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Fauci reminds me of the nazi war criminal mengele, too.


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facts do not matter with the left - they manipulate and control, if they can, by misusing words .........


Shameless Fauci Considers Replacing 'Radioactive' Word 'Mandate' With Kinder, Gentler Term


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Good ole cal with his "everyone I don't like is a Nazi" take. A decade plus strong. 

.......or a commie or socialist or something.  Just slap a tag on them and move on.

A "Trump trick" like with his effective but totally incorrect "fake news" on anything he doesn't like.   He'd arrest and jail them if he could an old Nazi trick.

Now on the Dr Fauci and the doctor of death mengalie crap how ridiculously low can anyone stoop ? A don the name caller dirty trick.

Name calling is a childish behavior that has no place in a normal society.......or as part of a political agenda.     Simple as that.

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Similarities Between NAZI Party and 2020 Democrats is ...

A Hitler(January 30, 1937). 2) BOTH backed-up by the American Super-Rich 3) BOTH used STORM-TROOPERS to quash political opposition. The Germans has the BROWNSHIRTS, the Democrats have ANTIFA and BLM. 4) BOTH employ "social justice" as an argument for criminal theft.
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Jewish Conservative: Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis

Here are Feder's "Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis."Decide the truth for yourself. 1. Economic Fascism â€" Like the National Socialists, Democrats want to maintain the façade of private ownership while putting control in the hands of the state.Whether a business prospered or failed in the Third Reich depended on political pull â€" how close industrialists were to the ...

Democrats and Nazis - Parallels Between the Parties

Author's Note: This is the first in a series based on the hypothesis that today's Democratic Party has, since Donald J. Trump emerged as a contender for the Presidency in 2016, adopted several methods and tactics used by the National Socialist German Worker' Party (1920-1945) to control the German people. Approximately 10 more to post in ...
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Lunatic Left Shares Scary Similarities with Nazism - RedState

Nazi stands for National Socialist German Workers Party. When one dives deep into the tactics utilized by the Nazi Party as it gained power in Weimar Germany during the 1920s and 1930s, one should be struck by the stark similarities used by today's far-Left socialists. First, throughout the late 1920s and 1930s, the Nazi Party routinely ...
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Faucism ?  Pure bunk.  Dr Fauci is one of the if not the best in his field.   

Now fighting the truth about the covid pandemic to fit his political agenda is 100% out of the Trump playbook.

" It will go away when it warms up,  I won't look good wearing a mask,  maybe we could drink bleach ? "  That and way more right out of the Trump playbook, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so serious to what that and much more has done to our country since 2020.   The tragec and deadly calculating fool....... except that he intentionally did all of this for his gain and let the chips fall wherever they may.

History will sort it all out we are just witnesses along the way.    Faucism,  what a bunch of bull****.

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redstate  owned by town hall largely run by Johnathan Garthwaite   the conservative backbone for a lot of very right wing stuff.  It's just nice to know what and where people are getting and quoting their " truthful information " from.  Just FYI.


VP & General Manager, Townhall Media

Jan 2009 - Present13 years

Townhall Media includes Townhall.com, PJMedia.com, HotAir.com, Twitchy.com, RedState.com & BearingArms.com. 20 million monthly readers and the greatest group of writers, professionals and talented colleagues one could ask to work wit

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From The Atlantic.......     https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/04/redstate-and-the-dwindling-space-for-anti-trump-conservatives/559223

RedState and the Dwindling Space for Anti-Trump Conservatives

The website’s decision to terminate some of its most prominent writers is the latest evidence of a dramatic shift in right-wing outlets.

By Rosie Gray

RedState was a rare thing these days in the conservative media: a platform for an array of different opinions about President Trump.

That now seems to be a thing of the past, as media on the right has split into two camps: the full-on Trump boosterism of Breitbart or Fox News’s opinion programs, or anti-Trump critique as exemplified by National Review. On Friday, several contract writers were let go from the conservative website RedState and its editor, Caleb Howe, was fired. One thing many of them had in common was their vocal criticism of Trump.

Howe got the news while driving from his home in North Carolina to Washington to meet with Townhall Media, the arm of Salem Media which owns RedState, about Facebook strategy. Jonathan Garthwaite, the vice president and general manager of Townhall Media, called him before he got to the meeting and fired him over the phone, Howe told me. Garthwaite did not reply to multiple requests for comment.

I spoke to Howe while he was still in his car in D.C. He said that around 10 writers had been let go, and their contracts (which pay writers based on the number of times their articles are viewed) terminated.

“The site has been doing well. I don’t think there’s any reason to panic or that they would need a sudden and instantaneous change to how things are done,” Howe said. The site had drawn roughly 7 or 8 million page views each month, according to Howe, down from 10 or 12 million a month during the election. Dips in audience after elections are common throughout the digital media. Howe said that even the impact of Facebook’s algorithm change, which conservative publishers have blamed for a decline in traffic, was relatively moderate: “We took a relatively small traffic hit from the new Facebook guidelines,” he said...... continued.......

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39 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

@mjp28 you're just talking to a wall man. He isn't going to get it. He thinks all of his sources are the most legit and truthful there are. 

Yes and they're all basically the same thing.  I was a bit surprised about the little backlash against Trump from redstate,. I think that there are a lot of closet republican anti trumpers out there.

Some may come out in the 2022 primaries.  We'll see...,.

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9 hours ago, mjp28 said:

Yes and they're all basically the same thing.  I was a bit surprised about the little backlash against Trump from redstate,. I think that there are a lot of closet republican anti trumpers out there.

Some may come out in the 2022 primaries.  We'll see...,.

Again, unless you're an idiot, voting for somebody just because he hates Trump is a pretty stupid way to cast a ballot. And yet...

Lefties don't hate Trump because of anything he did. They hate Trump, but realizing blind hate is stupid, pretend it's about something else.

I think people first pick the guy they love or hate and then look for reasons why; not the other way around.


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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Again, unless you're an idiot, voting for somebody just because he hates Trump is a pretty stupid way to cast a ballot. And yet...

Lefties don't hate Trump because of anything he did. They hate Trump, but realizing blind hate is stupid, pretend it's about something else.

I think people first pick the guy they love or hate and then look for reasons why; not the other way around.


It definitely is easier for you to believe that is what happened... to think it is all just blind hate...




(And sometimes, including posters here, one in particular, they find all the ways to hate Trump and then once he's their only rep choice they fold and find all of the ways to love him)

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13 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

It definitely is easier for you to believe that is what happened... to think it is all just blind hate...


The truth is always easier. You hate Trump so you think this was an actual Insurrection that could have taken over the United States of America. If you believe that you're stupid or lying. Or both. I've asked you weasels a few times to give me the exact quote from the president that a normal and rational human being would have taken as an order to storm the palace. And by actual quote I don't mean paraphrase by left-wing hacks.


(And sometimes, including posters here, one in particular, they find all the ways to hate Trump and then once he's their only rep choice they fold and find all of the ways to love him)

Possibly. I have no doubt you were a true Joe Biden believer all the way up to the point you cast your vote. During the primary everybody hates each other. Then they make up. Kamaltoe thought Joe was a sexual predator up until she got the nomination for vice president


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2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Possibly. I have no doubt you were a true Joe Biden believer all the way up to the point you cast your vote. During the primary everybody hates each other. Then they make up. Kamaltoe thought Joe was a sexual predator up until she got the nomination for vice president


"True Joe Biden believer"

So now you're not only making up your own reality about January 6th but also fabricating your own conservations on this board? 

Ha, fantastic. That'll make it virtually impossible to have any back and forth. As if it wasn't difficult already. 


If our MAGA group is still alive and posting in 5-10 years this board will be a nightmare

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Parallels between Nazi and US medicine | Brasscheck TV

It was the doctors who upheld the ethics of medicine who were ostracized. Fauci & Friends have created a medical science system that has shares four very important features of the Nazi system. 1. Only researchers who adhere to the ever-shifting Fauci party line - whatever it may be at the time - are employable. 2.

Fauci Kidnapped Monkeys off Island So NIAID Could Perform ...

Dr. Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps. "And I am talking about people all across the world are saying this, because the response from COVID, what it has done to countries everywhere, what it has done to civil liberties, the suicide rates, the poverty, it has ...
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'THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI' ~ Dr. Joseph Mercola in ...

by Dr. Joseph Mercola w/ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Video available at Mercola Bitchute channel. Download interview transcript. SEE VIDEO HERE OR HERE STORY AT-A-GLANCE• Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee in the U.S., and 68% of his $437,000 a year salary comes from bioweapons research • Instead of safeguarding public health, Dr. Anthony Fauci
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Bombshell: "Secret Island Of Monkeys" Run By Fauci To ...

Well, on top of murdering AIDS patients with AZT, murdering dogs, and people in the CONvid-1984 scamdemic, Nazi criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci has once again been exposed for cruelty to animals in tests that enrich Big Pharma. The information about a "secret island of monkeys" came to light as a result of documents obtained in […]| USSA News
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MONSTER: Fauci runs "secret island of monkeys" to conduct ...

MONSTER: Fauci runs "secret island of monkeys" to conduct cruel animal experiments to enrich Big Pharma NaturalNews.com / Ethan Huff (Natural News) Government "doctor" Tony Fauci has once again been exposed for torturing and murdering innocent animals as part of his mad scientist experiments. New documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request…
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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

"True Joe Biden believer"

So now you're not only making up your own reality about January 6th but also fabricating your own conservations on this board? 

Ha, fantastic. That'll make it virtually impossible to have any back and forth. As if it wasn't difficult already. 


If our MAGA group is still alive and posting in 5-10 years this board will be a nightmare

I know you have trouble with sarcasm as in not understanding it. Your point about people that didn't like Trump during the primary but now that he won support him. Understand? Maybe?

Like me. I didn't hate Trump but he wasn't my first pick amongst the Republicans. But at the end of the day when compared to any of the Democrats?


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21 hours ago, mjp28 said:

Faucism ?  Pure bunk.  Dr Fauci is one of the if not the best in his field.   

Now fighting the truth about the covid pandemic to fit his political agenda is 100% out of the Trump playbook.

" It will go away when it warms up,  I won't look good wearing a mask,  maybe we could drink bleach ? "  That and way more right out of the Trump playbook, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so serious to what that and much more has done to our country since 2020.   The tragec and deadly calculating fool....... except that he intentionally did all of this for his gain and let the chips fall wherever they may.

History will sort it all out we are just witnesses along the way.    Faucism,  what a bunch of bull****.

Faucism is a correct word for that little swamp rat.

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10 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

I know you have trouble with sarcasm as in not understanding it. Your point about people that didn't like Trump during the primary but now that he won support him. Understand? Maybe?

Like me. I didn't hate Trump but he wasn't my first pick amongst the Republicans. But at the end of the day when compared to any of the Democrats?


Sarcasm doesn't come through text well. Especially bad examples of it. 

If you can find someone on here that called Biden the equivalent of a circus barker and a con before the election, and then pledged their undying loyalty to him after the election (praising everything, following his every word, essential calling him infallible, etc etc etc) please let me know. I don't see any poster like that here. 

You can just vote with your party. Fine. A lot of people just do whatever their political party says. You can vote the lesser of two evils too. Fine 

Just hilarious seeing some rightful can out a candidate as a con man and then proceed to fall for the con. 



Anyway, Cal calling everyone he doesn't like a Nazi comes off like a child's tantrum. You may not comment on it, since he's your boy, but I can't imagine you honestly defend his characterization of someone he disagrees with as a Nazi every month or so. It's sad. 

That's it. That's the thread. Just more sad ramblings. 



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9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Sarcasm doesn't come through text well. Especially bad examples of it. If you can find someone on here that called Biden the equivalent of a circus barker and a con before the election, and then pledged their undying loyalty to him after the election (praising everything, following his every word, essential calling him infallible, etc etc etc) please let me know. I don't see any poster like that here. You can just vote with your party. Fine. A lot of people just do whatever their political party says. You can vote the lesser of two evils too. Fine Just hilarious seeing some rightful can out a candidate as a con man and then proceed to fall for the con. Anyway, Cal calling everyone he doesn't like a Nazi comes off like a child's tantrum. You may not comment on it, since he's your boy, but I can't imagine you honestly defend his characterization of someone he disagrees with as a Nazi every month or so. It's sad. That's it. That's the thread. Just more sad ramblings.

Calling the nazi party out for similarities in their behavior, especially, who should be arrested and tried by a world court...

are backed by history. I can give you many references of people saying the same thing. I can go find AGAIN the couple of aged German folks who escaped from nazi german control. THEY are fearful of the similarities. You have absolutely nothing legit and intelligent to offer any discussion. that is what is sad. You don't know your tail feathers from a hole in the ground. I guess your head gets in the way.

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Sarcasm doesn't come through text well. Especially bad examples of it. 

If you can find someone on here that called Biden the equivalent of a circus barker and a con before the election, and then pledged their undying loyalty to him after the election (praising everything, following his every word, essential calling him infallible, etc etc etc) please let me know. I don't see any poster like that here. 

You can just vote with your party. Fine. A lot of people just do whatever their political party says. You can vote the lesser of two evils too. Fine 

Just hilarious seeing some rightful can out a candidate as a con man and then proceed to fall for the con. 



Anyway, Cal calling everyone he doesn't like a Nazi comes off like a child's tantrum. You may not comment on it, since he's your boy, but I can't imagine you honestly defend his characterization of someone he disagrees with as a Nazi every month or so. It's sad. 

That's it. That's the thread. Just more sad ramblings. 



 One more time I know this is tough for you but if you have an issue with Cal take it up with him. If I had been forced to pick a candidate from the Democratic field in the primary I might well have chosen Biden. I didn't realize at the time of the election he was as completely compromised towards the furthest bleeding edge left wing of the Democrat Party.

I am most likely to vote for the party whose stated goals are more closely aligned with my own. Recently that's been the Republican party for better or worse. The fact that somebody on a message board calls me woodpecker doesn't come into the decision-making process.



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6 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 One more time I know this is tough for you but if you have an issue with Cal take it up with him. If I had been forced to pick a candidate from the Democratic field in the primary I might well have chosen Biden. I didn't realize at the time of the election he was as completely compromised towards the furthest bleeding edge left wing of the Democrat Party.

I am most likely to vote for the party whose stated goals are more closely aligned with my own. Recently that's been the Republican party for better or worse. The fact that somebody on a message board calls me woodpecker doesn't come into the decision-making process.



The Dem party is no where near as far left as some here seem to think it is. I think that is more an indication of how right so much of the country is. 

And I know you won't say anything about Cal calling everyone Nazis. No matter how ridiculous it is I'm not expecting you to. 

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

The Dem party is no where near as far left as some here seem to think it is. I think that is more an indication of how right so much of the country is. 

 you're nuts bud. There is no hard hard right or left. Donald Trump is not Pinochet and Joe Biden is not Stalin. Just right and left given the context of American society.

And I know you won't say anything about Cal calling everyone Nazis. No matter how ridiculous it is I'm not expecting you to. 

 What would make you happy? He says a lot of crazy s***. And calling everybody a f****** Nazi takes away from whatever reasonable point he might have. Then again it's no worse than some of these butt wipes calling Trump a traitor or dictator all the time. That's just a stupid isn't it? I've made that point plenty of times. But so what? Really so what?



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The moral to the story is...it's fine when THEY do it. because that is how they feel.

But, other side does it, they don't like that feeling, so they complain.

it's what they do. Besides, woodpecker, comment on the subjects brought up. How many lifejackets do you wear, anyways?

You approve of fauci running the secret island of the monkeys? or not? have a real opinion just once.

On 12/19/2021 at 1:07 PM, calfoxwc said:

MONSTER: Fauci runs "secret island of monkeys" to conduct ...

MONSTER: Fauci runs "secret island of monkeys" to conduct cruel animal experiments to enrich Big Pharma NaturalNews.com / Ethan Huff (Natural News) Government "doctor" Tony Fauci has once again been exposed for torturing and murdering innocent animals as part of his mad scientist experiments. New documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request…


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