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Infrastructure is cool!!


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It would absolutely be a good idea to have an infrastructure bill if it were really an infrastructure bill. Sure I know there's probably a few bucks in this slush fund that go for actual infrastructure,  Just like a penny or 2 from every dollar that goes to a crooked charity actually winds up in the hands of those it's supposed to benefit. But way way way way too much of it is driven by the gas guzzling free shit express.


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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

It would absolutely be a good idea to have an infrastructure bill if it were really an infrastructure bill. Sure I know there's probably a few bucks in this slush fund that go for actual infrastructure,  Just like a penny or 2 from every dollar that goes to a crooked charity actually winds up in the hands of those it's supposed to benefit. But way way way way too much of it is driven by the gas guzzling free shit express.



What's your biggest concern?


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41 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Wasted spending...inflation, shortages, more government control...Biden thinks it's a good idea!

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

 Probably the same as yours would be if I posted a link as vague as this one.  And I'm not picking on you just saying that those are some pretty general numbers there.


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12 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Then what is your concern using a link of your own?

 I didn't really find any links that I trust or were more specific than yours.

 But if I'd have posted a similar link from some site site you deemed biased I'm sure you would demand specifics.

 If you trust the people that wrote it to have eliminated every penny of bloat  I guess there's nothing in that link that pruse you wrong. Or right.





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But regardless of posting sites nothing cites I don't trust any program run by the government to be run efficiently and without waste without graft without giveaways…

 Not the military not the United Way not the Red Cross Even though those aren't all government organizations but you get the idea. Maybe.

 The social engineering is just a side dish.

https://drexel.edu/nowak-lab/publications/newsletters/How Federal Infrastructure Spending Can Close the Racial Wealth Gap/


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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

50 BILLION for global warming?

and 21 BILLION for "environmental spending"

duplicate much?

just those two huge allotments end up being a slush fund that

will buy more votes. and pay for illegals to have a free ride.

all in the name of ..."environment" and "mmgw".

With Passage of $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill ...

The socialists' $1.75 trillion spending dream addresses a wide range of pet issues, the majority of which have zero to do with infrastructure. Buried deep in the bill are, as Just the News described, "a series of provisions which, if signed into law, would amount to a windfall for illegal immigrants."
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Human infrastructure bill gives illegal aliens $300 a ...

Human infrastructure bill gives illegal aliens $300 a month per child. At a Homeland Security committee hearing today, Senator Romney grilled DHS Secretary Mayorkas about the President's "human infrastructure bill.". As Romney said, the bill allows illegal aliens to get $300 a month, per child, by obtaining a tax ID number once they're ...

'INFRASTRUCTURE' Bill Contains Massive Benefits For ...

This bill allows 'parole' on a case-by-case basis for illegals in the US be applied across the board to approximately 6.8 MILLION illegals in the United States as long as they have been here since something like 2011. This gives them not only gives them PROTECTION, but work visas & STATE IDS ... which allows them to get ballots and vote.

Cash Grab: Dem Bill Allows Tax Credits for Illegals ...

Cash Grab: Dem Bill Allows Tax Credits for Illegals. Human infrastructure apparently also extends to illegal aliens. The Democrats' massive $3.5 trillion "human infrastructure bill" contains a provision allowing non-citizens to obtain a tax ID number, which would allow them to claim a $300 per month, per child tax credit.
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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 I didn't really find any links that I trust or were more specific than yours.

 But if I'd have posted a similar link from some site site you deemed biased I'm sure you would demand specifics.

 If you trust the people that wrote it to have eliminated every penny of bloat  I guess there's nothing in that link that pruse you wrong. Or right.





3 2 1...


So, yeah, what you already alluded to... this is an opinion piece by a conservative think tank. Of course they don't like it.

I figured I'd read it though and then see what sources they used for their concerns.

Read the whole thing... No sources. No citations. Nothing. With all of the claims they're making you'd think they'd have SOMETHING to back it up.



A lot of faulty logic too. Saying we shouldn't spend as much on public transit because less people use it. The whole point of spending money on it is to improve it and allow more people to use it. Which would reduce emissions and reduce traffic congestion. 

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6 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:


So, yeah, what you already alluded to... this is an opinion piece by a conservative think tank. Of course they don't like it.

I figured I'd read it though and then see what sources they used for their concerns.

Read the whole thing... No sources. No citations. Nothing. With all of the claims they're making you'd think they'd have SOMETHING to back it up.



A lot of faulty logic too. Saying we shouldn't spend as much on public transit because less people use it. The whole point of spending money on it is to improve it and allow more people to use it. Which would reduce emissions and reduce traffic congestion. 


 I think public transportation is a good idea but so far it's just usable for poor people In the city. But that aside....

 I don't think it's particularly a matter of spending X amount of money on X projects. I'm OK with public spending but I'm also smart enough to know that when you write any institutional organization a blank  check and throw in pork for everybody that signed on.. . 


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29 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:


 I think public transportation is a good idea but so far it's just usable for poor people In the city. But that aside....

 I don't think it's particularly a matter of spending X amount of money on X projects. I'm OK with public spending but I'm also smart enough to know that when you write any institutional organization a blank  check and throw in pork for everybody that signed on.. . 


Right, there's waste in anything. Waste in this bill. Waste in the military. Waste in private companies. Are you saying no money should ever be invested in anything unless there's 0 waste?


Public transportation in other developed companies is a good example for what it could be. Turning up your nose and saying "that's for the poors" means nothing when you aren't affected. 

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18 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Right, there's waste in anything. Waste in this bill. Waste in the military. Waste in private companies. Are you saying no money should ever be invested in anything unless there's 0 waste?


Public transportation in other developed companies is a good example for what it could be. Turning up your nose and saying "that's for the poors" means nothing when you aren't affected. 

This bill spends more money on Amtrak than the nation’s highways.

Tell me Birdboy, how can you justify that?

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27 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

This bill spends more money on Amtrak than the nation’s highways.

Tell me Birdboy, how can you justify that?

There's a ton of work to be done to repair, let alone upgrade, our rail system. And it is much more expensive to build modern rail stations then pave roads. 

Do you think because there is physically more of something it should get more money?

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1 hour ago, hammertime said:

Amtrak expert?  Who would have known……

Do you think it costs more per mile to construct a highway or to construct high speed rail (which includes the trains and stations)?

If you disagree with something I said please go ahead and share what that is. 

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6 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Let’s not forget $3 billion so prisons can upgrade to high speed internet.

After all, watching porn on a dial up connection is just cruel and unusual punishment.

Do you have a source saying specifically where in the bill it is putting $3 billion to prison internet?

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Do you have a source saying specifically where in the bill it is putting $3 billion to prison internet?

or, the woodpecker could go and do his ? own freaking research on the internet for the first time.

still waiting.

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8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

or, the woodpecker could go and do his ? own freaking research on the internet for the first time.

still waiting.


2 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I read it, so do your own research.



If you're making a claim you should try to back it up. If you're unable to, or your only source is some Facebook meme, I'm not surprised.


Spoiler alert for Cal, I already did the research. 

But I didn't expect to see you all flailing about from a simple question

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 just like you didn't name one good/great thing your obaMao commie or your biden ever did FOR AMERICA?

if you had done research, then you wouldn't have had to ask the question, woodpecker.

You do it a lot. Trying to make yourself look superior to every and anybody else.

You're a moron birdbrain.


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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

"the bill gives $3B to prisons for high speed internet!"


Where does it say that?


"Find it yourself! Do your own research!"




Look, if you guys don't have any source and you're just believe whatever you hear you can just admit that ...

 I couldn't find any actual specifics on that 1 particular number.   Frankly even in articles by the sunshine poppers I didn't see any specifics.

 I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere within the billions of dollars earmarked for Internet, prisons wouldn't be a part of that but I don't know. I would imagine that giving free Internet like they have in Japan  would be quite a blow to the companies who earn their living by selling it. Not that the Biden administration seems to give fuck number one about people who earn money but still….

 (As an aside I don't really trust government to spend wisely. Allegory:  Your kid actually does need a new car so you give the kid a credit card. Kid comes home with a car after having paid 5 times the sticker price explaining that they  hired a few school kids to write a research paper on the car, paid a friend a  thousand  bucks to drive them to  the most expensive car lot  in the state and the salesman talk them in to $5000 clear code and rust proofing.. Then they took it to their buddy's stereo shop and had him install at $8000 music system. Then there are other friends body shop for a custom color paint job.  Et cetera et cetera)


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the bigger problem is, what democrats say, and what their intents are...are strikingly different. What they DO is self-help to more power.

glorifying smaller groups, and races, etc etc etc, gets them votes. With the prison system, they want those votes. because more and more, the polls indicate that the left's support is plummeting.

so they MUST make ballot harvesting legal and prevalent everywhere.

Then there is the prison system.

     More educational opportunities. get back all the rights after time served. Hasn't everyone heard "empty the jails" ? "shutdown the prisons" ?

  that is a lot of votes that could help them win future elections. OF course, add in giving the illegals votes, and there they go.

Look at the quotes. Poor illegals/criminals, poor prisoners. Give them a new start, new cars, education, internet, guaranteed wages,...

and the vote.


"Instead of making evidence-based investments in education, jobs, health care, and housing that are proven to keep communities safe and prevent crime from occurring in the first place, our system has criminalized poverty, overpoliced and underserved Black and Latino communities, and cut public services. Instead of offering the incarcerated the opportunity to turn their lives around, our prisons are overcrowded and continue to rely on inhumane methods of punishment. Instead of treating those who have served their time as full citizens upon their return to society, too many of our laws continue to punish the formerly incarcerated, erecting barriers to housing, employment, and voting rights for millions of Americans. "

So, the writing is on the wall. The left doesn't want it read as they intend to implement it.

" Democrats believe we must break the school-to-prison pipeline that too often relies on arrests and law enforcement to address misbehavior that ought to be handled and deescalated within the school. We support re-issuing federal guidance from the Department of Education and the Department of Justice to prevent the disparate disciplinary treatment of children of color and children with disabilities in school and educational settings. Democrats believe every school should have sufficient funding to employ guidance counselors, social workers, nurses, or school psychologists to help guarantee age-appropriate and racially equitable student disciplinary practices, rather than turning to police to resolve these issues. "


   golly, they sure want to reach a LOT of future voters if they could just change everything.

Instead of rape, murder, etc etc etc etc by underage gang members, renegades etc being a crime....

it will be counseling and giving them all sorts of free stuff to entice them to vote democrat, I mean, not resort to crime.

   So, when they can find any bad policeman, any bad lawyer or judge, the entire system is an excuse

to get more votes.


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Having posted that, over Thanksgiving, I ended up talking to our friends friend from Germany.

She explained that Germany is different - for instance, all 7th graders have to go learn about the Holocaust. See the pictures.

Know the history, to NEVER repeat anything like it.

She explained that Germans tend to not fly their country's flag on holidays. It's something like - they are ashamed of their history - and aren't wanting to look extremely oblivious to their past.

    She said they learn that so many people were going through tough times, they rallied and believed everything hitler promised.

He promised them just about everything. and some things he did - he did as promised...but far too late the German people found out that the good things he did , like putting 80% of the people back to work - would be a nightmare like the rest of the nazi occupation.

and "day care" - a promise that was really - a mass indoctrination program... to create a subculture of children into becoming nazis.

   The nazis only did things to help them accrue unlimited, devastating power. And still today, our military bases around Germany remind them of the price that had to be paid for them to get away from the hell they ended up in.

   Sadly, so many in America are doomed to support making the same mistake, all subsidized by $$$$$$$ oriented social media, and power hungry corrupt bureaucrats in our government that are out of control. But the dems roll in the money from global billionaires who want America to get out of their way to getting more and more and more power around the world.

and russia/china/nk/iran.... stoke the flames.

from what the dems say in their own site - isn't all that far from the nazis funding and giving uniforms to criminals in Germany back in the day.....and supporting the brownshirts.

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