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Hi everyone,   I just dated the update and replied down below on August 8, 2022 just to make this current.  Thank you,  Michael,  mjp.

ELP / Brain Salad Surgery - 1973 - YouTube

kinda forced track one, but it gets better.... IMO.... skip to around 13 min mark if you need to. Turns out playing in chlorinated hydrocarbons thru the late 1900s may not have been the best career choice. Anyway it's my first playlist attempt....

Unfortunately no joke, guys, but if you feel sorry for me for even one second Your nuts will get stomped at a tailgate.... or two.

That is not to say I am goin' down without a fight, but I am up against the toughest mother of all the C''s. All Thoughts and prayers welcome, but must be paired with the same fervor (or more fervor to our beloved team's success. A SB is the ONE thing I want before I CASH IN MY TIX... It's been q long time since '64.57 years in the wilderness is more than enough.

STUPID GAME in the grand scheme, but..... THE THOUGHT OF MISSING WHAT WE ALL BELIEVE IS FINALLY around the NEXT corner OR TWO is the only thing that has come close to sending me into a crying jag. Pretty sire about having one gone cornerr left, but two??? We shall see//// right Orion? :D

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I agree,  hang in there with all of us misfits.

I also really understand some things have been in the hospital every year for the past 7 years including 92 days this year up to April 30.   ;)

This is a nice place to hit some computer 💻 keys !   Michael. "mjp"


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No feeling sorry.  Feeling sorry for  person is nearing sympathy.  I reserve that for helpless people, which you aren't, or very young people who never really had a crack at life, which you have.

I do however have empathy.  It's hard not to, especially as a older dawg who one way to the other is going to have to face the facts soon enough.  How soon?  Who knows, we don't pick and choose those sort of things. We just go for the ride as long as this journey lasts.


Stay strong of mind and hopeful and know there are a lot of people pulling for you, Bubba.

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God damnit, Tour. I was just thinking about why I hadn't seen you in the tavern or discord yet.  I figured you either ran to Hawaii and eloped with some random girl or a rattlesnake got you.  

There are very few original football opinions on this board that make me stop and re-evaluate my stance should they point something out of their own.  And yours has always been right as the top.  So don't you dare have the AUDACITY to check out before the Brownies bring one home.    But when that happens? Then you have my permission to go out and about as you please.  


You know we'll all be thinking about you buddy. 

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Dammit T. Just dammit. You are of course in my thoughts and prayers and I wish you the strength needed to fight. I usually have some smart ass, hilarious (to me any way - and that's all that really matters) comment to add to just about anything, but I'm a bit lost for words right now. 



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Tour - terrible to hear. The tech they have now is fascinating in fighting it - I've been there secondhand......and it gives you a huge advantage !

We are all Browns fans - we NEVER FREAKING QUIT. We are very excellently able to NEVER QUIT.  Prayers your way.

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From one Cancer survivor(Esophageal) to the next YOU. Fight the good fight! Never claim it! It is not of you. Pray long,hard,and deep☝️☝️☝️ Give it  back to the devil from where it  came! You will be in me n the misses prayers! Godspeed and as always GO BROWNS!

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Tour....Sorry to hear this. Hits close to home, as I just returned today, from visiting my brother Bruce(ironic, eh?) who's a year into the good fight right now.....make the best of what you got and fight like hell(and dont waste too much time on here)....Would love to see you enjoy this season.....Lord knows you've earned it..

You will be in my thoughts.....dont let me down....Sunday #1 coming up!

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Fuck me. It hurts to read these news. 

You have been one of the posters' whose opinion I value the most, and I'll always remember how you welcomed me when I first started posting here. 

Browns will put many smiles on your face this season, and we will keep rooting for them as a part of our Sunday routines, and for you as part of this fandom and our friend. 

Take care and keep fighting, we have you on our prayers. You are definitely not alone on this one. 

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15 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

We shall see//// right Orion?

I shall be praying for a different outcome than the author of that 'We see' statement.

As tiamat said, I'd been wondering where you've been and hoping nothing bad had happened.

The 'In my prayers' list is getting long....but there's ALWAYS room.....and ALWAYS time, to add another request to God before closing my mind on my pillow for the night.  God bless Tour.  Be well!

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On 9/11/2021 at 5:41 AM, Tour2ma said:

ELP / Brain Salad Surgery - 1973 - YouTube

kinda forced track one, but it gets better.... IMO.... skip to around 13 min mark if you need to. Turns out playing in chlorinated hydrocarbons thru the late 1900s may not have been the best career choice. ANyway ir'smy first playlost atte,pmt....

Unfortunately no joke, guys, but if you feel sorry for me for even one second Your nuts will get stomped at a tailgate.... or two.

That is not to say I am goin' down without a fight, but I am up against the toughest mother of all the C''s. All Thoughts and prayers welcome, but must be paired with the same fervor (or more0OR MORE0 fervor to our beloved team's success. A SB is the ONE thing I want before I CASH IN MY TIX... It's been q long time since '64.57 years in the wilderness is more than enough.

STUPID GAMEin the grand scheme, but..... THE THOUGHT OF MISSING WHAT WE ALL BELIEVE IS FINALLY aronud the NEXT corner OR TWO is thEe only thing that has come close to sending me into a crying jag. Pretty sire about having one gone cornerr left, but two??? We shall see//// right Orion?

I didn't see this until Tex clued me in... If you need any second opinions- let me know- I'll hook you up with my co season ticket holder Don- who's a retired neurologist... Dealt with this stuff for 30+ years. 

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When I first met you on this board, I had no idea you would become one of my all time favorite posters to read.  You are a game changer that has kept a pulse and countless reasons for this board to continue to exist long after the guy who started/paid for this board passed away.  The response in here says it all about you.  

You will remain in my thoughts and prayers until we can officially celebrate cancer got in the ring with the wrong guy!

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On 9/11/2021 at 5:41 AM, Tour2ma said:

ELP / Brain Salad Surgery - 1973 - YouTube

kinda forced track one, but it gets better.... IMO.... skip to around 13 min mark if you need to. Turns out playing in chlorinated hydrocarbons thru the late 1900s may not have been the best career choice. ANyway ir'smy first playlost atte,pmt....

Unfortunately no joke, guys, but if you feel sorry for me for even one second Your nuts will get stomped at a tailgate.... or two.

That is not to say I am goin' down without a fight, but I am up against the toughest mother of all the C''s. All Thoughts and prayers welcome, but must be paired with the same fervor (or more0OR MORE0 fervor to our beloved team's success. A SB is the ONE thing I want before I CASH IN MY TIX... It's been q long time since '64.57 years in the wilderness is more than enough.

STUPID GAMEin the grand scheme, but..... THE THOUGHT OF MISSING WHAT WE ALL BELIEVE IS FINALLY aronud the NEXT corner OR TWO is thEe only thing that has come close to sending me into a crying jag. Pretty sire about having one gone cornerr left, but two??? We shall see//// right Orion?

Good luck brother. I'm also fighting a battle in that front. I'm only 40 though so I have a great incentive to win. Hope you do as well. Fight like a motherf'r. 

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