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Capitol police using military intel equipment that can detect hostile fire?


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So, this is Obamao commie's "civilian security force" he made  several speeches about, eh?

"defund the police" so they can have a leftwing controlled kgb type of military oppression over all the American people?

and they instigated Jan. 6th to have their excuse?

May as well been lbj's "Gulf of Tonkin" incident all over again.

This military capability is used to detect enemy fire. So, anyone who hunts with a gun will be found out. Every

shooting range will be found out. If you go out on your farm to sight your rifle in...you'll be found out. Found.

License plates of every attendee to gun shows will be found out. Hunting clubs, skeet shooting clubs with license plates will be found out.

They can't get Americans to register all their guns - but they will eventually find a lot of them.

Watch for fake red flags, courtesy of clapper/brennan types in the capitol police.

You can bet this capitol police crap won't be in Chicago and going after all the gang/blm shootings there.

It's a political dangerous wave of control. All with the Gulf of....er....I mean "Jan 6th" incident as an excuse to establish tyranny

over all Americans who won't go socialist with them. Especially gun owners. ObaMao's "civilian security force as well funded and well armed as our military"....

while they dilute our military with controversy and discord and low morale..........

Remember Obama's Civilian National Security Force?

Senator Obama introduces the idea of a Civilian National Security Force Is Obama planning to have a Civilian Security Force in addition to the military? "We cannot continue to rely on our military...
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said.  "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."


That plank in the future president's platform was quickly removed, but evidently not discarded.  It seems that it was merely safely tucked away until a more opportune time.

Now we see, perhaps, then-Candidate Obama's intent re-emerging -- not through the creation of a voluntary service program, but through the co-opting of various government agencies to suppress those whom this administration perceives as enemies.

Evidence is not lacking:

- The IRS has been used to target Tea Party groups and has leaked private information about other conservative organizations, such as the National Organization for Marriage. 

-The EPA has been heaping monstrous regulations upon the U.S. coal industry in order to, essentially, kill it.

- When Tea Partiers organized a small protest/press conference in front of the IRS in Washington, D.C. last May, Homeland Security vehicles outnumbered the Tea Partier attendees.  Homeland Security's overbearing, disproportionate presence was intimidating, as intended."





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27 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

Now this is my experience only, so as they say "results may vary" - but generally the best way to detect if the fire is hostile would be when the rounds are coming AT you.


Of course that is true - as to the military intent of the technology. But it's use against the American People? It's from a leftist gov in control that has used the IRS, EPA, FBI, NSA, CIA and various deep state cohorts in our military brass - to declare war on republicans, Pres Trump, any supporter, anyone who disagrees with crt, any political opponent.

Dangerous times, I say. In conjunction with the left's overreach everywhere they can, and considering obaMao commie's "civilian security force" ..... no gov needs that civilian security force unless they intend on dominating/oppressing the American people and taking permanent control...... says I.

I did forget to conclude with the link that started the thread in the first place:


WHOA: Capitol Police To Start Using Same MILSPEC Spy Gear U.S. Troops Used in Afghanistan


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