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Biden turns back on America's allies


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remember the fake news wailings of the lefties around here?

They faked whining that Pres Trump asked our allies to pay their fair share of defense etc?

and our allies didn't like that?

well, now the lefties around here should realize they look pretty asinine -

biden has totally alienated them, and has our enemies ready to go to war because the lefties voted in

a complete asswhole loser.

and they won't admit it for one second. I'm concerned there's going to be a war.


iden Has Deserted America’s Allies – What Happens Next?

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10 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I can't read it because I'm not a VIP member.


But it's just some right wing garbage to get you all emotional and keep those clicks coming. It isn't news. They're just taking advantage of you and people like you.

Oh well

The allies America has abandoned now face Taliban terror


President Joe Biden has admitted, without a word of apology, that the United States has broken its word and left behind tens of thousands of Afghans who worked and fought alongside us.

The allies America abandoned face utter horror, as Biden’s botched withdrawal has put the ruthless Taliban in possession of vast troves of military weaponry — and data identifying who helped us over the 20-year war.

Experts estimate that at least 300,000 Afghans face Taliban backlash for associating with Americans these last two decades. And the terrorists have already begun taking revenge.  

Americans overwhelmingly supported extending the deadline to ensure we left no one behind, found an ABC News/Ipsos poll taken after last week’s deadly bombing. But Biden stubbornly refused to budge on an Aug. 31 exit even as rising chaos made it impossible to get out everyone promised a safe haven and US officials gave up on evacuating them long before the bitter end.

An Afghan who’d worked as a translator for US forces told a reporter he tried to reach the Kabul airport late Friday with a group who’d received permission to go. At the fourth checkpoint, the Taliban told them the Americans instructed them to pass only US passport-holders. “I am so hopeless for my future,” the man lamented. “If the evacuation is over, what will happen to us?”

Hiding looks impossible: Taliban troops arriving in Kabul rushed to Afghan government offices to grab files that identified, among other things, intelligence officers and informers. More info came thanks to Uncle Sam, abandoned in the middle-of-the-night scramble out of Bagram air base: biometric devices and data that can identify our Afghan allies via iris scans and fingerprints.

The State Department released a statement Sunday vowing to hold the Taliban to their promise to let people leave Afghanistan after the US bugout. But what leverage does America have? Not one person who aided America should have been left in the country after we withdrew. When the inevitable happens, Biden will have more blood on his hands.

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I always have a bit of concern about the people we call allies. For the most part they are allies mostly because they benefit from something we give them. (Not to mention ensuring that the US dollar is the international currency) Like the United States does the heavy lifting to protect them so they can spend whatever money they would have spent on defense giving people free shit. People bitched about Trump asking NATO pay their fair share. All the while they are buying oil and gas from the Russians, the exact country NATO is there to protect them from. One would at least think that if they are accepting that help then when we need them they should play ball.

Plus if Afghanistan is vital I don't see anybody else stepping up.


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