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2 hours ago, Browns149 said:

Don’t stand too close to anything magnetic either

ROTFLMAO..you are so witty

you might want to bat your eyes and stand close to your voice of truth

“At such time, Mr. Lemon, who was wearing a pair of shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt, put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into Plaintiff’s moustache under Plaintiff’s nose,” the complaint, filed in Suffolk County Court on Aug. 11, 2019, stated.

“Mr. Lemon intensely pushed his fingers against Plaintiff’s face under Plaintiff’s nose, forcing Plaintiff’s head to thrust backward as Defendant repeatedly asked Plaintiff ‘Do you like p**** or d***?’ While saying this, Mr. Lemon continued to shove his fingers into Plaintiff’s face with aggression and hostility.”

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On 9/27/2021 at 5:47 AM, Westside Steve said:


1) PS it's this charging at windmills attitude about the election that will cost Trump in the long run. 2) Nothing that he did in office. And certainly nothing Biden has done.


1) True... 2) False. being President Lysol and anti mask definitely factored in his loss, and will again. For the record he was still in office January 6th Steve. That certainly will be brought up big time should he decide to run again in 2022.  BTW, he's gong to get zero votes from the environmentalists. 

On 9/27/2021 at 2:08 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

Wasting your time over here again Larry?😂

Just my five minutes a day keeping up with the latest in conspiracy. Hey- even the Ninjas had to come out that someone altered their report saying Trump won!!! and spewed it all over the Internet.  The lying and desperation are ever increasing for the Trumpettes. His little rally down Georgia way was essentially a non stop lie-a-thon. Two minutes of it was all I could stand- It almost made me puke. As we both know- the true believer Cultists still believe everything "Honest Abe" Donnie spews.    

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

1) True... 2) False. being President Lysol and anti mask definitely factored in his loss, and will again. For the record he was still in office January 6th Steve.

 But nothing like the nonsense you're spouting ever happened on that date.

That certainly will be brought up big time should he decide to run again in 2022.  BTW, he's gong to get zero votes from the environmentalists. 

 Neither will Ben Sasse or Liz Cheney but you only care about the environment because you hate Trump

Just my five minutes a day keeping up with the latest in conspiracy. Hey- even the Ninjas had to come out that someone altered their report saying Trump won!!! and spewed it all over the Internet.  The lying and desperation are ever increasing for the Trumpettes. His little rally down Georgia way was essentially a non stop lie-a-thon. Two minutes of it was all I could stand- It almost made me puke. As we both know- the true believer Cultists still believe everything "Honest Abe" Donnie spews.    



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14 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Steve- has Biden told some lies? Certainly. Get relative kid glove treatment from the MSM by comparison over it? Yep. But that's whataboutism my friend. Joe is minor league in comparison to the Liar-in-Chief. And he's still at it, beating his election fraud drum... He's more of a compulsive liar than a pathological one, but they're just symptoms of his underlying malignant narcissistic personality disorder. Regardless of how you slice it, MHO is Trumpie is seriously nuts and unfit to ever hold public office again. 

From the article: Let me know when Joe catches up. 

Actually, that’s not a rhetorical question. The Washington Post counted those times and concluded that Trump’s “false or misleading claims total 30,573 over four years.” 

PS- regarding those covid deaths on Joe's watch... The body count may be accurate, but the reason for it is something the free-dumb antivax crowd doesn't want to hear. I can't find an exact number, but I'm betting about 200,000 of those deaths are from the antivaxxer crowd. Extrapolating from the reports you're 11 times more likely to die from covid if you're unvaccinated. 

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20 minutes ago, hoorta said:

PS- regarding those covid deaths on Joe's watch... The body count may be accurate, but the reason for it is something the free-dumb antivax crowd doesn't want to hear. I can't find an exact number, but I'm betting about 200,000 of those deaths are from the antivaxxer crowd. Extrapolating from the reports you're 11 times more likely to die from covid if you're unvaccinated. 

Too bad, the Covid body count was all you Biden nut swingers were hanging your hat on. You even posted several times on the body count under the Trump administration. Birdboy was getting his feathers in a ruffle over “Trump’s mishandling of the Pandemic”. Now the shoe is on the other foot, you fools are pretty quiet about the nearly 300,000 dead during Biden’s first 9 months in office. 
Enjoy your plate of crow.

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53 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Steve- has Biden told some lies? Certainly. Get relative kid glove treatment from the MSM by comparison over it? Yep. But that's whataboutism my friend. Joe is minor league in comparison to the Liar-in-Chief. And he's still at it, beating his election fraud drum... He's more of a compulsive liar than a pathological one, but they're just symptoms of his underlying malignant narcissistic personality disorder. Regardless of how you slice it, MHO is Trumpie is seriously nuts and unfit to ever hold public office again. 

From the article: Let me know when Joe catches up. 

Actually, that’s not a rhetorical question. The Washington Post counted those times and concluded that Trump’s “false or misleading claims total 30,573 over four years.” 

PS- regarding those covid deaths on Joe's watch... The body count may be accurate, but the reason for it is something the free-dumb antivax crowd doesn't want to hear. I can't find an exact number, but I'm betting about 200,000 of those deaths are from the antivaxxer crowd. Extrapolating from the reports you're 11 times more likely to die from covid if you're unvaccinated. 


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13 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Too bad, the Covid body count was all you Biden nut swingers were hanging your hat on. You even posted several times on the body count under the Trump administration. Birdboy was getting his feathers in a ruffle over “Trump’s mishandling of the Pandemic”. Now the shoe is on the other foot, you fools are pretty quiet about the nearly 300,000 dead during Biden’s first 9 months in office. 
Enjoy your plate of crow.

Canton- the deaths are what they are... Here's the difference. 2020 we had no vaccines, but President Hydroxy Lysol told people "it's just going to go away 26 stinking times, and masks optional".  For sure Trump's anti science approach to the pandemic Drs Devil Sperm and let em' get infected Scott Atlas was one of the reasons he lost the election. 

2021- we have vaccines that at the least are highly effective at preventing deaths- Joe begging and now mandating vaccinations. But there's folks, nope, my body my choice. Conspiring up miniscule risks of vaccinations into fantasmical body counts of adverse reactions.  FWIW- one of the guys who doesn't post much, but is a valued member of this forum- just had a relative die of covid- after spending months in ICU on a respirator. Yup- your body your choice. So go use ivermectin, zinc, and vitamin C instead and die just like several antivaxxer radio announcers have. 

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55 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Steve- has Biden told some lies? Certainly. Get relative kid glove treatment from the MSM by comparison over it? Yep. But that's whataboutism my friend. Joe is minor league in comparison to the Liar-in-Chief. And he's still at it, beating his election fraud drum... He's more of a compulsive liar than a pathological one, but they're just symptoms of his underlying malignant narcissistic personality disorder. Regardless of how you slice it, MHO is Trumpie is seriously nuts and unfit to ever hold public office again. 

From the article: Let me know when Joe catches up. 

Actually, that’s not a rhetorical question. The Washington Post counted those times and concluded that Trump’s “false or misleading claims total 30,573 over four years.” 

PS- regarding those covid deaths on Joe's watch... The body count may be accurate, but the reason for it is something the free-dumb antivax crowd doesn't want to hear. I can't find an exact number, but I'm betting about 200,000 of those deaths are from the antivaxxer crowd. Extrapolating from the reports you're 11 times more likely to die from covid if you're unvaccinated. 

'Squad' member Cori Bush's jewelry, dresses from constituents raise ethic 'red flags,' watchdog says

Spokeswoman said Bush is 'grateful' for gifts from St. Louis community


"House members can't accept anything worth $50 or above unless one of the specific exceptions in the ethics rules allows for it," Arnold said. "When a member receives benefits or items free of charge based upon their position, it raises red flags."


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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

LOL- triggered much Vambo?  :D :D :D  Stuff that has nothing to do with what I original posted.  

True but Trump has nothing to do with current events...  What you posted is irrelevant to current events.

Trump triggers you even though Biden is in office you know they fool liar in chief you help elect are are to embarrassed to talk about!




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17 minutes ago, hoorta said:

LOL- triggered much Vambo?    Stuff that has nothing to do with what I original posted.  

hold on, is that one of your swimming in Egypt new personal rules? How many times have you changed the subject abruptly because you can NOT name ONE good/great thing your obaMao or biden ever did FOR AMERICA?

You can't name one. Your mexican hatdance swimming in Egypt doesn't get it done.

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29 minutes ago, hoorta said:

LOL- triggered much Vambo?  :D :D :D  Stuff that has nothing to do with what I original posted.  

Chuck Todd Says Democrats Need Trump to Distract Voters From Biden’s Disasters


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Steve- has Biden told some lies? Certainly. Get relative kid glove treatment from the MSM by comparison over it? Yep. But that's whataboutism my friend. Joe is minor league in comparison to the Liar-in-Chief. And he's still at it, beating his election fraud drum... He's more of a compulsive liar than a pathological one, but they're just symptoms of his underlying malignant narcissistic personality disorder. Regardless of how you slice it, MHO is Trumpie is seriously nuts and unfit to ever hold public office again. 

From the article: Let me know when Joe catches up. 

Actually, that’s not a rhetorical question. The Washington Post counted those times and concluded that Trump’s “false or misleading claims total 30,573 over four years.” 

PS- regarding those covid deaths on Joe's watch... The body count may be accurate, but the reason for it is something the free-dumb antivax crowd doesn't want to hear. I can't find an exact number, but I'm betting about 200,000 of those deaths are from the antivaxxer crowd. Extrapolating from the reports you're 11 times more likely to die from covid if you're unvaccinated. 

You have a handful of lunatic talking points that you have to spew no matter what the statement might be. And you've been given the fact about what fauci and de Blasio and Cuomo and other Democrats at the outset about the covid so spare me your shit. You guys are crazier then any qanon follower or 4 chan regular poster and at least they brings new and fresh conspiracy theories to the table on nearly a daily basis. You guys keep repeating the same meaningless crap.


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Canton- the deaths are what they are...

Pretty much what the level headed people were saying when Trump was Prez, but you know certain people blamed Trump anyway.

Yup- your body your choice. So go use ivermectin, zinc, and vitamin C instead and die just like several antivaxxer radio announcers have. 
I think you’re preaching to the choir. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital with Covid with the first 3 days in ICU, and I was first in line to get vaccinated. I could tell you about the 46 year old RN that lives next door to my sister. She was forced to get the jab, and died from blood clots…but you know the government knows best. It was her body, but it wasn’t her choice.


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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

You have a handful of lunatic talking points that you have to spew no matter what the statement might be. And you've been given the fact about what fauci and de Blasio and Cuomo and other Democrats at the outset about the covid so spare me your shit. You guys are crazier then any qanon follower or 4 chan regular poster and at least they brings new and fresh conspiracy theories to the table on nearly a daily basis. You guys keep repeating the same meaningless crap.


Lunatic? You're as far out in right field as JABF if you think that- we keep repeating it because it happens to be true- something that's in damn short supply around this forum.  

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Lunatic? You're as far out in right field as JABF if you think that- we keep repeating it because it happens to be true- something that's in damn short supply around this forum.  

At least jafb provides various tooics. You and tex just keep screaming the same old unsubstantiated talking points. (At least the woodpecker seems to think Joe has fallen short by not passing out enough free s*** for example he thinks there should be even more in the way of free education, and climate activism, but who can tell because he's such a contrarian.) The old Maxim about if you repeating a lie enough times.... Of course it doesn't become the truth I don't think it even becomes the truth in your fevered minds. But people do post varied issues about the short fallings the by the administration just in the first year. Agree or disagree those are all valid concerns. Your only response? Scream liar or traitor or cult or dictator or racist or Cheetos or spew your completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theory about the "insurrection." You've been proved wrong over and over and can't find a single solitary complete soundbyte to support it. You just don't care. Echo chamber? Yes indeed.

I might even consider that you had a point if every post about Joe Biden from the conservatives concerned his hair plugs child molesting name-calling infidelity or dementia.

But they aren't. Because, and I guess I can only speak for myself but I think my attitude is shared by others, my dislike of Biden and his administration is based on the things he's done which I think are harmful to the country. And certainly not based on personal attacks against other members of the board.


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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

At least jafb provides various tooics. You and tex just keep screaming the same old unsubstantiated talking points. (At least the woodpecker seems to think Joe has fallen short by not passing out enough free s*** for example he thinks there should be even more in the way of free education, and climate activism, but who can tell because he's such a contrarian.) The old Maxim about if you repeating a lie enough times.... Of course it doesn't become the truth I don't think it even becomes the truth in your fevered minds. But people do post varied issues about the short fallings the by the administration just in the first year. Agree or disagree those are all valid concerns. Your only response? Scream liar or traitor or cult or dictator or racist or Cheetos or spew your completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theory about the "insurrection." You've been proved wrong over and over and can't find a single solitary complete soundbyte to support it. You just don't care. Echo chamber? Yes indeed.

I might even consider that you had a point if every post about Joe Biden from the conservatives concerned his hair plugs child molesting name-calling infidelity or dementia.

But they aren't. Because, and I guess I can only speak for myself but I think my attitude is shared by others, my dislike of Biden and his administration is based on the things he's done which I think are harmful to the country. And certainly not based on personal attacks against other members of the board.


Exactly. And Hoorta, your posts just blather - you can't explain your slurs against Pres Trump, you can't defend you sweethearts obaMao/biden/higgardly/van jones/etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

   You got nothin, and you can't name one good/great thing your obaMao/biden ever did FOR AMERICA in their entire time.

You haven't because you can't.

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On 9/30/2021 at 2:31 AM, Westside Steve said:

At least jafb provides various tooics. You and tex just keep screaming the same old unsubstantiated talking points. (At least the woodpecker seems to think Joe has fallen short by not passing out enough free s*** for example he thinks there should be even more in the way of free education, and climate activism, but who can tell because he's such a contrarian.) The old Maxim about if you repeating a lie enough times.... Of course it doesn't become the truth I don't think it even becomes the truth in your fevered minds. But people do post varied issues about the short fallings the by the administration just in the first year. Agree or disagree those are all valid concerns. Your only response? Scream liar or traitor or cult or dictator or racist or Cheetos or spew your completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theory about the "insurrection." You've been proved wrong over and over and can't find a single solitary complete soundbyte to support it. You just don't care. Echo chamber? Yes indeed.

I might even consider that you had a point if every post about Joe Biden from the conservatives concerned his hair plugs child molesting name-calling infidelity or dementia.

But they aren't. Because, and I guess I can only speak for myself but I think my attitude is shared by others, my dislike of Biden and his administration is based on the things he's done which I think are harmful to the country. And certainly not based on personal attacks against other members of the board.



Quite a bit OT, but thanks Steve.


And since we're OT, I'd really suggest anyone that's taken this $hitball to get a D-Dimer, or at the least implement the "Vaxxx repair protocol" I've posted before.








This was not an idle threat/warning - don't care how crazy you think I am.


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40 minutes ago, JAFBF said:


Quite a bit OT, but thanks Steve.


And since we're OT, I'd really suggest anyone that's taken this $hitball to get a D-Dimer, or at the least implement the "Vaxxx repair protocol" I've posted before.








This was not an idle threat/warning - don't care how crazy you think I am.


An image shared on Facebook claims the American Red Cross “reports that vaccinated people cannot donate blood because the vaccine completely destroys their natural antibodies.”


Verdict: False

The American Red Cross states on its website that people who have received COVID-19 vaccines can donate blood. COVID-19 vaccines work with the body’s natural defenses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO).

Fact Check:


Misinformation related to COVID-19 vaccines is widespread and can, according to the Pan American Health Organization, fuel vaccine hesitancy. One claim circulating online recently alleges the American Red Cross is not accepting blood donations from people who have received COVID-19 vaccines.

“American Red Cross reports that vaccinated people cannot donate blood because the vaccine completely destroys their natural antibodies,” reads one Facebook post. “ARC need donors that are unvaxx’ed with natural immunity.”

This claim is not accurate, according to information available on the American Red Cross website. On its “Can I donate after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine?” webpage, the organization explicitly states people who received COVID-19 vaccines “can still donate blood, platelets and AB Elite plasma.” Another American Red Cross webpage dedicated to answering questions about the eligibility of donors who have been vaccinated states, “In most cases, there is no blood, platelet or plasma donation deferral time after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.”

The American Red Cross states on its website that “there is no deferral time for eligible blood donors who are vaccinated with a non-replicating inactivated or RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer.” Blood donors who received a “live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine or do not know what type of COVID-19 vaccine they received” must wait two weeks to give blood, according to the American Red Cross website.


The U.K.’s National Health Service Blood and Transplant and the Australian Red Cross, have deferral periods for those who have received COVID-19 vaccines and wish to donate blood, but it’s not because the vaccines “destroy” natural antibodies. The Australian Red Cross website explains that its deferral period is to “make sure you have had no side effects and are feeling healthy and well on the day of donation.” Possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines include soreness at the site of the injection, fatigue, headache, chills, fever and nausea, according to the CDC website.

The notion that a COVID-19 vaccine “completely destroys” a person’s “natural antibodies” doesn’t hold up under scrutiny either. The CDC, WHO and American Red Cross do not mention anything to that effect on their websites.

Instead, the CDC states on its website that COVID-19 vaccines “work with the body’s natural defenses to safely develop immunity to disease.” The WHO also explains on its website that vaccines “reduce risks of getting a disease by working with your body’s natural defenses to build protection,” as well as “train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease but – crucially – vaccines work without making us sick.”


Experts also refuted the claim about COVID-19 vaccines destroying a recipient’s natural antibodies in emails to Check Your Fact. (RELATED: Viral Image Claims The Red Cross Is Not Accepting Plasma Donations From People Who Received COVID-19 Vaccines)

“There’s no truth to it as stated,” said William P. Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, when asked about the post’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccine destroys a recipient’s natural antibodies.

“I don’t understand the biological basis for the terms ‘destroy your natural antibodies,'” said Yvonne Maldonado, a professor of global health and infectious diseases at Stanford University. “In my view this is gibberish.”



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