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Not how I wanted to start the morning.


 Spoke to him on multiple occasions over the last few years.  He could never make up his mind on whether to call me by board handle, or my real name.  So he would just drop a 'T' .... made me crack up quite a bit.

 The first time I got to speak with Tour (Bruce) ... his enthusiasm and wit were pretty evident.  On top of his energy.  Seriously, the guy could talk a mile a minute.    But what really stood out was how organic the conversation was.  Guy talked to me like we were old college buddies just picking up after a break in contact.


 I'll always be grateful for him as an individual and his passion for the Browns, but specifically his knowledge of the offensive line and driving me to increase my command of 'his' position group by encouraging me to reach out to him, and some of the guys I played with.

 I feel for his wife, his family, his friends, and TBB as a whole.   Hasn't been, and won't be the same without him.



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I'm glad he and I had a long phone discussion about facing the worst possible outcome a few months back when the reality of his disease was hitting him full force. I hope and pray that what we shared together helps him let go peacefully to his next journey beyond this mortal life we all share. Just go to the light when the time comes my old friend. Love and prayers for you Bruce🙏. And Go Browns!🏈👍


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This is heartbreaking. 

I remember how I, who was a rookie trying to learn about the Browns, would read his posts and think there was a great mind with some wit behind those words. 

Then once I decided to start writing I remember fondly how he replied and welcomed me. As a Spaniard, I kind of needed an approval to join a forum with such tradition on a sport and a team I wasn't born around, and his words made me feel I could hang around here and feel between unseen, long lasting friends, in a weird manner. 

Now the time to say goodbye comes, and I just hope we will soon cheer and have a drink for a Superbow victory, and for the ones who have left without seeing it, but paved the way of this fandom. 

Qué tengas un buen viaje, Bruce. 


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3 hours ago, Zombo said:

More from Suzanne Tuma, including her phone number that you can text if you want to talk to Bruce:


Thank you for sharing the love and concern for him. He is the love of my life, my true soulmate, and God's greatest gift to me. Let the folks know that if they want to talk to him, I am happy to facilitate that process. He most likely won't speak, but I can interpret facial expressions and responses. They can text me at 9034756077 if they wish to speak with him. Right now, 2-4/5, seems to be awake time for him. Take care! And thank you for caring for Bruce!

Thanks for this. I got to say goodbye and I hope it made him smile if only for a moment. It did me. 


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13 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

That’s really sad. “Never got to see them win a Superbowl” is becoming an exponential refrain among our kind. And it’s not really just about winning the Superbowl, it’s about sharing that elusive experience with family and friends, especially the older ones who made you a fan. You want it for them more than anything. 

Godspeed Tour into wherever the afterlife goes. You will be missed. 

Yes, we've lost several folks who never got to see a Browns Super Bowl win.. Stan, Gipper, and Fat Dad immediately come to mind. Looks like Bruce is going to join that sad club.  Brain cancer is a bitch, if you get the wrong kind.  I never thought I'd be waiting 58 years and counting for the Browns to win another Championship either.

I was fortunate to spend some time with Tour a few years ago when the Browns played the Dolphins.  Met up in Zombo's stomping ground in Naples, and we had a great dinner at Bleu Provence. I may get ragged on for being a wino, but that restaurant has one of the top 100 wine lists in the country. We happen to share a fondness for fermented grape juice.  :)  I even still have a bottle of Texas Hills Vineyard Malbec he sent me in my cellar. I offered to reciprocate, and send him some Lake Erie wines two years ago, but ever the optimist, Bruce said later after I beat this thing.  :(  

Yep, we were sitting right next to one another at that Dolphins game when Cody Par-kay doinked that one off the upright that your could hear all the way up in the 500 level in the stands. 

As we say, life isn't ended, it's just changed. We'll have another guy upstairs rooting the Browns on. Vaya con Dios mi amigo, Bruce. 

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Tour and I never agreed on much.. But I always respected what he brought to the board... So for Him, Gipper and Daddy Bull..  Fly on great Browns fans... I hope you find peace in Gods house...



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On 8/31/2022 at 1:14 PM, hoorta said:

Yes, we've lost several folks who never got to see a Browns Super Bowl win.. Stan, Gipper, and Fat Dad immediately come to mind. Looks like Bruce is going to join that sad club.  Brain cancer is a bitch, if you get the wrong kind.  I never thought I'd be waiting 58 years and counting for the Browns to win another Championship either.

I was fortunate to spend some time with Tour a few years ago when the Browns played the Dolphins.  Met up in Zombo's stomping ground in Naples, and we had a great dinner at Bleu Provence. I may get ragged on for being a wino, but that restaurant has one of the top 100 wine lists in the country. We happen to share a fondness for fermented grape juice.  :)  I even still have a bottle of Texas Hills Vineyard Malbec he sent me in my cellar. I offered to reciprocate, and send him some Lake Erie wines two years ago, but ever the optimist, Bruce said later after I beat this thing.  :(  

Yep, we were sitting right next to one another at that Dolphins game when Cody Par-kay doinked that one off the upright that your could hear all the way up in the 500 level in the stands. 

As we say, life isn't ended, it's just changed. We'll have another guy upstairs rooting the Browns on. Vaya con Dios mi amigo, Bruce. 

Thanks for sharing that Larry!  It's so nice to read what Tour means to our group here. If anyone ever questions what a message board is supposed to be about - remember the Tour Guide. 

He shared all of his passion for the Browns with this Board.  Him and tiamat63 would study up countless prospects for us looking at film for hours and hours before writing up their thorough draft analyses for us.  Keep in mind, the Browns could only draft a very small percentage of the position groups they covered so well. They did/do it for you and me folks.  I used to do a very, very watered down version of that way back in the day when I had more time; but never anywhere near the quality that those 2 guys did/do it up for this board.

I was one of the original board members with the guy who started this board for us.  That started with a lot of ballbusting and people sharing knowledge and updates about the team.  It progressed to meeting each other at tailgates and planning road trips to games in other cities. I have road-trip memories I'll cherish forever with fans in here (some are no longer with us). Like Larry alluded to - Tour not only met up with Larry and Zombo in Miami - he organized a gathering in Houston for any/all of the fans that wanted to go to watch the Browns-Texans game.  A message board is more about this kind of stuff with people sharing a common bond.  Make friends in here folks.  Don't be afraid to exchange phone numbers with good company in here if you get the opportunity to do so.  If you don't have the time to do that kind of thing, that's okay too. 

The only thing I've been comfortable posting since we found out about Tour getting cancer was "Cancer just got in the ring with the wrong guy."   He took that fight into overtime with the trials folks.  My heart goes out to him and his family.  The last interaction I had with him, he sent me a PM that he wanted me to join him and others in a pre-draft chatroom.  That meant a lot to me believe it or not.  Unfortunately, it was at the same time my wife and I were moving.  

For anyone worrying if he will suffer in his final days, my wife is a Hospice Nurse that reminds me all the time how wonderful that is for patients while their families get to see how peaceful it is.  I've also seen it first hand when my dad passed.  

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dammit. Got back from camping, and hear the tough news. God Bless his family, and his friends. I was SO hopeful he was on vacation with his Wife, recovering. It's so much a heartbreak. God Bless her for letting it be known. God Bless ya Tour.

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On 8/31/2022 at 1:14 PM, hoorta said:

Yes, we've lost several folks who never got to see a Browns Super Bowl win.. Stan, Gipper, and Fat Dad immediately come to mind. Looks like Bruce is going to join that sad club.  Brain cancer is a bitch, if you get the wrong kind.  I never thought I'd be waiting 58 years and counting for the Browns to win another Championship either.

I was fortunate to spend some time with Tour a few years ago when the Browns played the Dolphins.  Met up in Zombo's stomping ground in Naples, and we had a great dinner at Bleu Provence. I may get ragged on for being a wino, but that restaurant has one of the top 100 wine lists in the country. We happen to share a fondness for fermented grape juice.  :)  I even still have a bottle of Texas Hills Vineyard Malbec he sent me in my cellar. I offered to reciprocate, and send him some Lake Erie wines two years ago, but ever the optimist, Bruce said later after I beat this thing.  :(  

Yep, we were sitting right next to one another at that Dolphins game when Cody Par-kay doinked that one off the upright that your could hear all the way up in the 500 level in the stands. 

As we say, life isn't ended, it's just changed. We'll have another guy upstairs rooting the Browns on. Vaya con Dios mi amigo, Bruce. 

It's funny how life intersects- I was also at this game in the scorching heat (not realizing there was indeed a shaded section of Hard Rock stadium). I vividly remember that doink too, and it's funny thinking how folks like you and Tour have that now funny memory.

Not going to act like I knew the man at all, nor were we friends. I just pray everyone in his life to include you all find solace and peace. Too many good men didn't get to see this stupid team we love win the whole thing-fuck cancer.

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This is real sad news. I don't know bruce, but know his screen name and the nature of his posts, much like I did with gipper. Being from another country, and a real rookie browns fan compared to you guys, I rarely post, but I always read, so I feel like I know you all. Peace be with you tour. 

Love from england

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Gutted. I met Bruce in London when the Browns played the Vikings he’d had his tickets delivered to my address so I met him to hand them over and he in turn had a Browns board jumper to give it to me! We chatted briefly as he had to meet his wife but he was a true friend to me on this board via PM and the brief chat we did have in person was a fun one filled with laughter. 

Sleep well my friend.  

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5 hours ago, LondonBrown said:

Gutted. I met Bruce in London when the Browns played the Vikings he’d had his tickets delivered to my address so I met him to hand them over and he in turn had a Browns board jumper to give it to me! We chatted briefly as he had to meet his wife but he was a true friend to me on this board via PM and the brief chat we did have in person was a fun one filled with laughter. 

Sleep well my friend.  

Bruce sent me memorabilia from that game.  I posted once that that game was the last game that my best friend in the world (a Vikings fan) and I watched together before my friend passed....and in the mail a packet came from Bruce.  - A special guy that Tour!

Browns Vikings Buddy Bruce.png

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Godspeed, Tour. Dang it man...this one hurts. I won't feel sorry for you per instructions, but it won't be the same without you. ❤️ 

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I received a text from Suzanne yesterday and she said that Bruce is resting comfortably and right now the nurses are only coming by the house 2-3 times per week. She thanked all of us for the thoughts, prayers and love. She sounds like she is strong.  

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Hate to hear this. 

I’m not much of a poster anymore but I still try to lurk and keep tabs on what’s going on here. Although I never was afforded the opportunity to meet any of y’all in person, I still considered many of you friends and hearing this news absolutely guts me.

This board got me through a very rough time in my life and Tour was always incredibly nice to me despite having no reason to be. He would often entertain my nonsensical (and occasionally combative) posts and we ended up having some great discussions about this team and it’s myriad problems. 

Bruce, thank you for taking time out of your life to talk Browns with a young kid with a lot on his mind who didn’t really have anyone else to talk to. I’ll proudly hang the Browns flag you sent me until it can no longer be hung.

Take care, my friend -





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Thanks again and a Happy 70th Birthday to our friend Tour or Bruce.

He's always been a good friend to chat with on the board   -or-  occasionally PM together with.   We do miss you around the board our wise and witty ol'  friend.     Michael,   mjp.

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17 hours ago, Zombo said:

Today is Bruce's 70th Birthday 🎂 

If you want to send him a Birthday greeting, his wife Suzanne's number is above in the thread.


Yeah, his wife created a group text to keep some of us in the loop.  It was his birthday, and he's still hanging in there.  Back in Florida, he didn't look anywhere close to my aged years.  😉

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  • 3 weeks later...
18 minutes ago, Orion said:

He has been missed around here.  He was a true fan.  He was a thoughtful guy.  He is in the light of love I'm sure.

My feelings exactly about our friend Bruce.  A nice guy to chat with on TBB or in PMs here.

Best wishes for his wife and rest in peace our friend. 

Never easy to find the right words sometimes  good bye old friend,  you are missed.  ♥︎

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