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History Says the Book Burners are Normally the Good Guys...

MLD Woody

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Also, no books about race because that might make people uncomfortable...





For all of the bitching those on the right / far right do about "cancel culture" and "political correctness" it's amazing they can do the mental gymnastics to ban books because they cover race, gender, etc. 

I can only hope our right wing posters here don't agree with book burnings and book banning. 

But in the final month and a half of this political board maybe we'll just see it spiral to new lows. 

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Among the supposedly objectionable material in “Ruby Bridges Goes to School: My True Story” are photos that show white people holding signs that say, “We want segragation (sic),” and, “We don’t want to Integrate,” as well as another showing a young boy with a sign that reads, “We wont (sic) go to school with Negroes.”

Why do leftest want to teach hate to 6 year olds?


 Once again they don't want them burnt or banned you idiot they just don't want HATE taught to their grade school child!

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I think the Woodpecker, who is the number one proponent for eradicating American history, is using the phantom book burning epidemic to remind us that Biden voters can't, and shouldn't be expected to behave like human beings. Maybe I'm missing his point. But I do agree with him, any of you guys who still own slaves should free them immediately.


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San Francisco residents overwhelmingly approved of a vote Tuesday to recall three of the city’s school board members, election officials said.

Critics, including San Francisco Mayor London Breed, argued the members — school board President Gabriela López, Vice President Faauuga Moliga and Commissioner Alison Collins — pushed progressive politics rather than act in the best interest of children during the pandemic, and voters agreed, according to the San Francisco Department of Elections.



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32 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I think the Woodpecker, who is the number one proponent for eradicating American history, is using the phantom book burning epidemic to remind us that Biden voters can't, and shouldn't be expected to behave like human beings. Maybe I'm missing his point. But I do agree with him, any of you guys who still own slaves should free them immediately.


Who’s gonna cook my shrimp 🍤 

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so woodpecker FEELS that the nazis were the "good guys" ???

that is offensive

Nazi book burnings - Wikipedia

The Nazi book burnings were a campaign conducted by the German Student Union (German: Deutsche Studentenschaft, DSt) to ceremonially burn books in Nazi Germany and Austria in the 1930s. The books targeted for burning were those viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism.These included books written by Jewish, communist, socialist, anarchist, liberal, pacifist ...

Book Burning | Holocaust Encyclopedia

Book Burning. Beginning on May 10, 1933, Nazi-dominated student groups carried out public burnings of books they claimed were "un-German.". The book burnings took place in 34 university towns and cities. Works of prominent Jewish, liberal, and leftist writers ended up in the bonfires. The book burnings stood as a powerful symbol of Nazi ...
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59 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I think the Woodpecker, who is the number one proponent for eradicating American history, is using the phantom book burning epidemic to remind us that Biden voters can't, and shouldn't be expected to behave like human beings. Maybe I'm missing his point. But I do agree with him, any of you guys who still own slaves should free them immediately.


There are bigger fish to fry, but do you want to see the NFL go out of business? 

Peterson compares NFL labor to slavery | FOX Sports

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1 hour ago, Vambo said:


Won't open. Anything from Kapernick makes me cringe.

I wonder if Kapernick is aware of the fact that slavery was a part of black culture and that there were 171 black slave owners in South Carolina alone, and that one of the largest slave owners was a black man?

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University slaps down professor's 'progressive stacking' section of syllabus for 'non-white folks'

University slaps down professor's 'progressive stacking' section of syllabus for 'non-white folks'

A professor for a sociology course at Binghamton University used her syllabus to tell students that priority is given to "non-white folks" in picking students to call on for classroom discussions.

The syllabus was for a course titled "Social Change - Introduction to Sociology," which is being taught this spring by professor Ana Maria Candela.

A copy of the syllabus states that the professor practices "progressive stacking" during classroom discussions, adding that "non-white folks" are given priority for being called on.

"This means that we try to give priority to non-white folks, to women, and to shy and quiet people who rarely raise their hands," the syllabus read.


Ana Maria Candela

Ana Maria Candela (Binghamton University)

The syllabus adds, "It also means that if you are white, male, or someone privileged by the racial and gender structures of our society to have your voice easily voiced and heard, we will often ask you to hold off on your questions or comments to give others priority and will come back to you a bit later or at another time."

In explaining the policy, Candela wrote in the syllabus that it is meant to help privileged individuals "hold space" for others who are "less comfortable speaking first."


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