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Baker Mayfield


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59 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

Sounds as if you have been to the political forum on here


He left that forum because he got embarrassed. Now, Ja'Marr Chase and the Bengals made him cry "no mas".

He just gets that way sometimes......


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50 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

He left that forum because he got embarrassed. Now, Ja'Marr Chase and the Bengals made him cry "no mas".

He just gets that way sometimes......


If people left there for being embarrassed, there would be No one left there

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13 minutes ago, Kvoethe said:

Can we trade him to Houston? 

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The thing that I have the most problem with, is Baker is a 1 read QB, if his first read is there, he can fire the ball and be great, but when that isn’t there, he struggles 

People keep saying, he can be good enough when things are going well

But in 2022, you need a guy that can win games, when things are not going well

And Baker has proven that he can’t win games when things are not going well

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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

He left that forum because he got embarrassed. Now, Ja'Marr Chase and the Bengals made him cry "no mas".

He just gets that way sometimes......


Nope, when the opposing opinion doesn't suit your POV you just keep on keeping on with whataboutism until the other side gives up.  A prime example is you trying to defect the FACT that Baker had a shitful game against the Steelers "Well whatabout Ben had a lousy game too"..   You're hopeless. 

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6 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Nope, when the opposing opinion doesn't suit your POV you just keep on keeping on with whataboutism until the other side gives up.  A prime example is you trying to defect the FACT that Baker had a shitful game against the Steelers "Well whatabout Ben had a lousy game too"..   You're hopeless. 

I didn't say that at all. Not a bit. I simply asked you a simple question, and you went quiet. Your ego couldn't handle the truth. Tiam knows his football, and HE couldn't bail you out on that one. Your ego driven assumptions got the best of you on both forums.

Have a nice day.

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12 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

oh, you mean the guy who smarts off, can't back it up, then goes and has modular hidsies and seeksies instead of

answering the question I posed. So, the "question was wrong, so I had to not answer it".


what a Baker hater.


Absolutely no one on here thinks you ever own anyone on any discussion.

Strike that... I suppose if the topic of skinning and cooking a rodent came up, you would be the resident genius on this topic. 

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Here's where I'm at, in terms of how I see it for 2022

1) If we can get Wilson, Rodgers, or Carr- do it and call it a day. Obviously, the prospect of getting the first two is around 1% but Carr, to me, is a perfect fit for this offense. I think a straight  trade is an intriguing prospect for both teams as well, assuming the Browns dangle a good carrot (say, a 2nd round pick that can turn into a 1st). Raiders might see what Wentz is doing and think Mayfield can be the same? 

1A) Mayfield heals up and the Browns bring in some serious, legit competition. I personally don't see any eye popping free agent QB's who fit that mold, so maybe using the 2nd round pick on a prospect lights that fire under his ass. 

I like both scenarios on their own, but Carr really, really intrigues me. I think he's everything Stefanski wants Baker to be and could be very attainable.

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8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I didn't say that at all. Not a bit. I simply asked you a simple question, and you went quiet. Your ego couldn't handle the truth. Tiam knows his football, and HE couldn't bail you out on that one. Your ego driven assumptions got the best of you on both forums.

Have a nice day.

Yes you did, you directly compared Baker's performance to Ben's trying to bail out the 53 qbr shit performance Mayfield stunk out the stadium with.  

15 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

He left that forum because he got embarrassed. Now, Ja'Marr Chase and the Bengals made him cry "no mas".

He just gets that way sometimes......


Hey, and you can't admit the next great AFC North qb Joe Burrow's 4,600 passing yards and 108 qbr has anything to do with it.  We cry know mas because you're a damn broken record of whataboutism and deflection. FACT You can't even realize when you've been backed into a corner, and some of the crap you've posted has been debunked multiple times by guys who know a hell of a lot more about football than you do, and you just keep spinning away. Your act is getting real old. Legend in your own warped mind. FWIW, I left the political forum because there's too many guys there living in some alternate reality, including one very obvious QAnon nut job. So please do us all a favor and head over to your safe space there where you can spew crap to your heart's content.    


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22 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yes you did, you directly compared Baker's performance to Ben's trying to bail out the 53 qbr shit performance Mayfield stunk out the stadium with.  

Hey, and you can't admit the next great AFC North qb Joe Burrow's 4,600 passing yards and 108 qbr has anything to do with it.  We cry know mas because you're a damn broken record of whataboutism and deflection. FACT You can't even realize when you've been backed into a corner, and some of the crap you've posted has been debunked multiple times by guys who know a hell of a lot more about football than you do, and you just keep spinning away. Your act is getting real old. Legend in your own warped mind. FWIW, I left the political forum because there's too many guys there living in some alternate reality, including one very obvious QAnon nut job. So please do us all a favor and head over to your safe space there where you can spew crap to your heart's content.    


I wasn't comparing, I was countering your egotistical bs. I've watched more football games than a lot of young guys. I simply let you know your "facts" are worthless - because it's a TEAM GAME.  You can't see the forest for the trees. You see one tree  and think the entire forest is that same kind of tree.

Very strange. Other people are entitled to their own opinions. My opinions are sometimes dumb, but they are mine - from observing the Browns and football over the years. Stop trying to use my views on the other forum to distract from me not agreeing with you like a groupie.

   You must be kidding - bragging on Burrow's yards, when he has a 5th overall star wr? lol. I honestly think you are smarter than that. I can answer your football questions.

You are backed into a corner - you refuse to admit that adding Ja'Marr Chase to the offense was an explosion of productivity for Burrow.

    You are looking very foolish here. Bragging on Burrow's stats this year, MAKE MY POINT.

I'll prove it - (although proof is always? lost on you)


Everybody on this forum can look - the Bengals, last year, lost THREE, won ONE, Lost THREE, won ONE.

the LOST THREE MORE and he was injured.

So, lol, you can go ahead and give Burrow great big amoochies, but the truth is, Ja'Marr Chase set that offense on fire.

See, they did NOT HAVE A NUMBER ONE last year. Same qb.

Burrow's qb rating LAST YEAR WITHOUT CHASE, he had bad games - 66.1 qb rating, 66.4 ....

nine losses last year, Hoorta. same qb.

So, another question. Do you believe the difference is Ja'Marr Chase or not?

you cherry pick "facts" to fit your ego driven narrative. same old.

It's a team game. Idolizing only the steering wheel, or only blaming the steering wheel, is dumb.


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4 hours ago, jrb12711 said:

Here's where I'm at, in terms of how I see it for 2022

1) If we can get Wilson, Rodgers, or Carr- do it and call it a day. Obviously, the prospect of getting the first two is around 1% but Carr, to me, is a perfect fit for this offense. I think a straight  trade is an intriguing prospect for both teams as well, assuming the Browns dangle a good carrot (say, a 2nd round pick that can turn into a 1st). Raiders might see what Wentz is doing and think Mayfield can be the same? 

1A) Mayfield heals up and the Browns bring in some serious, legit competition. I personally don't see any eye popping free agent QB's who fit that mold, so maybe using the 2nd round pick on a prospect lights that fire under his ass. 

I like both scenarios on their own, but Carr really, really intrigues me. I think he's everything Stefanski wants Baker to be and could be very attainable.

I think Derrick Carr is the only realistic option. But I don't know about giving up a first or 2nd.  I guess it depends on how much/if they want to move on from Baker. I think sticking with Baker and Drafting someone in the 2nd or 3rd might be better.

  I liked Carr more before I saw him play in the game against our backup JV squad. 

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11 minutes ago, hx214 said:

I think Derrick Carr is the only realistic option. But I don't know about giving up a first or 2nd.  I guess it depends on how much/if they want to move on from Baker. I think sticking with Baker and Drafting someone in the 2nd or 3rd might be better.

  I liked Carr more before I saw him play in the game against our backup JV squad. 

It is not a great draft for qb's. Next year, yes. A Garrett Wilson would have the similar effect that Chase had with the Bengals. Then, if a healthy Baker isn't up to it - you know the first pick in the 2023 draft will be a qb.

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18 hours ago, Browns149 said:

Baker has proven that he can’t win games


PFF on Baker - 10 minutes of outlining Baker regressing and being terrible no matter what his surrounding team consists of. Good O-line? Terrible. Bad O-line? Yep, still terrible.  Get over reality and move on.. Just because someone was good in the past doesn't mean he's going to be good forever.

15 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Your ego couldn't handle the truth.

Every "accusation" you make is 100% projection - it's YOUR ego that can't handle the truth.  At least you're consistent, though -- this is how you are on every forum.


As to the actual topic at hand -- Gah.  I don't see how we run this back even next season because Baker is a broken husk of a beaten-down shell of a man.  And Stefanski's playcalling finds a way to make things worse.  One of the few things Browns have gotten correct this season is the decision to go for it on 4th down -- but of course with Baker at QB all the plays themselves are going to be poorly executed.  Tank for CJ Stroud?

Let's make it entertaining this week with 3-step-drop look-right-throw-left timing passes into double coverage.. it couldn't get any worse!

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15 hours ago, Unsympathetic said:


PFF on Baker - 10 minutes of outlining Baker regressing and being terrible no matter what his surrounding team consists of. Good O-line? Terrible. Bad O-line? Yep, still terrible.  Get over reality and move on.. Just because someone was good in the past doesn't mean he's going to be good forever.

Every "accusation" you make is 100% projection - it's YOUR ego that can't handle the truth.  At least you're consistent, though -- this is how you are on every forum.

As to the actual topic at hand -- Gah.  I don't see how we run this back even next season because Baker is a broken husk of a beaten-down shell of a man.  And Stefanski's playcalling finds a way to make things worse.  One of the few things Browns have gotten correct this season is the decision to go for it on 4th down -- but of course with Baker at QB all the plays themselves are going to be poorly executed.  Tank for CJ Stroud?

Let's make it entertaining this week with 3-step-drop look-right-throw-left timing passes into double coverage.. it couldn't get any worse!

I couldn't care less to accuse him of anything - ask anyone who knows me...

the other forum - you haven't been there. So there's that. I on the other hand, keep them separate. You should try it.

Disagreeing and asking your hater friend Hoorta hard questions is like being in the movie "Lord of the Flies" - and not being one of the haters. lol

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23 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

Mary Kay is garbage and Baker is correct.  I've mentioned before when I've seen her at training camp - the one her head was down and buried in her phone for 90 minutes straight.  Yet she's accurately reporting camp news? 



I hope the dumb broad gets fired from Cleveland.com and the Browns for false reporting...

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

It’s on the opposite spectrum. Says its okay to call out coaches. Once/twice during a career I guess. What they fail mention is that he’s called out everyone including the fans. I wish he would stop talking. It’s not a good look. 

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Cabot continues her classless garbage reporting..(insert drama queen as her source)

I'm glad Baker put her in her chit-slinging place 💩

Watch your source's out there.... this broad's job is to report on Bengals week 

Tretter from his own mouth today... Reported he will be playing next season 👍.. that's our best source...  

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