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Cuomo doesn't blame criminals for gun violence


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I predict..... this will be attempted by the leftwing deep state feds.

Like I keep saying - the left's emotions are sick - they demand total control.

Of our country, our gov, all the money, our society, in America, the Land of the Free....

they know they have to create a false narrative to get to that control.

and historically, they will never let it go.

Let illegals come in, foster a traumatic rise in social division, gangs in cities, crime across the board.

and then declare war on our rights and take them.

Encouraging gun violence to be able to use it as an excuse to dominate all decent law abiding Americans and disarm them.

All the while, the gun ownership by criminals will escalate.

But, a corrupt socialist gov doesn't dear criminals. They fear the American people who won't fall in line.

   And that comes from that FBI agent who infiltrated the weathermen back in the day.

or, is there anymore who never watched that video of him talking about the weathermen discussing how to

 deal with 180 million Americans who wouldn't go along with their new government?

They would terminate them. remember - they say "never let a crisis go to waste". Even if they have to create the crisis to have an excuse for total power.


Andrew Cuomo Declares a State of Emergency Over 'Gun Violence'

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