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Fake covid response question

Westside Steve

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Biden covid  response myth

Let me Begin by saying that I believe that both sides pick the guy they want and whoever the other guy is they will hate. Not for any particular reason because as the election Etc goes on they will find reasons to hate the guy they've decided to hate. Happens all the time. Hate first ask questions later.

One of the fake reasons IMO for people who hated Trump all along but decided they didn't until covid is how he mismanaged the covid crisis.

So, in voting for Joe Biden, they must have thought that he had a better plan. Well time has shown that he really didn't but I do wonder why anyone would say that in the first place? Well he did promise to beat the virus which doesn't seem to be true so far. But we all know about campaign promises. Not worth the electronics the teleprompter Prints them with. He said he would listen to The Scientist. Really? President Trump listened to dr. Fauci who said the impact on America would be minuscule. Oh well Trump said it was a hoax. But that was way back at the beginning, right? Joe Biden said he would immediately order a nationwide mask mandate. Regardless of the fact it would probably be meaningless it would certainly have been unconstitutional. Other Democrats like Cuomo have dealt with it by foolishly killing off old people. Other Democrats have locked down their States crushing the economy with absolutely no visible effect to separate them from the red States. Of course, any American who cared to take notice of all those Democrats partying like it was 1999 without their masks. not really a good look. As matter-of-fact other countries even more restrictive than ours and were not governed by President Trump; their numbers look a Lots worse than ours. Democrats were outraged and spent an inordinate amount of time complaining when President Trump called for a travel ban calling him racist. Which seems like one of the only weapons that Democrats have in their Arsenal. They were more concerned with calling it The China virus which it certainly was. When Trump, like hundreds and hundreds of doctors around the world mentioned he thought hydroxychloroquine might be helpful the Democrats s*** their pants . Trump put the vaccine on The Fast Track. Maybe the Democrats would have done the same but who knows and who cares because he did. And now large Democrat voting blocs refused to take it.

And who actually called for closing the borders when it became clear we were importing the virus from its home in China? And what was the response from the Democrats? Screams of racism. And now that Biden is in control who is the president ushering hordes of infected illegals into our States?

So just for fun lefties Democrats Trump haters and woodpeckers all, tell me what you think Joe Biden would have done differently? Or tell me what you would have done differently? How about a mandate to wear masks during Zoom calls?

By the way we all know how useless a response would be that consisted of "well he says he'd listen to the science!" Does that include mandating non FDA-approved vaccinations?

But given the time of the early outset what would you have done differently and how much different would it be today? We can see the change in the numbers since Biden was elected oh... I will give you the benefit of the doubt that might have happened under Trump's second term but again, it didn't it happened under Joe's.



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Biden Has Earned 11 Pinocchios From Fact-Checkers During Coronavirus Crisis

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Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has been dinged several times by fact-checkers over claims he has made during the coronavirus crisis, including a total of 11 "Pinocchios" from the Washington Post.

Over the course of three weeks between March 13 and April 3, Biden was fact-checked five separate times for making false or misleading claims concerning the Trump administration's handling of the pandemic.

A Washington Post fact check on March 13 awarded Biden four Pinocchios, the fact-checker's most severe rating, for two manipulated videos the Biden campaign circulated.

The first video claimed to show Trump at a Feb. 28 rally saying Democrats were turning the coronavirus into "their new hoax" after they failed to bring Trump down through impeachment. Biden's video was edited to make it appear that Trump was calling the coronavirus a hoax. Trump, however, was referring to the Democrats' attempts to blame him for the virus, not the virus itself.

The second Biden campaign video showed Trump saying the phrase "the American Dream is dead," which the Post found was taken out of context and missing the second part of Trump's statement where he promised to "bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before."

Another Post fact check on March 24 gave the campaign four Pinocchios after adviser Ron Klain accused Trump of silencing Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"The president and the White House sent a clear message to scientists in the government—there would be a price for speaking out and speaking up," he said in a campaign video released on March 21.

Messonnier continued to hold routine phone briefings with reporters in the weeks after she raised the alarm about the virus at a press conference with Trump.

Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler wrote that Klain's framing was "simply wrong." Messonnier's alarming rhetoric did irritate Trump, but the idea that she was silenced was a "false narrative," Kessler added.

At a CNN town hall on March 27, Biden repeated an earlier claim that Trump had eliminated the White House pandemic office. He also claimed Trump made "no effort" to put any pressure on Chinese president Xi Jinping and reduced the CDC's staff in China prior to the outbreak. Biden added he called for China to admit medical experts from the United States when the outbreak in China was still in its early stages.

The Post‘s fact check gave Biden three Pinocchios due to his imprecise language. The Trump administration sought access for CDC experts, and the administration told the Post that Trump offered to send experts to China to help with the outbreak. Biden also did not specifically call for experts to be sent until late February.

Those weren't the only times Biden has been fact-checked for rhetoric during the crisis.

On March 15, during the Democratic presidential debate, Biden falsely claimed that Trump refused coronavirus testing kits from the World Health Organization. The kits were never offered in the first place. PolitiFacrated his statement "Mostly False." CNN, after initially deeming his statement factual, retracted its rating after a report by the Washington Free Beacon.

On March 19, Biden first tweeted that Trump "eliminated" the pandemic response team. The Washington Post fact check found this claim "overstated" due to the fact that the global health directorate was folded into another office under the guidance of former national security adviser John Bolton. Citing "dueling narratives," however, it didn't give a rating to Biden's claim.

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16 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I would bet dollars to dog turds that this one and many like it have been staged. But as the Woodpecker says some of you guys eat this up.


It’s still funny 

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As for your original, long winded questions, I don’t think any President was going to stop the virus. Not Trump, not Biden, not even the almighty Reagan

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28 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I forgot a couple more Democrats statements. If you want to go on a cruise go on a cruise. Cuomo said quarantining people after they go to beach hotspots would be an act of War. Just a little bit more of the excellent handling you guys expect.

Cuomo isn’t even worth a comment. Other then to say he’s worthless 


And I don’t get the whole cruise vacation thing. You never seem to hear of someone coming back from a cruise and saying “That was the best vacation ever”

It’s always a bunch of complaints and bad experiences. Plus being stuck on a boat, with 1000’s of people,  doesn’t sound very appealing anyway


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56 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

As for your original, long winded questions, I don’t think any President was going to stop the virus. Not Trump, not Biden, not even the almighty Reagan

And yes I admit it was a little bit long-winded I just wanted to cover a few of the kneejerk responses I was bound to get. There's a couple more that I didn't even mention, yet.



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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

And yes I admit it was a little bit long-winded I just wanted to cover a few of the kneejerk responses I was bound to get. There's a couple more that I didn't even mention, yet.



I normally don’t read the long posts. They are usually so far gone that it’s not worth my time. 

But yours are normally thought out and not just a big rant about who’s the idiot in charge or the idiot that used to be in charge 

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12 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

I normally don’t read the long posts. They are usually so far gone that it’s not worth my time. 
But yours are normally thought out and not just a big rant about who’s the idiot in charge or the idiot that used to be in charge 

 Which category does this one fall under? I was just thinking about it since some people said that the handling of the covid experience was the reason they [couldn't vote for] Trump. Just trying to get somebody to say what they would have done, or with the guy they voted for has done that was better.


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2 hours ago, Browns149 said:

Cuomo isn’t even worth a comment. Other then to say he’s worthless 

 but he was the hero of the left regarding the way they thought he handled the covid.

And I don’t get the whole cruise vacation thing. You never seem to hear of someone coming back from a cruise and saying “That was the best vacation ever”

It’s always a bunch of complaints and bad experiences. Plus being stuck on a boat, with 1000’s of people,  doesn’t sound very appealing anyway

true enough. That was just about dr. Fauci comment.


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