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Hue Jackson clarifies comments he was paid to lose with Cleveland Browns


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Former Dolphins coach Brian Flores alleges Dolphins owner Stephen Ross offered him $100,000 per loss during the 2019 season in order to ensure the team would wind up with the first overall pick and former Browns coach Hue Jackson made similar allegations in response to Flores’ lawsuit going public on Tuesday.

Jackson responded to a tweet about the case by saying Browns owner Jimmy Haslam “was happy while we kept losing” and then wrote “trust me it was a good number” in response to someone who said Haslam wasn’t offering $100,000 per loss. Jackson, who is now the head coach at Grambling, went 1-31 over his first two seasons with the Browns and was fired after a 2-5-1 start in 2018.

In another tweet, the executive director of Jackson’s foundation Kimberley Diemert said they had records that would support Flores’ case and wrote that Jackson and team executives Sashi Brown, Paul DePodesta, and Andrew Berry — who is now the team’s General Manager — were paid bonus money to tank in 2016 and 2017. Jackson replied by saying he “can back up every word I’m saying.”

Flores’ suit was filed as a class action, which leaves room for others to join the litigation. Jackson’s comments suggest he’d be willing to do that.



Jackson is like a bad rash and just won't go away!


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1 hour ago, Vambo said:


Former Dolphins coach Brian Flores alleges Dolphins owner Stephen Ross offered him $100,000 per loss during the 2019 season in order to ensure the team would wind up with the first overall pick and former Browns coach Hue Jackson made similar allegations in response to Flores’ lawsuit going public on Tuesday.

Jackson responded to a tweet about the case by saying Browns owner Jimmy Haslam “was happy while we kept losing” and then wrote “trust me it was a good number” in response to someone who said Haslam wasn’t offering $100,000 per loss. Jackson, who is now the head coach at Grambling, went 1-31 over his first two seasons with the Browns and was fired after a 2-5-1 start in 2018.

In another tweet, the executive director of Jackson’s foundation Kimberley Diemert said they had records that would support Flores’ case and wrote that Jackson and team executives Sashi Brown, Paul DePodesta, and Andrew Berry — who is now the team’s General Manager — were paid bonus money to tank in 2016 and 2017. Jackson replied by saying he “can back up every word I’m saying.”

Flores’ suit was filed as a class action, which leaves room for others to join the litigation. Jackson’s comments suggest he’d be willing to do that.



Jackson is like a bad rash and just won't go away!


I supported Hue for a long time, but yeah he's clearly bitter. I guess we all would be bitter if we got fired from an elite job.

But like Zombo says, if it's true (tanking)  Haslam's going down along with Ross. 

Sidenote...I'm tired of this polarization. The only winner(s) here will be lawyers. You just cannot litigate humanity, or kindness. 

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Again, if proven true in a court of law and not just a court of Twatter, then Baby Huey goes down too. I know he thinks he has a gotcha moment against Haslam, but the dumbass doesn't realize that he is just a culpable. He should never be allowed to coach anywhere ever again. 

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Just now, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

Hue's a lying P.O.S. There is nothing to substantiate his claims. If Jimmy paid him off, Hue would have committed a crime too. 

Hue's just salty because he left the Browns and the Browns are better without him, and he left the Bengals and now the Bengals are in the Super Bowl. 


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Dislike Hue all you want -- but if he's got the receipts, Haslam needs to be a defendant in this case.  Not sure forcing a sale of the team would be a realistic end goal - or even if that would do much.

Flores is completely right when he says the only thing they pay attention to is power.

If Hue does in fact have the goods, I'm 110% behind him joining the lawsuit in this case.  Him not being either a good coach or a likeable person is immaterial.. the bonus for losing needs to be addressed and the only remedy is through the court.  Calling it first: Some casino will join on the side of Flores b/c fixing games affects gambling....

8 hours ago, Bob806 said:

You just cannot litigate humanity, or kindness.

I really do disagree completely with this assertion -- the question isn't a general definition of humanity/kindness because that's [intentionally?] amorphous.  NFL free agency has a long and litigious history -- and now it's just accepted as The Norm when for many decades it absolutely wasn't.

Perhaps it's news to you that for some, a sincere evaluation of them based purely on their talent outside of any preconceived notions about that person simply doesn't happen without a lawsuit..  Flores' job was to win football games, not date Ross's daughter.  And he is actually substantially more skilled at winning than Ross expected him to be.

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On the surface, I find it extremely hard to believe either of these things. Ross in particular is a notorious piece of shit, but I'd be absolutely baffled and floored if owners openly (and with proof) did anything like this. I guess we shall see how it all shakes out, though. Tampering and bending rules for free agents? Sure. For example, I could easily believe the story Flores is stating occurred where he was asked by Ross to visit him on his yacht and "unnamed star QB" HAPPENED to also be there. Owners know that comes with a fine they don't give a shit about paying if it means they get the dude they want. But upsetting the balance of wins and losses? Just don't believe it. 

What I COULD believe is the last two-ish weeks of the season owners meeting with coaches and players and strongly suggesting the importance of getting the number #1 pick (i.e. losing) for the franchise. Maybe that's where this gets muddy, but I guess we shall see.

Hue Jackson was a terrible coach and didn't need 'incentives' to lose. He also very clearly holds a grudge for his failures. No coach in the league would have won more than 4-5 games with the roster he had the first two seasons, but he also failed miserably.

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3 hours ago, D Bone said:

Again, if proven true in a court of law and not just a court of Twatter, then Baby Huey goes down too. I know he thinks he has a gotcha moment against Haslam, but the dumbass doesn't realized that he is just a culpable. He should never be allowed to coach anywhere ever again. 

He went from HC of an NFL team to coaching FCS ball that speaks volumes.

at this point he could say “he told me but I didn’t want to go along with it”.  Did he?  We will never know …he’s between a rock and a hard place. He’s either terribly incompetent (likely) and here’s another reminder years later or he took the bait….because of course we didn’t win and had the #1 overall pick two straight years.  And if true and went along with it you are right…Grambling should fire him. 

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4 hours ago, D Bone said:

Again, if proven true in a court of law and not just a court of Twatter, then Baby Huey goes down too. I know he thinks he has a gotcha moment against Haslam, but the dumbass doesn't realized that he is just a culpable. He should never be allowed to coach anywhere ever again. 

Exactly.  You can't accept what amounts to a bribe and then later try to act like you did nothing and try and sue?  What a dumb ass.

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Hue was without question the worst HC I’ve witnessed in my 50+ years of watching the NFL.

To this day, he is the only HC I saw that had to call a time out before the opening kick off to avoid a delay of game penalty. 🤦‍♂️

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3 hours ago, Zombo said:

This is beyond Hue Jackson and how you feel about him.

This is heavy stuff. The NFL will investigate Roth and Haslem and if they were paying bonuses to lose football games, they are in deep, deep, doo doo.



Eh, I have no strong feelings about him one way or the other. He was IMO an awful coach (I’d only put Shurmer and Kitchens as worse) who also inherited an awful roster. I don’t use that bias to fundamentally discredit what he’s saying.

what I’m saying is that I’d be absolutely shocked if owners openly as these folks are claiming flaunted something like this. I could see the truth being much more in the middle of the reality of a team intentionally tanking and the pressure coaches have in the face of owners clearly wanting to tank job. 

owners may be a lot of things but they aren’t dumb. It’s one thing to say foul language or comment on women. It’s another thing entirely to outright propose fixing games. I just don’t see it,  but will eat that crow if it comes to it. 

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8 hours ago, Zombo said:

If true, Haslem and Ross need to go.

Plain and simple.


If Haslam can get away with ripping off trucking businesses for millions upon millions of dollars, he won't get in any trouble for this.

Always remember the golden rule Zombo - those with the gold, rule.

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Yes, the gold rules.. but the question is which gold.  Haslam has money - but isn't really adding much each year to everyone else's coffers.  Haslam and Ross would be jettisoned immediately if their presence negatively affected annual profits: 

Paying coaches to lose affects betting&gambling, which the NFL itself estimates will be a billion-dollar-a-year revenue stream before 2030. It's 250M in 2022 alone..

Known lack of game integrity affects sponsorships.  Sponsorship dollars details - 2021 season total of 1.8 billion. That's "__ is the official diaper of NFL dads" things.

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Whatever your opinion of Hue, if he can prove there was an incentive to tank games, the NFL will force Haslam to sell the team and similarly for Ross in Miami. This is way more damaging than the discrimination lawsuit especially with the NFL now officially embracing gambling. Selling the team means new front office, coach and FAs will be hesitant to sign here.

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42 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

I wonder how much Hue was paid to lose in Oakland?

The fact he even got paid at all by anyone is a crime...

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15 hours ago, Unsympathetic said:


I really do disagree completely with this assertion -- the question isn't a general definition of humanity/kindness because that's [intentionally?] amorphous.  NFL free agency has a long and litigious history -- and now it's just accepted as The Norm when for many decades it absolutely wasn't.

Perhaps it's news to you that for some, a sincere evaluation of them based purely on their talent outside of any preconceived notions about that person simply doesn't happen without a lawsuit..  Flores' job was to win football games, not date Ross's daughter.  And he is actually substantially more skilled at winning than Ross expected him to be.

So I'm not trying to be insulting here, but you grossly misinterpreted my statement.

A court ruling isn't going to magically make people accepting of race, religion, etc. That comes from within an individual. 

If someone takes me to court over my hatred of the Ratbirds & Steelers, I'm not going to magically turn and embrace them.....it's part of who I am, I just could never get on board with it.

I understand the cause- minority candidates are tired of being passed over. When Flores was fired I was shocked. I suppose this lawsuit could perhaps lead to some type of Affirmative Action situation where a judge rules an ___% of NFL Head Coaches must be minorities.....is that what we want? 


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24 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

So I'm not trying to be insulting here, but you grossly misinterpreted my statement.

A court ruling isn't going to magically make people accepting of race, religion, etc. That comes from within an individual. 

If someone takes me to court over my hatred of the Ratbirds & Steelers, I'm not going to magically turn and embrace them.....it's part of who I am, I just could never get on board with it.

I understand the cause- minority candidates are tired of being passed over. When Flores was fired I was shocked. I suppose this lawsuit could perhaps lead to some type of Affirmative Action situation where a judge rules an ___% of NFL Head Coaches must be minorities.....is that what we want? 


No we want the most qualified person available for said position without skin color being a factor one way or the other...

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Culley's treatment is actually a part of this lawsuit as well -- Texans fired Culley after Culley had the temerity to get 4 wins this season starting a 4th rounder at QB and a roster of UDFA's and Money Mitch.. Because they wanted to replace him with Josh McCown.. he with no coaching experience at any level and many actual qualified coaches available.  But hey, he's white!

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