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Waiting for "Indpendents" round here to get it


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Real independents  have HAD IT with bumbling moron biden. Any guesses as to how long it will take for at least one around this forum to admit it?


Biden Support Among Independent Voters Swan-Dives Into Ratings Toilet


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No one really liked Biden. The fumbling through these large spending bills and the Afghanistan pull out, while necessary, could have been done better (obviously). 

I'm not sure who the hell on this board you think is a blind Biden supporter. No one here comes close to supporting Biden the way so many of you ride Trump's dick...



That being said, it was never about thinking Biden was a great candidate. It was about how bad another 4 years of Trump would have been. There weren't a majority of Americans out there thinking Biden would save the day. They were just hoping he'd do a better job than Trump, which was a low bar to clear. 

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15 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

No one really liked Biden. The fumbling through these large spending bills and the Afghanistan pull out, while necessary, could have been done better (obviously). 

I'm not sure who the hell on this board you think is a blind Biden supporter. No one here comes close to supporting Biden the way so many of you ride Trump's dick...

 if you had no idea what the names of the two candidates were and didn't have Rachel Maddow or Sean Hannity telling you what to believe hypothetically you can choose candidate a and the three and a half years under him or candidate B and the year under his rule. Nobody with a brain would pick candidate B. Then again nobody with a brain voted for candidate B.


That being said, it was never about thinking Biden was a great candidate. It was about how bad another 4 years of Trump would have been.

 you mean like before the covid farce was played out on television and we had three and a half of the best years in history? That bad? Or maybe as bad as it's been since your boy took office?

There weren't a majority of Americans out there thinking Biden would save the day. They were just hoping he'd do a better job than Trump, which was a low bar to clear.  unfortunately their correctness was on the level of those of us who thought Johnny Manziel or Hue Jackson would save the day.


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well, woodpecker:



now go ahead and list obaMao's and your biden's list of good/great things they

did FOR America.

You can't name one.

you emoting bloviating fake "look at me too I hate Trump" goobers can't name one.

you voted against your own country.

how freaking destructive and stupid.


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10 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Real independents  have HAD IT with bumbling moron biden. Any guesses as to how long it will take for at least one around this forum to admit it?


Biden Support Among Independent Voters Swan-Dives Into Ratings Toilet


Right up front FUCK Red State....  Got any other right wing propaganda you'd like to spew?  

How long will it take you Trump ass kissers to realize he's  reverted to his SOP playbook suing everyone in sight to do a stall tactic trying to run out the clock? His latest in NY is going to get laughed out of court. I wouldn't doubt the Orange Man has filed more lawsuits in the history of America.  Just like his previous "election fraud" ones did...  The difference this time is he's not dealing with subcontractors in New Jersey he bankrupted who couldn't match him dollar for dollar until they quit.  State and Federal Governments have VERY deep pockets, and they have plenty of incriminating evidence on him. Starting with the taped Raffensberger call in Georgia.  Hoping his Republican pals can take over the House in 2022 and make his misdeeds just go away?  Or the January 6th Commission? Hmmm?... 

Just get out of your damn rabbit hole for a minute Cal... your "Greatest President", ever, ever is in a world of trouble- on multiple fronts.  

BTW, have you watched any of Drump's recent interviews?  He's no better off than Senile Joe in the "losing it" department. ... Even needed a hug from his pal Bill O'Reilly to soothe his malignant narcissistic ego when he got booed for admitting he got his booster shot.... Forget he said we sent a brave young American to a plant?  I haven't....  :D

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4 hours ago, Browns149 said:

Here’s “YOUR” President 


First of all absolutely none of those things have anything to do with the way the country was run during his tenure.

1 has every right to keep him tax returns private. And if there were anything illegal that it's the fault of the IRS for not catching it which they have not done. So prove it.

2 I guess you're talking about Barack Obama here weasel into Harvard through affirmative action correct? Of course Joe liede about his academic records so?

3 thousands of great businesses go bankrupt each and every year. Sorry that's how the law works. Fighting never bankrupted a business because he's never really had gainful employment.

4 again has nothing to do with the way he ran the country. Usually people who never get any pussy are outraged about people who do. And those same people support any perversion imaginable. As long as it's consensual right? Unlike the Democrats who have their picadillos swept under the rug by murdering the girlfriends. Or banging  married  women.

5 just like every other president who claimed to be a big-time Christian. Especially your boy Biden supports abortiona anytime for any reason. And then bleats about his devout Catholicism. Come  on  man. 

6 but your guy illegally misused funds in the 2008 election andstill support for him.

7 like draft dodger Joe Biden?

8 why would anybody participate in a fishing Expedition if they weren't legally required to?

Again not one of those things has anything to do with running the country or the success we had during his tenure.

So it's your turn Regale me with the stories of Joes accomplishments?


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Just get out of your damn rabbit hole for a minute Cal... your "Greatest President", ever, ever is in a world of trouble- on multiple fronts.   

and yet, look what President Trump did FOR AMERICA ! Here is one list:


Now, since you jumped in, NAME ONE THING your ObaMao commie or nominden biden did for America !

You can't name one. Your sweetheart nutjob/liar/plagiarizer/corrupt sumbeitch has failed.


Your obaMao commie and bumblebutt biden LIED to us.

and they FAILED.

Your biden and all the rest are dividing America, damaging America, undermining world peace, lost respect of most of the world,

our allies are terrified that he's profoundly mentally screwed up, ...

and you can't admit it? you still can't admit this virus came from the communist china wuhan lab? funded by

one of your heroes - farce fauci?

Do you even know who is president now??? HINT: it isn't Pres Trump. Our economy was really working then.

BTW, gosh, maybe you can think of more than one - even though you can't name even ONE, I showed you a list of Pres Trump's accomplishments.

Now, you list your obaMao commie's and biden's accomplishments. Then we can compare the length of the lists? lol

and THEN we can figure who hidesies in a rabbit hole !

Oh, HINT: Have a Merry Christmas, just don't stand under the mistletoe with your president biden. Unless you want him to sniff you.....


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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

and yet, look what President Trump did FOR AMERICA ! Here is one list:


Now, since you jumped in, NAME ONE THING your ObaMao commie or nominden biden did for America !

You can't name one. Your sweetheart nutjob/liar/plagiarizer/corrupt sumbeitch has failed.


Your obaMao commie and bumblebutt biden LIED to us.

and they FAILED.

just for the record I'm not sure he was at Obama voter. I'm guessing that this new adherence to the hard-left is just a knee-jerk reaction because of TDS. Who knows?

7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Your biden and all the rest are dividing America, damaging America, undermining world peace, lost respect of most of the world,

our allies are terrified that he's profoundly mentally screwed up, ...

and you can't admit it? you still can't admit this virus came from the communist china wuhan lab? funded by

one of your heroes - farce fauci?

Do you even know who is president now??? HINT: it isn't Pres Trump. Our economy was really working then.

BTW, gosh, maybe you can think of more than one - even though you can't name even ONE, I showed you a list of Pres Trump's accomplishments.

Now, you list your obaMao commie's and biden's accomplishments. Then we can compare the length of the lists? lol

and THEN we can figure who hidesies in a rabbit hole !

Oh, HINT: Have a Merry Christmas, just don't stand under the mistletoe with your president biden. Unless you want him to sniff you.....



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10 hours ago, hammertime said:

Are you familiar with TDS?

cause you have it bad.

I was not familiar with TDS, so I looked  it up and there are many on here that are afflicted with that, but I’m not one of them

Trump Derangement Syndrome, is the unwavering adoration and devotion to a political leader, beginning with Donald Trump the namesake of the disorder, extending to other forms of leadership including presidents and rulers typically of a fascist or populist nature. While the name is meant to have pejorative connotations the actual condition is characterized primarily by behaviors found in in "cult of leader" or "cult of personality" scenarios.

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8 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

I was not familiar with TDS, so I looked  it up and there are many on here that are afflicted with that, but I’m not one of them

Trump Derangement Syndrome, is the unwavering adoration and devotion to a political leader, beginning with Donald Trump the namesake of the disorder, extending to other forms of leadership including presidents and rulers typically of a fascist or populist nature. While the name is meant to have pejorative connotations the actual condition is characterized primarily by behaviors found in in "cult of leader" or "cult of personality" scenarios.

 on the other hand it seems like you've always taken the "well everybody does it" path. Fair enough I just point it out a few things about your guy if in fact you voted for Joe Biden or if in fact you support him now over Donald Trump. That's about it. And again absolutely none of those things have any bearing on his performance of the country during his tenure. And frankly the responses about the shortcomings of Joe Biden don't either. My list of negatives about him actually concern the country. Does that seem fair to you at all?

 as far as a cult of personality you guys meaning Biden over Trump supporters are just making it up. Reason I say this? I have never heard any attacks against Joe Biden. Except some vague 'he's a terrible candidate' dies but then fight tooth and nail to defend everything he does.


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I’ve never fought tooth and nail for Biden. I think he’s a foolish old man. 

At this point in our country, all it takes to win the Presidency is to appear to be a better person then your opponent 

That’s how Trump beat Hillary and that’s how Trump lost to Biden  

Sadly to say The politics are secondary 



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2 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

I’ve never fought tooth and nail for Biden. I think he’s a foolish old man. 

 you just gave us 6 attacks against Trump have you ever given any attacks against Biden? And have any of them had anything to do with his performance as president? I haven't seen one maybe I'm not looking hard enough.

At this point in our country, all it takes to win the Presidency is to appear to be a better person then your opponent 

That’s how Trump beat Hillary and that’s how Trump lost to Biden  

That's absolutely not true. If so many places had not ignored their long-held voting regulations and rules are politicians not driven the economy into the ditch he would have won in a landslide.

Sadly to say The politics are





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On 12/22/2021 at 1:41 PM, MLD Woody said:

No one really liked Biden. The fumbling through these large spending bills and the Afghanistan pull out, while necessary, could have been done better (obviously). 

I'm not sure who the hell on this board you think is a blind Biden supporter. No one here comes close to supporting Biden the way so many of you support Trump

You voted for him now suffer the consequences.

No one here comes close to supporting Biden because he has not given you any reasons to. Trump has. Plenty of them. His achievements and the state of this country earned him a second term. What will it take to get that through your head? 


You could have not possibly voted against Trump as a result of his stellar record, so what did he do to hurt your feelings the most?


That being said, it was never about thinking Biden was a great candidate. It was about how bad another 4 years of Trump would have been. There weren't a majority of Americans out there thinking Biden would save the day. They were just hoping he'd do a better job than Trump, which was a low bar to clear. 

Denial once again. Your most glaring flaw.

Save what day?  The majority of Americans voted for Biden for the same reasons you did Woody. Face it. He hurt you peoples feelings. He rubbed you the wrong way. His tweets were mean. He doesn't "act presidential".  He made women protest in vagina outfits and made grown men wear pink pussy hats. Zero thought was given by you people regarding his policies and accomplishments.  You, and people that think like you should do the right thing and abstain from voting. 

Fuck the "get out the vote" campaign...aimed only at Retards in hopes they vote demonrat.

How bad another 4 years would have been after 4 great years? Makes no sense.

What made his first 4 years bad was the 4 year campaign led by the demonrats and their media cohorts to either oust this president or prevent him from serving another term by whatever means possible. G'head deny that as well.

You were aware that they had vowed to impeach him even before he put his hand on the bible to take the Oath of Office right?





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As I said earlier, Trump beat Hillary, not for political reasons, but for personal reasons.  Same thing with Trump vs. Biden

If Trump did all these great things, as Cal always points out, and Biden has never done anything, why did Biden win?

He won because Trump is an egomaniacal asshat, and he proved it in the 4 years he was in office.  

Nothing to do with politics at all

And, if you believe the election was stolen, then you’re never going to accept anything else. That’s all you have to hang your hat on

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12 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

As I said earlier, Trump beat Hillary, not for political reasons, but for personal reasons.  Same thing with Trump vs. Biden

If Trump did all these great things, as Cal always points out, and Biden has never done anything, why did Biden win?

 again you guys )if I am talking to a Biden supporter) should take up any differences with Cal.

He won because Trump is an egomaniacal asshat, and he proved it in the 4 years he was in office.  

 and again you're wrong oh. You're wrong because the economy went in the toilet because of the covid force and that prompted the opposition to throw the election requirements out the window. Simple as that

Nothing to do with politics at all

And, if you believe the election was stolen, then you’re never going to accept anything else. That’s all you have to hang your hat on

I said about the election what I said before. And before and before. Complete disregard for electrician requirements was the reason. And the economy which was a fluke but them's the breaks . Not random instances of voter fraud.


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:


Complete disregard for election requirements?   
Where is the proof?

Trump lost by over 7 MILLION votes. If that was caused by a disregard of election requirements, then the Democrats are the smartest people ever, for pulling this off, or the Republicans are the dumbest people ever for not stopping it.
Oh wait, they did try to stop it, they attacked our Government

I can’t believe a person with some sense of reality would think a PRESIDENTIAL election in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could be rigged in such a way, on such a grand scale, without being discovered. 

But then again, you elected a reality TV star as your leader, so, as you say, DEAL WITH IT!

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10 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

Complete disregard for election requirements?   
Where is the proof?

 I realize you're a liberal in Independents clothing but did you notice the amount of unchecked mail-in ballots? The extension of voting time so they can get more stupid people to the polls?

Trump lost by over 7 MILLION votes. If that was caused by a disregard of election requirements, then the Democrats are the smartest people ever, for pulling this off, or the Republicans are the dumbest people ever for not stopping it.
Oh wait, they did try to stop it, they attacked our Government

 they tried to get the vice president to perform his actual constitutional Duty. He chose not to which is also within his right.

I can’t believe a person with some sense of reality would think a PRESIDENTIAL election in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could be rigged in such a way, on such a grand scale, without being discovered. 

 no doubt you can read the previous passage again possibly understanding it the second time. They use the covid and the destruction of the economy as an excuse. But you know that.

But then again, you elected a reality TV star as your leader, so, as you say, DEAL WITH IT!

Not sure that's what I say but if you think I do, I am dealing with it. Unfortunate that the United States has to deal with the damage being done not by a TV star but A demented old hack and the liberal Democrats whose water he carries.



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I don’t understand why you label me a liberal, or an independent, I just think for myself, as EVERYONE should

I am more conservative then liberal. I don’t like Joe Biden, I don’t like all the spending . I don’t like the fact that he’s a puppet for a bunch of happy spending idiots.


Since Joe has been President, there have been 2 things that have changed In my life, I have received a very large raise in my pay, and the price of fuel has gone up, But, seeing that I get most of my personal gas for free, through station rewards programs, my life is better then it was a year ago

How has your life changed in the last year?

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3 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

I don’t understand why you label me a liberal, or an independent, I just think for myself, as EVERYONE should

I am more conservative then liberal. I don’t like Joe Biden, I don’t like all the spending . I don’t like the fact that he’s a puppet for a bunch of happy spending idiots.


Since Joe has been President, there have been 2 things that have changed In my life, I have received a very large raise in my pay, and the price of fuel has gone up, But, seeing that I get most of my personal gas for free, through station rewards programs, my life is better then it was a year ago

How has your life changed in the last year?

I think you are generally a liberal because you happily attack Pres Trump. and, you got a raise - that is Biden's doing? I got a great chocolate cake for my Birthday the last few years, you think it's Pres Trump's doing?

Go back and look at the long list of GOOD/GREAT things Pres Trump and co. accomplished for America.

READ THAT LIST. Then list the good/great things obaMao commie or biden ever did for America.

Ignoring that - means you are a liberal.

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22 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

I don’t understand why you label me a liberal, or an independent, I just think for myself, as EVERYONE should

I suppose. Just seems like your attacks on what you guys consider conservatives really really really outweigh your attacks on the Liberals.

I am more conservative then liberal. I don’t like Joe Biden, I don’t like all the spending . I don’t like the fact that he’s a puppet for a bunch of happy spending idiots.


Since Joe has been President, there have been 2 things that have changed In my life, I have received a very large raise in my pay, and the price of fuel has gone up, But, seeing that I get most of my personal gas for free, through station rewards programs, my life is better then it was a year ago

How has your life changed in the last year?

 are you kidding? I live mostly off Investments which is been fine except consider that those investments are ridiculously inflated. Because we're riding the free s*** Express nobody's working. Meaning the my other source of income singing in restaurants and bars is severely damaged. Too many 'workers' sitting on their ass collecting check.  And I pay for gas too and everything else which is risen by ?? I haven't been attacked or robbed yet but the rise in crime  by BLM member or illegal alien hasn't been doing anybody any favors. And just because I don't spend much time in the inner cities which are turning into third world hell holes doesn't mean it's a good thing for the country. Not to mention trying to get products thanks to the supply chain which might not be 100% Joe's fault but still... 

on the other hand I was all for you getting the f*** out of Afghanistan. Even though I think your boy bungled it. Might Trump have bungled it? Possibly but we don't know that. We know Joe did.


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