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More redistribution of wealth - mmgw crock of crap and restricting supplies to Americans


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which should skyrocket the price of fuel. All hell economic wise will break loose.

but the UN will be happy.

The left will falsely prosecute, slander, libel, imprison, false testify, run wildly propaganda campaigns....

ridicule our military, condone leftwing violence, flood our country with undesirable criminal illegals (no, not all of them are criminals stfu)

..... and artificially create traumatic shortages. But play their game, keep them in power....or you get all or some of the above.

it's the communist/socialist way.

Sat, Oct 30 at 12:05 PM



Americans like you, who care about our nation’s economic and energy future, should be extremely concerned about the TCI gas tax -- a new, thinly-disguised cap-and-trade system threatening our families.


“TCI” stands for the Transportation and Climate Initiative, and is a theoretical compact of 12 states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions seeking to reduce carbon emissions by limiting the supply of gasoline and diesel fuels available to residents.


So far only Massachusetts has fully committed to the project, but with other green-left friendly states threatening to follow suit, American consumers need to sit up and take notice.


TCI is intended to limit carbon dioxide emissions by auctioning off “allowances.” These are tradable permits a company must buy in order to deliver or hold the raw material for gasoline and diesel fuel in the TCI region.


TCI is designed to make driving cars and trucks more expensive, with some studies predicting TCI will cost consumers upwards of 50 additional cents per gallon. That’s because the cost of allowances will increase expenses for fuel companies, leading to price hikes at the pump.


While TCI is a transportation cost increase, the real cost doesn’t stop there. Every aspect of the economy that relies on transportation -- including the millions of products delivered by truck each day -- will become more expensive, thanks to TCI.


And the cost of TCI is more than just financial. In the first year it takes effect in Massachusetts alone, TCI is expected to remove the fuel required for over 80,000 vehicles from gas stations. This likely means gas shortages in the near future, if TCI is to take effect in 2025 as planned.


And, don’t think you don’t need to worry about TCI if you live in another state. While the highest cost will undoubtedly be to Massachusetts and any other states who follow suit, families in neighboring states will also be impacted as demand drives consumers across state lines. And costs will also increase for any businesses doing business in, or trucking through, states with TCI -- which will in turn be passed along to families like yours.


The nationwide cost of TCI will be almost impossible to escape.


Make no mistake about it: TCI is a TAX, and it will cost families like yours -- without environmental gain.


American Energy Alliance is committed to fighting for affordable, abundant, and reliable energy for America's consumers and businesses. And that means standing up against expensive, radical green policies like the Transportation and Climate Initiative.


I hope you’ll stand with us.

Tom Pyle

American Energy Alliance

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does anybody refuse to believe that the leftwing corrupt dem socialists have invested in electric cars and global warming?

Al Gore got RICH on it.

come on, now.

On our trip, we saw one electric car recharging station. No one was there.

If all this hits all of us.....

We will all be like:



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