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There's gonna be, no, NOW there IS a war.


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18 minutes ago, JAFBF said:


I said that what is being pushed is total Bullshit.




So you don't think Russia is attacking Ukraine?

You're a modern day Holocaust denier essentially




All of the information in the world at our finger tips and you choose to believe insane nonsense

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10 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

So you don't think Russia is attacking Ukraine?

You're a modern day Holocaust denier essentially




All of the information in the world at our finger tips and you choose to believe insane nonsense


9 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

JAF - a thousand pounds of "mystery secret scooby-do" nonsense crap that goes on and on and on....

is too much for me outside of your universe-sized thread. Thanks🙄




Is it really that big of a leap to think outside the narrative ?


Orange Man bad, Orange Man bad, Orange man bad   .   .   .  

Russia, Russia, Russia   .   .   .  

Covid, Covid, Covid   .   .   .  

Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine   .   .   .  


Common denominator ?


Lies, Lies, Lies   .   .   .  


Why no China, China, China ?



You do know the Eastern parts of Ukraine speak Russian, and are essentially Russian right ?

Ukraine supported the Nazi's in WW II, and they're not gone (have addressed extensively - Azov Battalion).


WTF do we (US) have 11 Bio Labs in Ukraine, several on the Border with Russia ?


I posted a bunch of (previously posted) info supporting a Graphic that I wasn't even the original poster of (I reposted it).


My next theme consisted of posts showing the absolute Bullshit the MSM is laying out on this - and no one f*cking questions a bit of it (MSM).

Guess ya'll like having Video Games and Movies (yeah, I can post these too) as your News source.


When the MSM is pushing a narrative so hard, you damn well better look the other way, because they're distracting you from something else.



Damn shame it seems the only one on here doing any research is Woody, and he's only doing it to try to poke holes in things.


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2 minutes ago, JAFBF said:


Please take your long winded nonsense and shove it into your own thread. Ukraine supported...

A lot of them speak russian? Gosh, the Ukraine used to be part of the Soviet Union.

Or don't you understand what that means?

And the Ukraine support nazis? One half of an issue makes you look like maybe you have a point, except the other half makes you look like a moron like woodpecker.


"By the time the Red Army returned to Ukraine, a significant number of the population welcomed its soldiers as liberators.[1] More than 4.5 million Ukrainians joined the Red Army to fight Nazi Germany, and more than 250,000 served in Soviet partisan paramilitary units, dwarfing the numbers of Hiwis and occupation troops and other anti-Soviet soldiers, even in the early years of the war.[2]"


now read that about 4 times to let it sink in for once. And the Ukraine of today is far, far, far a different country now.

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25 minutes ago, JAFBF said:





Is it really that big of a leap to think outside the narrative ?


Orange Man bad, Orange Man bad, Orange man bad   .   .   .  

Russia, Russia, Russia   .   .   .  

Covid, Covid, Covid   .   .   .  

Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine   .   .   .  


Common denominator ?


Lies, Lies, Lies   .   .   .  


Why no China, China, China ?



You do know the Eastern parts of Ukraine speak Russian, and are essentially Russian right ?

Ukraine supported the Nazi's in WW II, and they're not gone (have addressed extensively - Azov Battalion).


WTF do we (US) have 11 Bio Labs in Ukraine, several on the Border with Russia ?


I posted a bunch of (previously posted) info supporting a Graphic that I wasn't even the original poster of (I reposted it).


My next theme consisted of posts showing the absolute Bullshit the MSM is laying out on this - and no one f*cking questions a bit of it (MSM).

Guess ya'll like having Video Games and Movies (yeah, I can post these too) as your News source.


When the MSM is pushing a narrative so hard, you damn well better look the other way, because they're distracting you from something else.



Damn shame it seems the only one on here doing any research is Woody, and he's only doing it to try to poke holes in things.



Sane people are supposed to try and engage your kind, ask you why you think the way you do, and try to reason with you. 

But we're way past that. Q has rotted your brain. You're a shell of a man now. You're a complete moron and your life is ruined.


I didn't think you could get lower than some of the stuff you've posted in the past, but here we are. 

Some kid LARP'd as a military insider and now you think the war in Ukraine is fake. 


You need an intervention. If you have any loved ones left that can stand to be around you, they need to try and save you. 

But you aren't going to get any sympathy here. You've joined a cult but that's your own damn fault at this point.



And hey, dipshit, looking at 8chan threads and random Q twitter posts isn't "research". You don't know the first thing about actual research. You're jumping into an echo chamber and getting your preconceived notions validated. 



You and your Q cult are full of stupid, unsuccessful, meaningless individuals that feel like they haven't accomplished anything in life. Like they don't matter. Like they aren't special. You and they joined Q so you can feel like you're smart, special, etc. So you can feel like you're in the know, that you know things others don't. 

This need to feel like you're actually smart and know more has now made it so you need to feel everything has some double meaning, everything isn't what it seems. Your need to feel smart and valuable for the first time in your entire sad life now has you thinking the war in Ukraine is some fucking false flag. You're insane. 


In a month this board will shut down and I'll never see anything from you again. No one will ever see anything from you in actual life either. Unless you go completely insane and do something stupid. 


Get some help you dipshit.

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21 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

So you don't think Russia is attacking Ukraine?

You're a modern day Holocaust denier essentially

10 hours ago, JAFBF said:





Is it really that big of a leap to think outside the narrative ?


Orange Man bad, Orange Man bad, Orange man bad   .   .   .  

Russia, Russia, Russia   .   .   .  

Covid, Covid, Covid   .   .   .  

Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine   .   .   .  


Common denominator ?


Lies, Lies, Lies   .   .   .  


Why no China, China, China ?



You do know the Eastern parts of Ukraine speak Russian, and are essentially Russian right ?

Ukraine supported the Nazi's in WW II, and they're not gone (have addressed extensively - Azov Battalion).


WTF do we (US) have 11 Bio Labs in Ukraine, several on the Border with Russia ?


I posted a bunch of (previously posted) info supporting a Graphic that I wasn't even the original poster of (I reposted it).


My next theme consisted of posts showing the absolute Bullshit the MSM is laying out on this - and no one f*cking questions a bit of it (MSM).

Guess ya'll like having Video Games and Movies (yeah, I can post these too) as your News source.


When the MSM is pushing a narrative so hard, you damn well better look the other way, because they're distracting you from something else.



Damn shame it seems the only one on here doing any research is Woody, and he's only doing it to try to poke holes in things.





All of the information in the world at our finger tips and you choose to believe insane nonsense

Fuck Putin and his government.  I think you're a Russian

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Yea, the Ukrainians have been shelling "their" own people the last decade.

Like I said, the Eastern part of Ukraine is essentially Russian (speaking / heritage).


And the Bio Labs creating designer (Gene targeted) bugs on the Border is hunky dory too ?




It's fine for us (USA), to invade Saddam because of fake WMD's - but God forbid another Country does similar for real WMD's on  their Border !

Don't forget, the original source material for CV came from the US.


And to clear any misconceptions :




And in particular the Globalists.


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46 minutes ago, Axe said:


the scum russians are committing war crimes to frighten and intimidate the Ukraine people into submission. Right out of the nazi and terrorist book.

The UN is feckless and corrupt - why spend any to support the farce? This could have been prevented, ...the difference between here and there is not very much considering that the world has gotten so much "smaller" all these years.

   My heart breaks for the people of the Ukraine. pukin now rivals stalin as being the worst war crimes russian/soviet criminally insane ruler in all history.

   I'm thinking it will be Moldova ? next. Then hostilities will begin on NATO countries, and it will be too late to prevent a WWIII.


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9 hours ago, JAFBF said:






Yea, the Ukrainians have been shelling "their" own people the last decade.

Like I said, the Eastern part of Ukraine is essentially Russian (speaking / heritage).


And the Bio Labs creating designer (Gene targeted) bugs on the Border is hunky dory too ?




It's fine for us (USA), to invade Saddam because of fake WMD's - but God forbid another Country does similar for real WMD's on  their Border !

Don't forget, the original source material for CV came from the US.


And to clear any misconceptions :




And in particular the Globalists.


Russian Troll,.,

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

In the final days of this board everyone can come together to shit in JAFBF


I know someone called him a moron in the past. Forget who. But that's definitely looking like the truth.


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