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Don't know how many people have FB accounts but one of the common post is what was your first job and when? Most people will respond with their mid-teens and something like mowing lawns or babysitting or something like that. I'm guessing it won't be long before that question will sound funny.  With teenage single parents being paid to squirt out kid after kid for profit (completely eliminating the need for a father in the home) with no one else working any kind of service job the answers will be more like...

"No clue. I really haven't had one yet. And I don't plan to in the near future."

I can't imagine that regardless of your hatred of any particular politician the lack of incentive to ever work is a positive thing for society in general. Of course normal it's what we are born into. Whether it's Buckingham Palace or Borneo.



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I worked at a blue print place in downtown Cleveland. Summer of 1986 and summer of 1987.( Summer breaks from high school)

I had a bus pass and could get on any train or bus in town. Used to carry big burlap sacks with blue prints and spiral notebook to architects and engineer offices. Made $3.35/hr

I have been working ever since 

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very first job - caddyed at a ritzy golf club with my best friend. Needed money for the prom in hs. lol

one time, I caddyed for the notorious arrogant twit dentist who was a crap golfer, hot tempered, and had every single

club there is, in this big golf bag, along with a lot of stuff in his bag. AND his wife's bag.

So, he would only pay for ONE caddy. It was my turn, so I carried both. At the ninth hole, there was this deep ravine with

a creek, and he hit his ball into the creek.  A sixth grader golfer could easily hit it over the ravine down the fairway, but this idiot used the wrong club. So, I walked over to the ravine edge, set the two bags upright off to the side, and went to climb down into the ravine.

    Mr. stupid went apecrap, getting near me and screaming that I was an idiot, that he was paying me to CARRY those bags, and to get down into the ravine and get his stupid golf ball, he didn't have all day.

   So, realizing the moron had no idea how heavy the bags were, who probably had a butler put them in the car for him ....

He ranted, yelled and bitch and I got annoyed, smiled, and used a finger of each hand to tip over his upright golf bags, and walked away.  there was this stunned silence, as I walked all the way back to the clubhouse.

  I had enough bucks for the prom, and figured I'd get fired. Instead, the crappy loudmouth rotten tipper dentist ungrateful sombeitch tipped me 20 bucks via the supervisor,  after he came back - he had no choice but to carry his own bags from then on.

     But I quit, the supervisor asked me not to, and said that dentist was getting so bad the club was thinking to not let him renew his membership.

  But, we both quit, went fishing. Had a great time with our dates at the prom, dinner at a fancy Brown Derby I think it was, and ..er...talked a lot with them..

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Welfare: Temporary and Forever | Mises Institute

The legislation was significant because, for the first time since the advent of the Great Society, it set a five-year limit on the amount of time one could be eligible for welfare benefits. Although this was a maximum time period, individual states could set shorter limits if they so desired, and half of them did.
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The Collapse of Marriage and the Rise of Welfare ...

The 1965 Moynihan Report pointed to the disintegration of family asa major cause of welfare dependence. Building on the 1996 welfarereform, programs like the federal Healthy Marriage Initiative ...

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Kody's second wife, Janelle Brown, declared bankruptcy in 1997, in a similar scenario.. Christine Brown declared bankruptcy in March of 2010, and was eventually forgiven $25k of debt. Christine listed a financial helper in her bankruptcy paperwork, as a "mysterious companion." During an episode of the TLC show, Kody spoke of one of the children he shares with Christine requiring an ...
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24 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I can almost guarantee, if the internet and social media existed in 1960, I could find posts by old people then saying similar things about young people of the time. 

And you could see all of the Democratic hatred towards the Civil Rights Act.

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8 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Don't know how many people have FB accounts but one of the common post is what was your first job and when? Most people will respond with their mid-teens and something like mowing lawns or babysitting or something like that. I'm guessing it won't be long before that question will sound funny.  With teenage single parents being paid to squirt out kid after kid for profit (completely eliminating the need for a father in the home) with no one else working any kind of service job the answers will be more like...

"No clue. I really haven't had one yet. And I don't plan to in the near future."

I can't imagine that regardless of your hatred of any particular politician the lack of incentive to ever work is a positive thing for society in general. Of course normal it's what we are born into. Whether it's Buckingham Palace or Borneo.



That is a data harvesting effort going viral. Same thing with the "look at my picture 15 years ago and look at me now" posts. The amount of information you share that can be monetized is ridiculous. I started getting advertisements for dumpsters presumably after copious usage of the term "dumpster fire" in gchat in the Hue Jackson era.

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I was that 15.5 y.o. squirt that rode his bike down Navarre Ave to the Great Eastern Mall to open up The Putt-Putt on Woodville Rd.  

No photo description available.  Saturday's were Super with hot mom's dropping their kids off for a few hours of fun & 🌞

(than take them! Please! 😇)

Was promoted to Manager & once played Putt-Putt pro Vance Randall (lost on 18th hole).. Easy place to pick-up hot curvy women 👀

Pay? think I started out at $5.50/hour..Managed at maybe $7.50-8 bucks?.. mostly did not care.. all the profits were spent on food & baseball & football equipment..Oh! And a opal ring i spent on a blonde chick i was ball'in 🤤 that I met there...   Hi Lisa!

Would not have changed a single thing 🤓 

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I can almost guarantee, if the internet and social media existed in 1960, I could find posts by old people then saying similar things about young people of the time. 

And I can guarantee you'll be doing the same s*** in 30 or 40 years.


41 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

That is a data harvesting effort going viral. Same thing with the "look at my picture 15 years ago and look at me now" posts. The amount of information you share that can be monetized is ridiculous. I started getting advertisements for dumpsters presumably after copious usage of the term "dumpster fire" in gchat in the Hue Jackson era.

Actually my point was more about paying people to do nothing, paying teenagers to have more kids endless unemployment checks Etc. Sure we've had ADC for a while you can pretty well look back and see when welfare had started to split up the nuclear family. But why work if you don't have to?

Think about it if restaurants can't get anyone to work there regardless of what they pay or do you think those people who would normally be doing our jobs are?


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My first job was working in the family fields.. Then I picked Strawberries at a friend's family 800 acre nursery.

My first so called real job was with Winn-Dixie (southern grocery chain) when I was still barely a teenager. I was there every day bugging them for a job. I guess they finally thought "might as well hire the kid" He's here all the time anyhow".. :D

The problem was, I didn't have a Social Security card. So they couldn't pay me until I did. In those days you applied for your card via snail mail. It took 6 weeks or so. They couldn't believe I kept coming back and working for 6 weeks while waiting for my SS card. When it finally came in. I received 6 paychecks between $33 and $39 each. I thought I was Daddy fuckin Warbucks.. 😂


Right now, at one of my businesses I have a kid about my age when this happened who is working his very first job.. I didn't know this until his grand dad posted it on FB.. I've known his grand dad for 40 yrs or so. Dude was valedictorian of his graduating class and Gregg Allman's personal manager for quite a few yrs...   His grandfather brings him every day before sunrise and again at sunset to empty the trash cans into the dumpster and clean the lot. 5 days a week.. I pay him $100 cash(times have changed 😫) and I vividly remember the first time I paid the young man he asked me,,, "Is there anything I can improve on"..........

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150 customers at 9.5 yrs old 

good old plain dealer.

lied about my age at 15 so I could be a lifeguard at Edgewater Beach.

ive never sat on my ass.  

my six boys are good young men who also will not be on the “take”

never give up, its worth the fight!

don’t be lazy and give up with your kids!

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3 minutes ago, hammertime said:

 lied about my age at 15 so I could be a lifeguard at Edgewater Beach.

Lied about my age at 15 and threw a 5 oz sphere 60' 6" in the Indian's organization. They found out after I was 3-2


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