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Schefter: Watson to Browns

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8 minutes ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

I'm shaking in my boots! Go ahead and ban me then tough guy.

Did I say anything about banning?  That was by my definition pure flamebaiting to get a rise out of nickers.  Ghoolie would have been proud of you.  

But I could delete this thread just to let you know I can delete stuff WAY faster than you can post it.  :D   

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Now that's bordering on a political no-no here... But you're right- Kraft soliciting prostitution (even on a tape that he got destroyed as inadmissible), and then Irsay consuming strictly  illegal substances...  No penalties if you're in the Owner's Club.  But then our own Jimmy Haslam didn't know about that scam when he was running Pilot\ Flying J either.  


1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Now that's bordering on a political no-no here... But you're right- Kraft soliciting prostitution (even on a tape that he got destroyed as inadmissible), and then Irsay consuming strictly  illegal substances...  No penalties if you're in the Owner's Club.  But then our own Jimmy Haslam didn't know about that scam when he was running Pilot\ Flying J either.  

Exactly.....I know...thats why I put both sides of the political spectrum.  My line is if this Watson thing is the line but aaaall the other things weren't?

And I saw a friend who is talking mess who supported Albert Belle after he ran over kids purposely 

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1 hour ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

Still hard to believe we have a superstar QB. Go Browns!!!

Right? They sure as hell don't grow on trees, and we've been turning over every rock since 19 was slinging it side arm, with no luck whatsoever. We've had our share of pretenders and imposters that raised our hopes, but we have not had the guy.... until now. 



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On 3/18/2022 at 7:57 PM, gumby73 said:


a whole lot of smoke will get clearing sooner or later...


Question? for anyone- is it true Watson's attorney worked Haslam case? 

Hmmm...this does sound legit^^^  


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10 hours ago, Vagitron said:

The problem is all that money is fully guaranteed. You are also 100% correct on if the baggage is gone. However if the baggage were gone he may be a steeler. It's where he wanted to be based on several reports. I'm glad he's not at that cost. 

You could be right.  It is a lot of cash and could become crushing.  However, we are basing that on cap dollars as we know.  Next year TV dollars will increase as the new contracts will kick in to place.  Gambling money is going to start heading in to the NFL treasure chest.  There are still  "maybe's" and "if's" attached to all of this, but it is a pretty good bet the cap is going to go up in a big way over the next season or two, so what seems like crazy today may not be so crazy in a year or two.  It is a good bet the Browns are just a year ahead of the curve.


But...as I said, maybe not

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19 hours ago, Comeonman said:

Watson was accused of putting his dick in someone’s hand who was unwilling to hold it. 

Roethlisberger was accused of putting his dick in someone’s vagina without their consent. 

Ray Lewis 

Ray Rice

Mike Vick

Joe Mixon

Crazy fuck from the Panthers Mod Edit:  Greg Hardy 

Kareem Hunt

Tyreek Hill 

Josh Gordon

A few hundred other people. 

we’re either going to keep watching the sport in spite of what all these idiots keep doing or not. If not, so be it. I understand. Im going to keep watching for now. 

Hey Trump even became President ...... after grabbing felines. 

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23 hours ago, D Bone said:

I have a serious question for those that are outraged after DW's signing, but for some reason weren't before even though Hunt plays on the team and has a significant role:


Is it strictly the numbers that matter to you? Meaning it's OK if it's just one woman but you draw the line at 23?

Is it the offense that bothers you? Sex stuff is where you draw the line, and sometimes "loud, nasty bitches acting the fool" just gotta be boot stomped and punched, cause after all, they deserve it?

Is it DW is a QB and Hunt is just a RB? 


^ All serious questions, and all I'm am asking is you to do is actually think about it and look inside yourself for just 90 seconds before furiously typing your reply. Anyone here is free to search my posts on when we signed Hunt and you will see that I thought (and still do) that he was (is) a piece of shit of a man that I saw with my own 2 eyes do exactly what he was accused of doing.  


EDIT: I'm guessing this post will more than likely roll right on by with no quotes or replies because defending any one of those 3 questions would - and quite frankly should, make anyone look at themselves just a little differently the next time they brush their teeth. 

I'm not defending DW (with the lone exception being his right that he is innocent until proven guilty) and I wish our franchise QB was someone like Peyton Manning in terms of character...... but I guess in typical Browns fashion, it's simply a careful what you wish for thing. 


EDIT2: .... and don't even get me started on the team we all root for being owned by a white collar crook that stole from the tables of hard working people. 


^ This is why you all should watch Supercross. There is literally none of this shit there and all of the dudes are easy to root for. 


Very good post!    I was a huge fan of Watson coming out of Clemson.  I still admire his football talent.  We can't control what's gone on in the massage therapy rooms, etc.  I was just joking around with the name I used for him in the subject heading.  That was poor judgment on my part.

All that said, If this FO/Owner just gave up 3 1st round picks for a guy that gets suspended for a long time - you'll probably even see some guys that are pumped to add Watson posting a WTF or 2.  1 plan I saw was to stick with Baker for the last year of his contract and draft a QB at #13 overall (Picket, Corral, Strong, Willis) leaving it up to Baker to silence his critics in the FO.  If he blows it - someone else throws it moving forward.  

If there isn't a a very long suspension, he'll be leading us to victory while his contract will remind us his new and permanent massage therapist is a 300 lb guy named Bruno.

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7 minutes ago, Flugel said:

Very good post!    I was a huge fan of Watson coming out of Clemson.  I still admire his football talent.  We can't control what's gone on in the massage therapy rooms, etc.  I was just joking around with the name I used for him in the subject heading.  That was poor judgment on my part.

All that said, If this FO/Owner just gave up 3 1st round picks for a guy that gets suspended for a long time - you'll probably even see some guys that are pumped to add Watson posting a WTF or 2.  1 plan I saw was to stick with Baker for the last year of his contract and draft a QB at #13 overall (Picket, Corral, Strong, Willis) leaving it up to Baker to silence his critics in the FO.  If he blows it - someone else throws it moving forward.  

If there isn't a a very long suspension, he'll be leading us to victory while his contract will remind us his new and permanent massage therapist is a 300 lb guy named Bruno.

I get the move... I just think its shitty the way they have handled it...

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Are people just disgusted with the team that actually signed him or are fans of the Falcons, Saints and Panthers planning on boycotting their teams ?

Young boys have been molested by Priests for years but people still go to Catholic Church .... and talking of grabbing females private parts the last President won an election after admitting it on camera. Where do morals end ? and don't forget innocent until proven guilty.  

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11 minutes ago, darren15 said:

.... and talking of grabbing females private parts the last President won an election after admitting it was just locker room talk on camera.

More accurate for ya. He admitted nothing more than just talk.

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21 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Maybe it's just me but surely we could have found an untainted QB with those 3 1st rounders in trade value. It's called move up for the best QB. Maybe not this year for I just don't see one that is a sure fire SB level QB. But surely within the next couple of years while we stack the rest of the chips onto the team to give him the best chance to succeed.

Too much baggage added to that makes it untenable. Throw in a key injury to said Mr. Watson and the Browns are once again head clowns of the donkey league.

My thinking Tex is the Browns coaches have been checking out those screen shots Tia has been posting, and a lot more. Came to the same conclusion the Rams did with Goff... The obvious thinking is Baker may be good, but he's not good enough- and after four years his shortcomings aren't fixable.  So why muddle through 2022 with (maybe) a one and done in the playoffs? Then rinse wash repeat go QB shopping in 2023?  Garrett and the rest of the crew will be that two years older come 2024 when new QB is ready. 

Berry thinks, this is a Super Bowl roster, so all in. He's seen enough of Super Joe down Cinci way to realize we won't even win the division with Baker. Then there's the murder's row of stud qbs waiting in the AFC West.  I wish we could have gotten a top 5 qb without Deshawn's baggage, but I'm not the one who made that decision.      :( 

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9 hours ago, ballpeen said:

You could be right.  It is a lot of cash and could become crushing.  However, we are basing that on cap dollars as we know.  Next year TV dollars will increase as the new contracts will kick in to place.  Gambling money is going to start heading in to the NFL treasure chest.  There are still  "maybe's" and "if's" attached to all of this, but it is a pretty good bet the cap is going to go up in a big way over the next season or two, so what seems like crazy today may not be so crazy in a year or two.  It is a good bet the Browns are just a year ahead of the curve.


But...as I said, maybe not

As I posted elsewhere 'Peen- it was 2018 when the Vikings gave Cousins (at the time) what sounded like an insane contract with $80 million guaranteed.  BTW 38 year old Aaron Rodgers is getting $150 million guaranteed over three years to keep him happy in Green Bay, so on an annual basis, that's a tad more than what we're giving Watson.  

Guess that means the going rate for a top 10 NFL QB is now in the $40 million a year range.  Also means it's the reason why my 2022 Season Tickets are averaging $165 bucks each per game....   :(  

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On 3/19/2022 at 2:13 PM, Comeonman said:

Watson was accused of putting his dick in someone’s hand who was unwilling to hold it. 

Roethlisberger was accused of putting his dick in someone’s vagina without their consent. 

Ray Lewis 

Ray Rice

Mike Vick

Joe Mixon

Crazy fuck from the Panthers Mod Edit:  Greg Hardy 

Kareem Hunt

Tyreek Hill 

Josh Gordon

A few hundred other people. 

we’re either going to keep watching the sport in spite of what all these idiots keep doing or not. If not, so be it. I understand. Im going to keep watching for now. 


Money grubbing whores being money grubbing whores. Imagine that.

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Just now, jbluhm86 said:


Money grubbing whores being money grubbing whores. Imagine that.

DeShawn Cosby.  :lol:

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On 3/18/2022 at 2:52 PM, Flugel said:

Never thought this would happen.  Roger Goodfella could still stomp all over this because, after all, it still is ONLY the Cleveland Browns.  If it was Pittsburgh he'd probably be really lenient on punishment/suspension; but it's Cleveland so would it surprise you if Roger suspended Deshlong 8-10 games?

We better hope Baker gets us back a 1st or 2nd round pick somewhere.




first off why are you calling are new q.b deshlong for ? if you dont like it then just leave

second what kind of drugs are you taking to think we could get a 1st or 2nd for mayfield at best a 3rd more than likely a 4th just to get his money off the books

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3 hours ago, ATOM said:

how was it shitty ?

The way they dicked around with Mayfield and other players in the past,,,

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18 hours ago, ATOM said:

first off why are you calling are new q.b deshlong for ? if you dont like it then just leave

second what kind of drugs are you taking to think we could get a 1st or 2nd for mayfield at best a 3rd more than likely a 4th just to get his money off the books

First, I've never disrespected your opinions in here good or bad.  I already said to D Bone just a few posts up - I used bad judgment calling him Deshlong. EDIT: I've loved the Browns all my life; but at 58 years of age - there's not as many next years left if this goes bad.

Second, could it be some teams are so desperate for a starting QB that 1 team is now willing to give up multiple draft picks (inclusive of 3 1st round picks) and a guaranteed salary of 230 million $ for a guy that could have a lengthy suspension?    QB is an important enough position to make teams overpay and/or overcommit trade exchange for every year.  Anyway, the year before Baker was injured, he threw 26 TD passes to just 8 INTs in helping the Browns go 11-5 plus beating Pittsburgh 48-37 in the 1st round of the playoffs.  Some teams don't just research the worst season a guy has had and make it the rule. They're more thorough than that. 

No drugs required - Indy gave up a 1st round pick for Wentz last year.   Washington just gave up 2 second round picks for the same guy this year.  Why can't we get something like that for Baker?  Baker is not that different except Baker WON a playoff game he started in right?  

If you don't think a lot of people that have had a family member or close friend sexually assaulted (seeing Watson getting rewarded with a guaranteed 230 million $ contract) aren't going to be contacting the NFL Commish's Office - what kind of drugs are you taking?   Have you thought about how this team can compete in a division with that kind of guaranteed cap hit without 1st round picks in a division that sent 3 teams to the playoffs in 2020 and 2 teams in 2021 if the God complex of Roger suspends him for a long time?


Edited by Flugel
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23 minutes ago, Flugel said:

First, I've never disrespected your opinions in here good or bad.  I already said to D Bone just a few posts up - I used bad judgment calling him Deshlong. EDIT: I've loved the Browns all my life; but at 58 years of age - there's not as many next years left if this goes bad.

Second, could it be some teams are so desperate for a starting QB that 1 team is now willing to give up multiple draft picks (inclusive of 3 1st round picks) and a guaranteed salary of 230 million $ for a guy that could have a lengthy suspension?    QB is an important enough position to make teams overpay and/or overcommit trade exchange for every year.  Anyway, the year before Baker was injured, he threw 26 TD passes to just 8 INTs in helping the Browns go 11-5 plus beating Pittsburgh 48-37 in the 1st round of the playoffs.  Some teams don't just research the worst season a guy has had and make it the rule. They're more thorough than that. 

No drugs required - Indy gave up a 1st round pick for Wentz last year.   Washington just gave up 2 second round picks for the same guy this year.  Why can't we get something like that for Baker?  Baker is not that different except Baker WON a playoff game he started in right?  

If you don't think a lot of people that have had a family member or close friend sexually assaulted (seeing Watson getting rewarded with a guaranteed 230 million $ contract) aren't going to be contacting the NFL Commish's Office - what kind of drugs are you taking?   Have you thought about how this team can compete in a division with that kind of guaranteed cap hit without 1st round picks in a division that sent 3 teams to the playoffs in 2020 and 2 teams in 2021 if the God complex of Roger suspends him for a long time?


Like you said Tom.. Not many years left... I'm 57 myself... My pop died at 69.. But my Pops didn't take care of himself to0 well later in life (cigarettes and Beer) and basically just gave up... All we could hope for is God gives us another 20 years or so I totally get this frustrating development.. I was fine to give Baker another season...

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21 hours ago, hoorta said:

My thinking Tex is the Browns coaches have been checking out those screen shots Tia has been posting, and a lot more. Came to the same conclusion the Rams did with Goff... The obvious thinking is Baker may be good, but he's not good enough- and after four years his shortcomings aren't fixable.  So why muddle through 2022 with (maybe) a one and done in the playoffs? Then rinse wash repeat go QB shopping in 2023?  Garrett and the rest of the crew will be that two years older come 2024 when new QB is ready. 

Berry thinks, this is a Super Bowl roster, so all in. He's seen enough of Super Joe down Cinci way to realize we won't even win the division with Baker. Then there's the murder's row of stud qbs waiting in the AFC West.  I wish we could have gotten a top 5 qb without Deshawn's baggage, but I'm not the one who made that decision.      :( 

We already saw Kyle Shanahan (who would love to stick it to Jimmy) - get 7 wins out of this team with a guy like Brian Hoyer using play-action to open up success in the passing game. At the beginning of last season, they showed Baker had excellent/elite passing stats in week 1 and during the season before EDIT: (when throwing out of play-action). I think we can all agree a guy like Baker can do better than Hoying did in Kyle's offense in SF.  That said, Hoying kind of flat-lined the last 6-7 weeks that year we went 7-9.

SF could give up a 2nd round pick for Baker if they were interested.  Seattle could as well especially if they are planning on drafting a QB in round 1. We gotta get something.  This guy won a playoff game in January of 2021 for a team that went 11-5 in the regular season.

New Orleans and Atlanta are also worth exploring.  Same with Indy if they still have some interest.  


Edited by Flugel
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1 hour ago, Flugel said:

First, I've never disrespected your opinions in here good or bad.  I already said to D Bone just a few posts up - I used bad judgment calling him Deshlong. EDIT: I've loved the Browns all my life; but at 58 years of age - there's not as many next years left if this goes bad.

Second, could it be some teams are so desperate for a starting QB that 1 team is now willing to give up multiple draft picks (inclusive of 3 1st round picks) and a guaranteed salary of 230 million $ for a guy that could have a lengthy suspension?    QB is an important enough position to make teams overpay and/or overcommit trade exchange for every year.  Anyway, the year before Baker was injured, he threw 26 TD passes to just 8 INTs in helping the Browns go 11-5 plus beating Pittsburgh 48-37 in the 1st round of the playoffs.  Some teams don't just research the worst season a guy has had and make it the rule. They're more thorough than that. 

No drugs required - Indy gave up a 1st round pick for Wentz last year.   Washington just gave up 2 second round picks for the same guy this year.  Why can't we get something like that for Baker?  Baker is not that different except Baker WON a playoff game he started in right?  

If you don't think a lot of people that have had a family member or close friend sexually assaulted (seeing Watson getting rewarded with a guaranteed 230 million $ contract) aren't going to be contacting the NFL Commish's Office - what kind of drugs are you taking?   Have you thought about how this team can compete in a division with that kind of guaranteed cap hit without 1st round picks in a division that sent 3 teams to the playoffs in 2020 and 2 teams in 2021 if the God complex of Roger suspends him for a long time?


EXCELLENT POST ! Try being 71 and finally being so disgusted that you happily go outdoors more, travel more, camp and fish more.

All these years, a serious tradition. But I have come to believe that the nfl and the browns have quit caring about the fans. This latest move will divide the lockerroom, and some free agents will go "wtf?" and not come to the Browns, I suspect. And, fans are obviously divided badly now. So, the tv contracts are so rich, the nfl teams can get as sleazy as they want to be because they get $$$$$$$$$$$ making controversial.

    We don't need this drama - some will applaud it - but I think most will be disgusted. Three first round picks? I would have loved it if they drafted qb's the next three years, first round, compared to this. To me, it's a slap in the face to the fanbase that doesn't buy into the watson baggage and drama.  The haslams and berry should be ashamed - it's worse than giving up your entire draft to get Ricky Williams, the running back. The browns mistake will go down in infamy I think -

  No more - I've lost interest - I won't cheer on a slutty? qb while parents all over now-tainted "Browns Town" try to explain why the qb has 22 women suing him, and how he is not playing because he was suspended for.....half a season?

  I would rather sit in the woods and watch squirrels. Pressure can green beans. Read up more on wild plants for food and medicine.

Treasure hunt in our woods. (surely there's a can of gold coins out there somewhere) LOL LOL.

Everybody has their own "red line" - this is mine. It's too bad. and I think most all Browns fans who are no longer with us, and would never have been sleazy "woke" ....would go elsewhere for a tradition of watching a team.

and, I believe Baker goes to a team that beats the Browns this coming season. You betcha.

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2 hours ago, Flugel said:

Second, could it be some teams are so desperate for a starting QB that 1 team is now willing to give up multiple draft picks (inclusive of 3 1st round picks) and a guaranteed salary of 230 million $ for a guy that could have a lengthy suspension?    QB is an important enough position to make teams overpay and/or overcommit trade exchange for every year.  Anyway, the year before Baker was injured, he threw 26 TD passes to just 8 INTs in helping the Browns go 11-5 plus beating Pittsburgh 48-37 in the 1st round of the playoffs.  Some teams don't just research the worst season a guy has had and make it the rule. They're more thorough than that. 

No drugs required - Indy gave up a 1st round pick for Wentz last year.   Washington just gave up 2 second round picks for the same guy this year.  Why can't we get something like that for Baker?  Baker is not that different except Baker WON a playoff game he started in right?  

If you don't think a lot of people that have had a family member or close friend sexually assaulted (seeing Watson getting rewarded with a guaranteed 230 million $ contract) aren't going to be contacting the NFL Commish's Office - what kind of drugs are you taking?   Have you thought about how this team can compete in a division with that kind of guaranteed cap hit without 1st round picks in a division that sent 3 teams to the playoffs in 2020 and 2 teams in 2021 if the God complex of Roger suspends him for a long time?


Couple of things Tom...

1) tia posted some stuff showing Bakers flaws were evident even before he was injured. The Browns saw what I like to call Andy Dalton syndrome in Baker. An average QB who can get you to the playoffs if everything around him is optimally perfect.  I'm forced to see the goings on in Bungle Land... Throw in a couple WRs, and a top 5 QB = Super Bowl. And FYI look out for the Queen City Kitties in 2022... They've totally rebuilt their glaring weakness- their O-line.  :( 

2) Yes, $230 million guaranteed sets a new bar Flugs.  But need I remind you it was just four short years ago Cousins' $80 million guaranteed was considered totally nuts?  Let me opine on something that may make it not quite as nuts as it sounds...  DirecTv isn't going to be able to re-up with the NFL after 2022 on the Sunday ticket package of $1 billion a year. Reports are Disney already has an offer of $2.5 BILLION on the table for the package, and some are speculating it could go a lot higher than that. If it goes as high as $5 billion+ my handy dandy calculator tells me (after the owners take their cut) that alone could add $100 million a year to each team's cap space.

3) We can say Baker is gonzo, but I'm not going to speculate what his damaged goods worth is to other teams in the NFL.

4) Yes, as I told Pat Mahomo in another thread "Image is Everything". And Watson's massage parlor antics don't project a good image for the league. But LOL Robert Kraft getting charged with soliciting prostitution didn't?  Seems old Roger was scared shitless to discipline a guy who helps write his checks.  :D

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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

EXCELLENT POST ! Try being 71 and finally being so disgusted that you happily go outdoors more, travel more, camp and fish more.

All these years, a serious tradition. But I have come to believe that the nfl and the browns have quit caring about the fans. This latest move will divide the lockerroom, and some free agents will go "wtf?" and not come to the Browns, I suspect. And, fans are obviously divided badly now. So, the tv contracts are so rich, the nfl teams can get as sleazy as they want to be because they get $$$$$$$$$$$ making controversial.

    We don't need this drama - some will applaud it - but I think most will be disgusted. Three first round picks? I would have loved it if they drafted qb's the next three years, first round, compared to this. To me, it's a slap in the face to the fanbase that doesn't buy into the watson baggage and drama.  The haslams and berry should be ashamed - it's worse than giving up your entire draft to get Ricky Williams, the running back. The browns mistake will go down in infamy I think -

  No more - I've lost interest - I won't cheer on a slutty? qb while parents all over now-tainted "Browns Town" try to explain why the qb has 22 women suing him, and how he is not playing because he was suspended for.....half a season?

  I would rather sit in the woods and watch squirrels. Pressure can green beans. Read up more on wild plants for food and medicine.

Treasure hunt in our woods. (surely there's a can of gold coins out there somewhere) LOL LOL.

Everybody has their own "red line" - this is mine. It's too bad. and I think most all Browns fans who are no longer with us, and would never have been sleazy "woke" ....would go elsewhere for a tradition of watching a team.

and, I believe Baker goes to a team that beats the Browns this coming season. You betcha.

We're about the same age Cal..So my 0.02...  Yeah- 1964 was a long time ago, and I've always been hopeful I'd see the Browns win a Super Bowl before I check out. BUT not at the cost of the Browns effectively selling their souls to get one. From my religious POV, God can and is able to forgive anything, but some fans won't. Heck, I haven't forgotten Ray Lewis' little "incident" at the Atlanta Olympics.  So, by the same standard a Cleveland Super Bowl win will always be tainted to some fans if Watson is the one who gets them to the Football Promised Land.

The NFL has turned into a money making machine Cal, and I have no idea where it will end, but there has to be a ceiling somewhere. Not anytime soon though, as I mentioned to Flugs, there's no shortage of corporations willing to throw massive amounts of money at the NFL for the Sunday Ticket package. The owners could care less as long as the Benjamin's keep rolling in. Joe Q fan has long ago been priced out of the marked, look at what the price of a Super Bowl ticket costs.

I'm more financially invested in this team than most with my Season Tickets and shelling out $$ for Sunday ticket. Though referring to the above, I'm not sure if the $165 bucks a ticket and 420 miles of driving to a game is worth it to me anymore.Those season tickets now are for the nephews and nieces than me. (My pal Don who's the ticket holder of record rarely even goes to games anymore, and he lives in the Cleveland area) So those tickets will be used by the family long after Deshawn is just a distant memory.  So as to how I'll feel in six months when the season starts? It's something I can't predict. 

Ah, I'll try to look on the bright side of this- maybe we just have a young, rich, and not too bright guy who enjoyed living the Playboy lifestyle. Can he leave that behind? I sure hope so, but history is against it. :(

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4 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Couple of things Tom...

1) tia posted some stuff showing Bakers flaws were evident even before he was injured. The Browns saw what I like to call Andy Dalton syndrome in Baker. An average QB who can get you to the playoffs if everything around him is optimally perfect.  I'm forced to see the goings on in Bungle Land... Throw in a couple WRs, and a top 5 QB = Super Bowl. And FYI look out for the Queen City Kitties in 2022... They've totally rebuilt their glaring weakness- their O-line.  :( 

2) Yes, $230 million guaranteed sets a new bar Flugs.  But need I remind you it was just four short years ago Cousins' $80 million guaranteed was considered totally nuts?  Let me opine on something that may make it not quite as nuts as it sounds...  DirecTv isn't going to be able to re-up with the NFL after 2022 on the Sunday ticket package of $1 billion a year. Reports are Disney already has an offer of $2.5 BILLION on the table for the package, and some are speculating it could go a lot higher than that. If it goes as high as $5 billion+ my handy dandy calculator tells me (after the owners take their cut) that alone could add $100 million a year to each team's cap space.

3) We can say Baker is gonzo, but I'm not going to speculate what his damaged goods worth is to other teams in the NFL.

4) Yes, as I told Pat Mahomo in another thread "Image is Everything". And Watson's massage parlor antics don't project a good image for the league. But LOL Robert Kraft getting charged with soliciting prostitution didn't?  Seems old Roger was scared shitless to discipline a guy who helps write his checks.  :D

All that is fine and dandy; but I saw this team win 11 games and rathouse Pittsburgh 48-37 in the playoffs to see what is possible.  That already separates him from Andy Dalton.   One of our losses was a 47-42 loss on Thursday Night Football only because Baltimore got the ball last. Anyone call out the defense that night while the offense put 6 TDs (no FGs) on the board?  One of the best games of that year according to the announcers of it.  Anyone show film of Baker that night?  Of course not.  Whether you want to admit this or not, in the KC playoff game (at KC) - Baker hit Higgins with a pass that should have been the GW score late in the 4th qtr.  Guess who fumbled 3 inches in front of the goal line for a touchback?  Higgins.    We can pretend that never happened but a more talented WR secures that football or gets to the goal line quicker.  That TD would have put the Browns in the AFC Championship with the QB I keep reading just can't win.  You've seen him do it.  

Shifting gears to now.  I was thinking that giving Baker his final year of the contract, keeping our next 3 1st round picks and having an opportunity to draft one of these QBs (Pickett, Corral, Strong, Willis) at #13 overall wouldn't have us worrying about the length of a suspension.  Roger won't be afraid to make an example of Watson; because it sure looks like he's excited about doing his own investigation.  The last time he investigated what a dirt bag Daniel Snyder - the only person that got punished was Jon Gruden (from another organization).  Stay tuned?  We have no choice.

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7 hours ago, Flugel said:

First, I've never disrespected your opinions in here good or bad.  I already said to D Bone just a few posts up - I used bad judgment calling him Deshlong. EDIT: I've loved the Browns all my life; but at 58 years of age - there's not as many next years left if this goes bad.

Second, could it be some teams are so desperate for a starting QB that 1 team is now willing to give up multiple draft picks (inclusive of 3 1st round picks) and a guaranteed salary of 230 million $ for a guy that could have a lengthy suspension?    QB is an important enough position to make teams overpay and/or overcommit trade exchange for every year.  Anyway, the year before Baker was injured, he threw 26 TD passes to just 8 INTs in helping the Browns go 11-5 plus beating Pittsburgh 48-37 in the 1st round of the playoffs.  Some teams don't just research the worst season a guy has had and make it the rule. They're more thorough than that. 

No drugs required - Indy gave up a 1st round pick for Wentz last year.   Washington just gave up 2 second round picks for the same guy this year.  Why can't we get something like that for Baker?  Baker is not that different except Baker WON a playoff game he started in right?  

If you don't think a lot of people that have had a family member or close friend sexually assaulted (seeing Watson getting rewarded with a guaranteed 230 million $ contract) aren't going to be contacting the NFL Commish's Office - what kind of drugs are you taking?   Have you thought about how this team can compete in a division with that kind of guaranteed cap hit without 1st round picks in a division that sent 3 teams to the playoffs in 2020 and 2 teams in 2021 if the God complex of Roger suspends him for a long time?


I sorta allways get a little pissed about board members calling are players disparaging names One that pissed me off was gerbal peppers I have always backed are players (ya even johnny stupid face even tho i knew i was just bullshitting myself) and for baker there is seattle and carolina  seem to be in the market for a starting qb so maybe a 6th or 7th round pick or just  a flat out release (which would suck cause we would still be on the hook for some monnies )

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Man, if the Browns only get a 6th or 7th round pick for our former starting QB of 3 years that was a #1 overall pick, then that would silence just about anyone in regards to his perceived football skill set. 

I do see us getting a much, much higher draft pick(s) than that.

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