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Eight signs that America is headed towards eventual collapse


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Just...how long til fake Pres Trump haters admit the damage they've collectively done to America?


8 Signs That USA Is On The Brink Of Collapse


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1 hour ago, Browns149 said:

One sign was this country elected a reality tv person who had no experience to the highest office 


Who created one of, if not the best Economies this Country has ever seen (Reagan Economy would be competitive).


Everyone conveniently forgets he built a multi-Billion Dollar business.

Even the "failures" were a strategy if you know what you're looking at.



The only reason our current Economy is as strong as it is, is because the Left shutdown the small Businesses, and they're just now kicking back into gear.

Demand has been locked down (literally), and as folk are able to start getting out again, they are taking care of things they could not get for some time.


It's not going too last, as the insane spending ($6T, $9T, $12T, etc ?) is devaluing the Dollar and causing massive inflation.







I expect more than 10-14%.


Posted elsewhere that folks should stock up on dry/can goods while they can now.


They are paying Farmers too destroy their Crops, and today I found out they are now getting Truckers with "Greens" to sit until the produce spoils.



Back OT, yea, there are two plans for the Collapse of our Economy.

I've addressed them before.


Black Hat plan is the "Great Reset", where folks essentially end up not owning anything, just basically Renting what they want / need.

The Elites own everything, that's what they're moving us towards (don't work, we'll pay you a pittance to stay at home - etc).


White Hat plan to the best of my understanding, there would be some debt forgiveness (Jubilee), but we would go to an Asset backed (Gold/Silver/precious Metals/Commodities) Dollar, as I've been saying for some time.


Short version (which is still quite long), as I could go several posts on this.


Economic crash ?

Yea, I see it in the cards, and it will happen with the OBiden Admin as they are the ones propagating this mess (number of new "Dollars" is insane).


There's another calamity coming as well, but that is for another time/thread.



Yea, I'm crazy, but is it going to hurt you to have extra food/water on hand ?


Can't say you weren't advised - not like you'll never use it eventually anyway is it ?


Gold, Silver, even Cash on hand may not be a bad option (Internationally our Cash is declining/returning, locally it will be viable for a bit yet).


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11 minutes ago, JAFBF said:

Yea, I'm crazy, but is it going to hurt you to have extra food/water on hand ?


Can't say you weren't advised - not like you'll never use it eventually anyway is it ?


Gold, Silver, even Cash on hand may not be a bad option (Internationally our Cash is declining/returning, locally it will be viable for a bit yet).


I live in Hurricane Alley so I always keep a decent stash emergency food on hand along with access to 750 gals of clean water

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the board lefties are obviously convinced that the depression never happened.

They feel very, very special.

some deny the moon landing happened, and deny the Holocaust happened.

Most of them deny that Pres Trump accomplished over 200 GOOD/GREAT THINGS for America.....

and they can't name one measely thing their obaMao commie and biden have ever done good/great FOR AMERICA in their entire careers.

They can't name one.

Reality deniers for emotional egotistical gain.

all in the same sick boat.





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