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Things I would do if I were president


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1. I would assemble a team of experts to eval our gov and see who is disloyal and end their employment. Most of the higher execs, some down to the rank and file.

2. would build the wall, order all illegals to be kicked back out of OUR COUNTRY.

3. I would have the gov sue every major social media/news outlet for violation of free speech, and political conspiracy to defraud the American public.

4. Regarding the fake man made global warming ploy - I would designate a nice time of year as "National Campfire Day", and a "National Start Your Gas Engines and Rev Em Up Day".

5. ...would work with Congress to outlaw communist and socialist parties. By definition - they seek to overthrow our gov.

6. I would work with congress to enact a federal law against making woodpeckers unable to ever be put on any Endangered Species list.

7. I would order every single one of the chicken crap political dishonest mouthpieces out of the Pentagon.

8. I would work towards a balanced budget with emphasis on increasing our military and infrastructure allowcations.... and cut woke spending to about $1.13.

9. I would let the world know that once again, any group or country that unjustly holds/kidnaps/imprisons/hurts an American anywhere, will be destroyed. No fake democrat liberal cowardly fake "red lines".

10. I would work with congress to enact laws that would make deliberate violatations of our Constitution a FELONY.

11. I would establish one day of the year as "Real American Freedoms Day"

12. I would declare wokism a national security threat and I would outlaw unrequested mail in ballots and ballot harvesting.

13. I would make wild harvesting of wild food and medicines a research project by a commission.

14. Would declare a "National Green Tea and Root Beer Day"

15. I would set up a National Hotline number and have it "manned" by ICE agents - so when AMERICANS find out about someone who is ILLEGAL..... they can report it.

16. ...would declare the Cleveland Browns "America's Team" and advise the DOJ to investigate the NFL and referees behavior in games.

17. I would end the Dept of Education on the federal level. It's best left UP TO THE STATES.

18. I would emulate Pres Teddy Roosevelt and be a great trust buster - using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to hammer giant corps and social media companies that violate monopoly laws, and especially those who deliberately and significantly try to dishonestly sway our electoral process.

19. I would order every political action against our military prosecuted - including "wokeism". Including anyone retired generals/active duty military officers or enlisted....

20. I would make American GREAT AGAIN for ALL AMERICANS. Even for liberals who are to engorged with their own emotions and superegos who will never appreciate it, and those who want free stuff. and i would work to make work a requirement for welfare, except for those TRULY unable to work.  and would work to make legit intentional fraud in social services a felony.

not bad for the first hundred days. LOL

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how could I be retired when I was employed as president?

egad. You suffering from dementia like your sex object biden?

still waiting for your first intelligent, thoughtful post..................

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