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White House sounds alarm on debt ceiling fight, warns Medicaid, food stamps at risk


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White House sounds alarm on debt ceiling fight, warns Medicaid, food stamps at risk

White House sounds alarm on debt ceiling fight, warns Medicaid, food stamps at risk

The Biden administration is warning state and local governments about drastic cuts to Medicaid, food stamps, disaster relief and other federal programs if Congress fails to raise or suspend the debt ceiling soon.

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"You will own nothing, and be happy" - Klaus Schawb.


Their goal the the total collapse of the Economy (World), CV19 just happens to be a convenient bridge too that outcome - what a coincidence   .   .   .  



(There are better articles on this)






I'm thinking I saw they defaulted (can't confirm at this time), but under current conditions, I doubt it is far off if they haven't.


This will have massive ripple effects - yes, even here.


A few folk are aware and have hopefully started making preparations for this.


Cash on hand (short term), and Commodities / Barter items should be fairly high priority.


Food, Water (non corrupted), and Barter/tradable items (many others as well) should be on hand ASAP (too be safe).






Ya'll don't want too know, or believe how bad this could be - and it's going to be within weeks (see debt above).


History says the odds of increasing the Debt ceiling are pretty good   .   .   .   but in our current times, are they really ?



* We're losing people from the workforce due too vaxxx mandates (may well be a casualty myself).

* There is a high potential of a big "die off" coming in the next several months (all Nations -% Pop growth = deagle.com (Lib Site)).

* more   .   .   .  


Yea, I'm sick of bad News myself, but I'm currently looking at we're in 3 or 4 possible scenarios   .   .   .   only one of them is "good", the others either have issues, or are just plain bad.

The worst of these I don't think is happening, but it still exists as a possibility.



I hate it, but everyone can see how bad things are, and there is no quick resolution (ultimate resolution is another story) right now without a "miracle" (possible).


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