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dirty slutty corrupt hillary clinton implicated in steele dossier crime


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the clintons are just dirtbags who got power and wealth by any? means necessary. the biden family is the same. comey, clapper, mueller, fake fbi allegations, fake prosecutions, fake witnesses, against Pres Trump (NOT deep state player), against Kavanaugh (NOT deep state player) and every single non-deep state player that gets in their way. It's getting seem like if you want to survive in D.C. politicians had better STAY OUT of their way.

think about it: The TV series "Shooter"


then think about this:


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the clintons are just dirtbags who got power and wealth by any? means necessary. the biden family is the same

Same can be said about the Trumps

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11 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

the clintons are just dirtbags who got power and wealth by any? means necessary. the biden family is the same

Same can be said about the Trumps

simplistic, but bs. I say stuff for good REASONS. I don't just bounce back anti-conservative troll.

To wit:


In Profiles in Corruption, Peter Schweizer points out that the Biden family's wealth "depends on Joe Biden's political influence and involves no less than five family members: Joe's son ...

The Entire Biden Family is Utterly Corrupt | Headline of ...

The Entire Biden Family is Utterly Corrupt Oct 15, 2020 Since Twitter and Facebook are censoring the New York Post's bombshell stories on Hunter and Joe Biden and their corrupt activities in Ukraine and China, we will focus today's Roundup on the Post's new story detailing the Bidens' looting of China for personal gain.

Analysis: A Look At The Corruption Of The Biden Family

Throughout the entire 2020 election cycle, we were told that the corruption of the Biden family was nothing more than disinformation. Anyone claiming that Joe Biden was one of the most corrupt people in Washington DC was quickly denounced as a conspiracy theorist. Well, now all of the corruption has been confirmed.

Over 300,000 demand probe into 'Biden family corruption'

Over 300,000 demand probe into 'Biden family corruption' Paul Bedard 7/12/2021. Supreme Court justices wary of Texas abortion ban enforcement scheme.

The Biden 5: Breakdown of One of America's Most Corrupt ...

Oct 28, 2020Marlow highlighted Schweizer's latest book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite, as "the gateway into understanding not just Joe Biden and the Biden family, but also the entire institutional Democratic Party at this moment and their corruption."

Report - Biden Family Corruption: 'We've Got People' to ...

Sep 13, 20214:52. A new book released Monday indicates Biden family corruption schemes sought to enrich son Hunter and brother Jim Biden while Joe Biden was the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Author of The Bidens: Inside the First Family's Fifty-Year Rise to Power, Ben Schreckinger, was told by one of Jim's former business ...

Hunter Biden's Entire Career is Insanely Corrupt and Shady ...

Was Hunter Biden profiting from his dad's political connections in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and China in recent years? Absolutely. But that's been Hunter Biden's track record for his entire career. Check out how insanely corrupt the Biden family is, just based on Hunter Biden's resumé.

Bidens Incoherent Babbling And Family Corruption Should ...

Biden Just Can't Give Up Trump. Biden, and the entire political left just can't seem to give up Trump. It's been going on for years, and it is going to end up hurting them again in the mid term. When Hillary lost to Trump the left lost their mind and the Democrat party never really came up with a new message.

ALERT: The Biden Admin Is Already The Most CORRUPT ...

The entire Democratic Party is a morally bankrupt institution, headed by hypocrites, liars, thieves and shit bags who literally engage in the very activities they claim to be working against. ... not only are Biden and his handlers corrupt as hell and liars, they are hell-bent on destroying the fabulous economy Donald Trump and Republicans ...


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29 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You're need to call liberal when you don't like "sluts" is one of the weirder, shittier things about you. And that's saying something. I mean, it's not surprising at all, but still says something

your contention is stupid again. There are a lot of liberals I don't like.I rarely use the "slutty" adjective on anyone except for

the most corrupt, sleaziest of them all, who are in the news, and have zero integrity. Is hillary clinton one of your nannies, you nincompoop woodpecker?

Have you been hitting the crazy zombie sauce or what?


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Not bs at all The Trump foundation and The Donald himself are some of the biggest crooks around 

I can post just as many, if not MORE, links to Trumps corruption 

But I don’t have time or care about it enough 

All politicians are crooks, liars, and thieves  and Trump is at the top or very near it



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Just now, Browns149 said:

Not bs at all The Trump foundation and The Donald himself are some of the biggest crooks around I can post just as many, if not MORE, links to Trumps corruption 

But I don’t have time or care about it enough All politicians are crooks, liars, and thieves  and Trump is at the top or very near ithttps://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/06/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/?sh=4410d1646b4a


Major fail. Sure, you "don't have time". right.

Your response is bs again.

The reasons why:

1. My contention is, the ENTIRE BIDEN FAMILY. Your contention is, two slanted articles only about Trump. by bs sources. at least you are an honorable guy - you didn't bring up the fake "russian collusion" lol.

2. It is obviously not the entire Trump Family. So, you diverted to have a bounce back. not workin.

3. I even listed msn for goodness sakes. that is definitely not a biased source for Trump and conservatives.

4. It's all over the news - biden lied about hunter, hunter is in serious crap over ukraine and china, sells garbage painters for big political bribe prices, biden is violating Our Constitution and Bill of Rights and a lot of democrats across the country are getting seriously po'd about it.

5. Biden is damaging our country, being corrupt in everything he's doing. He's always been a liar and a plagiarizer and he isn't all there by a lot in his mind. Read up on other corruption by other members of the biden family. 

the "but Trump" is just a nonsense main stream media knee jerk self-defense mechanism - to protect against admitting the leftwing is completely corrupt and wrong.

Having said that:

Here is one of the lists of GOOD GREAT things Pres Trump DID FOR AMERICA.


Now, you list even one good/great thing your biden (or your obaMao commie) ever once did FOR AMERICA.


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How do you live with yourself when your Lord and Savior is such a piece of garbage?

Must be nice to stand on such high ground and call all others crap. When your great American is such a fraud

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10 hours ago, Browns149 said:

How do you live with yourself when your Lord and Savior is such a piece of garbage?

Must be nice to stand on such high ground and call all others crap. When your great American is such a fraud

They threw away their ideals and morals right after Trump won the primary. 

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12 hours ago, Browns149 said:

How do you live with yourself when your Lord and Savior is such a piece of garbage?

Must be nice to stand on such high ground and call all others crap. When your great American is such a fraud

I listed over two hundred GOOD/GREAT THINGS PRES TRUMP DID FOR AMERICA. never said he was perfect. But look at the list.

NOW, admit you can not name ONE thing that your ObaMao commie nor your hidin warped minden biden have ever done good/great for America.

You can't name one, you're done.

You can't even try to criticize your biden  - and he is screwing up our country with his corruption and incompetence.

Yep. You're done.


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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I listed over two hundred GOOD/GREAT THINGS PRES TRUMP DID FOR AMERICA. never said he was perfect. But look at the list.

NOW, admit you can not name ONE thing that your ObaMao commie nor your hidin warped minden biden have ever done good/great for America.

You can't name one, you're done.

You can't even try to criticize your biden  - and he is screwing up our country with his corruption and incompetence.

Yep. You're done.


Follow the science......???????   they can't even follow let alone, lead

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so, the scorecard:


obaMao commie and dirtbag slutty biden - 0

Hoorta can't name one.

Tex can't name one.

woodpecker can't name anything legit. can't name one.

neo can't name one.


(and....wait for it... they will probably go

"but, you know, I did name a bunch, except I er...don't have time to repeat myself, and Pres Trump had orange skin so biden is better and I would love to give my ObaMao commie great big smoochies"

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13 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Hey man, we had to hear how "Christian" of a president Trump was... Give me a break. 

They hated the guy until he won the primary. Then they threw away everything they had said previously to tow the party line.

Actually I wish they'd have towed the party line. Because regardless of personality the Republican party line is better for everybody. Except Deadbeats . The never Trumper's (whe actually opposed the party line) grease the skids for the worst president of our lifetimes to be elected. And speaking of hypocrisy oh, and I know you could give two schitt's about Christianity, bending over for the fake Catholic Joe Biden? How is that better? Lets assume both of them are bullshiting about their faith. That work for you?

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Every single voter member of this forum who stupidly voted against Pres Trump and their own country.....

threw America towards the world's toilet.

Their "great reset" - not a "conspiracy" - just listen to them. It's what soros and other world class billionaires and the UN is all about. Using mmgw to redistribute American success and wealth to them.

And America stands in their way.

a good read:


Biden’s ‘Climate Czar’ Makes Shocking Comments About the Anti-Capitalism Great Reset: ‘It Will Happen’



John Kerry Says Global Warming Will End Life On Earth As You Know It


    and that is from 2014?

now that they have the power and the msm with them..... they are determined to take total control of our gov once and for all.

Which means, they cannot be losing at elections - so they went for mass voter fraud with dead people voting, leftwing ballot harvesting. Remember the two "New Black Panthers" who stood in front of the door of a voting location?

that is who they are. Permanent power over all of us. over America. NOw, they are in a rage to take over and never lose it.



Voter Fraud Watch-Video Of Black Panther’s Intimidating Voters


now, consider the damage to who we are - in America, and what we and our country stand for.

They are working on dismantling our fair elections. They are crashing out independence from foreign oil. They are crashing our population with illegals. They SUPPORT their brownshirts/blackshirts' violence in cities - burning them down, assaulting anyone anythime they want, threatening the familes at their homes - of anyone who isn't on the same political leftwing page and gets in their way.

   and they know, as history has shown around the world, that they cannot truly take over permanently and ruthlessly without disarming Americans.

  Disarming all countries is the UN "mandate". Again, we stand in their way.

and the soroses and the billionaires all locked into a one world economy and government... that is the corrupt UN.

You just wait til 2022 and 2024. Unless they defraud our electoral process on an even larger scale.

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14 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Actually I wish they'd have towed the party line. Because regardless of personality the Republican party line is better for everybody. Except Deadbeats . The never Trumper's (whe actually opposed the party line) grease the skids for the worst president of our lifetimes to be elected. And speaking of hypocrisy oh, and I know you could give two schitt's about Christianity, bending over for the fake Catholic Joe Biden? How is that better? Lets assume both of them are bullshiting about their faith. That work for you?

Are you trying to argue that Biden is as "fake" of a Christian as Trump?

Hey, I look forward to a time in the near future where presidents don't have to pander to christians. Believe me. But just based off of trump's actions there's no way snyone could consider him a "good" Christian. But I know at this point you think January 6th was a slightly rowdy picnic so the past is already being rewritten.



It's also easy for you to just say "anyone that believes the other side is a deadbeat", which is pretty dumb. But looking at an issue through the eyes of someone else doesn't seem to be a conservative strong suit.

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26 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Are you trying to argue that Biden is as "fake" of a Christian as Trump?Hey, I look forward to a time in the near future where presidents don't have to pander to christians. Believe me. But just based off of trump's actions there's no way snyone could consider him a "good" Christian. But I know at this point you think January 6th was a slightly rowdy picnic so the past is already being rewritten.It's also easy for you to just say "anyone that believes the other side is a deadbeat", which is pretty dumb. But looking at an issue through the eyes of someone else doesn't seem to be a conservative strong suit.

bicker, snicker, whine, bitch, peck,  peck,  peck,  peck,  peck, 

did the forum's little woodpecker have a great halloween pretending he was only in costume?woody-woodpecker-universal.jpg



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29 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

It's also easy for you to just say "anyone that believes the other side is a deadbeat", which is pretty dumb. But looking at an issue through the eyes of someone else doesn't seem to be a conservative strong suit.

It's also easy for you to just say "anyone that believes the other side is a Trump cultist", which is even dumber. But just looking at an issue doesn't seem to be a liberal strong suit.   

Back to Hillabillary.........................

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51 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Are you trying to argue that Biden is as "fake" of a Christian as Trump?

 Good eye. Yes I am. You should quit your job and apply for a referee job in the NFL.

Hey, I look forward to a time in the near future where presidents don't have to pander to christians. Believe me. But just based off of trump's actions there's no way snyone could consider him a "good" Christian.

 You can think what you want Woody. If you believed did Barack Obama modeled the way he ran the country on his Christian beliefs... But I know it's worse when the other guy does it right? Because if neither one are really Christians only one of them preached Christian values and the other one completely the opposite so there's that.

But I know at this point you think January 6th was a slightly rowdy picnic so the past is already being rewritten.

 But that's exactly what it was. I know you like to cling to your conspiracy theory or talking point or DNC spin butt who cares? You guys are getting a lot of traction out of that crap.

It's also easy for you to just say "anyone that believes the other side is a deadbeat", which is pretty dumb.

 Hey I'll walk that back. (If that was the exact quote) "Almost anyone. " That's where the core support for the Democratic party comes from. Speaking of dumb listening to better atheist or agnostic hahaha whatever you call yourself bitching that Trump isn't quite moral enough for you... Maybe you should vote for Pat Robertson or Mike Huckabee next time around? Or just drop the fake outrage?

But looking at an issue through the eyes of someone else doesn't seem to be a conservative strong suit.

 like self-awareness isn't yours.


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20 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:


You're missing so many points there, christ. 

This isn't whether Trump is moral enough for me. It never was. That very clearly was not the point. I have to think missing the point that hard is some Typical Steve level of BS to derail any back and forth. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of Christian conservative Trump voters that act like Trump is some model Christian. If they just admit Trump is morally not a good Christian, but pushes some of their agenda (see: pander) then fine, no problem. But when posters go from calling him a conman one minute to acting like he is the second coming of Jesus the next then that deserves to be called out and ridiculed.

Ah yes, "almost anyone". Convenient add on. How about this. "Almost any" conservative is incapable of seeing issues through the shoes of someone else and only react to issues that affect them. That's  why you saw Reps changing their mind on gay marriage only once they had a close relative come out as gay. 

I won't bother going into Jan 6th anymore. I know you're actively trying to rewrite what happened. Or maybe you've been fed enough bullshit you actively believe it. No idea. But your post just proves my point.

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7 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You're missing so many points there, christ. 

This isn't whether Trump is moral enough for me. It never was. That very clearly was not the point. I have to think missing the point that hard is some Typical Steve level of BS to derail any back and forth. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of Christian conservative Trump voters that act like Trump is some model Christian. If they just admit Trump is morally not a good Christian, but pushes some of their agenda (see: pander) then fine, no problem. But when posters go from calling him a conman one minute to acting like he is the second coming of Jesus the next then that deserves to be called out and ridiculed.

Ah yes, "almost anyone". Convenient add on. How about this. "Almost any" conservative is incapable of seeing issues through the shoes of someone else and only react to issues that affect them. That's  why you saw Reps changing their mind on gay marriage only once they had a close relative come out as gay. 

I won't bother going into Jan 6th anymore. I know you're actively trying to rewrite what happened. Or maybe you've been fed enough bullshit you actively believe it. No idea. But your post just proves my point.

Actually I know you won't respond because youve had your ass beaten, you realize it and are too cowardly to defend your stupid bullshit. Spin it all you want you hypocritical little puss. 



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12 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Actually I know you won't respond because youve had your ass beaten, you realize it and are too cowardly to defend your stupid bullshit. Spin it all you want you hypocritical little puss. 



No Steve, you couldn't be more wrong 

Being incorrect about what the other person thinks, or just shouting general nonsense, and then the other person getting tired of your shit isn't a victory. It's shitting on a chessboard and then claiming you won. 


But we're clearly not going anywhere here. If you thinking I'm commenting on Trump not being moral enough for me, something completely off from what I said, then it's a lost cause. 


See if you can not respond here. I know you always want the last word, but just see if you can refrain yourself. 

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56 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

No Steve, you couldn't be more wrong 

Being incorrect about what the other person thinks, or just shouting general nonsense, and then the other person getting tired of your shit isn't a victory. It's shitting on a chessboard and then claiming you won. 


But we're clearly not going anywhere here. If you thinking I'm commenting on Trump not being moral enough for me, something completely off from what I said, then it's a lost cause. 


See if you can not respond here. I know you always want the last word, but just see if you can refrain yourself. 

I honestly don't care what do you think because it has nothing to do with this discussion. Candidates hate each other during the primary and then when somebody wins they kneel down. Just like cameltoe said that she thought Joe Biden sexually abused women. And now?


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I honestly don't care what do you think because it has nothing to do with this discussion. Candidates hate each other during the primary and then when somebody wins they kneel down. Just like cameltoe said that she thought Joe Biden sexually abused women. And now?


Don't forget cameltoe thought Joe "Brandon" Biden was a racist too...

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14 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You're missing so many points there, christ. 

This isn't whether Trump is moral enough for me. It never was. That very clearly was not the point. I have to think missing the point that hard is some Typical Steve level of BS to derail any back and forth. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of Christian conservative Trump voters that act like Trump is some model Christian. If they just admit Trump is morally not a good Christian, but pushes some of their agenda (see: pander) then fine, no problem. But when posters go from calling him a conman one minute to acting like he is the second coming of Jesus the next then that deserves to be called out and ridiculed.

Ah yes, "almost anyone". Convenient add on. How about this. "Almost any" conservative is incapable of seeing issues through the shoes of someone else and only react to issues that affect them. That's  why you saw Reps changing their mind on gay marriage only once they had a close relative come out as gay. 

I won't bother going into Jan 6th anymore. I know you're actively trying to rewrite what happened. Or maybe you've been fed enough bullshit you actively believe it. No idea. But your post just proves my point.


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