professionals entering and leaving the field and the city.  Houston is similar 

As far as an answer I don’t know yet.   But a grand jury (twice) failed to indict that says something in my book. 


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3 minutes ago, SdBacker80 said:

I didn’t understand this answer. Were the women hearing about his proclivity for massages and reaching out to him on social media?

But If I liked to get massages frequently and I lived in a large city like Houston…where you have many in the profession…you have some coming and leaving the city or the profession and Watson has a demanding schedule…I don’t think a large number of therapists is an odd thing. 

Maybe if you lived in Parma or Strongsville it is different. 


Parma, Strongsville are all suburbs of Cleveland.

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8 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

This Happens in every city.  

Im talking about the sheer number of service professionals in an area and the coming and going of those professionals.

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I don't care... Win us a SB... Because AB and Jimmy think you are better... Now prove it... Otherwise...


Same Shit


Same Team!...




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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Everybody has an opinion. And honestly none of us know what happened for sure. Do you believe:

A all of these women are lying or exaggerating looking for a quick buck. No conviction equals no problem.

B some of them are lying (enough to disqualify the whole case) and jumped on the bandwagon. No conviction but still troublesome.

C he probably went over the line but it wasn't forcible rape so boys will be boys.

D he did it and should face the consequences.

F something else


I'm going with "c"

The simple fact that there are 22 complaints, he hops around these parlors hoping to get the ultimate score. You don't need to be Einstein to see that.

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I am leaning towards B with the caveat that the lawyer for women seems to me to be doing them more harm them good if they have legit grievances. I think the lawyer tried to get all these women without vetting their stories properly in order to try to get some large pay day so instead he tainted the pool of accusers with some bad apples that would be enough to have people dismiss the accusations entirely. I don't know one way or the other but my gut says he most likely did some of the stuff he was accused of.

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4 hours ago, Dutch Oven said:

Gun to my head, I'm going "B"

I'm going with 75% "B" and 25% "C". If these women were so offended, why repeatedly going back for more? Hey, you have a young, studly, famous guy with a lot of money. He was doing stuff in massage parlors instead of having women lining up in bars ala Ben you know who.  

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1 hour ago, Zombo said:

Somewhere between A and B.

I've always thought, long before the Browns got involved,  that the whacko Texans brass/ownership heard whispers that he had a thing for massage girls,  and when Watson got fed up with this horribly run franchise and demanded a trade, the Texans leaked this info to this attorney, Bisbee, who is very good at convincing people that they were wronged, and that they deserve compensation.

Read up on Cal McNair and Jack Easterby. They are nutjobs, and not fit to run a franchise. And the McNairs had previous connection to Bisbee.

I think they are awful, incompetent people whose attempt to sabotage Watson backfired, but they are still getting a butload of draft picks because the League, and in particular the Browns, believe in Watson, who has built up a lot of good will.

The Texans leadership is the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight, Bisbee is a creep lawyer, and Watson is a young man that likes his tally whacked, but never forced these women to do anything.


Watson wasn't the only one who wanted out Z. When you have a future HOFer with impeccable character like JJ Watt head for the exit, sort of tells you the Texans organization is FUBAR.  

"Multiple articles were published about the state of the Texans front office, which was (and still is) being run by a former team chaplain."

"It's hard to have fond emotions when the team you knew has been systematically dismantled and replaced with an unrecognizable losing machine."


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Given this some thought and "B" is my answer.

This is the opinion of a 66 year old guy with 40 some years on this guy but a "starting NFL quarterback" who makes millions of dollars a year should be smart enough to avoid the kind of situations that can lead to this kind of accusations.





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I and my wife are an AAA!!!

We believe he is INNOCENT! There may have been some ADULT things that happened, but ALL were consenting ADULTS!! We as a couple are  all in on this transition/transaction! Deshaun is our QB1 moving forward/onward/AND Upwards!!! GO BROWNS!!!!!!!!! 

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Can’t vote as I don’t know enough about what happened. It’s what I was saying to people before he was dealt here… we have unsubstantiated reports as evidence. No one knows. No need to jump off the ship until there’s evidence enough to do so. Does it seem icky? You bet. Does it also come across as suspect? Yeah, honestly. Kinda.

What I suspect has happened (and it could be a shade worse or more innocent): 

Watson goes to a masseuse. After she is done, she says “Oh, you’re Deshaun Watson the NFL quarterback? We’ll sir, would you do me the pleasure of allowing me to blow you?” And Watson being a dude says “my pleasure m’lady. Allow me to present to you… my throbbing manhood.” And then afterward he thinks to himself… “well uh… I don’t know if I should go back to that one. It’s kinda weird now that she sucked my cock and everything.”

So Watson finds a new masseuse. And that masseuse in turn says “Hey Mr Watson! Check out how wet my pussy is for you!” “Well hop on, lass!”

And then again afterward he thinks “geez I don’t know if I should go back to this one.”

And so on and so forth with some not expressing desire to fuck him and others quite the opposite. But enough that do so much that Watson makes some bad reads. He oversteps and he makes some women uncomfortable. And that’s no good. And maybe he meant no disrespect. And maybe upon the “no”, he left it at that and didn’t harass anyone. But perhaps his boner should not have been presented in the first place without being damn sure it was welcome.

For those instances, a lady or two comes forward and says “this cat is a creep.” And a few more come forward who actually consented, but can smell the dollarbucks and claim the same. And perhaps one or two who experienced nothing at all sexual get a whiff of potential cash as well, so they pile on. 

The money grubbers may have inflated the numbers and made things look worse than they are. But there are probably some with legit concerns who Watson didn’t intend to offend, but definitely positively abso-fucking-lutely should have fucking known fucking better than to assume that they wanted to fuck him, with whom he acted recklessly and without proper regard. 

Presenting a boner? Icky. Unwanted verbal advances? Ditto. Can I learn to live with those with some remorse and a lesson learned? Probably. Because I’ve been cheering for a team without a quarterback my entire adult life. And that’s just the level of hypocrite I’m willing to reduce myself to.

Cramming that unwanted boner down the throat of an unwilling person? I’m drawing a line and will turn in my fan card until Watson is no longer around. Can’t abide by it.

But do I know what level this rises to? Nope! So I’m basing my excitement level on Browns management hopefully being smart enough to understand where they could draw that line. And with what they know, hopefully it’s a sign that it’s not as bad as we fear.

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3 hours ago, Mr. Make-Believe said:

Cramming that unwanted boner down the throat of an unwilling person? I’m drawing a line and will turn in my fan card

That's called rape, and sex evaluation kits are standard issue in 100% of ED's.  Lack of indictment means the case doesn't even go to trial -- because the totality of evidence presented to the grand jury isn't enough for the grand jury to conclude he MIGHT have been guilty.. even IF you assume all the evidence they present to that grand jury is 100% true.


That means they have precisely zero rape kits.  Not some, not part, not half of these girls --- ZERO.


Look, people -- sociopaths are people you will come across.  It's possible they will try to ruin your life - or someone you know.  [How&why any one person would be the target of a sociopathic attack, of course, is a different topic for another thread.. I'm not saying this happens every time or is the sole cause of all defamation campaigns, etc] 

My read on this is that the leadership of Texans simply tried to ruin Watson's life for having the temerity to want to play football somewhere other than Houston.


9 hours ago, Bob806 said:

You don't need to be Einstein to see that.

Just because someone says something doesn't mean it's objective reality.  Do you make investing decisions based on Hot Tips from ZeroHedge?

This is the logic behind "A Big Lie" of any kind.. political, economic, any.  Pay enough people to repeatedly lie and a large % will refuse to believe it could be entirely fictional.


Option A, 100%.  Show the evidence or you made it up. 

My guess is the reason Watson has said nothing is that he is planning to countersue McNair&Bizbee for another 100M for their slander.. and deserve every penny.  I hope Watson gets ahold of some documents during discovery that link McNair to this slander campaign.. that would be slam-dunk for his case, and sweet revenge.

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Me? I'm presuming his innocence until he's proven guilty. After all, it's on the first page in the owners manual on how to live in the USA.  

Seems most Americans never learned it, or have forgotten it.

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13 hours ago, Unsympathetic said:


Just because someone says something doesn't mean it's objective reality.  Do you make investing decisions based on Hot Tips from ZeroHedge?


No, I just answer a poll question with my hunch. 

"C" remains my pick. 

Lol, nice shot at my investments. The only lemon I have, but still holding out hope on, is my Browns season tickets. The shares keep rising but no Super Bowl 

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All these people wanting Watson lynched are probably the same people who wanted the central park 5 executed. Look what happened there. Lets wait until he is convicted first or a court decides he did what was alleged before he is condemned. USA is like the UK Guilty until proven innocent. Everyone hating on the Browns because Watson chose us ....I hope the hate of those people also stretches out to New Orleans, Atlanta and Carolina ..... or are they exempt now because he chose to come to a better team ?

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20 hours ago, hoorta said:

Watson wasn't the only one who wanted out Z. When you have a future HOFer with impeccable character like JJ Watt head for the exit, sort of tells you the Texans organization is FUBAR.  

"Multiple articles were published about the state of the Texans front office, which was (and still is) being run by a former team chaplain."

"It's hard to have fond emotions when the team you knew has been systematically dismantled and replaced with an unrecognizable losing machine."


Remember... Watson was the QB that demanded the staff replace white coaches and players with all black ones... He's a racist... Thats why I can't stand him... he's a cancer waiting to happen...

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38 minutes ago, nickers said:

Remember... Watson was the QB that demanded the staff replace white coaches and players with all black ones... He's a racist... Thats why I can't stand him... he's a cancer waiting to happen...

I'm surprised you don't like him.

You apparently have a lot in common with him, then. 

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10 hours ago, nickers said:

Remember... Watson was the QB that demanded the staff replace white coaches and players with all black ones

Watson advocated for... Eric Bienemy as HC to replace the dumpster fire who was Bill O'Brien. 

Watson didn't say anything about the need to fire OBrien because that was quite obvious.

Mahomes first spoke up for Bienemy to Watson, and Watson relayed that to Texans org.. who responded by not interviewing Bienemy, choosing instead such luminaries as high school coach Josh McCown.

Incidentally, Deshaun Watson also advocated to keep his white OC Tim Kelly.  The Texans currently employ someone named Pep Hamilton.

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Just now, Unsympathetic said:

Watson advocated for... Eric Bienemy as HC to replace the dumpster fire who was Bill O'Brien. 

Watson didn't say anything about the need to fire OBrien because that was quite obvious.

And just to be clear about the sequence.. Mahomes first spoke up for Bienemy to Watson, and Watson relayed that to Texans org.. who responded by not interviewing Bienemy, choosing instead such luminaries as high school coach Josh McCown.

Incidentally, Deshaun Watson also advocated to keep his white OC Tim Kelly.  The Texans currently employ someone named Pep Hamilton.

Just to be fair.. I think Bienemy should get a shot... I think hes a great play caller...

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