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More biden and marxist power mongering destroy America crap


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energy wise.  Serious damage is going to happen to Americans. Pres Trump made us energy independent.


the globalists have all their money invested in global energy.

so, we are going to get in deep crap with a crapped out inflationary self-destructive burst of socialist crap.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

Margaret Thatcher





If you’re stressed out by the high-and-rising gas prices under the Biden Administration … just wait until you hear about the green left’s plan to make California’s $4+ a gallon prices the standard for the entire nation.


Gasoline prices hit their highest national average in six years with an average price of $3.076 per gallon on June 15. But in California the situation is even worse, with gasoline prices averaging $4.226 a gallon.


Everyday Americans like you and me feel these higher costs strain our wallets as we rely on our cars and trucks to drive to work, the grocery store, or on a summer trip. Yet radical environmentalists are celebrating: they see astronomically high gas prices as the ideal — a goal to be achieved!


And that’s not a new policy goal either.


Stephen Chu, Secretary of Energy in the Obama-Biden Administration, suggested that “somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” At the time, European gas prices ranged from $7 to $9.


With the green left running the show in California, it’s no wonder their residents are forced to pay more than every other state — and it should be a warning to the rest of us about where the Biden Administration wants to take the country.


Here’s how their anti-energy policies have harmed the Golden State:

  • Taxes -- California has long had higher taxes on gasoline than other states.  Drivers pay on average 63 cents a gallon in state and local taxes, compared with the 50-state average of 36.8 cents. (Lawmakers claimed recent gas tax increases were needed to repair deteriorating roads and bridges, but California actually used much of the proceeds toward “green” pet projects, like bike lanes and mass transit.)
  • Special Gasoline Blend -- The California Air Resources Board (CARB) requires gasoline retailers to sell a special gasoline blend just for their state — and that adds another 10 cents a gallon to the gas price. But out-of-state refineries aren’t set up for this one-state-only special blend and two in-state refineries are expected to close soon, so prices will likely spike even higher in the future.
  • Low-Carbon Fuel Standard -- CARB requires refiners to meet a "declining average carbon-intensity score” by blending more lower-carbon fuels or buying regulatory credits that the state picks out. In nearly the past 10 years, from 2012 to the first quarter of 2021, regulatory prices have increased by a factor of 12.

California’s higher state taxes, special fuel blend, and onerous regulations have driven up gasoline prices and hurt everyday Californians, especially low-income working families and seniors who live on a fixed income.


Yet in response to these policy failures, the green left plans to make the energy policies of this far-left, incredibly expensive state the standard for the rest of the nation.


All Americans should expect gas prices to continue skyrocketing if “green” government policies keep making it more expensive to produce, refine, transport, and consume the fuel that makes their daily lives possible.


But if we continue working together through the American Energy Alliance, we can make a difference for our pro-American energy agenda — and ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, abundant, and reliable energy.


Thank you for your support.



Tom Pyle

American Energy Alliance

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